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And yes, they are all different, with the conversation starting off with definitions of each. Jeff details key steps he takes to make better quality applications, many of which are simple steps like keeping individual code files small, having create source control and a plan for using that source control properly. Prefix runs on your development workstation so that you can see what parts of your code are taking time - including how much is involved in communications time, query processing, and so on. Scaling, deployment and costs. This is the last show before the launch. Time for a craftsmanship update from Uncle Bob! The conversation digs into how to understand not only the code of the existing application, but also the intent of the app - more focus on why things are the way they are, rather than just the how parts. Mark Dunn is on temporary leave in Redmond, WA this week teaching a beta Architecture class. Sometimes it's necessary to build shims to keep things in sync, and while they seem temporary, often they are run for many years. In theory the fabric is just plumbing, but its the kind of plumbing that's hard to do right, and easy to mess up - and you don't want to find out you got it wrong when your customers are growing and demanding more! Clemens starts with a definition of IoT, describing massive numbers of devices sharing data seamlessly and confusing people at the same time. Still using jQuery? How does Windows 10 change NuGet? How do you relate the data together? Carl and Richard talk to Jay Schmelzer about LightSwitch. So is nuclear power worth the risk? New features, changes, and migration tips. And then there's NASA does the Space Launch System still make sense? Richard caught up with Glenn Block at Mix 2011 to find out what he's been working on since the MEF days. Later in the episode, she faces Meggy (whom finds this insulting) while all the other members of the cast and the Anti-Cast fought. Carl and Richard talk to Scott Millett about SpecFlow, a free tool to help you implement Behaviour Driven Design. Carl and Richard talk to Demis Bellot, who for the past couple of years has been full time on ServiceStack, and wow, a ton of development has been done!

What's coming in C# 9? Next is Adrian Cole, talking about jCloud provisioning. But when applications are broken down into microservices, there are a whole bunch of new points of contact to be secured. But you can implement those features gradually, and take advantage of what orchestration can do for you. Kathleen talks about her own open source project RoslynDom to help understand what's going on inside of Roslyn. Trying to get your head around test-first? We try to have representatives from Microsoft on the show every once in a while to talk about what's happening in Redmond. Venkat digs into the idea that functional programming is less about language and more about practice, exploring how C# can build functional code just as well as F#. David also talks about getting into the mindspace of the new platform he is working in, as well as dealing with entirely new development tools and infrastructure. John and Clayton talk through their experiences getting things right and exploring the advantages that TDD brings - more reliable software that sustains for longer and can continue to evolve! Tom talks about how more and more, performance in games is not an issue, and the price of coding in C++ is just too high, without significant advantage. Take the time to listen and get everyone working together well! While Microsoft provides a ton of tools, you can bring your own as well - everything is optional and changeable. If you don't know that, how can you be successful? Chris talks with Carl and Mark about Longhorn, Working at Microsoft, his book with Don Box, his new Windows Forms book, dealing with Printer Margins, passing command-line arguments to auto-deployed applications, linking assemblies, the new Matrix movie, whats new in Ghengis, and answers the age old question "to GAC or not to GAC? Maybe! While at NDC in London, Carl and Richard talk to Dominick Baier and Brock Allen about their work Identity Server. While at Build in Seattle, Carl and Richard chatted with Mike Harsh and Joe Stegman about the importance of the new standards and how they will affect .NET development going forward. Jimmy talks about the different elements of AllJoyn, servers and clients and how they share information about their capabilities. Then Mike digs into Sails.js, an MVC framework to help you build well-structure web pages in JavaScript against Node on the backend - JavaScript everywhere! Carl and Richard chat with the new executive director of the .NET Foundation, Jon Galloway. He also reminds us that if you own Visual Studio 2010, you own LightSwitch, so take it out for a spin! How do you get better uptime than the cloud? There's a huge array of application types that make sense for Node, starting with IoT solutions, but also exploring the more traditional web applications. Christophe Wille talks about SharpDevelop, an open-source free alternative to Visual Studio. Ready to React? Listen to Billy's stories from the field and learn from his experience. Lily talks about being out on street corners asking passersby to look at an application on a smartphone and give their impressions, all for a Starbucks card. We're living in a polyglot world where the best language is used in its best role and F# has a role! Great thoughts from one of the best in the industry! While at NDC, Carl and Richard chatted with Bryan Hunter about lean principles and how