contingency argument debunked

This again raises the question of contingency because that which is deemed necessary or impossible depends almost entirely ontimeandperspective. With three premises, youd need to have roughly an 80 percent confidence in each premise to assert that the conclusion is probable. Premise 2: If The Universe Has An Explanation Of Its Existence, That Explanation Is God. To say that an entity is contingent can be interpreted to mean (1) the entity is physically possible but not necessary, or (2) the entity is causally dependent on something outside itself. Congress convenes to discuss problems, different solutions to those problems, and the consequences of each solution. What are some solutions? Today I bought a boa.. 1. ) There is a contingent fact that includes all other contingent facts. After all, thats what phenomenon transcendent to nature is. they are transient. You would naturally wonder how the ball came to be there. Craigs approach, if adopted by a door-to-door salesman, would be classified by the legal profession as a bait and switch scam. November 16, 2017 at 10:36 am (November 16, 2017 at 10:33 am) Neo-Scholastic Wrote: That is the only conclusion maximally congruent with our experience. What lies prior to that remains a mystery. Necessarily so according to classical mechanics, or only contingently according to quantum mechanics. They justarethe basic units of matter. Contingent propositions depend on thefacts, whereasanalytic propositionsare true without regard to any facts about which they speak. Consider how our sun is fine-tuned to give a considerable percentage of us cancer. If they'd been born in India they would have been Hindu instead. 3: Any argument with all true premises but a false conclusion is invalid. Since I found this abundance of material causes, there must be an immaterial cause!, Craig, after relying solely on material causes to establish premise 1, suddenly switches to immaterial causes in premise 2, without alerting his audience that hes made this switch. This is one of the several variants of the PSR which differ in strength, scope, and modal implications. All Rights Reserved. Christian's only believe in Christianity because they were born in a Christian culture. This means that the universe cannot be eternal in the past, but must have an absolute beginning. Deriving the conclusion requires a conjunction of premises, as opposed to a direct reading of one premise. Objects are mental constructs: the material of an object is more fundamental. Kreeft applies this analogy to existence. Premise 1s being about efficient causes raises problems for Craigs argument. A version related to the principle of sufficient reason and the kalam argument jumps straight in with the claim that the universe is contingent: [3][4], One difference with the Kalam argument is it does not rely on the universe having a beginning but rather on the claim that the (possibly infinitely old) universe is contingent.[4]. There can be found no fact that is true or existent, or any true proposition, he wrote, without there being a sufficient reason for its being so and not otherwise, although we cannot know these reasons in most cases. He formulated the cosmological argument succinctly: Why is there something rather than nothing? Why? The careful reader will see right away that this causal principle is weaker than other versions. Leibnizs argument from contingency is one of the most popular cosmological arguments in philosophy of religion. In conclusion, the idea that every thing that exists has an explanation for its existence is completely unfounded. We can therefore suppose the materials have always existed, perhaps in different forms or in unknown forms. God or a being remarkably similar to God must be the explanation of the universes existence provided the assumption that the universe requires an external cause. He uses "possibility" in an archaic sense:[2]. But what if I snickered and told you that I meant snake in the first sentence and stole in the second? Therefore, there is an explanation of this fact. If this is so there must be first cause and the Cosmological argument provides one. We all know that God is taken by most people in Craigs audience to be a conscious being, whereas immaterial cause, to the extent that it has meaning, doesnt imply any such thing. A cosmological argument, in natural theology, is an argument which claims that the existence of God can be inferred from facts concerning causation, explanation, change, motion, contingency, dependency, or finitude with respect to the universe or some totality of objects. The argument of contingency has been described in various ways in the books of scholastic theology, In this regard, see Fakhr al-Dn al-Rz, Al-Malib al-'liyah, vol. Now, we dont have to call this cause God if that makes the atheist feel uncomfortable. It is doubtful if such answers are even possible; a final explanation of existence seems to be a logical impossibility, as there is nothing outside existence that can explain it. Even if the said quarks were arranged in such a way as to resemble our universe identically, it still wouldnt be the same universe because the quarks comrprising it would be different quarks. Whatever is moved is moved by something else. 4: Therefore, The Universe Has An Explanation Of Its Existence. From (1) These objects may exist or may not exist, i.e. But that does not seem to be a satisfactory answer to why the universe exists in this cyclical form to begin with - could it not have been otherwise? You start to hear a noise that gets slightly louder as time passes. There is a third way - no cause, which is true contingency. Posts: 7568 Threads: 20 Joined: July 26, 2013 Reputation: 54 #161. Aquinas argues that objects are "destroyed", but this is hardly relevant when the materials persist. Sometimes its called petitio principii or circular reasoning. If it did, then it would not be the same house. We might say, for instance, that the efficient cause of a painting is the painter. 