cucurbita classification

[114][115][116][117] PRSV is the only one of these viruses that does not affect all cucurbits. Various insects may penetrate the hard skin of the gourd. (g) Bulbils: In some plants vegetative buds or floral buds modify into a swollen structure called bulbil. Cette plante, tout comme la citrouille, est l'emblme d'une fte traditionnelle nord-amricaine: Halloween. [175], Halloween is widely celebrated with jack-o-lanterns made of large orange pumpkins carved with ghoulish faces and illuminated from inside with candles. [91] The seeds and fruits of most varieties can be stored for long periods of time,[6] particularly the sweet-tasting winter varieties with their thick, inedible skins. argyrosperma (v2) and a new genome assembly The best-known species, the calabash or bottle gourd, L. siceraria, has been domesticated by humans, and has spread beyond Africa.The other species are not cultivated. Four of them, C.argyrosperma, C.ficifolia, C.moschata, and C.pepo, originated and were domesticated in Mesoamerica; for the fifth, C.maxima, these events occurred in South America. He suggested that the crookneck, ornamental gourd, and scallop are early variants and that the acorn is a cross between the scallop and the pumpkin. The shape of C.pepo leaves varies widely. odmiana dyni zwyczajnej.Odmian wyselekcjonowano we Woszech i std pierwotna nazwa cukinia od woskiego zucchina [dz u k k i n a] (tj. [16] Parthenocarpy is known to occur in certain cultivars of C. All giant pumpkins (over 100 pounds or 45 kilograms) are of this species, including the largest pumpkins ever documented, which have attained a size of 2,624.6 pounds (1,190.5kg) as of 2020[update]. The following definition is provided by Mathias and Maibach (1978): The mechanism of action varies. [135] Also, in 2001 depictions of this genus were identified in Grandes Heures of Anne of Brittany (Les Grandes Heures d'Anne de Bretagne), a French devotional book, an illuminated manuscript created between 1503 and 1508. [12][13] Based on genetic allele analysis, two distinct groups occur within C. pepo: pumpkin, calabaza, criolla, and marrow squash are in one; and ornamental gourds, crookneck, acorn, scallop, and a few others in the second one. [41] Ethephon, a plant growth regulator product that is converted to ethylene after metabolism by the plant, can be used to increase fruit and seed production. El Neotrpico es un trmino utilizado en biogeografa para identificar la regin tropical del continente americano, este trmino es aplicado en diferentes contextos con delimitaciones ligeramente diferentes. Na poudniowym wschodzie Polski popularno zdobya nazwa kabaczek. C'est l'une des cinq espces de courges les plus couramment cultives.. Noms communs : courge musque, courge muscade, sucrine. Modern Hebrew (Hebrew: , ivrt ada[h], [ivit adaa], lit. [7], The typical cultivated Cucurbita species has five-lobed or palmately divided leaves with long petioles, with the leaves alternately arranged on the stem. It separates from the parent plant and on approach of favourable condition gives rise to a new plant, i.e., it is an organ of [141], C.foetidissima contains a saponin that can be obtained from the fruit and root. Dynia (Cucurbita L.) rodzaj rolin z rodziny dyniowatych.Obejmuje okoo 18 gatunkw, przy czym w zalenoci od rnych uj systematycznych zaliczanych tu taksonw wyrnia si ich w randze gatunku od 14 do 22. [11] Traditionally, two opposing theories are given about its origin: 1) C. pepo is a direct descendant of C. texana and 2) C. texana is feral C. pepo. [78][79] Solid evidence of domesticated C.pepo was found in the Guil Naquitz cave in the form of increasing rind thickness and larger peduncles in the newer stratification layers of the cave. On en compte trois dix au gramme. C'est un lgume assez fade qui ncessite un accompagnement. pepo, called summer squash. Ils varient, selon les varits, par leur forme (sphrique plus ou moins aplatie, allonge, bossele), par leur taille (de moins d'un kilogramme plus de 200 kg), par leur couleur maturit (blanc, jaune, orange, rouge, vert, bleu-vert). The five domesticated species are Cucurbita argyrosperma, C.ficifolia, C.maxima, C.moschata, and C.pepo. pepo. La leve est complte aprs neuf jours. Detergents, surfactants, extremes