we overcome by the words of our testimony

No matter what our earthly circumstances appear to be, we must remember that our battles are truly occurring in the heavenly realm, and our only hope is in the Lord. I dont have my own mailing list at this time, but I use Feedly to follow other blogs I like and find it very convenient! So when I give in to feelings of hopeless, the enemy has taken my testimony and rendered it useless for kingdom work. Its powerful too.God blesses you. 1:17-23). In fact, we must be willing to sacrifice our lives, even as Jesus did. It is finished. My life remained relatively uneventful until I was halfway through college. In actuality, it is only through the blood of Jesus Christ that any believer can overcome the devil (1 Peter 1:18-19). Its risky (and youre talking to a 5:17-21). Lord, I ask that no matter what I encounter today that I keep my thoughts on eternity with You so that I dont succumb to the lies of the enemy. Tell others what youve survived, where youve thrived, where your lowest point #Godisawesome!. There have been songs written about it. My God! It tells us how to overcome the enemy. ", Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Truth is still truth, even if it sounds unbelievab, A few things for you to declare over yourself this, If I had it my way, healing would always be instan, God has people for you and if you ask him, he will, God has a community for you! Tells the overcome by the word testimony of song? Remission means deliverance, freedom, liberty, and to pardon. Our tongue is a powerful thing. You can start shouting victory, as you are on the winning side, that is, if you will trust in the . Aida Chenevieve - WE OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB, AND THE WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY. For most of my life, I claimed I didnt have a testimony. Their stories were neat, but I had no desire to become a missionary or relocate to a remote village where nobody spoke English. youve probably read the major storylines around here if youve been following Thank you our word testimony of song . The world is governed by words in the spirit and natural realms. I only heard the super-dramatic ones. As we receive blessings and deliverance from the Lord from strongholds such as alcoholism, drugs and depression, the Lord wants us to share our testimony with others so that they, too, can know the peace, joy, and hope we have received. The Antichrist: His Role in the End-Times, The First Seal: The Antichrists Political Aggression, we overcome by the words of our testimony, we are overcomers by the words of our testimony, we overcome by the power of our testimony, 150 Chapters in the Bible on the End Times. former Taker of Zero Risks Ever here). The world is governed by words in the spirit and natural realms. Jesus, awesome in power forever. life? But there is good news!!! As we receive blessings and deliverance from the Lord from strongholds such as alcoholism, drugs and depression, the Lord wants us to share our testimony with others so that they, too, can know the peace, joy, and hope we have received. But rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Matt 10:28). (Philippians 1:20). When I dont stand firm in Gods truth and instead listen to the lies of the enemy, he steals my testimony. Glory to God we win; the Word of God states we win! Even in those times, there will be many who come to Christ before Jesus returns. Second is a red dragon, identified with Satan. save every one of us! And then I did. God bless you! For it is written (Mt. Berean Study Bible They have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. It doesnt. There are three ways by which we overcome the accuser of the brothers: by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony, and by loving not our life to the death. how I often feel about the entire book (LogOut/ They continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We have authority to open and shut doors in the spirit that looses angels and binds demons. My Mother passed away when I was two years old and I dont remember her. (Col. 2:15). We do not praise Him as much as we should. (Philemon 6, NAS), REVELATION OF WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST WITH SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY. When I am depressed and stand in sinking sand instead of firmly on Christ the solid Rock, how does my life look any more appealing to a non-believer? Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 1080. The war of words determines who has dominion in our heart. powerful. Kristofer Jallai 300 subscribers We will OVERCOME by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our Testimony! We must enforce Jesus victory in our life by using our authority against Satan. times and then, one day, certain words just pop out at you that never really Weve all got our dirty laundry, whether its punishable by Each one of these definitions indicate a voice is needed to give evidence. Highly inspirational. Because of the work of the cross, we receive the free gift of righteousness that allows us to be accepted by the Father, receive the indwelling Spirit and operate in the authority of Jesus name. We enforce Jesus victory by exercising our authority in Him and refusing Satans lies in our life. 2:6). Scripture tells us in Revelation that we "overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony." The first part to overcoming does not depend on us. Whether youve weathered storm after storm after storm or youve remained fairly under-the-radar (Sorry, lame pun), heres the thing: YOU HAVE A TESTIMONY. Our soul waits for theLord; Heis our help and our shield. 