battle of trafalgar summary

Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. Approaching in two columns, sailing perpendicular to the enemy's line, one towards the centre of the opposing line and one towards the trailing end, his ships would surround the middle third, and force them to fight to the end. [47], During the period of blockade off the coast of Spain in October, Nelson instructed his captains, over two dinners aboard Victory, on his plan for the approaching battle. pptx, 2.11 MB. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, The National Archives - Battle of Trafalgar, HistoryNet - Napoleonic Wars: Battle of Trafalgar, Military History Encyclopedia on the Web - The Battle of Trafalgar, Battle of Trafalgar - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Battle of Trafalgar - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood, Pierre-Charles-Jean-Baptiste-Silvestre de Villeneuve. It was the most significant naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars and the pivotal naval battle of the 19th century. The very light wind rendered manoeuvring virtually impossible for all but the most expert seamen. [89], Nelson's body was preserved in a barrel of brandy for the trip home to a hero's funeral. After failing to fight his way through, he decided to break off the engagement, and led four French ships, his flagship the 80-gun Formidable, the 74-gun ships Scipion, Duguay Trouin and Mont Blanc away from the fighting. The opposing fleets met off the coast of Spain and fought the decisive Battle of Trafalgar. The Battle of Trafalgar October 21, 1805. Rayo, an old three-decker with more than 50 years of service, anchored off Sanlcar, a few leagues to the northwest of Rota. The disparity in losses has been attributed by some historians less to Nelson's daring tactics than to the difference in fighting readiness of the two fleets. [97] King Edward VII did support the Nelson Centenary Memorial Fund of the British and Foreign Sailors Society, which sold Trafalgar centenary souvenirs marked with the Royal cypher. [citation needed] At this point the 74-gun HMS Donegal, en route from Gibraltar under Captain Pulteney Malcolm, was seen approaching from the south on the larboard tack with a moderate breeze from northwest-by-north and steered directly for the Spanish three-decker. Following their earlier vote on 8 October to stay put, some captains were reluctant to leave Cdiz, and as a result they failed to follow Villeneuve's orders closely and the fleet straggled out of the harbour in no particular formation. Just before his column engaged the allied forces, Collingwood said to his officers: "Now, gentlemen, let us do something today which the world may talk of hereafter." Of these, Redoutable sank, and Santsima Trinidad and Argonauta were scuttled by the British. $17. The 200th anniversary of the battle was also commemorated on six occasions in Portsmouth during June and July, at St Paul's Cathedral (where Nelson is entombed), in Trafalgar Square in London in October (T Square 200), and across the UK. On 1st August 1798 at Aboukir Bay near Alexandria, Egypt, the Battle of the Nile began. Spain at all times wanted to show its neutrality, but the help to the French government, no matter how little it was, made the British were aware of their fleet, furthermore they instructed their ships to inspect any Spanish vessel that find. [citation needed] Heartened by the approach of the squadron, the French crew of the former flagship Bucentaure also rose up and retook the ship from the British prize crew but she was wrecked later on 23 October. Collingwood altered the course of his column slightly so that the two lines converged at this line of attack. Battlefield Management is about Capital Productivity and Loss Correlation The combined French and Spanish Armadas were destroyed at Cape Trafalgar, ensuring that Britain could no longer be. First, the British fleet would close with the Franco-Spanish as quickly as possible, preventing their escape. San Francisco de Ass was driven ashore in Cdiz Bay, near Fort Santa Catalina, although her crew was saved. Vice-Admiral Villeneuve was taken prisoner aboard his flagship and taken back to Britain. Cosmao claimed in his report that the rescue plan was entirely his idea, but Vice-Admiral Escao recorded a meeting of Spanish and French commodores at which a planned rescue was discussed and agreed upon. More important, Trafalgar fixed the image of invincible British sea power, which endured for more than a century thereafter, and apotheosized Nelson as the symbol of that invincibility. [9], When the Third Coalition declared war on France, after the short-lived Peace of Amiens, Napoleon renewed his determination to invade Britain. Virginia) during the American Civil War (1861-65) and was historys first naval battle between ironclad warships.It was part of read more, The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. The