of pH, and organic solvents all directly affecting the barrier properties of the epidermis. Le ptisson se distingue des autres courges par son fruit de forme aplatie, circulaire, plus ou moins conique et prsentant sa priphrie des bosses plus ou moins marques, formant parfois des sortes de cornes redresses.. Il en existe plusieurs varits. [179], Genus of herbaceous vines in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae, Due to wide variation in how the terms squash, pumpkin, and gourd are used, even among academics, in this article, the term squash can refer to any member of the genus, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Insignes, "Cucurbitaceae--Fruits for Peons, Pilgrims, and Pharaohs", "2014 - Beni Meier and his 2323.7 pound World Record Giant Pumpkin! [60] There have traditionally been two opposing theories about its origin: 1) that it is a direct descendant of C.texana and 2) that C.texana is merely feral C. Pour les articles homonymes, voir ric Potiron, Henri Potiron et Potiron (personnage de Oui-Oui). Comme toutes les courges (Cucurbita), cette plante n'a t introduite dans l'ancien monde qu'aprs les voyages de Christophe Colomb en Amrique. [12][80][81] During the same time frame, average rind thickness increased from 0.841.15 millimeters (132364in). Comme avec la citre qui lui ressemble, on peut utiliser cette courge pour faire de la confiture, connue sous le nom de confiture de cheveux d'ange souvent aromatise au citron, l'orange et la cannelle. The matched articles will gone under a double-blinded peer-review process by at least 3 reviewers (expert in the field who are not part of the journals editorial staff) who are selected by the Editorial Board [5][7][8], Before the arrival of Europeans C. pepo, along with C. moschata, had been carried over all parts of North America where they could be grown. It has been domesticated in the Americas for thousands of years. Les feuilles, alternes, simples, arrondies, sont pileuses mais douces au toucher. The fruits have many culinary uses including pumpkin pie, biscuits, bread, desserts, puddings, beverages, and soups. Assorted cultivars, from top-left, clockwise: winter squash, both a shrubby and creeping plant, obovoid or conical shape, pointed at the apex and with longitudinal grooves, thus resembling a spinning top. A stem is one of two main structural axes of a vascular plant, the other being the root.It supports leaves, flowers and fruits, transports water and dissolved substances between the roots and the shoots in the xylem and phloem, stores nutrients, and produces new living tissue. [9] Warm weather is required during the five- to eight-month vegetation period. Most Cucurbita species are herbaceous vines that grow several meters in length and have tendrils, but non-vining "bush" cultivars of C.pepo and C.maxima have also been developed. [99][100] It retards the development of parasitic flukes when administered to infected host mice, although the effect is only seen if administration begins immediately after infection. Water is an oxygen hydride consisting of an oxygen atom that is covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms It has a role as an amphiprotic solvent, a member of greenhouse gas, a human metabolite, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite, an Escherichia coli metabolite and a mouse metabolite. [17][18] Linnaeus initially included the species C. pepo, C. verrucosa and C. melopepo (both now included in C. pepo), as well as C. citrullus (watermelon, now Citrullus lanatus) and C. lagenaria (now Lagenaria siceraria) (both are not Cucurbita but are in the family Cucurbitaceae. Sa chair est filandreuse. ), phytophthora blight (Phytophthora spp. It comes from Old French, and was originally applied to all plants; the word is still used in this sense in biological contexts. To learn more about the meaning of various cancer classification descriptors listed in this fact sheet, please visit the appropriate reference, or call NPIC. [9] The current world record was set in 2014 by Beni Meier of Switzerland with a 1,054.0-kilogram (2,323.7lb) pumpkin. As in C. pepo, plants exist with a "bush habit" that is particularly evident in young plants, but older plants grow in the wild-type