comsol "global equations"

Yes, you can click "Equation View" to edit equation. A global equation can be used to describe a load, constraint, material property, or anything else in the model that has a uniquely definable solution. Using Heat Transfer in solids, choose Stationary and the geometry is 1m*1m square , 2. Thanks for your reply. Ivar Ed Low You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version In the field defining the equation, we will use an Integration Coupling Operator named intop to integrate the normal total energy heat flux variable, ht.nteflux, across all of the wall boundaries. I am using a parametric segregated solver to solve. A transient structural simulation is run by looping through many load step solves, with the surface. And the problem is that for give postion (x,y) (or (r,theta)) in certain domain, (rp,thetap) should be calculated and then the Jacobian In addition, you can use tools like the Physics Builder to create your own physics interfaces, or the Application Builder to create entire new user interfaces. The short answer is that a Global Equation cannot contain terms that are spatially-dependent. The trick for COMSOL to adapt your equation to their models, i.e. So the air temperature is the one additional unknown that we need to add to this finite element model. Customize COMSOL Multiphysics to meet your simulation needs with application-specific modules. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. Start Comsol Multiphysics. This second step does require an adjustment to the default solver settings. Ivar, Hi, It seems that you define u = rho, where rho is a function of x and y. Note that this segregation will lead to the, Using a parametric sweep and manually identifying the approximate target value, Augmenting the segregated solver with an additional update equation. Thank you for your reply. You seem to have the same question as in this older thread and the same solution that Magnus provided in that thread should work for you as well. The reason why you would want to use a fully coupled solver are described here: I modified the simlation so that i inserted an electrical circuit which replaces the 3 voltage sources for the 3 phase and after this it dosent work anymore.. In the Model Wizard window, click 0D in the Select Space Dimension menu. In the Select Physics tree, select Mathematics>ODE and DAE interfaces>Global ODEs and DAEs (ge . In the approach presented, a hydrostatic pressure load is applied to a Named Selection of exterior nodes that are located below a liquid surface. Let's assume that I have a comsol model for solving time-dependent problem. Matlab-based Automation Controlling with Comsol Global Equations Reverse Engineering of Transient Problems 3 Dr. Thomas Frommelt - T&I Modeling Summary and Outlook Iron and Steel Non-Ferrous Metal Semiconductor SGL Group Best Solutions for our Customers 4 Dr. Thomas Frommelt - T&I Modeling Carbon and graphite cathodes in customized designs But I might be wrong, it's just my first guess ;) great information you provide in this blog! Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL software users who are on-subscription should submit their questions via the Support Center for a more comprehensive response from the Technical Support team. most probably because "rho" is defined alread inside COMSOl for the material density. In this example, a structural mechanics model of a spring is augmented by a global equation which solves for the load to achieve a desired spring displacement. Lets draw a simplified engineering sketch of how this can be modeled: Here, the house walls are modeled explicitly via the finite element method; the true wall dimensions are used and appropriate material properties are applied. Train model. Add a boundary heat source at one boundary and the heat rate is Q_0, the other three boundary is nature . By combining the above, the information contained in Maxwell's equations for electrostatics can be encoded in just one equation: (5) The usefulness of this equation in engineering applications is limited due to its inability to represent dielectric materials. Lyngby . Low-Frequency Electromagnetics, Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Studies & Solvers, COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH), How to Model Generalized Plane Strain with COMSOL Multiphysics, Part 2: Model a Linear Electromagnetic Plunger with a Blocker, Control Current and Voltage Sources with the AC/DC Module. Double click on General Form PDE (g) four times. This approach, albeit more computationally expensive than the segregated approach we introduced previously, has some interesting advantages in terms of robustness and highlights one of the core strengths of the COMSOL software. 5. However, recall that in the former case, this extra equation updates the applied potential using an ad hoc scaling within a separate segregated solver iteration. Prodotti consigliati Hi, I'm trying to define an equation in global equations and it is corresponded with the coordinates x and y (or certain global variable), e.g. There are two ways to introduce a nonzero gradient in the electric potential. Recently I read a blog about Comsol using skills, and there is a example about how to using global equation to limit the max temperature at a probe. It is simpler to keep the scalar form of representation, and to keep the default value 1 in the window. Here, we explain how to create a global model fully coupled with the BE in the two-term approximation using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The field being solved for is the temperature of the walls and we are assuming steady state conditions. How can I combine a TEC app to the other components of a model. Since this is a steady state problem, it doesn't matter what initial conditions we give for this variable. COMSOL Moderator. This is shown in the screenshot below. This can be achieved via the Modify model configuration for study step check box and then enabling/disabling the two different Global Equations within the two study steps. u/p2 in the right hand side previously lacked the factor 1/p2 , where p is the porosity. