psychopathology notes pdf

Participants were asked to bring their completed MPQ with them to their in-person visit. The authors also note that the group treated with escitalopram experienced negative side effects, including fatigue and sexual side effects, whereas side effects did not occur in the placebo group[20]. 1922 0 obj <> endobj In men, but not women, Ext was also significantly correlated with Fearless Dominance, but this gender difference was not significant. Cet auteur biologise la notion de norme et considre que ce n'est pas la science de juger du normal car cest avant tout la vie qui en fait un concept de valeur. The presence of eating disorders was assessed using the Eating Disorder Inventory 2[52,53]. Schizotypy is a category used La distinction entre normal et pathologique a fait l'objet de nombreuses discussions, tant la frontire entre les deux est parfois difficile dfinir[6]. Antidepressants may take several weeks to start working. (2016). Paper 2: Psychology in Context Biopsychology Research Methods Approaches. Most studies examining the relationship between PTSD and SUDs have examined veteran populations or patients in substance treatment programs. Alternatively, Internet use and gaming may serve as a method to escape real-life problems, effectively resulting in avoidance coping, which may exacerbate stress and negative feelings, and lead to negative consequences, including addiction and depression[235]. Your doctor, nurse, or midwife can ask you questions to test for depression. Influence of education on risk of hysterectomy before age 45 years. Lifetime heroin dependence was not significant in predicting current PTSD levels. government site. Development and validation of a screening instrument for bipolar spectrum disorder: the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. Alcohol use disorder, substance use disorder, and addiction, Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness). Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. In the combined sample, roughly half the variance in both Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality was due to additive genetic effects. Although we predicted that this effect of multiple traumatization would not be independent of PTSD symptoms, alcohol and marijuana (but not cocaine) use still increased significantly across childhood trauma quartiles even after controlling for PTSD. This proposal, however, has been largely discredited. In: Mednick SA, Moffitt TE, Stack SA, editors. SCL-90-R: Administration, scoring, and procedures manual II for the revised version. Harlow BL, Barbieri RL. Il n'y a pas de smiologie innocente, pas plus qu'il n'existe d'observation neutre ou objective. Shek DTL. Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. Slutske WS, Heath AC, Madden PAF, Bucholz KK, Statham DJ, Martin NG. Psychopathy is a disorder marked by a constellation of maladaptive personality traits. In addition to this, the cut-off points utilised for classification differ significantly, which impedes research and cultural cross-comparisons and limits research reliability. To date, reviews have focused on clinical and treatment studies of Internet addiction and Internet Gaming Disorder, limiting the analysis to a specific diagnosis of a potential disorder that has not yet been officially recognised, rather than a comprehensive investigation of Internet-use related addictions (including problematic Internet use) more generally. For example, other potential online addictions and Internet-use related disorders have been recently reviewed[10], suggesting that limiting a diagnosis to online gaming exclusively misses out many cases of individuals who experience negative consequences and significant impairment due to their Internet use-related behaviours. Learn more Pour le psychanalyste Roger Dorey: Le recueil et l'assemblage de symptmes comme constituant une smiologie "en-soi" est une pure abstraction. Psychopathy and externalizing: genetics and brain function. This systematic literature review has sought to provide an overview of the currently available clinical research on Internet addiction and problematic Internet use using a holistic perspective. The treatment consisted of eliciting and strengthening the motivation to change, choosing a treatment goal, gaining self-control, preventing relapse, and coping skills training. It publishes experimental and clinical studies dealing with various aspects of the relationships among social, psychological, and behavioral factors and bodily processes in humans and animals. (2014). Treatment for depression, such as therapy or medicine, works and will help you and your baby be as healthy as possible in the future. Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents Revised: DSM-III-R version (DICA-R). This study reported the case of a young Brazilian woman with Internet addiction and comorbid psychiatric disorders (i.e., panic and OCDs). 