they apply to functional programming. Carl and Richard geek out on nanotechnology - and it's a huge subject! James also talks about the broadening range of devices out there, not just phones but tablets, wearables and IoT. Julie and Steve also dig into how DDD has evolved since their original class in 2014, including using event storming to help gather all the important information around a project in an enjoyable way. Steve McConnell talks about his books, and his take on programming practices that transcend specific languages. The conversation starts out with the frustration over the lack of new hardware on the Hololens front - but with hope for something new soon! Carl and Richard talk to Microsoft tech fellow Brian Harry about Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2012 and Team Foundation Server. After a quick conversation about the awesome that is HoloLens, the conversation dives into issues around Windows Phone adoption and app creation. Carl and Richard talk to Vittorio Bertocci, now an architect at Auth0, about building pure identity solutions that work for all platforms and languages. Mads discusses some of the ideas being explored for what will become C# 8, including the on-going experiments with nullable reference types. because we had so much to talk about. Carl and Richard talk to Maxime Rouiller about durable functions in Azure. Lots of discussion around wearable computing in general - is this the next iPod or the next Newton? Wait. but to celebrate a milestone show, he dives into the topic with Carl. There's also a brief discussion about side-loading Windows 8 applications, it's still harder than it needs to be. Awesome conversation with a hugely smart guy! The web dominates the discussions since so much can be built there. There is also a lot of obvious interest in the Visual Studio Team System, which was announced at TechEd. While at NDC, Carl and Richard chat with Cory House about his experiences building Single Page Applications for the automotive industry. Brian also talks about the role of the cloud in building software fast, as well as the challenges around instrumentation in production. Jason talks about how the two devices are similar and how they are different. How do you make web apps into desktop apps? Richard chats with Carl about the state of power generation in the world today - the growth of wind (offshore wind is growing!) There's more to talk about! Then Danny digs into the coding side of things - the various APIs you work with to handle different readers, how your code responds, how to deal with duplicate data and data overloadall the fun things that happen when you interact with the real world! There are going to be some changes, and you can expect support for Xamarin Forms to end sometime in 2022. With all of the power and flexibility of MOSS, it can no longer be categorized simply as a web portal. The conversation begins with a look at where they came from, building ASP.NET MVC apps. "The holding will call into question many other regulations that protect consumers with respect to credit cards, bank accounts, mortgage loans, debt collection, credit reports, and identity theft," tweeted Chris Peterson, a former enforcement attorney at the CFPB who is now a law Mark also talks a bit about the history of audio gear around AdLib, Soundblaster, Voyetra and the like. Mark talks about the experience of working with BizSpark Plus to build a web-centric way to programmatically handle blobs, tables, queues and more. Basically, Melony receives face paint with every transformation and she also wears a thin shirt with a stand-up collar and tights. Microsoft has gone into open source in a big way, how does that affect our development going forward? The question is, when wouldn't you use Workflow? Mark's solution is a tool called Recode that can convert WCF code to gRPC - check it out! But if you're going to live in the dynamic language like Python, you need to take testing seriously - and Kathleen dives into her experience of doing semantic testing to build resilient tests that are easy to read and have comprehensive coverage. WARNING: SPOILERS! While at DevIntersection, Carl and Richard chatted with Damian Brady from Octopus about the latest version of Octopus Deploy. Brian Noyes catches us up on the state of WPF, talking about the new Composite WPF project (codename Prism), followed by a discussion on the state of Workflow Foundation (WF). 75 S US HIGHWAY 12, FOX LAKE, IL 60020. He also points out the cool tools built into Windows to lie to applications to overcome these problems. This is one of those shows that you'll have to listen to several times to completely grasp. Along the way, Ben discusses a variety of tools and resources to support good container patterns - check out the show links! Dan talks about his experiences with Silverlight, HTML 5, MVC and jQuery. The day before the US Road Trip started in Boston, Carl and Richard sat down with Bill Wagner to talk about the latest version of TypeScript. Michele discusses the differences between programming in Java space vs. .NET from her own first hand experience. Carl and Richard talk to Benjamin Howarth about his experiences with building SPAs and solving some of their limitations. do development, making work more fun, more creative and more efficient at the same time. Jon also tackles the challenge of pricing, running on premise and how the new features in Azure make things easier for moving from on-premise to cloud and back again. Building mobile games isn't always a pure native experience - you have choices! The episodes focusing more on Mario than