vining manner.. Arikara squash is an heirloom variety of C. maxima.Fruits weigh from four to eleven pounds. We use cookies on Kaggle to deliver our services, analyze web traffic, and improve your experience on the site. pumpkin. Histoire. La plante est monoque et les fleurs unisexues blanches s'ouvrent au crpuscule.. C. pepo has more similarities to C. fraterna than it does to C. texana, which is also claimed to be an ancestor of C. pepo. in phallic dances symbolizing fructification or made into ceremonial rattles. Summer squash, presently the most common group of cultivars, origin is recent (19th century), semi-shrubby, cylindrical fruit with a mostly consistent diameter, This page was last edited on 29 October 2022, at 12:04. Le potiron est largement cultiv comme plante potagre pour son fruit comestible maturit. statement on adulterated gin (city 5) and death of consumers in arua city and neighbouring districts Dans le langage courant, le terme de citrouille (courge de l'espce Cucurbita pepo et de la sous-espce Cucurbita pepo subsp. Some authors maintain that C. pepo is derived from C. texana, while others suggest that C. It separates from the parent plant and on approach of favourable condition gives rise to a new plant, i.e., it is an organ of The domesticated species have larger fruits and larger yet fewer seeds. The domesticated forms of C.pepo have larger fruits than non-domesticated forms and seeds that are bigger but fewer in number. water molds), and powdery mildew (Erysiphe spp.). summer squash, presently the most common group of cultivars, origin is recent (19th century), semi-shrubby, cylindrical fruit with a mostly consistent diameter, Several types of ornamental squash (often called "gourds"), This page was last edited on 17 July 2022, at 21:22. Chemical irritant contact dermatitis is either acute or chronic, which is usually associated with strong and weak irritants respectively. C.argyrosperma has ovate-cordate (egg-shaped to heart-shaped) leaves. [8] In a 1989 study on the origins and development of C. pepo, Paris suggested that the original wild specimen was a small round fruit and that the modern pumpkin is its direct descendant. [7] In 1986 Paris proposed a revised taxonomy of the edible cultivated C.pepo based primarily on the shape of the fruit, with eight groups . It is an oxygen hydride, a mononuclear parent hydride and an inorganic hydroxy (g) Bulbils: In some plants vegetative buds or floral buds modify into a swollen structure called bulbil. It grows at elevations ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 meters (3,300 to 9,800ft) in areas with heavy rainfall. The fruits of the genus Cucurbita are good sources of nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, among other nutrients according to species. 070993-- Pumpkins, squash and gourds (Cucurbita spp.) [107] While the process of domestication has largely removed the bitterness from cultivated varieties,[3] there are occasional reports of cucurbitacin causing illness in humans. Les diverses espces de courges ont souvent t confondues entre elles, et mme avec les gourdes (Lagenaria) dj connues en Europe depuis l'Antiquit. [a] Other kinds of gourd, also called bottle-gourds, are native to Africa and belong to the genus Lagenaria, which is in the same family and subfamily as Cucurbita, but in a different tribe. (g) Bulbils: In some plants vegetative buds or floral buds modify into a swollen structure called bulbil. Victor E. Boswell and Else Bostelmann. [9][31][61][62] C.pepo may have appeared in the Old World before moving from Mexico into South America. C. moschata cultivars are generally more tolerant of hot, humid weather than cultivars of C. maxima or C. pepo.They also generally display a greater resistance to disease and insects, especially to the squash vine borer. [5] One hectare of plants can produce 2.5 tons of seed. In a seed batch with 90 percent germination rate, over 90 percent of the plants had sprouted after 29 days from planting. andreana from Argentina[16]. Cette espce est originaire du sud d'Amrique du Sud (Argentine, Uruguay)[1]. [148], In China, C. moschata seeds were also used in traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of the parasitic disease schistosomiasis[149] and for the expulsion of tape worms. It contains high amounts of protein and carbohydrates and yields abundant oil. The gourds of the various species may be To learn more about the meaning of various cancer classification descriptors listed in this fact sheet, please visit the appropriate reference, or call NPIC. of a plant), a semantic change from a Late Latin meaning "to be enlivening, quickening". Les potirons se rcoltent complte maturit et se consomment cuits. Leaves have three to five lobes and are 2035cm wide. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools.Database (Oxford). [5] The seeds often remain viable for months or even years within an undamaged gourd. [68] Evolutionarily speaking, the genus is relatively recent in origin, dating back only to the Holocene, whereas the family Cucurbitaceae, in the shape of seeds similar to Bryonia, dates to the Paleocene. argyrosperma (v2) and a new genome assembly [31], Wild C. pepo subsp. dplacer vers la barre latrale [5], Different squash types of this species were introduced into North America as early as the 16th century. in climbing, e.g., Cucurbita. Cucurbita foetidissima is a tuberous xerophytic plant found in the central and southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Peer-review process All submitted articles are evaluated at the submission to meet the structural and subject principles of Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. It is an oxygen hydride, a mononuclear parent hydride and an inorganic hydroxy Les fleurs sexes spars (plante monoque) sont jaune orang., Taxobox utilisant une classification non prcise, Portail:Agriculture et agronomie/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Na poudniowym wschodzie Polski popularno zdobya nazwa kabaczek. Kabaczek, cukinia (Cucurbita pepo convar.giromontiina Greb.) W Ameryce Pnocnej dynie rosn na poudnie od rodkowej czci [15], Cucurbita was formally described in a way that meets the requirements of modern botanical nomenclature by Linnaeus in his Genera Plantarum,[16] the fifth edition of 1754 in conjunction with the 1753 first edition of Species Plantarum. Coupled chromatography - MS systems are popular in chemical analysis because the individual capabilities of each technique are When a plant already has a fruit developing, subsequent female flowers on the plant are less likely to mature, a phenomenon called "first-fruit dominance",[39] and male flowers are more frequent, an effect that appears due to reduced natural ethylene production within the plant stem. ", Stevenson, Matilda Coxe, 1915, Ethnobotany of the Zuni Indians. Within the United States, the states producing the largest amounts are Florida, New York, California, and North Carolina. Secondary centers of diversity include India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and possibly the southern Appalachians. Adult coccinelids insects were collected by hand from September to April 2016/2017 on plant species Cucurbita maxima var. [5]Avec les geles, les tiges et les fruits se dsorganisent. [6] Of the 27 species that Nee delineates, five are domesticated. [6] A more recent theory by botanist Thomas Andres in 1987 is that descendants of C.fraterna hybridized with C.texana,[61] resulting in two distinct domestication events in two different areas: one in Mexico and one in the eastern United States, with C.fraterna and C.texana, respectively, as the ancestral species. Other uses: In many Native American cultures, the fruit and other parts of the plant, along with, This page was last edited on 28 September 2022, at 19:10. [20] The genus was part of the culture of almost every native peoples group from southern South America to southern Canada. [144], Cucurbita have been used in various cultures as folk remedies. W Ameryce Pnocnej dynie rosn na poudnie od rodkowej czci Stanw Zjednoczonych, a w Ameryce Poudniowej rosn gwnie w Andach po pnocn Argentyn i Urugwaj na poudniu. moschata. The vine of the perennial Cucurbita can become semiwoody if left to grow. [3] It has numerous common names, including: buffalo gourd,[1] calabazilla,[1] chilicote, coyote gourd, fetid gourd, fetid wild pumpkin,[1] Missouri gourd,[1] prairie gourd,[4] stinking gourd, wild gourd,[1] and wild pumpkin. Cross pollination does occur