1:15-23), The 7-fold Beauty of Jesus Ruling the Earth (Rev. 16 The heavensare the LORDs; the earth He has given to the children of men. could get home and reward myself with Double Stuf Oreos and Disney Channel It says it right there in the Bible, but it never clicked The call to overcome: a key theme in Revelation (2:7, 11, 17, 26; 3:5, 12, 21; 12:11; 15:2; 21:7), 10 The accuser (Greek: diabolos or devil) of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night11 And they overcame him (Devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death. Thats how we overcome by the word of our testimony! There are TWO steps to us For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. BEST VALUE in digital Bible study. They either contain life or death. A sin is a sin is a sin, and were all sinners. Your parents, friends, role models, mentors. Its good to devote about 40% to "Before Christ", about 20% to the conversion experience, and about 40% to "After Christ". 12 is the stronger part, a collective unit fighting the battle for God and . You have to use your voice to get saved. For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown downhe who accuses them day and night before our God. Overcoming something that can seem daunting if we think overcoming is to be done by our own strength. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! Revelation 12:11 in all English translations. He is a living God, the same yesterday, today and forever. Here is my recent testimony: Earlier this week I was praying asking God to help me out with some financial obligations that I needed to take care of A.S.A.P. Note: "Brethren and sisters, the Lord is our God. 17 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them21 For He made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. View sheri.g.edwardss profile on Facebook, Seeking Passionate Prayer in Spiritual Warfare, Follow Seeking Passionate Prayer in Spiritual Warfare on WordPress.com, //rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?o=1&p=12&l=ur1&category=books&banner=1ZGD5Y3KGS9C1XTEH902&f=ifr&linkID=f74d4f6681a163c61f4ac96b31d0791b&t=passionatepra-20&tracking_id=passionatepra-20. 5:12), Responding to Trials: Death Working Life in Us, The Revelation of Jesus: Bridegroom King and Judge (Rev. cats and dogs with my brothers. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the . (LogOut/ And not only stand firm in it, but beready togive a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you (1 Pet 3:15). 4:4-10. For less than $5/mo. If youve made it all the way through this post and you still doubt you have a testimony, share We must not allow Satans attack against us to go uncontested. I'm also a reader, writer, God-lover, introvert, and recovering perfectionist. You might also notice that we get our word mature from this Greek word. I was raised in a Christian home. 10:8-10). Instead we challenge it by speaking the Word against him. Testimony is not only the things that we say. Father, thank You for Your strength so that I am able to stay anchored in Your truth. We overcome Satan by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the words of our testimony. Overcoming by the word of our testimony - We overcome by faithful commitment to God and by declaring His goodness in our lives. Testimonies are often used to help others get through a sitution or a problem. You know how there are those Bible verses that you hear 1,000 9 Resist him, steadfast in the faith (1 Pet. For Christians, we can define Testimony in two simple statements: The evidence in support of a fact or assertion (a proof). Verse Concepts. They overcame.2. Think of every person whose story has influenced YOU. None of us is any worse I experienced several more clinical depressions over several years and was tormented by lies and condemnation fear and guilt from the enemy. We need to put that light on display for the whole world to see. For my God is the Ancient of Days. Testimony is a form of praise and honor to Christ. John 16:33 What does that mean, if we really apply it to our everyday life? The Word of Your Testimony. Maybe speaking out about your story will be the key to your breakthrough. Our tongue can speak words that can be either hurtful or helpful, and our enemy knows this. You have an incredible testimony of faithfulness. But, do we really understand the depth and power of that scripture? And I believed that, but I also wanted to make it clear that I wouldnt be doing any public speaking. We should also know, when we share our personal testimony of how Jesus saved and transformed us; we are overcoming the power of the enemy in the lives of those who hear. Many have faith in the devils words. Know every time when you're going through trials and sufferings in life, that's an opportunity to share a testimony of how God worked in your life and made you stronger. Primarily because I didnt do anything scary, risky, or brave at all. get to know the Bible better! Negative words lead to a negative mindset resulting in bad consequences. 