word bearers wahapedia

The Emperor was not dead, he said. Prompted by Kor Paheron and Erebus, Lorgar journeyed with his Word Bearers Legion's Chapter of the Serrated Sun to what was then the fringes of known Imperial space as part of the 1301st Expeditionary Fleet of the Great Crusade. Crawling with smaller ships, the Lex lashed back with its remaining Macrocannons, rolling in the light of its own burning hull. Those of the Covenant who came forward to arrest Lorgar were killed by his followers. It was common for a Chapter Master to designate one of the Captains as a "Sub Commander" to act as his lieutenant. The massacres of newly discovered Human worlds were also to end with the fall of Ghenna. However effective the Legion was, there were many who fought alongside them who found them also to be unpredictable, intemperate and dangerous to anything that stood in their path, combatant, civilian or otherwise. This group comprised the Legion's ruling council, and included both commanders and Chaplains. Sheer aggression can cut through even the thickest armour. By the time the beacon of the Astronomican burned bright once more and easy travel through the Immaterium was possible, an Imperial relief force arrived to find the landscape of Armageddon greatly changed. This ensured that in the future no warband leader of the World Eaters could claim a right of command due to their prior position rather than by dint of their sheer martial ability. They burn them all away. The Word Bearers have become a literal manifestation of their name -- though their creed is no longer a celebration of the Emperor's glory, but of the Ruinous Powers that cast their shadow across reality. Lorgar had been blooded, pushed to take the lives of innocents. After his return from Terra he swiftly worked many changes on his forces. He wanted his deceased brothers and sisters to taste blood once more. Those who had preserved the poison of false belief would be dragged to pyres made of heaped books and carved statues. During Angron's transition of command, this would continue, and the Legion's organisational structures were kept largely intact but often further streamlined, with its echelons being biased in make-up towards line infantry formations. When word reached Angron that the Death Guard would instead be the ones to spearhead the Traitor assault on Terra, Angron fell into an incandescent rage and massacred all those within the bowels of the Conqueror who had the misfortune to cross the Daemon Primarch's path. The titles and iconography of the chapters into which Lorgar first sub-divided the XVIIth Legion were derived from the constellations seen in the night skies of Colchis. More and more died -- none right away, but they never survived for long. They understood, only too perfectly, that their very presence caused their Battle-Brothers pain, and the XIIth Legion had no need of their psychic gifts. Skulls for the Skull Throne! The first signs of unease came when implanted Librarians started causing their closest Battle-Brothers to suffer blinding migraines and debilitating facial bleeds. It is also common for vehicles to have paper prayer rolls applied to them before battle, a practise derived from ancient Colchisian battle-rites but twisted into new and debased significance as the Word Bearers fell ever further from grace. While the High Lords on Terra were purged of Vandire's influence, Thor took advantage of the waning warp storms to tour the Imperium and reorganise the Ministorum. Lorgar repulsed him with a projected burst of telekinesis, weak and wavering, but enough to send his brother staggering. Paying no heed to the Emperor's command, Angron ordered his Techmarines to continue to use the Butcher's Nails cortical implant technology until nearly every World Eater Space Marine had undergone the surgery. The belief that the Emperor was a god was not a new one. Angron gave his psychic sons a choice between execution and the removal of their Butcher's Nails implants. Nominally independent of the Imperial Army and Armada Imperialis, they would ensure the preachers' voices were heard. For some time there had been disquiet voiced over Roboute Guilliman's ever-expanding realm in the galactic east. 111), "The Second Purge came a century later, after our blessed lord, the Urizen, had reunited with his Legion; after our glorified Primarch's eyes were opened to the lies of the golden-tongued so-called Emperor of Mankind." From that day forth, the World Eaters were broken as a Legion, becoming instead scattered warbands of berserk Heretic Astartes, forever in search of more blood to spill. This was seen as yet more evidence the Ultramarines were in league with the daemonic, and only much later did it become clear that their course had been given away by Dorn, the Arch-Betrayer. The Emperor finally ordered the Word Bearers to cease their religious activities, as their mission was to reunify the galaxy under the banner of the secular Imperial Truth, not preach the word of the Emperor's personal divinity. Conflict became the only measure and the only judge, and training beyond its most basic elements was as real as any war or battle a World Eaters Astartes would find themselves in. Never known for employing massed heavy armour formations, the XVIIth Legion preferred to focus its strength on infantry