1: Whether an argument is valid or invalid is determined entirely by its form. There are a lot of good arguments against atheism (like the argument from contingency).There are also some good ones which unfortunately have been used incorrectly so many times that they have been misidentified as bad ones (like Pascal's Wager).Even more unfortunately, there are also some genuinely bad ones (like the argument from the banana), and some of these are quite popular. But this is not true in general because existence and non-existence is not random. they are contingent. An informal fallacy, in contrast, cant be detected by examining the structure of the argument. Aquinas observed that, in nature, there were things with contingent existences. 1, pp. Once we understand that premise 1 refers to efficient causes, its obvious that premise 1 presupposes immaterial causation. These are. One might say, for instance, that a childs guardian angel was the efficient cause of the childs stepping onto the sidewalk just in time to avoid a speeding car. Craig is speaking of the Kalm argument, not contingency argument, but the objections and defenses largely overlap. [3] What does it mean, however, to say something is contingent? Given the truth of the 3 premises, the conclusion follows: God is the explanation for why the universe exists. The argument from contingency, in contrast, is consistent with the universe having existed from eternity. Aristotle explained in Rhetoric, The duty of rhetoric is to deal with such matters as we deliberate upon without arts or systems to guide us Aristotle stresses the contingent because no one deliberates on the necessary or impossible. Everything that begins to exist has a cause. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Natural processes are not ruled out. In this mindframe, all things that exist do so since it was in the nature of their antecedents to spawn them (or change into them, or so on). Arabic philosophers ( falasifa ), such as Ibn Sina (c. 980-1037), developed the argument from contingency, which was taken up by Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) in his Summa Theologica (I,q.2,a.3) and in his Summa Contra Gentiles (I, 13). You may recognize this claim (that everything must have a cause) as an implicit appeal to the principle of sufficient reason, debunked in Chapter 1 of Religion Refuted. Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Humans Full Satisfaction Will In The Hereafter, Devotion And Loyalty To God In The Old Testament. Kreefts scenario makes sense when speaking of books, but it falls apart when he implies that existence is borrowed from past existences, as though existence were a commodity. Moreover, we have powerful scientific evidence that not only could the universe have failed to exist, but there was a time when it actually did not in fact exist. To commit oneself to this conjecture would be a mistake. Along with contingent propositions, there are at least three other classes of propositions, some of which overlap: Attempts in the past by philosophers and rhetoricians to allocate to rhetoric its own realm have ended with attempting to contain rhetoric within the domain of contingent and relative matters. A contingent proposition is neither necessarily truenor necessarily false. Rhetorician Robert L. Scott answers this problem by asserting that while rhetoric is indeed contingent and relative, it is alsoepistemic. Many consider the argument for God from contingency to be one of the strongest. This proposal just simply doesnt work. When faced with decisions, people will choose one option at the exclusion of the others. Whatever caused the universe to come into being must be a spaceless, immaterial, uncaused, powerful, personal Creator. Because of these consequences, decision makers must deliberate and choose. Philosophers realize that abstract objects if they exist, they exist as non-physical entities. It argues that some objects have the property that they must exist, because if everything is contingent (it might exist or it might not) and transient, there would have been a state in which nothing existed at all, which is supposedly absurd. Lets get real. Alexander Prussformulates the argument as follows: Premise 1 is a form of theprinciple of sufficient reason stating that all contingently true propositions are explained. [10] Begging the Question, Australian Journal of Philosophy, volume 77, no. William Lane Craig uses a different tactic by making it a premise (which is unsupported or based on circular reasoning): This argument assumes that the cause of the universe is still in existence. The argument is an posteriori argument, and the conclusion is not claimed to follow with certainty. The argument is called The Contingency Argument For Gods Existence. Let me emphasize that these explanations, these physical causes, are invariably found within the natural realm. Thus, the universe is but a part of a multiverse. Necessary objects are cause by another necessary object, or not. For those among us who would hope that Gods defenders would not deliberately employ intellectual sleight-of-hand, this is a sad spectacle. If your friend said to you Dont worry about it. It seems like they could have failed to exist. Moral realism) are known as