0000003574 00000 n Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. All potential participants were approached by the research staff at the waiting rooms of the Grady Memorial Hospital General Medical and OB/GYN Clinics, in Atlanta, GA. Subjects additionally completed the following interviews: All analyses were performed using SPSS 17.0 software. Ten outpatient sessions of 45 min were used, and seven of these took place within a period of 2.5 mo. An inventory for measuring depression. Lopez-Fernandez O. Combined therapies have shown effective results for treating Internet addiction, including both post-treatment and follow-up measures. This arguably limits the analysis to a specific diagnosis of a potential disorder that has not yet been officially recognised in the Western world, rather than a comprehensive and inclusive investigation of Internet-use related addictions (including problematic Internet use) more generally. Beitrge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Researchers are recommended to collaborate to establish a consensus regarding diagnostic criteria and measures in order to improve the reliability across studies and to develop effective and efficient treatment approaches for treatment seekers. PDF version of this page (1.0M) PDF version of this title (13M) In this Page. The lifetime prevalence of BPD is approximately 5.9% and the point prevalence of BPD is 1.6% [6,7].Although the prevalence of BPD is not higher than other personality disorders in the general population, BPD has a high prevalence in treatment settings; BPD was present in 6.4% of primary care visits, 9.3% of psychiatric outpatients and 20% of Arnow BA. Dr. Bradley has received funding from AFSP. Kim DY, Yoo TY. Pour Jean Bergeret, il faut viter une conception de la "normalit" empreinte du sadisme li aux statistiques ou aux idaux tout autant qu'une tentation masochique systmatiquement allergique tout compos du radical "norme[12]". Women who have bipolar disorder or another mental health condition called schizoaffective disorder have a higher risk of postpartum psychosis. Jiang W, Du Y. Huebner ES. Lifetime alcohol dependence was associated with PSS total (F = 6.48, P<.05), avoidance/numbing (F = 6.92, P<.01), and hyperarousal symptoms (F = 4.46, P<.05). Cooke DJ, Michie C. Refining the construct of psychopathy: towards a hierarchical model. PDF version of this page (1.0M) PDF version of this title (13M) In this Page. in press). Analysis of childhood trauma quartiles, which combined all three types of abuse, demonstrated increased levels of lifetime alcohol (F = 5.97, P<.001), cocaine (F = 3.90, P<.01), and marijuana (F = 9.18, P<.001) exposure with increased trauma load (Fig. Previous research including Internet addiction treatment experts from six countries indicated that a large percentage of individuals presenting with Internet addiction at both in-patient and out-patient treatment facilities suffer from comorbid anxiety disorders, most commonly social anxiety and social phobia[11]. Gender differences for demographic variables and measure characteristics were determined using student t-tests and 2 analyses where appropriate. Ko CH, Yen JY, Yen CF, Chen CS, Wang SY. Physical abuse in men significantly correlates with current cocaine and lifetime/current heroin use (P<.01), while in women it is linked to lifetime cocaine and marijuana use (P<.01). superficial charm, absence of nervousness, guiltlessness, pathologic egocentricity, dishonesty) rather than the commission of specific antisocial acts. For some individuals, their online behaviours are problematic and they require professional help as they cannot cope with their experiences by themselves, suggesting treatment is necessary. Evans DE, Rothbart MK. However, these findings were no longer significant after controlling for current depressive symptoms, perhaps reflecting the high comorbidity between PTSD and depression as well as a strong relationship between depression and substance use problems. To examine the etiological connections between psychopathic traits and Int and Ext, we fit a Cholesky decomposition to the data, which parses the individual variance of each phenotype as well as the covariance between phenotypes into genetic, shared, or non-shared environmental factors. Thus, a second aim of the present investigation was to estimate the degree of genetic overlap between psychopathic traits and factors of Int and Ext. Carver CS. Combined refers to models in which the unstandardized parameters were equated across the genders. Collectively, the current data suggest that Fearless Dominance and Impulsive Antisociality may derive from separate etiological processes that are substantially genetic in nature. However, research has also indicated that some symptoms of Internet addiction appear as stand-alone symptoms and can be differentiated from other psychopathology, providing empirical evidence for the discriminant validity and specificity of the Internet addiction construct[243]. Yung K, Eickhoff E, Davis DL, Klam WP, Doan AP. In particular, there was a significant additive effect of number of types of childhood trauma experienced with history of cocaine dependence in predicting current PTSD symptoms, and this effect was independent of exposure to adult trauma. Heritability estimates from best-fitting univariate twin models for psychopathic personality traits, internalizing, and externalizing. A total of 25 studies[19,26,27,32,43,50,62,72,78,79,93,106,109,111,112,118,124,130,133,143,146,163,164,188,204] investigated the characteristics of treatment seekers. Ultimately, research and clinical initiatives need to focus on providing the best possible care for individuals who experience significant impairment and distress as a consequence of their Internet use. National Institute for Mental Health, 1976. In this systematic review, the authors have presented