companies of various specialisations, and those armoured formations which it did employ were intended to act in close support of infantry. Kor Phaeron expressly explained to his adopted son that he remained a believer in the other gods of the Old Faith, but that he also believed that the One God was the most powerful of their number. Every brother on every ship heard his proclamation. The Daemon Primarch was shot from the hold of the Nightfall and into the void of space. Their duty remained the same; they must destroy Dorn's ally and prevent them from marching on Terra. The Battle of Calth itself was devastating and horrific. The golden Primarch had a genius for speaking to men's hearts, and his campaigns to win those hearts were as subtle and thorough as those fought by the likes of Fulgrim of the Emperor's Children and Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines on the battlefield. He informed Angron that the implantation surgeries must end, for the Emperor Himself had deemed it necessary. The battle ended only when the Furious Abyss entered the Warp to continue its journey to Ultramar. The foundations of new cities were sunk in the embers of the old, vast monuments and cathedrals dedicated to the worship of the Emperor were erected upon the mounds of corpses belonging to those who had resisted conversion. Others point to the known history of Angron and insist that his Legion could have been saved had the signs been noticed earlier. He had witnessed events that had moulded the fate of the Imperium, and the meeting going on beyond that armoured wall had the feel of another pivotal moment. First as the War Hounds and then in their new incarnation as the World Eaters, the XIIth Legion wore white Power Armour with blue on the shoulder plates and parts of the power pack. Unable to wear his failure, he was bitter with the Emperor that he couldn't fight alongside them and even more so that he couldn't even commemorate them properly. Carpinus' Speculum Historiale speaks of Angron's world as technologically advanced and ruled over by a wealthy elite who lived in decadent opulence while the populace of their cities lived in abject poverty in the slums that surrounded their walled palaces and villas. The chains were a personal tradition of the XIIth Legion that had spread even amongst the other Legions from the fighting pits of the World Eaters where the practice had originated. Once back aboard his flagship Conqueror, the newly ascendant Daemon Primarch spoke his first words in his new form. For days the slaughter went on, and Lorgar wearied, not of battle, but of the waste of his Emperor's humanity. High Chaplains are the ruling circle of their kind, and at their centre is the First Chaplain. When this world classified as "Ninety-Three Fifteen" by the expeditionary fleets of the crusade, was re-discovered by the Imperium, they initially accepted Imperial rule peacefully. They beg for mercy" "Mercy! However, as Lorgar grew in standing amongst the people, the other members of the Covenant's ecclesiastical hierarchy began to grow jealous of his popularity. Lorgar had offered up the XIIth Legion to the whims of the Blood God as his loyal servants. Others though seem equally likely to have played their part. Like heathen marauders of Old Earth, the legionaries tore down the entrance to their enemy's holdfasts, swarming within and laying waste to all they found, until nothing remained but a bloody abattoir to mark their passing. Only once a foe was broken and bowed in repentance, could they be accepted as deserving anything but ruin. Entire companies and even battalions fought one another in great matches and competitions to enforce unit tactics and coherent operations under their Primarch's eye and judgement, but it was always the battlefield that the World Eaters hungered for, and where its champions and officers were chosen. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. But the World Eaters were waiting for them. High Chaplains were the ruling circle of their kind, and at their centre was the First Chaplain. Informed by the mysteries of Colchis in which Lorgar had been raised by Kor Phaeron, these structures were typically impenetrable to those not party to the complex and mystical hierarchies of that ancient culture. Before battle, the Word Bearers gather in ritual prayer, chanting hymns and cult doctrine to affirm their faith in the power of Chaos Undivided. Incensed at his brother's disobedience, the Warmaster saw no choice but to support his ill-tempered and impulsive ally since the atmospheric after effects of the global firestorm unleashed by the virus bombs made it impossible to carry out an immediate, accurate orbital bombardment. Reaping many victories, Angron soon became a fan-favorite of Desh'ea and came to be known as "The Unbeaten." A strange woman emerged from the crowd and addressed the Primarch directly, calling him Lorgar Aurelian and welcoming him to Cadia. Whatever the subtleties of the message of censure, it would, however, be delivered in a manner that could leave no doubt to its meaning. Lorgar used his growing influence to heal the rift between Terra and the Adepts of Mars. It posits that Lorgar was subconsciously aware that the Emperor was searching for him, and this was the reason the Covenants tenets resonated so strongly. "Commander. Units that Fall Back cannot charge this turn. Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn. When the World Eaters fought in the pits, the combatants would first come to an accord as to how many wounds they would inflict upon each other to determine who was the victor. Utilising his superior tactical acumen and with the aid of the Iron Warriors and his Iron Circle of robotic honour guards, Perturabo was able to outmanoeuvre and bombard the World Eaters, pounding them into submission and besting Angron in the process. These new Legion officers, called Chaplains, would be the core of the XVIIth Legion's strength, showing the way of truth through word and deed, not just to the conquered but those who held the sword. For the rest of the battle, when taking a Morale test for that enemy models unit, each model in that unit that was destroyed that turn is treated as two models for the purposes of ), Add 1 to the bearers Strength, Toughness and Attacks . When they returned, it was clear that they were a changed force. Khrn the Betrayer, greatest of the Chaos Champions of Khorne. After Angron's completed metamorphosis into a new Daemon Prince, the Daemon Primarch turned his attention to the Librarians. Though the World Eaters finally received adequate heavy armour and artillery support just as they forced a breach and broke their way inside the confines of the main Ghennan city, the World Eaters once again failed to meet their Primarch's allotted time-frame of 31 solar hours to subjugate the planet and were forced to withdraw to the flagship, the Conqueror. It seemed clear that the Emperor did not wish Lorgar or his sons broken, merely set back on the correct path. Then they were to kill everyone on the planet. Lorgar's talk of faith in The Master of Mankind being soul-armour against Chaos resonated with a fearful populace, and within decades it had become the official religion of the Imperium. To their brother Legions and the people of the newborn Imperium, they were the Iconoclasts. To be snatched away for experimentation by Fabius Bile and his followers is an altogether nightmarish fate. "Let history mark my words well, for I care nothing about who sits proud on the Throne of Terra when the last day dawns. "Blood for the Blood God! Each warrior soon bore scars by which to count the lessons learned amid heat and the bitter volcanic sands, and those that failed did not live long enough to try again. Only through a deep understanding and acceptance of the Emperor's Light can the Imperium hope to survive, and to that end they help to spread His Holy Word to the furthest corners of the galaxy. But always after the black clad herald, the grey warriors would come with fire and the thunder of change. None had ever imagined the heroes of this new age would take the field against each other, nor could they have predicted the wellsprings of spite between them. The names of Word Bearers Astartes are often derived from those of the people of lost Colchis. The Word Bearers kept their faith in Chaos secret for many solar decades, remaining loyal, at least in name, to the Imperial Truth, until the events of the Drop Site Massacre on Istvaan V, after which time they openly embraced their new faith without any pretense and eagerly joined the Horus Heresy. The rate of neural degeneration had accelerated very quickly in the months after the Battle of Calth. Early attempts to duplicate these implants by the combined efforts of the Legion's Techmarines and Apothecaries proved far from successful, and resulted in high rates of mortality and homicidal frenzies erupting from test recruits. Rather than targeting the true enemy, these pogroms were aimed at persecuting parts of the Imperium that showed even minor doctrinal differences to his own increasingly idiosyncratic view, or worlds which baulked at the ever-higher tithes demanded by the Ministorum. The Word Bearers' pursuit of any scrap of information that could be found on the Primordial Truth or the nature of the place where Gods and mortals could mingle ultimately led the 1301st Expeditionary Fleet to the Cadia System near the largest Warp Storm in the universe, later known to the Imperium as the Eye of Terror. As an example, the Chapter of the Broken Scythe consisted of armoured artillery, siege tanks and mounted Flamer squads. After their corruption, many World Eaters Legionaries began incorporating Khorne's stylized skull-rune which is either painted or carved onto their Power Armour. Many Word Bearers pass through their ranks before ascending to the role of Chaplain. The War Hounds, and the World Eaters they became, reached the range of their blades walking. Once fully assembled on the ground, the order was given to advance. Despite their triumph, it was clear from astropathic scans and readings of the Emperor's Tarot that overwhelming forces had been massed for the defence of Macragge. Death to the False Emperor!" Word Bearers Chaplains wore the slate grey armour of the Legion, being distinguished by gold armour trim and their Crozius. Descending from the sky on jump packs, they are the destroyers of false gods, ashen angels sent to reduce libraries and shrines to cinders with flamer and, where a truly lasting destruction is required, phosphex. Having led his army of escaped slave-warriors into the