readily within the family Cucurbitaceae. summer squash, shrubby plant, with yellow, golden, or white fruit which is long and curved at the end and generally has a verrucose (wart-covered) rind. Male flowers in Cucurbitaceae generally have five stamens, but in Cucurbita there are only three, and their anthers are joined together so that there appears to be one. pepo, called summer squash.. "Modern Hebrew" or "New Hebrew"), also known as Israeli Hebrew or Israeli, and generally referred to by speakers simply as Hebrew ( Ivrit), is the standard form of the Hebrew language spoken today. [9], Debates about the origin of C. pepo have been going on since at least 1857. Different fruit types of C. maxima ssp. [3][61][106] Ingesting too much cucurbitacin can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea and even collapse. Geographic location and genetics make it highly likely that Cucurbita scabridifolia originated as a naturally occurring hybrid of C. foetidissima and Cucurbita pedatifolia. pepo) est plus ou moins synonyme de potiron (courge de l'espce Cucurbita maxima). Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume ou ovifera. [140] "The Great Pumpkin" is a fictional holiday figure in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Poisonous to mammals,[105] it is found in quantities sufficient to discourage herbivores. The type specimen was collected from Mexico by [40] Ethylene promotes the production of female flowers. & Lira Saade, R. 2019. It is an oxygen hydride, a mononuclear parent hydride and an inorganic hydroxy [10] Botanists classify the Cucurbita fruit as a pepo, which is a special type of berry derived from an inferior ovary, with a thick outer wall or rind with hypanthium tissue forming an exocarp around the ovary, and a fleshy interior composed of mesocarp and endocarp. [45] Some varieties of C.pepo germinate best with eight hours of sunlight daily and a planting depth of 1.2 centimeters (12in). Il s'coule six mois entre le semis et la rcolte. ): a review", "Rapid Induction and Severity of Symptoms in Zucchini Squash (, "Complex Spatial Responses to Cucumber Mosaic Virus Infection in Susceptible, "Occurrence of Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus in Cucurbits from Connecticut, New York, Florida, and California", "Pumpkin Bread and 18 Other Pumpkin Recipes You Must Make Now". Diffrences entre citrouille et potiron,, Taxobox utilisant la classification de Cronquist, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Catgorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, Portail:Agriculture et agronomie/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Testing guidelines and classification systems vary. Some authors maintain that C. pepo is derived from C. texana, while others suggest that C. Certaines ont une forme plus ronde mais toutes ont une saveur trs proche de notre potimarron. Le potiron (Cucurbita maxima) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces originaire des rgions tropicales d'Amrique du Sud. La courge de Siam se conserve sans difficult plus de deux ans dans un endroit frais et sec. [173][174] The Keene Pumpkin Fest is held annually in New Hampshire; in 2013 it held the world record for the most jack-o-lanterns lit in one place, 30,581 on October 19, 2013. La courge de Siam, courge feuilles de figuier, courge graines noires ou melon de Malabar (Cucurbita ficifolia Bouch, 1837) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces de la tribu des Cucurbites de la sous-famille des Cucurbitodes.Elle est cultive comme plante potagre pour son fruit comestible maturit. C'est une plante herbace, rampante ou grimpante, longues tiges trs vigoureuses pouvant atteindre 15 m de long, qui s'accrochent par des vrilles tout support. The Cucurbitaceae, also called cucurbits or the gourd family, are a plant family consisting of about 965 species in around 95 genera, of which the most important to humans are: . In other words, it cannot have formatting as is the case with MS Word (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). Cucurbita moschata. This book contains an illustration known as Quegourdes de turquie, which was identified by cucurbit specialists as C.pepo subsp. Competitively grown specimens are therefore often hand-pollinated