Battle of Trafalgar: The Aftermath Admiral Nelson at the top of Nelson's Column in Trafalgar Square, via The Mirror On their return home, raging storms racked the seas, and French ships threatened the slow British fleet towing its captured vessels. About 1,500 British seamen were killed or wounded in the Battle of Trafalgar, and Admiral Horatio Nelson was mortally wounded. Nelson ordered a rarely-used approach of attack, striking the enemy line at perpendicular angles rather than the line of battle, in which ships in parallel lines exchanged broadsides. This is the story of the Battle of Trafalgar. The tactic exposed the leading ships in the British lines to intense fire from multiple ships as they approached the Franco-Spanish lines. The French army, under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte, wanted to invade Britain. Other ports on the French Atlantic coast harboured smaller squadrons. Combatants: The English Fleet versus the Combined French and Spanish Fleet. The Spanish ships taken were Argonauta, Bahama, Monarca, Neptuno, San Agustn, San Ildefonso, San Juan Nepomuceno, Santsima Trinidad, and Santa Ana. During the Battle of Dunkirk from May 26 to June 4, 1940, some 338,000 British Expeditionary Force (BEF) and other Allied troops were evacuated from Dunkirk to read more, The Crimean War (1853-1856) was a brutal conflict that took its name from the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea. The gunners were forced back below decks by French grenades. [46] He was also well aware that French and Spanish gunners were ill-trained and would have difficulty firing accurately from a moving gun platform. Among the captured French ships were L'Aigle, Algsiras, Berwick, Bucentaure, Fougueux, Intrpide, Redoutable, and Swiftsure. The main drawback of attacking head-on was that as the leading British ships approached, the Franco-Spanish Combined Fleet would be able to direct raking broadside fire at their bows, to which they would be unable to reply. Ensign Richard Sharpe purchases items to make his journey from India to Britain more comfortable but the warehouse where the goods are stored burns down . The Aberfan disaster became one of the UKs worst coal mining read more, On October 21, 1921, President Warren G. Harding delivers a speech in Alabama in which he condemns lynchingsextrajudicial murders (usually hangings) committed primarily by white supremacists against Black Americans in the Deep South and elsewhere. We started this short summary of The Battle of Trafalgar placing us historically in this time. Both forces were formed in two columns; the British sailed parallel, the allied one following the other. One reason for the development of the line of battle system was to facilitate control of the fleet: if all the ships were in line, signalling in battle became possible. Enrique MacDonell and Cosmao were of equal rank and both raised commodore's pennants before hoisting anchor. Many of the injured crew were taken ashore at Gibraltar and treated in the Naval Hospital. The allied vanguard sailed off while it attempted to turn around, giving the British temporary superiority over the remainder of their fleet. On receiving this intelligence Lord Barham was alive to the enemy strategy and immediately ordered Admiral William Cornwallis to combine his squadron with that of Vice Admiral Sir Robert Calder off Ferrol and to stretch out thirty to forty leagues into the Atlantic to block the French from entering the Channel. [52] While some of the French captains wished to obey Napoleon's orders, the Spanish captains and other French officers, including Villeneuve, thought it best to remain in Cdiz. The Battle of Trafalgar was the most significant battle won by the British against the combined forces of the French and Spanish fleets during the Napoleonic Wars. Date 21st October 1805 Location Cape Trafalgar, Spain War Napoleonic Wars Combatants Britain VS France, Spain Outcome British victory West's "Our Navy": Wreath laying on HMS Victory, October 1905, BBC Battlefield Academy: Battle of Trafalgar, BBC video (42 min.) Hannah, P., A Treasure to the Service, admiral Keats, Green Hill, Adelaide, 2021, This page was last edited on 30 October 2022, at 20:38. [44] In preparation for the battle, Nelson ordered the ships of his fleet to be painted in a distinctive yellow and black pattern (later known as the Nelson Chequer) that would make them easy to distinguish from their opponents. [64] Only four of the British prizes, the French Swiftsure and the Spanish Bahama, San Ildefonso and San Juan Nepomuceno survived to be taken to Britain. [8] Despite several successful evasions of the blockade by the French navy, it failed to inflict a major defeat upon the British, who were able to attack French interests at home and abroad with relative ease. The battle, which saw an early use of the deadly longbow by the English, read more, On October 25, 1415, during the Hundred Years War (1337-1453) between England and France, Henry V (1386-1422), the young king of England, led his forces to victory at the Battle of Agincourt in northern France. The Nelson Monument overlooking Portsmouth was built in 180708 with money subscribed by sailors and marines who served at Trafalgar. Monitor and the Merrimack (C.S.S. Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson inflicted a crushing defeat on Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar. We show Lord Nelson leaving the admiralty room where he makes his famous speech and then introduce him with his captains giving the details of that wonderful plan of attack which was carried out to the letter at Trafalgar, the inspirations of the captains and their enthusiastic toast. Green = The Weather Column, led by Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson in . [a] By contrast, some of the best officers in the French navy had either been executed or had left the service during the early part of the French Revolution. Philip James de Loutherbourg. Watch Now An innovative strategy. He was carried below decks. Image: Amino AppsThroughout history there have been a great number of incredible people, capable Education, study and knowledge @ 2022 All Rights Reserved, Daniela Guajardo Educational Psychologist. Neptuno was eventually wrecked off Rota in the gale, while Santa Ana reached port. Nelson caught him off Cape Trafalgar on October 21. In October 1805 the French and Spanish fleet of 33 ships was safely in the port of Cadiz in Spain. In five hours of fighting, the British devastated the enemy fleet, destroying 19 enemy ships. [72] Both sets of mariners were determined to make an attempt to recapture some of the prizes. The Battle of Trafalgar was a sea battle between the British and the French-Spanish Navy. In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover a short biography of Napolon Bonaparte. What remains after the battle)". Europe was in peace for 14 months because of the Treaty Amiens. Naval battle between a British. With a storm gathering in strength off the Spanish coast, he sailed westwards to clear Cape St. Vincent, prior to heading north-west, swinging eastwards across the Bay of Biscay, and aiming to reach the French port at Rochefort. This great victory brought to a halt Napoleons elaborate scheme to concentrate an overwhelming fleet in the Channel to cover the invasion of Britain, but the scheme was unrealistic from the start, and Nelson commanded only one of several squadrons that stood in its way. In an animated conversation with his favourite captain, Richard Goodwin Keats, who was expected to be his second in the forthcoming battle, Nelson explained a refined battle plan whilst the two were walking in the garden of Merton in August 1805. [36] During the combat, Gravina was wounded, while Dionisio Alcal-Galiano and Cosme Damin Churruca commanders of the Bahama and San Juan Nepomuceno, respectively were killed after ordering their ships not to surrender. On the rolling plateaus to the south of Waterloo, near Mont St. Jean, the French (some 72,000 strong) and Anglo-Dutch (68,000) armies were encamped some 1,500 yards apart. Napoleon had already abandoned his plans of invasion before the battle and they were never revived. Battle of Trafalgar Casualties.svg. [32], At this point, Nelson's fleet badly needed provisioning. [25] Word reached Britain on 2 September about the combined French and Spanish fleet in Cdiz harbour. [15], Vice Admiral Horatio, Lord Nelson, by Lemuel Francis Abbott, Pierre-Charles Villeneuve, the French Admiral, Early in 1805, Vice Admiral Lord Nelson commanded the British fleet blockading Toulon. The Battle of Trafalgar, fought on 21 October 1805, is part of the War of the Third Coalition assembled by Britain against France. About 6a.m., Nelson gave the order to prepare for battle. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). This fleet, under the command of Vice-Admiral Calder, reached Cdiz on 15 September. The October 21, 1805 One of the many battles belonging to the Napoleonic War took place, The Battle of Trafagar, named for taking place in front of Cape Trafalgar near the Cadiz coast. In doing so, he ordered them to cast off towing their prizes. But, for the most part, discipline was loose. Date: October 21, 1805. The Battle of Trafalgar was one of the most famous naval battles of the Napoleonic Wars. [34] Other British ships continued to arrive, and by 15 October the fleet was up to full strength for the battle. Surgeon William Beatty heard Nelson murmur, "Thank God I have done my duty"; when he returned, Nelson's voice had faded, and his pulse was very weak. The following day, Nelson's fleet of 27 ships of the line and four frigates was spotted in pursuit from the northwest with the wind behind it. Thank God I have done my duty.. For 40minutes, Victory was under fire from Hros, Santsima Trinidad, Redoutable, and Neptune; although many shots went astray, others killed and wounded a number of her crew and shot her wheel away, so that she had to be steered from her tiller belowdecks, all before she could respond. The painting combines events from several times during the battle. When we first approached . This slowed the progress of the fleet leaving the harbour, giving the British plenty of warning. [19] There he received orders from Napoleon to return to Brest according to the main plan.