mountains, Angron found himself hunted relentlessly, until only a thousand or so of his companions survived, cornered by five entire armies of Nucerian overseers. One of the tangible changes that came with the return of the Primarch Lorgar was an increase in the importance of ceremony amongst the warriors of the XVIIth. Since their inception, the Word Bearers' devotion to the Imperium has been beyond question. A Word Bearers Assault Squad carrying out an Imperial Compliance during the Great Crusade. However, with a million worlds to claim, the Emperor grew concerned. Note: Red votive cloth covering right shoulder pauldron denotes his squad's assignment to Tactical duties. Word Bearers units marched, droning black hymns and chanting sermons from the Book of Lorgar, bearing corpse-strewn icons of befouled metal and bleached bones above their regiments. Eventually, the atrocities committed by the Word Bearers allowed Lorgar to ascend to daemonhood as a Daemon Primarch, becoming the equal of a god in the eyes of his Legion. By tracing the signals, the World Eaters discovered the shrivelled remains of the last true living Ghennans where they lay in their life-pods. Word Bearers Tactical Legionary of the 7th Grand Company. By the time the coalition reached Holy Terra, Vandire's paranoia and desperation had reached fever-pitch. Although not possessing the tactical genius of Horus or Alpharius, Lorgar's decision to split the fleet and attack the neighbouring systems to draw the Ultramarines away from Macragge caught the defenders off-guard. Olvarr fought in Angron's wake in the Choral City during the Istvaan III Atrocity at the very start of the Horus Heresy. If victory was certain, and who could doubt it as stars and systems fell to the Emperor's Great Crusade in their hundreds, then the measure of true victory was not in death and blood, but in what a warrior carried within him. Armageddon was a very long way from the Eye of Terror in the galaxy's Segmentum Obscurus, and no one in the Imperium suspected any more sinister cause for the revolts than simple civil unrest. First Chaplain Erebus was known to have a clean shaven head which was richly tattooed with religious sayings and imagery. A hundred remained. Soon after, the Primarch Leman Russ and his Space Wolves Legion were dispatched to Ghenna to confront Angron and his World Eaters and to halt the implantation of the deadly cortical implants. During the opening days of the Horus Heresy, Lorgar had ordered his two most trusted advisors, First Chaplain Erebus and the Dark Apostle Kor Phaeron, to unleash their wrath against the Realm of Ultramar. The next target for the Traitors would be Terra itself. Lorgar's enemies in the Covenant saw this as the opportunity they had been waiting for to remove the threat that Lorgar presented to the status quo, declaring him a heretic to the Old Ways. The young Primarch was given a name, Angron Thal'kyr, which meant "Child of the Mountain," and was nursed back to health. He tried to reach out to the tray of chirurgical equipment to slash open the fool's throat, but he had been firmly restrained to prevent his violent muscle spasms. The Grey Knights had defeated the Daemon Prince, hurling his spirit back into the Warp from where he could not return for over one hundred Terran years. This was because by the time of the Council of Nikaea, their psychic kindred had already become an afterthought, scarcely worthy of consideration. The script that once adorned their armour changed too; where their ceramite once bore Imperial truths in High Gothic, after their great censure the XVII Legion replaced the text with runic sigils and arcane symbols redolent with hidden meaning. The use of ancient Colchisian runic script is employed extensively to denote a Legionary's rank, status, role and deeds in a manner comprehensible only to other XVIIth Legion inductees and to varying degrees depending on the viewer's level of initiation into the Legion's holy orders. The Butcher's Nails rewarded rage with spurts of electrochemical pleasure, tingling synapses and deadening enjoyment of everything else. The arrival of Angron at Armageddon probably had nothing to do with Angron's own desires, rather the location was determined by the chaotic currents of the Warp which sent his space hulk to that Hive World in the Segmentum Solar, possibly at the whim of one of the Chaos Gods, if there was any intent behind the Devourer of Stars' course at all. Lorgar focused his concentration on the triumphant form of his mutilated brother, calling for the Neverborn, the entities men called daemons, to answer in kind. No one could keep up with them. It is said that the Emperor was pleased that His son had understood his error and would, in time, become what he was destined to be. Then, as one, every brother raised a cry of devotion to the Emperor and to their primarch. But both feared they had actually lost, and in truth, the battle proved bloody but inconclusive. The truth is a dark tale of the primarch's brutal upbringing, murderous violence, and Angron's revolt against his cruel masters. One who excels in a battle -- or in an especially violent ritual sacrifice -- may have Colchisian runes inscribed on his battle-plate by a Dark Apostle or Chaos Sorcerer, lending an extra measure of esoteric protection that hardens his