Evolutionary Debunking Arguments (EDA's).2 There are many versions of moral realism.3 However, 2 For a complete bibliography and an updated account about the . We often think of things as contingent in the sense that they could have been different. Either way, youd never take seriously the notion that the ball just existed there with no explanation for why it existed or how it came to be there. Home God Does Truth Matter? Everything that exists has an explanation of its existence(either in the necessity of its own nature or in an external cause). Some standard objections to that argument are also briefly discussed. Ghazali formulates his argument very simply: "Every being which begins has a cause for its beginning; now the world is a being which begins; therefore, it possesses a cause for its beginning.". In 1252, Pope Innocent IV authorized them to torture dissenters. Could your house have been made of candy? So, Craigs argument to support premise 2 rings hollow. How? Yet the universe has not run out of usable energy by now. 2. The conclusion is hardly relevant to religion. There are several ways in which an idea or proposition can be inconceivable: (1) it may involve a logical inconsistency, or be in some other way repugnant to reason, (2) it may involve one or more terms that are devoid of meaning, or (3) it may fall under neither of these two categories, and yet be in some sense incomprehensible. It should be noted, however, that science does not currently provide us with good answers to the above questions. Since the cause is beyond nature (given that its the explanation why nature exists), it follows that the cause is supernatural. We could just call it The non-spatial, immaterial, unimaginably powerful, necesarilly existent Mind behind the universe. Craig himself, in defense of premise 1, provides examples only of material causes, never of immaterial causes. If everything is contingent and tends to be corrupted or have been generated, then at some point nothing existed at all. Why isnt there just nothing? This is also known as the Glendower problem. This objection does not succeed. Formally, they are what they are randomly, not due to any cause. Physics can be seen as describing the nature of things. Since the universe had an absolute beginning, it cannot exist by a necessity of its own nature. In other words, individual objects "tend not to exist". The analogys exploitation of scientific illiteracy exemplifies a much broader principle manifest throughout apologetics: Every argument for the supernatural realm is rooted in ignorance of the natural realm. Is there Absolute Truth? It is a form of argument from universalcausation. The universe exists. The first house in the navamsa chart is the Ascendant Lord and is known as the Navamsa Lagna. Something was either caused to exist by something else or it exists out of logical necessity. However, that would demean God as it would mean something existed outside of God Himself which brought Him into existence. It was first clearly formulated by St. Anselm in his Proslogion (1077-78); a later famous version is given by Ren Descartes. Similarly, a cosmos comrpised of different quarks would be a different cosmos. There is no infinite regress of necessary objects causing other necessary objects. Therefore, if the universe is infinitely old, it is not contingent. The impossible is that which will never be done; therefore, it will not be deliberated over. [6] Though Craig claims (falsely, I would argue) that he has arguments that prove the immaterial cause is a personal god, substituting God for immaterial still renders the form of his argument invalid. All Craig is doing here is defining the material realm to include all material causes. Anselm began with the concept of God as that than which nothing greater can be conceived. The Ball just exists inexplicably you would either think he was crazy or was joking around. [3] Contents 1 Form of the argument 2 Historical background 3 Contemporary discourse 3.1 Premise one: "Whatever begins to exist has a cause." Contingent beings, therefore, are insufficient to account for the existence of contingent beings: there must exist anecessarybeing whose non-existence is an impossibility, and from which the existence of all contingent beings is derived. Answer (1 of 7): > Q: How can we debunk the argument from contingency for the existence of God? Now, this is a logically airtight argument. The philosopher Walter Sinnott-Armstrong puts it this way: to avoid begging the question, ones reason to believe the premise must be independent of both (a) ones belief in the conclusion and also (b) ones reason to believe the conclusion.[10]. You see, according to physicists, matter consists of teensy weensy particles called quarks. Everything in our world are just different arrangements of these quarks. [4] He asks us to imagine someone who borrows a book from someone who borrows a book, and so on backward in time. In this way, although rhetoric viewed across time is entirely contingent and includes a broader definition, rhetoric taken moment-by-moment is much more narrow and excludes both the necessary and the impossible. . According to Michael Martin, the cosmological arguments presented by Craig, Bruce Reichenbach, and Richard Swinburne are "among the most sophisticated and well argued in contemporary theological philosophy". Spaceless because it brought space into existence. The Cosmological Argument is one of the classical proofs of God's existence. The Argument from Contingency Copleston: Well, for clarity's sake, I'll divide the argument into distinct stages.

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