[20]. Villeneuve had worried that Nelson might attempt this tactic but, for various reasons, had made no plans in case this occurred. She put into Rosia Bay, Gibraltar and after emergency repairs were carried out, returned to Britain. In it, a British fleet commanded by Admiral Horacio Nelson emerged victorious against the Franco-Spanish fleet under the command of Villeneuve. [77] Cosmao retook two Spanish ships of the line, but it cost him one French and two Spanish vessels to do so. To do so, he needed to ensure that the Royal Navy would be unable to disrupt the invasion flotilla, which would require control of the English Channel. The Battle of Trafalgar was fought in October 1805 between the British and the combined French and Spanish navies. Updated on October 16, 2019 The Battle of Trafalgar was fought on October 21, 1805, during the War of the Third Coalition (1803-1806), which was part of the larger Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815). Battle of Trafalgar ( 1805 ) Animation 444,912 views Mar 28, 2018 5.2K Dislike Share Corvus 4.49K subscribers A short animation of the Battle of Trafalgar. There, she lost her masts, already damaged in the battle. But his long game of cat and mouse with Nelson had worn him down, and he was suffering from a loss of nerve. The Battle Of Trafalgar fought off the coast of southwest Spain on 21 October 1805 between Britain's Royal Navy and the combined fleets of Napoleonic France and Spain ranks high in the annals of naval glory and British history.. Britain was outnumbered and outgunned but triumphant. Villeneuve himself was captured, and his fleet lost 19 or 20 shipswhich were surrendered to the Britishand 14,000 men, of whom half were prisoners of war. It took most of 20 October for Villeneuve to get his fleet organised; it eventually set sail in three columns for the Straits of Gibraltar to the southeast. These ships were later diverted for convoy duty in the Mediterranean, although Nelson had expected them to return. [49] The first, led by his second-in-command Vice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood, was to sail into the rear of the enemy line, while the other, led by Nelson, was to sail into the centre and vanguard. This effort was largely successful, but did not end the French threat as Napoleon instituted a large-scale shipbuilding programme that had produced a fleet of 80 ships of the line at the time of his fall from power in 1814, with more under construction. Following the battle, the Royal Navy was never again seriously challenged by the French fleet in a large-scale engagement. [53] Villeneuve changed his mind yet again on 18 October 1805, ordering the Combined Fleet to sail immediately even though there were only very light winds.[54]. On August 5, 1864, at the Battle of Mobile Bay during the American Civil War (1861-65), Union Admiral David Farragut (1801-70) led his flotilla through the Confederate defenses at Mobile, Alabama, to seal one of the last major Southern ports. [77] On being taken in tow, the Spanish crews rose up against their British prize crews, putting them to work as prisoners. The Battle of Trafalgar was the most important conflict won by the British against the combined forces of the Gallic and Spanish fleets during the Napoleonic Wars. This reversed the order of the allied line, placing the rear division under Rear-Admiral Pierre Dumanoir le Pelley in the vanguard. Discussion activity where pupils consider why conflict continued between Britain and France despite peace negotiations and treaties. And while today many conflicts are more regionalised, they do have the tendency to spill over into other parts of the world. [71] These four ships remained at large until their encounter with and attempt to chase a British frigate brought them in range of a British squadron under Sir Richard Strachan, which captured them all on 4 November 1805 at the Battle of Cape Ortegal. [12], Vice-Admiral Pierre-Charles Villeneuve had taken command of the French Mediterranean fleet following the death of Latouche Treville. Commanded by Vice Admiral Nelson, the onslaught broke the allied line and exposed its center and rear to overwhelming force, resulting in the capture of 19 of the 33 Franco-Spanish ships. [44] Second, it would quickly bring on a mle and frantic battle by breaking the Franco-Spanish line and inducing a series of individual ship-to-ship actions, in which the British knew they were likely to prevail. Britain and France had been at war for some time, and Napoleon had plans to invade Britain. [14] Nelson, still in fear for Egypt, made to return to the Mediterranean. 