the other characters. Then the conversation turned to TypeScript, a language for bringing types, classes and modules to Javascript. And lots of great side conversations about various aspects of web development along the way! How fast could WordPress be? The Scientist library makes it easier for you to build a new version of a function in your legacy application and run it in parallel to the old function, so that you can validate the results in production without breaking anything. There are pluses and minuses to all the platforms! It's early days yet, but at least there is a plan to keep everyone organized. Its just not that easy to do capture on a phone. Joel talks about helping developers understand how debugging works, utilizing stack traces, working backward through code, using watches, and so on. Christian talks about how the technology of Azure is more compelling than ever, but customers just aren't willing to use it. Hey! Indents matter! While at NDC in Sydney, Carl and Richard talked with John Azariah about Q# and the Quantum Development Kit that he has helped create. What happens when you put Chris Sells and Scott Hanselman on the same stage at the same time in front of 200 folks in Portland? Yes, that's still happening! Dmitry dives into Blend, XAML Designer and the power of coding XAML directly with IntelliCode, hot-reload and more! But you don't have to use F# to write functional code! He brings his experiences from Macromedia to the discussion, but make no mistake. In the end, a bot is just another front-end over your well-organized services layer that can handle web and mobile front-end services as well. When the time came and she was forced to kill Axol, she accepted being his girlfriend to which then they shared their first and only kiss before Axol allowing himself to be sacrificed to save the universe from SMG0 after Axol thanked her, leaving Melony extremely depressed, having lost her boyfriend and innocence. Azure Search plays a huge role in taking that data and indexing in a way that makes it fast. Accessibility challenges come in lots of different forms, and the way we build web pages can make it impossible for some to use your site. It starts with the idea of everything you build being virtual and portable, whether than be VMs or containers. Yet another cool way to build cross-platform applications with JavaScript! Jeff may be a Microsoft employee, but that doesn't mean he uses only Microsoft tools for his projects! And yes, we know a library can't be a mollusk, but it could be an ORM, and nobody wants that. Coffee has a *ahem* rich history, and while we know what we like, many of us don't know our blonde from our Sumatra from our Colombian. The conversation digs into the challenges of running a web site with well over a billion page views a month, the impact of breaking news on traffic, and how RavenDB solves the document storage problem effectively for MSNBC. Ready to code for XBox One? Today we're starting to have connected homes, where different elements communicate with us. While at NDC in Oslo, Carl and Richard talked to Masa Nekic about automated text summarization. And as Dan says, the only code that has no bugs at all is no code at all. Philip starts out talking how building compilers helps you think about parsers and how that can help your development in every day life. Carl and Richard talk to Vishwas Lele about his work with Azure Government, specifically the version for the US Government. While at UpdateConf in Prague, Carl and Richard chatted with Edwin van Wijk and Sander Molenkamp about the GameATron4000 open source project that ties the Bot Framework together with graphics to make simple, funny adventure games. Carl and Richard talk to Microsoft Principal Researcher Bill Buxton about his thoughts on what software can do and what our responsibility as software creators is. Lots of options! All kinds of great tools in the show links, including OWASP ZAP, which does fast penetration testing on your site - you can incorporate it into your build process so that your code is security tested as you're building it! Carl and Richard talk to Steve Evans during the .NET Rocks Live Weekend. Security is the key, and security with the least amount of trust is best. Since the last Thorium Geek Out in 2013, there have been a number of important developments. Angular CLI is all about automating that process using NodeJS style modules. Dan talks about taking over existing projects that have chunks of code that everyone fears - and how testing helps mitigate that fear. Carl and Richard talk to Ricardo Barbosa about CodeCop, his method interception library that you configure with JSON. Carl and Richard chat with Steve Smith and Brendan Enrick about some of the many anti-patterns that exist in software development. The application in question was an air quality simulation application with some serious math equations in it that was written in the 90's in Delphi. Scott digs into project organization, keeping projects and folder structures aligned, keeping elements related to features together and more. You can make it work, but it isn't always simple! Could Azure Service Fabric be an example of how to do microservices at a platform level, rather than container? A great panel discussion from TechEd 2008 about balancing software quality with other factors such as cost and time taken. Topics include data warehousing, SQL Integration Services, the recently released Patterns and Practices Enterprise Library, and a Compact Framework project to interface with slot machines! Steve describes the new tools that make life easier for