music globalization examples

There are several paths moving forward in this line of research. Let's have a deeper look at 5 interesting examples of globalization. ), Applied Ethnomusicology. The research was conducted as part of a semester undergraduate project facilitated by the Africa Field Study Semester (AFSS) at McGill. 2012. With the assumption that music exists as a ubiquitous practice, our investigation extends to all individuals. Globalization is the process of scaling a company's operations to achieve international influence. What styles do you listen to? To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Probably, it will be, first of all, music. Finally, I discuss several important mo- ments of anti-essentialist critique and propose a series of listening strategies whose main objective is to make the encounter with other peoples music more complex by going beyond the simple act of listening. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Jay Chou in a Panasonic ad She is currently researching the globalization of the Brazilian contemporary art market. Some famous companies are excellent examples of globalization. Trends and statistical tendencies will be evaluated in hopes of drawing conclusions about global flows through musical markers. Finally, to ensure that people we interact with are aware of our role as students, we are planning on presenting ourselves as students to the interviewees and briefly explain our project before starting the questionnaire. For example in America around World War Two big band music was used to express patriotism. At Rubric, we are proud to have been working with AccuWeather for many years, helping them to localize their service into many different languages. * Has mastered an ancient form of power stance The Crab Music can be distracting. The 3045 yrs old report the highest rates of listening for international music. As a case study, I will refer to my research on black Pentecostal gospel drumming and on the mainstream drumming industry in order to frame this discussion. * He is best air guitar player at Guitar Excellence Rather, translocal connections with other underground scenes existing elsewhere are emphasized in a local scene that remains tied to the activities of a largely middle-class, part-time, male population of artists who share particular social and economic resources. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. Fourth, the last ethical dimension that we have identified about our study is that some respondent could interpret our questions on access to electricity or the internet as an evaluation of how underdeveloped they are. The sad side is we are slowly killing off traditional music. McDonalds - McArabia Chicken & McAloo Tikki India McDonalds is a fast food giant that serves 68 million customers in 119 countries. Concepts related to cultural globalization include cultural adaptation, cultural diffusion, and hierarchical diffusion. As a result of globalization, we can see that technologies spread more quickly as a result of political globalization (the increased interconnectedness of nations) and economic globalization (the rise of a global economy facilitated by the liberalization of trade). [Ph.D. dissertation], University of Oslo. The process does not prioritize cultural diversity and departs from a clear and simple premise: we are all consumers.The results of this phenomenon are contentious and suggest that governments and institutions around the world should re-evaluate transnational trade procedures . It also critically analyzes the discrepancies between national expectations to minority artists, and the cosmopolitan strategies that their practices contain. Palina Supeyeva G324 Evaluation Question 4 Music And Globalization : The Relationship Between Music And Globalization. Here's how you can start thinking about your business through these 5 axes to achieve your desired growth: Do you need help conducting this assessment for your business? Finally, since traditional music is performed in a live setting, it is not as widely recorded as the other types of music which were evaluated. Considering listening types: active, passive, performed, sung, individual, communal, etc. This can, of course, explain the prevalence of international music listening. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Glocalization Meaning. I ntroduction. Music is an expressive language of culture. Researcher in comparative musicology; MA Ethnomusicology at SOAS, London. Time and access were among our biggest concerns. I argue that post-racial positions can detrimentally affect collective understandings of difference, diminish awareness of the persistence of racism and of the difficult history of race relations in North America, and pose a number of theoretical issues for the study of popular music and culture. Because of this, it cannot be concluded that international music is responsible for converting younger generations away from traditional music. This difference is even more pronounced for continental and international music across the two genders. Elise Andaya. In a noble effort to dim the spotlight, he made several concerted efforts to give his contemporaries the shine they deserved. For example, McDonald, and Starbucks sell their products worldwide. "Telling (Hi)Stories Through Music: The Power of Performance in the Saharawi Refugee Camps". that cultural diversity is reduced. Globalism is both an effective cultural bridge and a catalyst for rapid cultural change. Resenha: White, Bob W. It implicates religion and religions in several ways. Each discussion consisted of questions regarding simple demographic identifiants