2022 A&E Television Networks, LLC. London's lovely landmarks. [59], His Lordship came to me on the poop, and after ordering certain signals to be made, about a quarter to noon, he said, "Mr. Pasco, I wish to say to the fleet, ENGLAND CONFIDES THAT EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY" and he added "You must be quick, for I have one more to make which is for close action." For this, three French fleets together with other Spanish fleets went near the Antilles to attract the British navy there, once the The rest of the Franco-Spanish fleet went to the canal to land the imperial army in England, however, the lack of coordination between the two was such what only the Spanish admiral Villeneuve managed to save himself from the British fleet commanded by the famous Horatio Nelson in charge of guarding the Mediterranean. Fearing that his inexperienced officers would be unable to maintain formation in more than one group, he chose to keep the single line that became Nelson's target. The ensuing fierce battle resulted in 22 allied ships being lost, while the British lost none. Description. The Battle of Trafalgar Trivia Quiz. The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval combat that pitted Great Britain against France and Spain and took place off Cape Trafalgar , in southern Spain , on October 21, 1805 . Lieutenant John Lapenotire's historic voyage in HMS Pickle bringing the news of the victory from the fleet to Falmouth and thence by post chaise to the Admiralty in London was commemorated by the inauguration of The Trafalgar Way and further highlighted by the New Trafalgar Dispatch celebrations from July to September in which an actor played the part of Lapenotire and re-enacted parts of the historic journey. The origin of this battle dates back to year 1803 when the English, dissatisfied with Napoleon for wanting to dominate all of Europe, resumed that enmity that they had always had with France despite years before having signed a peace agreement. A gala was held on 21 October at the Royal Albert Hall in aid of the fund, which included a specially commissioned film by Alfred John West entitled Our Navy. It was officially recorded that he had committed suicide. The seriously wounded Admiral Gravina passed command of the remainder of the fleet over to Commodore Julien Cosmao on 23 October. On 2 October, five ships of the line, HMS Queen, Canopus, Spencer, Zealous, Tigre, and the frigate HMS Endymion were dispatched to Gibraltar under Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Louis for supplies. Despite the British victory over the Franco-Spanish navies, Trafalgar had negligible impact on the remainder of the War of the Third Coalition. [80][incomplete short citation] At about ten o'clock, just as Monarca had got within little more than a mile of Rayo, Leviathan fired a warning shot wide of Monarca, to oblige her to drop anchor. We were under the command of a very brilliant man, Admiral Nelson. There had been more competent officers, but they had either been employed elsewhere or had fallen from Napoleon's favour. The conflict was an important tactical naval encounter fought between the British Royal Navy and the Navy of the French Republic. [36] The hasty voyage across the Atlantic and back used up vital supplies. To address this imbalance, Nelson sailed his fleet directly at the allied battle line's flank, hoping to break it into pieces. Compiled by Bruno Pappalardo. [7] During the course of the war, the British imposed a naval blockade on France, which affected trade and kept the French from fully mobilising their naval resources. [17], Having lured the British to the West Indies Villeneuve returned from the Caribbean to Europe, intending to break the blockade at Brest. Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar ensured that Napoleon would never invade Britain. Nelson's Column, Montreal began public subscriptions soon after news of the victory at Trafalgar arrived; the column was completed in the autumn of 1809 and still stands in Place Jacques Cartier. His captains had held a vote on the matter and decided to stay in harbour. The Britannia Monument in Great Yarmouth was raised by 1819. [79] The French 80-gun ship Indomptable was wrecked on the 24th or 25th off the town of Rota on the northwest point of the bay of Cdiz. Forces were destroyed not the only problems faced by the Spanish fleet French. While every effort has been made to return to Cdiz Atlantic and back used up supplies /A > George Chambers ships remained bottled up in two columns headed by his countrymen days battle! Pauls Cathedral in London Coalition in the second world War we were under the of! Engage it in a mixed mle of chaotic one-on-one battles calculated one Francisco de was! 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