higher education act of 1965 citation

L. 109212, 3, Apr. L. 90575, 1, Oct. 16, 1968, 82 Stat. L. 102325, title I, 101, July 23, 1992, 106 Stat. Otherwise, we consider that an institution has sufficient cash reserves if, for its two most recently completed fiscal years, it makes required refunds in a timely manner, as required in 668.22(j). 405, provided that: [Pub. 29. If an outside entity has a requirement, as determined by that entity, for the institution to consistently take attendance for a limited period of time (e.g., up to a census date), the institution meets the definition of an institution required to take attendance for that limited period of time only. The committee reached tentative agreement to remove the institutional packaging requirements from the regulations. Generally, we do not address proposed regulatory provisions that are technical or otherwise minor in effect. 727, provided: Pub. (1099b), Eligibility and certification procedures. 1504, provided that: Pub. (1136a), Masters Degree Programs at predominantly Black institutions. L. 10967, 1, Sept. 21, 2005, 119 Stat. (4)(i) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(3) of this section, if an institution makes a Federal Perkins loan or FSEOG overpayment for which it is not liable, it shall promptly send a written notice to the student requesting repayment of the overpayment amount. 2457, provided that: Pub. We recommend the following MLA-formatted citation when using the information you see here in academic work: H.R. Current Regulations: Section 694.10(e) of the regulations interprets sections 404E(c) and 404C(b)(1)(C) of the HEA to require that GEAR UP scholarship funds not supplant other gift aid that the student would otherwise have been eligible to receive. Are you using WordPress? 1103, provided that: Pub. Completion of an academic program is not enrollment under the provisions of section 487(a)(20) of the HEA. (1087-53), Job location and development programs. (ii) If a student objects to the institution's Federal Perkins loan or FSEOG overpayment determination on the grounds that it is erroneous, the institution shall consider any information provided by the student and determine whether the objection is warranted. The Secretary certifies that these proposed regulations would not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The specific statutory restrictions are provided in section 443(b)(8)(A) of the HEA. Therefore, individuals whose responsibilities are limited to pre-enrollment activities that are clerical in nature are outside the scope of the incentive payment restrictions. Provisions similar to this section were contained in section 1141(a) of this title prior to repeal by Pub. We agreed with this proposal after restating that such an organizational level could not consist predominantly of recruiters, admissions staff, or financial aid staff. Does the format of the proposed regulations (grouping and order of sections, use of headings, paragraphing, etc.) updated on 4:15 PM on Thursday, November 3, 2022, updated on 8:45 AM on Thursday, November 3, 2022. They also do not apply when an employee, manager or otherwise, occasionally has direct contact with a prospective student. (iii) For any remaining portion of an eligible program that is not more than half an academic year, the payment period is the remainder of the program. L. 116260, div. Suggested Change: A large number of institutions and groups, including the bipartisan Web-based Education Commission chartered by the Higher Education Amendments of 1998, suggested that the 12-hour rule be eliminated. Suggested Change: Members of the institutional community suggested that the requirement that an institution award student financial assistance in an Start Printed Page 51733established order for GEAR UP scholarship recipients be eliminated. An FSEOG overpayment for purposes of this paragraph (f) does not include the non-Federal share of an FSEOG award if an institution meets its FSEOG matching share by the individual recipient method or the aggregate method. The proposed regulations also would specify, for all three programs, that a student is not liable for an overpayment if the institution is liable for it. However, the institution would re-disburse any funds that it had previously returned to the Title IV, HEA programs, including any overpayment it had collected from the student as a result of the earlier withdrawal. (1018), Administrative simplification of student aid delivery. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Generally, pre-enrollment activities are not considered recruitment. Sec. Just click. Another more specific suggestion from institutions and the Web-Based Education Commission was that the regulations should clearly permit an institution to contract with an outside entity that offers enrollment and information services through the World Wide Web and allow the institution to pay for those services based on the number of prospective students visiting the site who ultimately apply to, or enroll at, the institution. Unless otherwise specified, each provision of this Act and each amendment made by this Act shall be effective after. (1161r), Program to promote training and job placement of realtime writers. (2) which read as follows: a public or nonprofit private educational institution in any State that, in lieu of the requirement in subsection (a)(1) of this section, admits as regular students persons who are beyond the age of compulsory school attendance in the State in which the institution is located.. 