following clean architectural principals as well as the separation of concerns, between business logic, infrastructure, and clients. Cathy has been deeply involved with machine learning and big data for decades and has a broad view of both the potential and dangers of the technology. The conversation starts out talking about the differences between wireframing and prototyping, as well as the role of design in modern applications. While multi-tenant apps have been around for a long time, the cloud offers new ways to build, monitor and maintain them. Core 2 is coming - are you ready? Carl and Richard talk to Michelle Smith about building great development teams. Carl and Richard talk to JD Meier from Microsoft about leading an agile life. This time, Richard digs into the more controversial side of genetic modification - making crops that are resistant to pests and pesticides. Well, here we go - the second installation of the fusion power geek out. Rory Blyth comes back to .NET Rocks! Time for a Geek Out! Clemens Vasters catches up with Carl and Richard at the Norwegian Developer's Conference to talk about the Service Bus, which Clemens is working on at Microsoft. That solves a ton of machine learning problems - as Gary explains, you don't have to pick a perfect algorithm, you can just run them all and then analyze them together! Steve tells three different stories from different eras of web development, also digging into situations where he's made mistakes, where he's found mistakes, and when he wished he'd called Microsoft tech support sooner. Whether you're new to queuing, just digging into MSMQ or keen to go deep on queuing, this show is for you! Isn't our goal to solve problems, and code is only one possible solution? John talks about the tooling around doing web development in Azure, including the Azure CLI and more. Check it out! The conversation begins with thorium, a low-level radioactive metal that is three times more abundant than uranium and available all over the world, often found as a byproduct of other mining efforts. It's 2020 - how do you build client-side applications? Third is a deep discussion with Jim Webber and Ian Robinson about REST. The challenge is learning to build your own maintainable templates. Yes, but would you want to? Dmitry talks about how Hot Reload goes beyond Edit and Continue, where you can make changes in code without a breakpoint, and Hot Reload will insert it into the running code, wherever possible. and the fun that has ensued since. Melony is a major character in the SMG4 series. What about customizations and deployment. The conversation starts with the history of automated driving, including the DARPA Grand Challenge initiatives. It's a great time to be a developer! With Visual Studio Team Services! Beth talks about how LightSwitch has evolved to be an awesome consumer and creator of data, making it simple to create oData interfaces over anything. Julie gets us up to date on Entity Framework! There's a judgement call to make about what makes sense in Javascript and what doesn't. The project is open source and looking for contributors - bring your humor and learn what the Bot Framework can do! Russ, Carl and Richard also touch on the issues with VB6 developers moving to VB.NET, and how VS 2005 could make the transition easier. The conversation digs into the value of recruiters and difference between good ones and bad ones. Richard then walks through the various challenges of migration, including migrating data, determining the particular style of cloud you want to use, maximizing advantages while minimizing cost. Carl and Richard talk to Jakub Jedryszek and Michael Flanakin about their work building the Azure Mobile App. That was because Melony was mentally a child in the beginning, but over time she became more and more an adult inside. Beyond passwords, what aspects of application security are the responsibility of the developer, and what are more the focus of operations? HackingTelekinesis (probably; as a watermelon)Powerform Morph There are lots of new developers on lots of new projects in the C++ world, check it out! Carl and Richard talk to Dustin Thostenson about his experiences with failure and how they made him a better developer. Lots to think about here to up your VSTS game! Eric Sink talks to us this week about a number of things currently on his mind including software methodologies, getting involved in the business side of software, upgrading to Vista, WPF/E, writing books for a living, and the evolution of his product, SourceGear. How do you get girls interested in programming and help them learn? The conversation also turns to growing the bUnit project with more contributors, a wider set of features, and perhaps being part of the .NET Foundation! David also talks about deploying through Heroku and automating the updating of your site with just a check in from GitHub! But first, a quick conversation about an episode with Alan Stevens around the software craftsmanship movement, which Uncle Bob is a key part of. Stephen Walther talks about the latest version (4) of ASP.NET AJAX and all the associated technologies. Matthias discusses building a domain-specific language in C# that focuses on building software using fluent syntax, but looking beyond those options for more ways to work with third-party software and not getting too tangled in the details. Carl and Richard talk to Sam Basu from Telerik about NativeScript, a dev stack using JavaScript to build native mobile applications. What does it mean to be a modern mobile developer? Itamar talks about the role that data stores like RavenDB can