of each individual. !e second part of my analysis focuses on the relationship between world music and the ex- pression of a cosmopolitan lifestyle that seeks to increase the social status of the Self by consuming the music of the Other. This thesis explores the efforts by a group within the hardcore punk scene in Bandung, Indonesia, to establish an autonomous community based on participatory 'Do It Yourself' cultural production. Exploring features of a location and its people has the potential to provide insight into aspects which affect a locations rate, type, and source of cultural change. The concept merges two different terms, as in "globalization" and "localization," representing the amalgamation of something local . -Music and cultural boundary crossings. We suggest that globalization of music- especially through modern technology in urban areas and commuter culture- displaces traditional music in favor of more globalized, recorded music. Third, we have a question about religion in our questionnaire that could be a source of stigma for the person we will be interviewing. In S. Pettan (Ed. Data? Like other forms of cultural production in the context of globalization, music is not merely a manifestation of global processes and dynamics, but one of the terrains on which globalization is produced. For example, most Africans have cell phones, we can therefore find out if they have access to the internet by asking them if they have data on their phone and also find out if they have access to electricity by asking them how they charge their phone. Glocalization is a combination of the words "globalization" and "localization", used to describe a product or service that is developed and distributed globally, but is also adjusted to . It is quite rare to hear traditional music on the radio. It often tells a story expresses emotion or shares ideas with a society. The research is intended as educational practice, whose purpose was made clear to participants. The need for weather forecasting is consistent across the countries of the world. The idea of music as a soundtrack, however, does not go far enough in terms of explaining how cultural products actually function in a global era. Jay Chou has also represented the international drink 'Pepsi' and has appeared in a few commercials. 2 Cases Where Rubric Transformed Clients Delivery Time, 19 Important Translation Terms You Need to Understand, 9 Eye-Opening Questions on Translation People Often Ask, differing legal requirements and user needs. 1. Globalization is the process in which people, ideas and goods spread throughout the world, spurring more interaction and integration between the world's cultures, governments and economies . Part of AccuWeather's global strategy involves partnerships with local and national organizations. With a combination of inventive marketing and a solid, reliable globalization strategy, they have remained at the top of their global marketplaces for decades. This is a big compliment in mobile-mad Asia. Other concerns included translation artefacts (most interviews are conducted through a translator), unwillingness to yield sensitive information, and lack of access to music. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, in association with the European Seminar in Ethnomusicology. Abstract: Results from a three-month field study on listening habits across various demographics in East Africa. The minimum of the graph is shown in the least amount of listening to continental music by females. It is argued that urbanization has a homogenizing effect; i.e. Grow your sales and global presence with reliable localization. The more people were urbanized the less likely they would listen to traditional music. Such research could provide more precise reflections on the effects of media imperialism, globalization, the recording industry, and promote efforts for cultural conservation. (See travel path in Appendix I.). A View from Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity, Editors' Introduction to Inaugural Issue JOURNAL OF WORLD POPULAR MUSIC, Undoing Authenticity as a Discursive Construct: A Critical Pedagogy of Ethnomusicology and "World Music", The Politics of Silence: Music, Violence & Protest in Guinea. Females and males exhibit similar listening frequencies for traditional music, with both averages being slightly above sometimes. In this paper, I examine the implications of post-racial ideology as a form of anti-racism in the 21st century. The importance of this song is found not only in the fact that it is an original Italian song, but that it is recorded incorporating both English and Italian into the song at the same time. The findings lead to questions about the extent to which the scene reproduces alternative rock discourses about authenticity and implicit critiques of capitalism, and also whether its transnationalism contributes to the hybridization of global cultural forms. Discussion: According to this graph, the general trend is that people with no internet access seem to listen more to traditional music and less to international music, whilst people with internet access seem to exhibit the inverse trend: internet-users listen more to international music and less to traditional music. Negative Globalization All the successful bands and artists tend to be from the popular culture, and the mass majorities of people listen too are exposed to whatever is trending. Globalization is the process of cross-border exchange and free flow of resources between different countries of the world. For example, contemporary Afro-pop sometimes combines the 'electric guitars of Western rock and roll with melodies and rhythms of traditional African music', whilst Western rock drummers have long adopted 'a tradition from Africa whereby the sounds of different drums are combined' (Croteau and Hoynes 2000, p. 333). The Silk Road, an ancient network of trade routes across China, Central Asia, and the Mediterranean used between 50 B.C.E. What are the factors that impact the type of music that people listen to in East Africa? Musicians exhibit a more balanced listening distribution, also listening to more music on average. Access to New Cultures. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. traditional music. A prime example of this is court ordered liquidation of Richard Branson's 26 Virgin Megastores closings in France due to the rise of online music retailing such as Apple's Itunes music store, which led to Virgin France's bankruptcy in 2013 (BBC). Each of these opens the discussion to more theoretical foundations of music in culture. and London: University of California Press, 2000, PhD dissertation, University of British Columbia, Ethical Scholarly Publishing Practices, Copyright and Open Access: A view from Ethnomusicology and Anthropology, Beyond Borders: Welt - Musik - Pdagogik: Musikpdagogik und Ethnomusikologie im Diskurs, The Promise of World Music: Strategies for Non-Essentialist Listening, World music: deterritorializing place and identity, Rebetiko Cosmopolitanisms: Questions for an Ethnography of Musical Imagination. It involves the worldwide integration of technology, ideas, knowledge, capital, human resource and culture. Instead of having a completely consistent product, as Coca-Cola has done. Producers, singers, songwriters and other artists from around the globe are . Most of the interviews were conducted in rural areas, unfavorably skewing results away from urbanites. Read Globalization of Popular Music Essay Example and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. Rural dwellers, on the other hand, exhibit a more even listening distribution. Coca-Cola Possibly the most famous global brand in the world. Durham: Duke University Press, 2019. "The World Bank defines globalization as the growing integration of economies and societies around the world" (, 2006) For me the impact of globalization when it comes to food fashion, film music and dance is when like minded groups come together from all different political dynamics that create virtual communities across the world. Domino's prioritizes localized menu innovation. the world's most accurate weather forecasts. The company describes its globalization strategy as being based around. Live outside a major metro area but still want live guitar lessons? So when listening to a song by a famous foreign band in a language other than ours, an . For example, free trade agreements can make it easier to move technological . Mainstream or marginal? Discussion: Our data suggests an increase of listening in international music among non-musicians. Free trade, travel, and communication across countries are all examples of globalization. -Theories of cultural globalization, diaspora, and cultural hybridity. The positive attributes are clear. 1-58. With the fact that 'Up to 90% of the global music market is accounted for by just five corporations: EMI Records, Sony, Vivendi Universal, AOL Time Warner and BMG' BBCWorldService (2009), locality has been 'homogenized' and the West itself has arguably experienced a rise in generalism through the use of diversity. Music and Globalization Critical Encounters Edited by Bob W. White Contributions by Steven Feld, Barbara Browning, Daniel Noveck, Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, Timothy D. Taylor, Rafael Jose de Menezes Bastos, Denis-Constant Martin, Richard M Shain and Philip R Hayward Published by: Indiana University Press 248 Pages Paperback 9780253223654 The interviews were conducted mostly in rural areas because of the constraints put by the AFSS itinerary and thus, this might give representative results especially when we want to analyze the effect of urbanization on the listening distribution. Intersections between ethnomusicology, music education, and community music. In general, globalization has been shown to increase the standard of living . Examples of Globalization. The oldest group (60+ yrs old) features the highest listening of traditional music, while still significantly listening to international music. Traditional music, however, features an even listening distribution across various environments, where no type of listener appears to devote more time than another. Introduction: Touristic and Migrating Musics in Transit, Balinese Hybridities: Balinese Music as Global Phenomena, Musicking, participating, and identifying selves through musical communities of practice: a cosmopolitan band in Greece. For musicians, continental music was listened to the lowest and national music was the highest, followed by traditional music and international music. Cultural Production, Distribution, and Consumption in a Globalized Scenario, The Ashgate Research Companion to Popular Musicology, The Aesthetics of the Global Imagination: Reflections on World Music in the 1990s, Yo Quiero Mi MTV! Globalism, a contested term, refers to the processes by which geographically disparate areas become interconnected. Search Pages. The autonomous community of DIY hardcore is an attempt to realise a positive alternative to capitalist alienation, though it remains contained within a restricted sphere of cultural activity and may still generate some value for capital. In this article, I look at both positive as well as negative effects of globalization on the lives of musicians, as well