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. This approach requires more changes to the settings, but will require less memory to solve. It seems that you define u = rho, where rho is a function of x and y. Particular functionality may be common to several products. Please login with a confirmed email address before reporting spam Hi, I'm having a problem in defining an ODE by using Global Equations. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. The simplest way is to specify a spatially varying initial condition, as shown in the screenshot below, in the Electric Currents physics. Through the Model Builder toolbar, you can open the menu for showing more options, and then select the check box next to Equation View and click OK. The problem here is that global equations and variables cannot depend on space coordinates such as x and y. Note that this is why it is helpful to have a nondimensionalized residual equation. R, C and R_c are constants while P is the pressure, Pt is its 1st time derivative. If you think that using global equations will be helpful for your modeling and are interested in learning more about COMSOL Multiphysics, please contact us. The boundaries conditions you are applying here are not *interior* to the modeling domain. The equation that we enter is: Where intop() is an integration operator defined over the inclusion. View the specification chart to find your ideal combination. listed if standards is not an option). Theres a stiff breeze outside, and we know the outside air temperature. |?y/?xp ?y/?yp| We can also write out what this residual equation represents: When computing the Jacobian contribution, we take the symbolic derivative of this with respect to all of the unknowns in the model. You can define rho using a domain variable (in version 4) or a subdomain expression variable (in version 3.5) without any equation. Suggested Products More for me to play with in the coming days . Several equations can be added and the equation can be coupled. Dear Walter, We would like to find out the air temperature inside of the house, and the temperature gradient through the walls. The problem here is that global equations and variables cannot depend on space coordinates such as x and y. By providing your email address, you consent to receive emails from COMSOL AB and its affiliates about the COMSOL Blog, and agree that COMSOL may process your information according to its Privacy Policy. And if youre familiar with heat transfer modeling, you know that there are tabulated heat transfer coefficients, h, for vertical and horizontal walls that relate the inward heat flux, q'', to the wall temperature, T, and the air temperature, T_{air} via the equation: q''=h(T_{air}-T). Optimizing Solar Cell Designs with a Simulation App, Creating Schlieren-Type Visualizations in COMSOL Multiphysics, How to Inspect Your Mesh in COMSOL Multiphysics. Here, we will use an equation that contributes terms to the Jacobian matrix when solved simultaneously with the affected physics. What's wrong? V is the volume of the inner hemisphere and Vt, Vtt are its 1st and 2nd time derivative respectively. Well also assume that the ground underneath is at a constant temperature. That will lead to a matrix form representation of equations. COMSOL ACCESS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT To receive technical support from COMSOL for the COMSOL products, please contact your local COMSOL representative or send your questions to Global equations are a way of adding an additional equation to a model. A more elegant approach is to introduce a variation of our Global Equation for V_applied that solves the equation: This equation simply sets V_applied equal to 1[V], and the software will then solve the system of equations and compute a consistent electric potential field. The purpose of this notebook is to show you how you can create a simple, state-of-the-art time series classification model using the great fastai-v1 library in 4 steps : 1. Modifying the model configuration for the first study step, where the Global Equation for the initial value is solved. This additional degree of freedom will represent something we do not want to model explicitly. listed if standards is not an option). That is, if we take a surface integral of the heat flux between the interior walls and air, and add the heat contribution from the person, this should equal zero: Lets take a look at the Global Equation interface, which gives us a list of variable names to enter well use Tair and the equation to satisfy. Is there any way to use an app for a 2D model ? There is, however, a cost to these additional terms. This model example illustrates applications of this type that would nominally be built using the following products: however, additional products may be required to completely define and model it. Once we solve for this fixed value of V_applied, the solution to this problem can be used as the initial value once we switch back to using our original Global Equation. You can define rho using a domain variable (in version 4) or a subdomain expression variable (in version 3.5) without any equation. Note that this technique can also be using in the time domain, as long as the global equation can be satisfied at each time step. They do require that we simultaneously solve for the global equation and the electric potential equations, and, since they introduce both off-diagonal terms and a zero on the diagonal, they require that the fully coupled approach use a direct linear system solver when solving for the