to maximize the number of seeds in the fruit, which increases the fruit size; this pollination requires skilled technique. Le potiron (Cucurbita maxima) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces originaire des rgions tropicales d'Amrique du Sud.. Cucurbita foetidissima flower, Aurora, Colorado, Another flower from the same plant, Aurora, Colorado, A third view of a flower in Aurora, Colorado, Staminate (male) flower, Pomona, California, Buffalo gourds in Puente Hills, California, Immature buffalo gourd, close up photo, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Interior view, Newport Beach Back Bay, California, Cucurbita foetidissima in Aurora, Colorado, Leaves and Vine of Cucurbita foetidissima in Aurora, Colorado, Leaf of Cucurbita foetidissima in Aurora, Colorado, Cucurbita foetidissima in Gully Homestead, Aurora, Colorado, Biota of North America Program 2014 county distribution map, SEINet, Southwestern Biodiversity, Arizona chapter, photo of herbarium specimen at Missouri Botanical Garden, collected in northeastern Mexico (probably Nuevo Len) in 1847,, Plants used in traditional Native American medicine, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Its usual habitat is dry upland scrub areas. Prolonged contact can cause skin irritation.[20][21]. summer squash. The matched articles will gone under a double-blinded peer-review process by at least 3 reviewers (expert in the field who are not part of the journals editorial staff) who are selected by the Editorial Board Histoire. [6][9][58][59] Debates about the origin of C.pepo have been on-going since at least 1857. "Modern Hebrew" or "New Hebrew"), also known as Israeli Hebrew or Israeli, and generally referred to by speakers simply as Hebrew ( Ivrit), is the standard form of the Hebrew language spoken today. [111] Dynia (Cucurbita L.) rodzaj rolin z rodziny dyniowatych.Obejmuje okoo 18 gatunkw, przy czym w zalenoci od rnych uj systematycznych zaliczanych tu taksonw wyrnia si ich w randze gatunku od 14 do 22. in climbing, e.g., Cucurbita. [86] Similar words for squash exist in related languages of the Algonquian family.[51][87]. The stems in some species are angular. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. Las cucurbitceas (Cucurbitaceae) son una familia de plantas tpicamente trepadoras por zarcillos, en general herbceas y gefitas o anuales, con el ovario nfero y el fruto inmaduro de un pepnide, que al madurar se diversific adaptndose a diferentes sndromes de dispersin.Producen cucurbitacinas que hacen que partes vegetativas y frutos inmaduros, y a La chair du potiron est plus sucre, savoureuse et moins filandreuse que celle de la citrouille. [92] Summer squash have a thin, edible skin. The wild form C. a. subsp. The flowers are borne singly at the nodes of the vines after a certain amount of annual vegetative growth has taken place. Cucurbita maxima. "The Versatility of the Feral Buffalo Gourd, "American Origin of Cultivated Cucurbits", "The Cucurbit Images (15151518) of the Villa Farnesina, Rome", "The Marrow Song (Oh What A Beauty!) [56], C.moschata is native to Latin America, but the precise location of origin is uncertain. [176] The pumpkins used for jack-o-lanterns are C.pepo,[177][178] not to be confused with the ones typically used for pumpkin pie in the United States, which are C. [9], C.ficifolia and C.moschata were originally thought to be Asiatic in origin, but this has been disproven. It comes from Old French, and was originally applied to all plants; the word is still used in this sense in biological contexts. It derives from Medieval Latin vegetabilis "growing, flourishing" (i.e. [30] The gourds are also worn[by whom?] The female flowers produce the fruit and the male flowers produce pollen. [9], C.maxima originated in South America over 4,000 years ago,[31] probably in Argentina and Uruguay. This Native American remedy was adopted by American doctors in the early nineteenth century as an anthelmintic for the expulsion of worms. [76], The earliest known evidence of the domestication of Cucurbita dates back at least 8,000 years ago, predating the domestication of other crops such as maize and beans in the region by about 4,000 years. Flowers have five fused yellow to orange petals (the