10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: "Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ have come, and the accuser of our brothers has been. How important is that??? We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb. I lived in a small town and I had A testimony is simply defined as words of faith to encourage believers and non-believers. 1 John 4:4. The responsibility for the earthly realm has been given by God to His covenant people on earth. Next. Testimony is a very simple thingjust saying words that agree with Scripture. Thats amazing too! In the precious name of Jesus, amen. registered before? Why is it important to overcome by the word of our testimony? Overcome By The Words Of Our Testimony: Inspirational Real Life Testimonies The Scripture says that, death and life is in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). and thats a pretty big testimony right there. This is inspiring! In Acts 26 (where he was not interrupted) he is able to spend more time talking about his life since his conversion. The Lords Word is clear, that we are not [to] fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. This is inspiring! Friends who had grown up in less normal homes than I would tell me they wished they had my testimony. The Blood of the Lamb I would hope that most Christians would understand the true power of the blood. Our friends at Dugit in Tel Aviv inspired us with their resilience, so we want to share their story with you. "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."- 1 John 3:18 Share something little with a friend or Our prayers of restoration are being heard by a very loving God. By the prayer of faith (confident agreement with the Word), we enforce Jesus victory in our life. Coming into that salvation made available by Jesus can only be through your . I was insecure as a kid because I didnt think I had a testimony, but thats probably because I never heard any other testimonies like mine. Testimony - INRI NewYork Testimony Home Testimony "Our confession builds the road over which faith carries its mighty cargo. Law: to give testimony under oath or solemn affirmation, usually in court. Two: by the word of our testimony. Although difficult years for me and my family, I now know that it was His way of convincing me that I was, am and forever will be loved by my Papa God REGARDLESS!! (LogOut/ is, someone out there needs to hear it. Jesus has already done a whole lot for us much more than well ever deserve but weve got our part to do, too. 2. by the blood of the Lamb, which has already been done. the biggest one we all have: THE testimony the story of how Jesus died to you have. All Rights Reserved. Their stories might not always be that dramatic, but theyre You have a cool story of obedience, too, especially since you can tell everyone else firsthand about the consequences of disobedience and how its never too late to start over. SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY Here are some practical guidelines to assist you as you share your wonderful testimony with us! for another dayand hopefully another writer! stranger, if thats easier for you. The definition of these words is mainly from a judicial setting which means witness, evidence given, record, report, or martyr. Its also clear that we are not only to praise God, but share our praises of Him with others. And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Lets not gloss over the part in between the part where they overcame because of Jesuss blood but thats the story of Easter and most of us have probably heard it. Teachers. The principles we're studying here apply to all of life, not just the events outlined in . ), 10 Jesus said to him (Satan), Away with you, Satan! So if the enemy can cause us to speak words of discouragement, doubt and fear, he can get us to prophesy our own defeat. 6 Raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ (Eph. In the dream, all that was needed was the word of the children's testimony. So pray through the prayer points below to plead the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, over your life: Tell the Father that You come before Him in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who died to take away the sin of the world-and your sin specifically. 12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); not [to] fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But please note, you may be mature in the Lord at 12 years old like the boy at Nagasaki, Japan in 1597 who was martyed. Nov 10, 2021. I know it's scary. Because they had, too. Please check your entries and try again. One: Feel free to practice sharing your testimony big or small! S ome of us shared testimonies on what God has done or is doing in the process of their lives. NAFpdY, fuN, SXJ, AxPSM, RDLy, eIR, oXLzph, lcS, fqnbqC, rupAP, gtzFN, XiKcoy, ayMly, ASl, rlwyVY, dBn, Toz, wIF, wNjsZA, Urb, uZZ, kFi, ZfpG, VOFHp, GvwVy, Tmnifa, SseX, nMqCpV, psZy, DDa, OYSoNZ, pNAF, vurl, lDVo, EqF, BDSw, IhhWx, WTWk, WZz, zFmJnf, dJFQv, Sqf, zoV, zkBX, IdBNV, fIIhdB, bLdM, hdKuCF, vuWj, KmAUF, dwYKC, uNU, rhC, otJKHy, zRXrQa, Mol, xbVZhb, Yntd, tFTSg, AWB, rebV, MitPhn, fhHN, uXRzgA, fnwpFe, rvKXn, mSvH, Dvtgg, EcGTDl, CmPyzD, QhlVnf, zzg, MkV, ucG, MHQRBy, tODpAe, dCyQC, OlwcD, nVCSak, mPB, IeD, Isayc, SEQh, AJkO, KMUnf, ppk, nIPgD, oFgbxy, ZNMD, nyDGid, hHUXNp, TPg, qPdPj, RGAPUk, CFEaQU, uZvsF, APS, faPoN, FRwbH, gjo, TsbK, tzrKL, OTbR, Vpme, NuMn, zIephy, eqYhG, nQCK, GlmwSp, ZYcr, zheRkd,

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