as in the use of folk arts. The influence that music has throughout the world is immeasurable. The internet blurs the lines between borders, and this is how we have heavy metal in Africa. Here are 5 examples of famous companies that have excelled at globalization. As the results from the graph on urbanization effects are suggesting it, rural dwellers listen more to traditional music than urban dwellers. We also believe that it is important to consider the degree to which local communities participate in local changes, and what methods are most effective in the perpetuation and conservation of local practices. Consequently, this dissertation also critically discusses how postcolonial discourse may be limited and limiting, and argues for a more phenomenological approach to critical issues in performance and production in order to better grasp participants agencies. 1: "The Music-Culture as a World of Music," 1-15. Music reflects the cultural characteristics of a society. One of the main causes for the affects that music has had globally is the open-mindedness of the people that have accepted it. One of the main causes for the affects that music has had globally is the open-mindedness of the people that have accepted it. Changes in local culture are often measured in terms of the flow of capital, population, migration, and real estate development. We, the students, fully acknowledge our shortcomings despite our best efforts to conduct serious, ethical research. In the first part of the chapter I analyze essentialist strategies in the promotion and consumption of this emerging genre of music. The diffusion of certain cuisines such as American fast food chains is a visible aspect of cultural globalization: the two most successful global food and beverage outlets, McDonald's and Starbucks, are American companies often cited as examples of globalization, with over 32,000 and 18,000 locations operating worldwide, respectively, as of 2008. Struggling to learn guitar on your own and want a weekly lesson at home? There is a version that the first examples of globalization could be found even in the 60-70s of the 20th century. Figure 1 presents the average listening distribution for the 31 participants. Imagine that you have announced a new product on the stock market. It's interesting to note how the brand is firmly presented as, The company's global brand and messaging are consistent across markets (, Another highly successful example of a globalized company is SAP. This analysis shows that globalization of popular music results in the transformation of such music to become identical to local communities across various contexts. It is only natural that musical practices be considered as well. 638-688). Additionally, non-musicians seem to have lower listening tendencies for traditional music than musicians do. Sharing music with people from all over the planet allowing us to have access to the latest music videos and the latest hot tracks. for at least one source related to the example that you describe above. What has Coca-Cola done to generate such a wide global interest? First, we have to frame our question in a way that will not introduce ethnographic biasing from our western culture. Example 4 - Automotive Industry Globalization. Results: In order to determine whether gender is an influential factor in listening distribution, we compared the listening distributions of the types of music people listen to (traditional, continental, national and international) between self-identified females and males. 2.The argument that you plan to make: how your topic had affected the history of music. Females, on the other hand, exhibit a more even listening distribution. Not all questions were fully answered by each interviewee. various approaches to globalization strategy. Moreover, our survey group was skewed in age, as 19 out of the 31 people we interviewed were below 30 years old, and 25 out of 31 were below 45 years old. . All of our relationships will be drawn between the main variable (listening distribution) and the situational variables (aspects of people and their location). At Rubric, we are proud to have contributed to SAP's localization over many years. I know that." These are only two examples of Elvis giving credit to those before him., Data Advantage Matrix: A New Way to Think About Data Strategy, Buy Til You Die: Predict Customer Lifetime Value in Python, Access to internet, radio, cell phone data, and TV, Music channels frequented (radio stations, TV music channels, streaming applications), Consideration of listening media, and diversifying results across media, Clarifying the distinction between playing/listening. Listening distribution (time spent listening to each of the four predefined musical categories). Through a grounded theory methodology it explores how performers who were born in different African countries encounter and handle similar discourses of Africa, otherness and origin when constructing their popular music practices in a Norwegian context. It is also important to note that many of the people interviewed were members of staff or translators at the sites that the AFSS program has visited whose exposure to visitors and tourists would increase international exposure. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. First, a critical world music literature founded upon postcolonial theory raises issues of essentialism, exoticism and power in musical production and representation. During the last two decades Sweden has become . Balance of Payment no longer supports Internet Explorer. In the stories told by the contributors, we meet well-known . Talking about cultural industries under a historical perspective it is very hard not to deal with the fundamental challenges provided by the pioneering work of Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, who have offered one of the most discussed accounts of popular culture of the 20th century. Moreover, as males often work more than females (in our sample size), they tend to move more and also have more income; higher financial mobility affords increased interaction and exposure to foreign music, more music in general, and/or with financial freedom to choose the type of music. In economics, globalization can be defined as the process in which businesses, organizations, and countries begin operating on an international scale. Nobody can sing that kind of music like coloured people. Get it wrong and you'll have an uphill struggle with little payback. They have created a global market. Radio? Like, the Greek culture is being spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe which can be seen in the cities having the name of Alexander in Africa, Turkey, and Egypt. Do you have access to the internet? The analysis shifts between these large and small narratives between the postcolonial constellation and individual artists seeking to build performance practices in a local context and utilizes these perspectives in building a grounded theory of these diasporic musical practices. Globalization of Korean Popular Culture in Asia 1. (pp. Males more commonly migrate/commute to urban areas for work than women, who traditionally stay near their homes and children. Despite the complex and dynamic nature of the processes of globalization, much of what is said about it has become rather predictable; for example, global- ization is the expansion of commercial networks, the blurring of cultural and na- tional boundaries, and the compression of space and time. Memory, Power & Knowledge in African Music & Beyond, Zanzibar, Introduction to the book "College Music Curricula for a New Century" (Oxford Press, 2017), Soundscapes: Toward a Sounded Anthropology, REVIEW OF Conceiving Cuba: Reproduction, Women, and the State in the Post-Soviet Era. We offer all the lessons in your own home from a qualified guitar hero in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Cape Town. We can help you develop a reliable content infrastructure for your global business. Id like to try starting a discussion on the effect this has on music worldwide. Through globalization, social, cultural, and economic exchange becomes more profound and . In the minds of most Americans, music from Sweden is synonymous with the 1970s mega band ABBA. Results: People from the rural areas listen significantly more to traditional music, whereas urban dwellers listen much more to international music. To do this, averages will be drawn from multiple data points within each of the four defined musical categories and charted. View Essay - Music and Globalization from ARTS 40500 at Kenya Science Teachers College - Jamhuri, Nairobi. The respective sizes are as follows: 18 in the first group, 6 in the second, 3 in the third group, and 3 in the final, 60+ group. This is partly thanks to its approach to globalization. . Read how we helped localize SAP's SuccessFactors solution in our case study. The exploration of foreign musical styles and the fantasy worlds of metal allow participants to occupy another place. From Remapping Sound Studies, Steingo, Gavin and Jim Sykes, eds. Jay Chou for example represents the multi-national Japanese company, Panasonic phones. Music is a marker of globalization and is therefore an effective tool for localizing global flows. We all know it still exists and it is being kept alive by a small percentage of people, but sooner or later it will be history. 21. to. What is globalization? The range across the four types of music is relatively small, all categories falling betweensometimes and often. When we start working with new clients on their. We propose that music practices, expressions of individual and communal identities, can serve as a marker for cultural changes. , v.1, p.1 - 5, 2013. Do you listen to music on the internet? Example 7 - Banking Industry Globalization. To address this, we are planning on conducting our interviews in places that are removed enough so that nobody can hear the responses of the respondent, so that no source of stigmatization can be generated because someone participated in our study. However, it has accelerated in recent centuries due to technologies such as the telegraph, steamship, radio, motion picture, telephone, airplane, television, jet aircraft and computer network. Coca-Cola has a well-documented and well-researched global strategy. Unfortunately, however, the cosmopolitanism in the consumption of world music is often one step away from essentialism, as Western consumers identify with a musical culture that is either poorly defined or not defined at all. For those who consume or promote this type of cultural commodity, world music represents a promise that comes from the desire to heal the wounds of a colonial past and, increasingly, a neoliberal present. With reliable localization essays in Kibin & # x27 ; s face it: I can & # x27 ve!: // '' > < /a > is your CMS optimized for localization the Try starting a discussion on the effect this has on music worldwide translator! ; s library were written by real students for real classes, interviews were conducted 3 Before in the country the person does music globalization examples live in a noble effort to understand Offset for differences in the entire history have announced a new product the! 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