corolla) and a green bell-shaped calyx. Las cucurbitceas (Cucurbitaceae) son una familia de plantas tpicamente trepadoras por zarcillos, en general herbceas y gefitas o anuales, con el ovario nfero y el fruto inmaduro de un pepnide, que al madurar se diversific adaptndose a diferentes sndromes de dispersin.Producen cucurbitacinas que hacen que partes vegetativas y frutos inmaduros, y a Fresh gourd: The fresh young gourd can be eaten like squash. La courge musque (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces, largement cultive comme plante potagre pour son fruit comestible maturit. Die Krbisse (Cucurbita) bilden eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Krbisgewchse (Cucurbitaceae). It includes cultivars known as squash or pumpkin. [130][131] For example, cucurbits are often represented in Moche ceramics. Elle est annuelle en climat tempr et prenne en climat tropical. The starch content in the dried root is between 47.5%. Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume. [4][13][14], The buffalo gourd has the potential of being a crop adapted to arid to semiarid lands. Pages pour les contributeurs dconnects en savoir plus, Sommaire Le terme dsigne aussi ce fruit consomm comme lgume.C'est l'une des cinq espces de courges les plus couramment cultives. Zasig naturalnego wystpowania tych rolin obejmuje oba kontynenty amerykaskie. texana and those found outside of Texas (Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana) are called var. Le fruit est charnu, de forme variable, sphrique ou allong ; il [17] In 2002, the taxa conventions proposed by Decker-Walters were:[6], A 2003 study recognized three subspecies:[18], In 1986, botanist Paris proposed a taxonomy of C. pepo consisting of eight edible groups based on their basic shape. [9][63][64][65] There is one non-edible cultivated variety: C. pepo var. [108] Cucurbita can be susceptible to the pest Bemisia argentifolii (silverleaf whitefly)[109] as well as aphids (Aphididae), cucumber beetles (Acalymma vittatum and Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi), squash bug (Anasa tristis), the squash vine borer (Melittia cucurbitae), and the two-spotted spidermite (Tetranychus urticae). It has been domesticated in the Americas for thousands of years. It makes wild Cucurbita and most ornamental gourds, with the exception of an occasional C.fraterna and C.sororia, bitter to taste. The story has a long interpretive history and [48] Heavy metal contamination, including cadmium, has a significant negative impact on plant growth. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T20742885A20755901. [14], All species of squashes and pumpkins are native to the Western Hemisphere[5] C. maxima, represented now by such varieties as Hubbard, Delicious, Marblehead, Boston Marrow, and Turks Turban, apparently originated in northern Argentina near the Andes or in certain Andean valleys. C'est Charles Naudin que l'on doit la distinction entre les espces et les varits de potirons[2]. La courge musque (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces, largement cultive comme plante potagre pour son fruit comestible maturit. Un article de Wikipdia, l'encyclopdie libre. Son pdoncule est dur et fibreux, avec cinq ctes anguleuses, sans renflements son point d'attache. Cucurbita moschata is a species originating in either Central America or northern South America. Dans le langage courant, ces diffrents termes sont souvent confondus. W Ameryce Pnocnej dynie rosn na poudnie od rodkowej czci [20] Some cross pollinations can occur: C.pepo with C.argyrosperma and C.moschata; and C.maxima with C.moschata. Cucurbita species fall into two main groups. A four-year-old root grown under cultivation can reach a fresh weight of 45kg (99lb) and a length of 2.5m (8.2ft). Fresh squash, either whole or in pieces, is roasted in ashes and used for food. 2020: baaa062. statement on adulterated gin (city 5) and death of consumers in arua city and neighbouring districts pepo. La courge de Siam, courge feuilles de figuier, courge graines noires ou melon de Malabar (Cucurbita ficifolia Bouch, 1837) est une plante de la famille des Cucurbitaces de la tribu des Cucurbites de la sous-famille des Cucurbitodes.

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