a thorough and critical analysis of clinical research on Internet addiction related studies. Il n'en est plus de mme quand, en psychologues, nous essayons de comprendre le fond qui conditionne tous les troubles dont je viens de parler et sont dj forts complexes de par leur nature. Miller JD, Lynam DR, Widiger TA, Leukefeld C. Personality disorders as extreme variants of common personality dimensions: can the five-factor model adequately represent psychopathy. Flow chart displaying the search process. The antidepressant citalopram was administered at a dose of 20 mg/d and was increased to 40 mg/d within the period of a week, which was continued for six weeks. Kim JU. Liu TC, Desai RA, Krishnan-Sarin S, Cavallo DA, Potenza MN. Copy link Link copied. Shek DTL. Openness to experience is one of the domains which are used to describe human personality in the Five Factor Model. A structured interview designed by MTFS staff (Holdcraft et al. Another popular measure appeared to be the Assessment of Internet and Computer Game Addiction Scale (AICA-S)[44,194], which was used in seven studies[43,78,124,130,133,188,197]. A progressive effect of childhood trauma load on PTSD symptomology was also observed, where childhood trauma contributes to higher total PTSD symptoms as well as higher levels of symptoms in each cluster. Etymology. Received 2015 Aug 29; Revised 2015 Nov 19; Accepted 2016 Jan 5. 2002), APD (Harpur et al. It is worth noting that a number of studies indicated that comorbidities appear to be the norm, rather than an exception for individuals who present with the problem of Internet addiction or problematic Internet use. Furthermore, some studies showed that there is a dose or building block effect of stress load or trauma on the severity of psychopathology, which is not restricted to PTSD.1214 This collection of studies suggest that a simple doseresponse model may not be sufficient on its own to explain PTSD risk, but that PTSD diagnosis is likely once an individual passes a certain stress load threshold regardless of other factors. Armsden GC, Greenberg MT. College Students Psychological Needs and Fulfillment Scale[, To characterize German treatment seekers and to determine the diagnostic accuracy of a self-report scale for, Displayed higher levels of psychopathology, especially depressive and dissociative symptoms, Half met criteria for one further psychiatric disorder, especially depression, Level of functioning decreased in all domains, good psychometric properties and satisfying diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity: 80.5%; specificity: 82.4%), To compare personality profiles of a sample of patients in different rehabilitation centres, IA group: 70 male patients with an addiction disorder that additionally met the criteria for IA; M =29.3 yr (SD = 10.66; range 16-64), Patients with comorbid IA can be discriminated from other patients by higher neuroticism and lower extraversion and lower conscientiousness, AD group: 48 male patients suffering from AD; M = 31.7 yr; SD = 9.18; range 17-65), After controlling for depressive symptoms, lower conscientiousness turned out to be a disorder-specific risk factor, To evaluate the relationships between personality traits and IGD, IGD associated with higher neuroticism, decreased conscientiousness and low extraversion, Experimental design: Characteristics of people selected for assigning them to two groups, non-random allocation, The comparisons to pathological gamblers indicate that low conscientiousness and low extraversion in particular are characteristics of IGD, Etiopathological model proposed for addictive online gaming, Clinical CG: 74 controls seeking treatment for IGD, but not diagnosable, Healthy CG: 93 individuals with regular or intense use of online games, To examine the effectiveness of treating an Internet-addicted young adult suffering from interpersonal problems based on the MRI interactional model and Murray Bowen's family systems theory, 1 family case study consisting of husband (age 50), wife (age 50), 2 sons (ages 22, 23), older son with Internet addiction and interpersonal problems, Characteristics of the parents family of origin and dysfunctional communication pattern associated with interpersonal problems revealed by participants, Both the MRI model and Bowen's family systems theory produced effective treatments, To describe a pilot intervention using MET and CBT principles to treat IGD in an adolescent, Initial therapy session: Rapport building with patient, detailed interview, primary case formulation, IGD due to child neglect and boredom, consolidated by subsequent negative reinforcements, Subsequent sessions: Psychoeducation, cost/benefit analysis of behaviour (motivation level improved), Progressive muscle relaxation because gaming urge accompanied by physiological/emotional arousal, Individual interventions encouraged as there are varied antecedents and consequences for IGD development, MET-CBT principles for IGD resulted in improvement, Subsequently: Game addiction assessment, contract for behaviour modification (reduce gaming time, increase other activities), Therapy terminated when gains had consolidated, Tokens introduced as positive reinforcement, Less time spent gaming on weekdays, but excess on weekends, Emotions and Behaviors (TE and B) contributing to gaming (result: Gaming due to boredom), To describe a treatment of a patient