electric potential field and the global equation. Chapter 12: Global Equations and ODEs You can define rho using a domain variable (in version 4) or a subdomain expression variable (in version 3.5) without any equation. (How can I import a table into COMSOL). An interesting question came up the other day that I felt would make an excellent blog post since it allows us to discuss one of the very powerful, and often underutilized, features of COMSOL Multiphysics: the Global Equation. It is suggested to start with the first approach and try the second if the memory requirements are too high. Discussion Closed This discussion was created more than 6 months ago and has been closed. The same as what is done in the video: Send Private Message Flag post as spam. Just like in our previous blog post, this can be achieved via a Global Equation, although this time, we add the Global Equation within the physics that it affects. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. : Hi The main default node is Global Equations, which you use to define the global equations, including the names of the variables (states), the required initial values, and an optional description. f and g are known nonlinear functions. January 14, 2014. Using Ansys Workbench Mechanical to simulate buoyancy loads on a floating body has been illustrated. How can I use TMY3 temperature data instead of ASHRAE ? If the air is hotter than the wall, heat will flow into the wall and vice versa. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. segregated approach we introduced previously, blog post on introducing goal seeking into the segregated solver, fully coupled approach use a direct linear system solver, Multiscale Modeling in High-Frequency Electromagnetics. Chin Neng Leong . When you are solving a problem with global equations, you will want to use a Fully Coupled Stationary Solver with a Direct Linear System Solver. You also use. To start a new discussion with a link back to this one, click here. Best, In this example, a structural mechanics model of a spring is augmented by a global equation which solves for the load to achieve a desired spring displacement. This means that the global equation introduces a zero on the diagonal of the Jacobian, but many nonzero terms in the corresponding row. Good luck Global equations are a way of adding an additional equation to a model. Now, if we wanted to be very accurate, we could build a conjugate heat transfer model of this, and solve for the temperature field and the fluid flow inside of and around the house. Introducing an initial value into the Electric Currents physics that will lead to a nonzero gradient on the electric potential field. In the second step, the opposite settings are applied. As discussed in a previous blog post on introducing goal seeking into the segregated solver, one can augment a multiphysics model with an additional global equation within which we define how to update an input to a model such that a particular output is achieved. The equation is entered in the global equations box as follows, what am I missing? Global Equations. If you want u as a dependent variable, you can solve u = rho as a very simple PDE in the domain. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. Your internet explorer is in compatibility mode and may not be displaying the website correctly. How can I define a TEC app for a heat sink or a hot surface? It seems that you define u = rho, where rho is a function of x and y. To do so, we add a Global Equation feature within the Electric Currents physics. Solving Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: An Example Adding ODEs, DAEs, and Other Global Equations Global ODEs and DAEs Toolbar This approach can be much more robust and general, but does come with a computational cost. Global Constraint: Global Equations: Pointwise Constraint: Weak Constraint: Weak Contribution: Weak Contribution on Mesh Boundaries: Coordinate Systems : Base Vector System: Boundary System: Along with the unknown, we need to know what equation this variable must satisfy. Lets modify our previous example to demonstrate. When setting this up, make sure to turn on the Advanced Physics Options in the Model Builder so that you can add global equations to a physics interface. How to contact COMSOL: Benelux COMSOL BV Rntgenlaan 19 2719 DX Zoetermeer The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0) 79 363 4230 Fax: +31 (0) 79 361 4212 Denmark COMSOL A/S Diplomvej 376 2800 Kgs. I have couple of questions: 1. should also have taught about that one, you have told me that before Magnus ;) Note: This discussion is about an older version of the COMSOLMultiphysics software. Now it works good, but it seems like equation from Global ODEs and DAEs module is solved on . The Global Equation interface, as well as the appropriate solver settings. COMSOL Multiphysics is a general-purpose software platform, based on advanced numerical methods, for modeling and simulating physics-based problems. COMSOL does not always flag when you use and redefine an internal variable, bacause its "allowed" and required if you are tweaking the equations, you are supposed to be the "master" and to know it's just that there are som many things to "know" when you mix up all these physics so nicely There is a fan circulating air, mixing it thoroughly, so we can assume the inside air temperature is constant. Please login with a confirmed email address before reporting spam Hi all, I am using weak-form PDE interface to do multi-variable physics modeling. This technique, along with the ones discussed previously, are great tools for an analyst to have in their toolbelt. That is, within the first study step, we simply specify V_applied, and in the second step, V_applied is solved for such that there is the desired dissipation within the inclusion. Globally Ill say that you should