soul against horrors both metaphysical and corporeal. Lorgar couldn't have stopped his legion leaving for Terra even if he had wanted to, and they threw caution to the wind in their flight. Across the galaxy the Ultramarines had pushed back the boundaries of the Imperium with energy and a mind for what should follow in the wake of war. Loyalist World Eaters Astartes prepare to defend themselves against their traitorous former brethren on the surface of Istvaan III. Those who had been freed from the shackles of ignorance would be given a choice, embrace the Imperial Truth or join the pyre. Lorgar focused his concentration on the triumphant form of his mutilated brother, calling for the Neverborn, the entities Humanity called daemons, to answer in kind. While other Legions might be content with or even favour units of only a handful of warriors, the Word Bearers would typically keep its line units at a much higher strength. Guilliman confronted Lorgar for what his Legion had done across the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar. 800.M30, and the first of the primarchs were discovered across the galaxy where they had been dispersed by the Ruinous Powers, the XIIth Legion was broken up temporarily into a number of independent sub-commands, each several thousand Space Marines strong. Not even a Primarch could stand against such sheer numbers, yet it was at this time that the Emperor of Mankind came to Nuceria, drawn by the psychic emanations of his gene-son the Primarch. That was until the arrival of envoys from the Alpha Legion. Layak had learned the name during a ritual Lorgar had conducted but due to the total amnesia it would eventually curse the name's bearer with, he had given the information to the Dark Apostle instead. The two armies of Traitor Marines clashed through the planet's storm lashed cities of black rock and ice. Other Chapters are known to have possessed 20 or more companies. In that regard, it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves. After Angron's completed metamorphosis into a new Daemon Prince, the newborn Daemon Primarch turned his attention to the Librarians. This iconic image was to prove entirely fitting to describe what was to come for the World Eaters. The Word Bearers draw their recruits not just from Colchis, but from across the Emperors realm. Amit would often be paired with the Apothecary Kargos, and few ever wished to come up against the "Flesh Tearer" and the "Bloodspitter". Their momentous victory, however, proved short-lived as the High-Riders demanded that the two gladiators fight one another in a duel to the death. Aggressive use of these units had led the chapter to many victories in the Great Crusade, for which it also acquired a reputation for ruthless efficiency on the attack and bloody-minded stubbornness in defence. Blood! The World Eaters, battered and bleeding from Ghenna's Imperial Compliance campaign, formed ragged lines before the assembled Space Wolves Legion. The night before battle, the enemy can hear dark mutterings emanating from all around, echoed in the pounding drums, stretching the nerve and instilling every man with fear. Angron refused to recognise his brother's authority, and warned the Wolf King to depart before the situation became something that he would regret. It was as though He was on the verge of revealing some great secret that had been welling up inside Him, but then the moment passed as fast as it had arisen. Warpsmiths and Lords Discordant often gather their deranged creations together into packs before sending them forth to strike the enemy lines like a thunderbolt. The surviving video logs from the siege show the World Eaters breaching the walls of the palace, the twisted, red form of Angron wielding his glowing runesword at their head. At Ullanor, the Emperor announced that he was going to return to Terra, and that Horus would command the Great Crusade as Warmaster in his stead. While others might acknowledge and even respect their foes, the XVIIth saw no virtue in defiance. The Word Bearers have a tendency to dedicate companies to a particular combat specialty, designating companies as assault companies, line breaker companies, reconnaissance companies, and so on. Angron was plastered with the blood of the slain after hours in the crush of the front lines of intense combat. His actions were vindicated, though, when shortly after the Emperor, accompanied by Magnus of the Thousand Sons, did indeed land on Colchis. While the World Eaters flagship was busy repelling boarders, a number of smaller XIIIth Legion vessels slipped past her defences and launched Drop Pods, gunships and troop carriers. The word Bearers hold the Book of Lorgar as their most sacred text and the foundation of any faith in Chaos. The World Eaters Heretic Astartes Akkatar the Cleanser, whose genocidal rampage is never-ending, armed with Bolt Pistol and Chainaxe. Ultimately the existence of psykers in the Imperium such as Astropaths and Navigators was allowed but tightly restricted under centralised Imperial control, while the potent and unrestricted use of psychic abilities that was defined as sorcery was officially banned. Heretical prayers are inscribed directly into the yawning chasm left by Lorgar stepped an ambitious and Marine. 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