with PD, OCD (both anxiety disorders) and IA involving pharmacotherapy and CBT and test its efficacy, Pharmacotherapy [clonazepam (0.5 mg) and sertraline (50 mg) once daily], CBT focus: Teach patient how to deal with anxiety and internet use (, To investigate the attachment styles and family functioning of patients with IA, Patients with IA had higher BDI and higher attachment anxiety sub-scores on the ECR-r compared with those in the CG, EG: 30 male patients with IA [age: M = 21.6 (18-20) yr], Experiences in Close Relationships Questionnaire-r [, IA patients evaluated their family functioning as more negative and reported problems in every aspect addressed by the FAD, Scores on the FAD behaviour control, affective responsiveness, and problem-solving subscales (and on the FAD communication, roles, and general functioning subscales) significantly higher in patients compared with CG, To determine the predictor effect of depression, loneliness, anger and interpersonal relationship styles for IA in patients diagnosed with IA, Duration of Internet use (hours/day) and STAXI anger in subscale predicted IA. Xie JH, Yang SQ. The applied treatment proved effective for reducing both anxiety and Internet addiction. Bipeta R, Yerramilli SS, Karredla AR, Gopinath S. Diagnostic Stability of Internet Addiction in Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: Data from a Naturalistic One-year Treatment Study. In order to overcome these problems, the aim of this literature review is to provide a comprehensive overview of clinical studies on the more inclusive clinical picture of Internet-use related addictions from a holistic perspective. Table 2 shows results that are similar across race. Multi-family group therapy for adolescent Internet addiction: exploring the underlying mechanisms. These findings were maintained at follow-up. In terms of psychopharmacotherapy, the five studies included in this systematic literature review showed that SSRIs (i.e., citalopram, clomipramine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, fluoxetine, escitalopram), norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitors (NDRI; i.e., buproprion), benzodiazepines (i.e., clonazepam), antipsychotic medication (i.e., quetiapine), and methylphenidate (i.e., concerta) were used to treat Internet addiction and Internet-use related problems. If you feel like you don't love or care for your baby, you might have postpartum depression. Notably, we found that PPI total scores, as predicted by the MPQ, might be influenced by non-additive genetic contributions (MZ r=0.46, DZ r=0.08, for the combined sample). Further analyses on the effect of childhood trauma load on current PTSD symptoms took into account substance dependence history. Moreover, in one study[79], the Online Cognitions Scale was used[80], which is a 36-item questionnaire that measures cognitions related to problematic Internet use, and includes subscales on loneliness/depression, diminished impulse control, social comfort, and distraction. If so, your doctor can prescribe thyroid medicine. 1Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, 2Department of Human Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, 3Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, Georgia, 4Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 5Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Atlanta, Georgia. Changes of P300 and mismatch negativity in the treatment of first episode depression. Bakken IJ, Wenzel HG, Gtestam KG, Johansson A, Oren A. Internet addiction among Norwegian adults: a stratified probability sample study. In: Theobald A, Dreyer M, Starsetzki T, eds , et al., editors. %%EOF Gender differences in substance use correlates of the different types of childhood abuse are also observed. Psychopathic traits were indexed using scores on the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ). Comorbidity of substance use and post-traumatic stress disorders in a community sample of adolescents. However, some significant gender differences were observed. Cambridge Core is the new academic platform from Cambridge University Press, replacing our previous platforms; Cambridge Journals Online (CJO), Cambridge Books Online (CBO), University Publishing Online (UPO), Cambridge Histories Online (CHO), positively correlated with weekly online hours in IAD patients, To evaluate the pilot treatment for IA created for the Dutch care organization (to explore the possibility of using an existing CBT and MI based treatment programme (lifestyle training) from therapists experiences with 12 Internet addicts. 2002; Krueger & Tackett, 2003), such findings are relatively novel with respect to the psychopathy literature and demonstrate that different psychopathic traits show distinct genetic relations with broad dimensions of psychopathology. Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction. Half of a sample of 50 students with Internet addiction[79] presented with a comorbidity of another AxisIdisorder (10% with major depression, 5% with dysthymia and psychotic disorders, respectively). Huang MP, Alessi NE. In South America, samples included individuals from Per[62], Puerto Rico[118], and Brazil[139]. Only two studies (out of four experimental studies) showed a clear effectiveness of psychological therapy, and both of these used a group approach.

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