probably propose more COMSOL training courses on the solver settings, for such sets of particular cases, since these are really the strength of COMSOLs multiphysics approach Thanks for the update Walter, indeed I have been using Global equations in COMSOL for now a couple of decencies, but never really got into he details of the solvers, and as I read you, there are several subtle options to improve convergence, and probably precision. It may be less obvious that you can also solve algebraic and even . r\left( V,T,V_{applied}\right) = \left (\frac{1}{3W}\int\sigma(T)\nabla V \cdot \nabla V d\Omega-1 \right), \frac{\partial r}{\partial V_{applied}} = 0. The equations is actually a transformation from (rp,thetap) to (r,theta). To provide this flexibility, COMSOL Multiphysics uses a built-in interpreter that interprets equations, expressions, and other mathematical descriptions before producing a model. To remedy this problem, the theory is extended with the effects of induced polarization. Why is that? are parameters defined in 'global expressions'. construct the domain first and give you physical parameters then choose the numerical scheme for your model. This is shown in the screenshot below. After we solve this model, well be able to visualize the temperature distribution on all of the interior walls, and evaluate the air temperature via Results > Derived Values > Global Evaluation. Note that we are entering a residual equation that must equal zero at the solution point. The average person at rest dissipates about 75 W of heat. 2 Replies, Please login with a confirmed email address before reporting spam. Hello Carl, An automatic notification and a case number are sent to you by email. The equation that we enter is: intop (ec.Qrh)/3 [W] - 1 Where intop () is an integration operator defined over the inclusion. Please share some documentation, how we can use equation directly. However, solving for the fluid flow is going to be computationally demanding, as compared to just solving a heat transfer problem. In the 'global equations' interface, I set 'name' as v, 'equation' as f and 'initial' as v0. Let us consider a small house with a person inside, as shown below. listed if standards is not an option). In this example, a structural mechanics model of a spring is augmented by a global equation which solves for the load to . Possible uses include: Controllers Rigid-body mechanics Nonlinear eigenvalue problems Continuation Integral constraints Best regards, . The approach shown here is one of several approaches that can be used to address goal-seeking problems within the GUI without having to resort to any programming. We have simplified the problem by assuming that the air has a uniform temperature, and thus simplified the modeling, via the usage of the Global Equation. Although this approach is very computationally efficient, due to the use of the segregated solver, it relies on an ad hoc update equation that needs to be constructed with some knowledge of the underlying physics of the problem. So using this equation, we dont need to solve for fluid flow at all, but we do need to know the air temperature inside the house. Although I still have a question on .., you will want to use a Fully Coupled Stationary Solver with a Direct Linear System Solver. Since we have four equations for four variables, you can choose Number of dependent variables 4. Global equation or constraint . With COMSOL Multiphysics, you will be able to account for coupled or multiphysics phenomena. Note that we are entering a residual equation that must equal zero at the solution point. If I add a Gloal Equation as separate physic, can I use a segregated stationary solver / iterative linear solver? In addition, the derivatives shown above have to be nonzero at the initial conditions, otherwise the entire row of the Jacobian would be zero. Today, we will introduce a goal-seeking equation into a model in the COMSOL Multiphysics software that is used in combination with a fully coupled approach to solving a nonlinear problem. Basically, you cannot solve one equation without the other. Magnus Ringh, COMSOL, Hi a) a naming conflict, or b) from the definitions provided in the Global Equation, as you need to give valid derivatives too to have the system to extract the Jacobian correctly (if I'm not fully wrong), and the corrrect Jacobian is needed to get a valid results, (one step at the time we get our way to the final solution.) With more than 30 add-on products to choose from, you can further expand the simulation 4. The electric and thermal conductivities of the material are nonlinear with temperature. This turns out to be a bit nontrivial in this case, in that there must be a nonzero gradient in the electric potential at the specified initial values. ?theta/?rp ?theta/?thetap Many of our users are well aware of the fact that COMSOL Multiphysics can be used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) as well as ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and initial value problems. -- Send Private Message Flag post as spam. This robust and rapid convergence is a consequence of the additional terms within the Jacobian matrix and highlights another one the strengths of COMSOL Multiphysics for solving highly nonlinear coupled multiphysics problems. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version If you try to solve it by hand, the issue will become immediately apparent. Accessing the Equations and Variables Equation View You can access the equations and variables used internally by COMSOL Multiphysics by enabling the Equation View nodes to display in the model tree. In this example, a structural mechanics model of a spring is augmented by a global equation which solves for the load to achieve a desired spring displacement. By providing your email address, you consent to receive emails from COMSOL AB and its affiliates about the COMSOL Blog, and agree that COMSOL may process your information according to its Privacy Policy. . This affects the kind of linear system solver that we will have to use within the nonlinear iterations. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version Global Equations: u: a11 . When solving it, an error message says: failed to evaluate u. To start Comsol Multiphysics 5.0 open the Terminal and enter comsol -ckl Model Wizard. . We will see later that there are some advantages to the nondimensionalization of this equation. Posted Sep 12, 2021, 6:21 a.m. GMT+1 There are two choices: The global equation and the electric potential must be solved simultaneously and using a direct solver. I had a simulation with AC/DC which simulates Three-phase electric power and it wokrd. For general product information, contact COMSOL at Since this is a steady state problem, it doesn't matter what initial conditions we give for this variable. Tingyu Su . We know the outside temperature, ground temperature, and all heat transfer coefficients, so this problem is almost solvable. Good luck Indeed, I should solve the nonlinear equations like 3. You can fix this by pressing 'F12' on your keyboard, Selecting 'Document Mode' and choosing 'standards' (or the latest version How to Convert Point Cloud Data to Surfaces and Solids, How to Customize Your Model Builder Workflow Using Add-Ins, Hi Walter, Adding a Global equation to a PDE in COMSOL Multiphysics, Accumulation of Heat example. Note that for 3D models, the memory requirements of the direct solvers go up very quickly with problem size, which is the primary limitation. This requires the least changes to the solver settings, but solving a large system of equations with a direct solver is going to require a lot of memory. (Recall in our previous approach we had to construct our own update equation based upon some knowledge of the physics.). Ivar, Hi, Magnus Solving Algebraic Field Equations. To start a new discussion with a link back to this one, click here. I cant find a reason for it. There's a comsol model with 1 module with unknown u and there's another unknown v satisfying an equation f (u,v,a,b,c,d,. At the same time, I apply pressure at the inner surface whose value is determined from an ODE (P+R*C*Pt+ (R+R_c)*Vt+R*R_c*C*Vtt=0). In order to find initial value for one variable I need to solve simple algebraic equation before starting simulation, therefore I added Global ODEs and DAEs module to the model. Setting Up a Global Model of a Non-Maxwellian Discharge The equations in a global model are greatly simplified because the spatial information of the different quantities in the plasma reactor is . Posted 21 sept. 2014, 05:14 UTC+2 Version 4.4 0 Replies . The temperature solution can still be solved in a segregated fashion using an iterative solver. listed if standards is not an option). We still need to introduce a Global Equation for the applied potential, V_applied, but now we need an equation that is satisfied and solved for at the same time as the equations for the electric potential. Interior wall Overrided by Thermal Insulation is not applicable In Comsol 4.4 ,How did you implement Boundary Selection of Heat Flux ? 1. The problem here is that global equations and variables cannot depend on space coordinates such as x and y. In general, there are 3 main ways to classify time series, based on the input to the neural network: raw data. The information provided may be out of date. Hello Chin Neng Leong . The first time derivative of u is written ut, and the second time derivative of u is utt. |?x/?xp ?x/?yp| Build learner 4. where xp=rp*cos(thetap) and yp=rp*sin(thetap), respectively. (If you want to build a model of all the airflow in your room, please see this example of Displacement Ventilation in a Room to get started.). Dear Walter: A global equation can be used to describe a load, constraint, material property, or anything else in the model that has a uniquely definable solution. Version 3.5a, Version 4.3b But we do not know the air temperature inside the room, T_{air}. Dear YongweiL, There is no interior wall with a thermal insulation to override here. In the New window, click Model Wizard. Introducing an additional Global Equation to find an initial value. listed if standards is not an option). By examination, we can we see that: whereas the other two derivatives with respect to the electric potential, \partial r / \partial V, and the temperature fields, \partial r / \partial T, will be nonzero. where r=sqrt(x^2+y^2) and theta=angle(x+i*y) are the polar coordinates in certain domain, respectively. Lets first look at how to implement this method, and then address the relative merits. The COMSOL Sales and Support teams are available for answering any questions you may have regarding this. Since this is a steady state problem, it doesnt matter what initial conditions we give for this variable. In case of using several TEC module for cooling a surface, the modules are electrically in series ? This consent may be withdrawn. theta=g(rp,thetap) Rearranging, this is equivalent to: This can be read as: Compute the value of V_applied such that the losses in the inclusion equal 3 watts. And may not be displaying the website correctly classify time series, based on the input to the other of!, T_ { air } have a nondimensionalized residual equation that must zero Comsol -ckl model Wizard V_applied automatically you try to solve a 2D model demanding as! General, but many nonzero terms in the electric Currents physics. ), we! Solves for the fluid flow is going to be computationally demanding, compared. And it wokrd in solids, choose Stationary and the electric Currents physics ) A Global equation to find an initial value into the electric potential field source at one and. 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