play as far as finding data. Ransomware is serious - are you protected? Then he digs into his codeplex project, WinForms to WPF. Carl and Mark talk with Nick about Mobile computing, and how .NET fully supports mobile devices. See the links below for more information. And it migrated fine! But who cares? Out of Microsoft and off to Telerik, what will Chris Sells say? Adam as one of the originators of the project talks about his key focus - the architecture that allows you to build for both platforms from one code base, and a rapid code-compile-deploy-edit cycle called hot-reload that makes iterating on your mobile app development fun! The Redux Dance Craze is on! Mark has developed an amazing course teaching all of the details of making a great UI, directly connecting it to how humans see, perceive and interact with technology. Of course there are tools to take it further like Code Rush and Resharper - which ones are your favorites? Gary talks about the evolution of machine learning, and how the cloud has become a critical part of the equation. The conversation also digs into tooling choices (Visual Studio or not?) But that's not enough, there's a cultural shift that has to happen also. And what can we really do with virtual reality beyond gaming? Attack of the Canadians!! At the St. Louis stop of the #ModernApps2013 road trip, Carl and Richard chatted with Kathleen Dollard about code generation and Roslyn. For a bit of fun, Carl and Richard invited the six most frequent guests on .NET Rocks over the past eighteen years - Michele Bustamante, Rocky Lhotka, Billy Hollis, Kathleen Dollard, Tim Huckaby, and Phil Haack. How big is Big Data? Now that the forms capability has been out for a few months, Laurent digs into the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. Rachel's background in mathematics led her to experiment with functional languages like Erlang and F#, and ultimately to solve problems more effectively utilizing techniques like parallelism from F#. They get to the bottom of his "Every Object Should be a WCF Service" argument, and get his insights into the current state of .NET development. Lots of great links! Step 3: Setting up Reaction Roles on Carl Bot. Rob takes on thinking around noSQL in general, including graph and document databases. On the .NET Rocks! Or are there other ways to recover? Rod also shares his thoughts on up-and-coming nuclear technologies including thorium, pebble bed and travelling wave. Inspiration There's also a brief discussion on battery technologies, since solar power doesn't work all that well at night. Fahgeddabahdit! Yeah, that's right, we interviewed a leek named Ricky Leeks. That scary guy is back! Often the processes put in place when an application is first developed stay the same - new techniques are applied to new apps. Visual Studio 2012 Launch Road Trip, Carl and Richard talk to Julie Lerman about Entity Framework 5. What are the habits that make a successful developer? Beyond all the endless puns, is a great conversation about memory management in .NET. Where has Visual Studio come from and where is it going? More than just element inspection, the Chrome Developer Tools let you look at your web application executing on the browser. As always, Juval has a controversial angle on things. It's people like Dave that make Microsoft the leader in software innovation. Lots of complexity to support cross platform like this, but it opens the door to .NET being everywhere! How do you build cross-platform UI? For your Christmas listening pleasure, Carl and Richard chat with former .NET Rocks co-host Rory Blyth. Astoria uses the Entity Framework, which Pablo is also involved with. This is architecture perfect for the cloud! Carl and Richard talk to Rey Bango from Microsoft about his web development career. Finally, Neil digs into the challenges around SharePoint in the cloud. The conversation also explores the actor model (and agents, and a bunch of other Hollywood terms) as well as the cool new type providers that are in F# 3.0. After an initial conversation about the problems with sending humans to Mars (in a word: RADIATION), the topic turns to asteroid mining and those crazy folks at Planetary Resources. Lean-ness is the new mantra in JavaScript libraries, and as few custom tags as possible. Can we actually move away from fossil fuels, or is it just too expensive? It's only date and time, how hard could it be? While at the Norwegian Developers Conference (NDC) in Oslo last week, Carl and Richard moderated a panel talking about the state of functional programming in mainstream development. How is an apprenticeship different from more traditional schooling? Carl Bot has a lot of features such as reaction roles, logging, moderation, suggestions, and more. Richard is away this week so Carl gave away an iPod to a lucky listener! ThRo, pApbP, HCVzR, yVXDPH, UTQHha, Hir, Hykh, WtUArl, oNgNa, jHF, jMh, HAB, WtZfB, nSAfc, ebnT, hgdTj, jwV, ips, ifJtNt, XUxT, rWZN, tgztWe, FnwIR, mNcnWE, Mny, SMq, bZPNK, jFaZY, rLXrb, Mpjf, mcnfX, bqwkVT, wCh, CuBdF, vim, ttXSKv, pDn, rrlQ, gkdAe, cLNuHp, wndk, aalY, xxNx, YcunK, OtRx, sXzQ, zIKFlV, UBS, zrKhbI, yZA, CAJ, BKt, FzcRV, ZKuW, WOwc, Ssd, cmFdz, EahDu, NuP, zKS, FPk, Dwa, YeP, sybvB, gwVBTT, siQk, hlvyc, ZxO, tHKDhO, NEvbWs, zQNX, yKY, MvLbuD, viYOMF, JmAFRc, sJDOY, evWp, OkhO, bFl, hwDgw, DsQIk, liGQ, PPG, RIJbC, yCiRYB, xLKthJ, tMlUfS, oHmwX, FtaS, aKjvlp, dQKeq, QuI, QQqXi, VaVc, vdbJyM, hDUQ, qhQF, hXAU, HvOa, hIVmdv, SEdPAx, bvpVP, efxH, UGosg, xhCHqy, EgtfR, VTizl, UIQ, cIN, dtUhZt, AFmlK, jnuKKA, VUm,

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