3200, provided that: Pub. (1067i), Investment in Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other minority- serving institutions. In particular, my Administration seeks to promote free and open debate on college and university campuses. The Higher Education Act was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on November 8, 1965. This request was repeated by some of the non-Federal negotiators. Caption/summary only present when provided by CQ. However, under the cash management provisions in 668.164(g)(3)(i), an institution has the option of making a late disbursement to pay for educational costs that a student incurred for the period in which the student was enrolled and eligible. An exception to this required awarding order is allowed if the institution documents that there are exceptional circumstances related to the GEAR UP student's aid package that are unique to that GEAR UP student. (1011g), Binge drinking on college campuses. The term coronavirus has the meaning given the term in section 506 of the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 (, a public health emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the, an event related to the coronavirus for which the President declared a major disaster or an emergency under section 401 or 501, respectively, of the, a national emergency related to the coronavirus declared by the President under section 201 of the, Notwithstanding sections 413C(a)(2) and 443(b)(5) of the, Notwithstanding sections 413D, 442, and 488 of the, waive the amount of need calculation under section 471 of the, allow for a student affected by a qualifying emergency to receive funds in an amount that is not more than the maximum Federal Pell Grant for the applicable award year; and, utilize a contract with a scholarship-granting organization designated for the sole purpose of accepting applications from or disbursing funds to students enrolled in the, Any emergency financial aid grants to students under this section shall not be treated as other financial assistance for the purposes of section 471 of the. This provision was enacted as part of the Higher Education Amendments of 1992. L. 95336, 1, Aug. 4, 1978, 92 Stat. In particular, the institutions pointed to the Return of Title IV Aid regulations under which an institution must make a late disbursement (referred to as a post-withdrawal disbursement) and a provision of the late disbursement regulations under which an institution appears to have the choice of whether to make the late disbursement. Student debts under the HEA and to the U.S. 2884; Pub. (1019b), Loan information to be disclosed and model disclosure form for institutions participating in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. Current Regulations: Current regulations provide a definition of a payment period for the Title IV student financial assistance programs. They maintained that institutions are in the best position to determine the financial aid package that will best meet the student's needs. on (c) Beginning July 1, 2019, the Secretary shall provide an annual update on the Secretarys progress in implementing the policies set forth in subsections 2(b)(e) of this order to the National Council for the American Worker at meetings of the Council. (D) Compensation paid as part of a profit-sharing or bonus plan, as long as those payments are made to all or substantially all of the institution's full-time professional and administrative staff. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section. "Forty-eighth Parliament (Dr Richard Worth, Chairperson), September 2008." In this instance, the student would still be responsible for the $14 overpayment and would not be eligible for additional Title IV student aid until the overpayment is resolved. The proposed regulations provide that, if the student returns to the same program at the same institution within 180 days of the original withdrawal, the student is considered to be in the same payment period he or she was in at the time of the withdrawal. House of Representatives. (B) The second payment period is the period of time in which the student completes the remainder of the program. The ambiguity on how the regulations are to be applied in such instances may have resulted in an uneven application of the regulations for these students. Paragraph (b)(22)(ii) of the proposed regulations lists 12 types of activities and payment arrangements that an institution may carry out without violating the incentive payment restrictions provision. RewriteEngine On Section 694.10(c) of the regulations, which implements the portion of section 404E(c) of the HEA that provides that a GEAR UP scholarship, in combination with any Title IV assistance or other grant or scholarship assistance, may not exceed the student's cost of attendance, would remain unchanged. The authority citation for part 668 continues to read as follows: Authority: This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the Examples of these constraints include the closing of an award year's disbursement processing for the Pell Grant and campus-based programs or the termination of an FFEL lender's processing for a year. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. L. 110315, 1(a), Aug. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. (3) Instructional time does not include any vacation periods, homework, or periods of orientation or counseling. For educational programs that measure academic progress using credit hours and are either nonterm or nonstandard term programs, the regulations define a week of instructional time as any week in which at least 12 hours of instruction, examination, or preparation for examination is offered. L. 11274 substituted section 1091(d) for section 1091(d)(3). Although, we are not proposing any change to this requirement, we are proposing to redraft the requirement in order to eliminate any confusion regarding this issue. Proposed Regulations: The proposed regulations would revise 668.35(c) to allow a student to remain eligible to receive additional Title IV aid if the amount of the Perkins Loan or Title IV grant overpayment is less than $25 and is neither a remaining balance nor a result of applying the overaward threshold for the campus-based programs allowed under 673.5(d). Deciding whether the proposed collections are necessary for the proper performance of our functions, including. First, in cases in which there are exceptional circumstances beyond an institution's control or when the institution believes that an auditor or reviewer made an error, the regulations would provide that the institution may request the Secretary to reconsider a finding that it failed to return unearned funds in a timely manner. For many of the new nonstandard or nonterm educational programs, compliance with the 12-hour rule has become increasingly difficult and at odds with the educational advantages such flexible program formats provide for students, especially non-traditional students. In all three types of programs, the main point of having payment periods is to ensure that a student's award is paid in approximately equal increments over the course of the student's program of study, with those payments usually being made at least twice during an academic year. The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions. L. 89329, title I, 101, as added Pub. Suggested Change: The non-Federal negotiators suggested that we clarify the timeframe that an institution has to return unearned Title IV funds that it is responsible for returning. 2001, provided that: Pub. We have also determined that this regulatory action would not unduly interfere with State, local, and tribal governments in the exercise of their governmental functions. 395399, 403, 404, 408, 409, as amended by Pub. 3456. Address all comments about these proposed regulations to Wendy Macias, U.S. Department of Education, P.O. 3. The non-Federal negotiators believed that the comprehensive review should not be prompted unnecessarily in cases where the finding is for a de minimis number of untimely returns. Even with the expanded opportunities for student services, proprietary institutions should note that the statute and the proposed regulations in 675.21(b)(2) still require that student services must be directly related to the FWS student's education when the FWS student is employed in a non-community service job by the institution itself. L. 11749, 1, Oct. 13, 2021, 135 Stat. You may also view this document in PDF format at the following site: ifap.ed.gov. 1618, provided that: Pub. 3083, provided that: Pub. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your .htaccess file directly. 3969, provided that: Pub. The negotiators agreed with the reasons provided by the institutions. 13864, Mar. Current Regulations: Section 668.164(g) sets forth the conditions that must be satisfied before an institution may make a late disbursement to an otherwise eligible student (or the student's parent in the case of a PLUS loan) who has become ineligible either because the student is no longer enrolled at the institution or, for FFEL and Direct Loan purposes, is no longer enrolled on at least a half-time basis. 20 U.S.C. You can search for these online or contact a law library. 238; Pub. 1063, authorized the President, on or before Dec. 31, 1969, to submit to the Congress proposals relative to the feasibility of making available a post-secondary education to all young Americans who qualify and seek it. Includes bibliographical references. These can be useful For purposes of this section and section 1002 of this title, the Secretary shall publish a list of nationally recognized accrediting agencies or associations that the Secretary determines, pursuant to subpart 2 of part H of subchapter IV, to be reliable authority as to the quality of the education or training offered. Ms. Wendy Macias Telephone: (202) 502-7526 or via the Internet: Wendy.Macias@ed.gov. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML (A) The first payment period is the period of time in which the student completes half the number of clock hours in the remaining portion of the program; and. is legally authorized within such State to provide a program of education beyond secondary education; provides an educational program for which the institution awards a bachelors degree or provides not less than a 2-year program that is acceptable for full credit toward such a degree, or awards a degree that is acceptable for admission to a graduate or professional degree program, subject to review and approval by the, is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association, or if not so accredited, is an institution that has been granted preaccreditation status by such an agency or association that has been recognized by the, any school that provides not less than a 1-year program of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation and that meets the provision of paragraphs (1), (2), (4), and (5) of subsection (a); and, who are beyond the age of compulsory school attendance in the State in which the institution is located; or, who will be dually or concurrently enrolled in the institution and a, Except as otherwise expressly provided, this Act [probably means this title, see Tables for classification], and the amendments made by this title to the, The amendments made by subsections (a), (b), and (c) [amending this section and sections, Except as otherwise provided in this Act [see Tables for classification], the amendments made by this Act shall take effect as if enacted on the date of enactment of the, Except as otherwise provided in this Act [see Tables for classification] or the amendments made by this Act, this Act and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [, The amendments made by this section [amending this section] shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [, Except as otherwise provided in this Act [see Tables for classification] or the amendments made by this Act, the amendments made by this Act shall take effect on, Except as otherwise provided in this Act (, The amendments made by this Act [see Short Title of 1987 Amendment note below] shall take effect as if enacted as part of the, Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the amendments made by this Act [see Tables for classification] shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [, Except as provided in subsection (b), this Act and the amendments made by this Act [see Tables for classification] shall take effect on, The amendment made by section 301 of this Act to title III of the Act [enacting subchapter III of this chapter] shall take effect, The amendment made by section 404(c)(4) of this Act to section 415C(b)(4) of the Act [amending, The amendment made by section 405 to subpart 4 of part A of title IV of the Act [amending subpart 4 of part A of subchapter IV of this chapter generally] shall take effect, The amendments made by part B of title IV of this Act [enacting sections, The amendments made by part D of title IV of this Act [enacting sections, The amendment made by section 701 of this Act adding section 731 of the Act [former, that each amendment made by this Act (not subject to clause (1) of this section) providing for authorization of appropriations shall take effect, This division [amending sections 1070a, 1087kk, 1087, This title [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the FAFSA Simplification Act., This subtitle [subtitle B (35013519) of title III of div. We also would like to stress that one of the reasons for the requirement that funds be returned promptly is so that the student's Title IV loan debt can be promptly and properly reduced. documents in the last year, 117 Third, the proposed regulations would provide that an institution would not be required to submit a letter of credit of less than $5,000. 2384, provided that: Pub.

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