sodium hydroxide ingestion treatment

Also known as NaOH and caustic soda. Friedman investigated risk factors for alkali ingestion in children. Scar retraction begins by the third week and may continue for several months, resulting in stricture formation and shortening of the involved segment of the gastrointestinal tract. Stricture prevention by stents seems promising but the experience is still limited. Induction of emesis should be avoided to prevent further injury as the agent is vomited.11 Neutralization of the caustic material should be avoided because of the potential for causing an exothermic injury, which may worsen an existing injury.1 When the patient is stable, the pH of any unknown liquid or agent should be obtained, and the poison control center should be contacted.4,5,9, Multiple modalities exist to assess the extent of injury to the esophagus, including barium esophagram, technetium-labeled sucralfate, and endoscopy.1 Barium esophagram assesses mild to moderate esophageal burns with a 30% to 60% false-negative rate and is therefore of little use in the short-term setting.1 It is, however, quite useful for following the development of late complications and strictures. everest winter ascent documentary; tech apprenticeship google; black's law dictionary 11th edition pdf; charity guitar auction; retro phone case iphone 13 pro max If the airway is unstable, intubation under direct visualization is required. Repici A, Vleggaar FP, Hassan C, van Boeckel PG, Romeo F, Pagano N, Malesci A, Siersema PD. Furthermore, the patient had a relatively unremarkable barium swallow; yet, he developed an extensive stricture, which currently still requires dilations, despite all the efforts (antibiotics, nasogastric tube, endoscopies) taken by the team providing his medical care. Caustic ingestion can cause severe injury to the esophagus and the stomach. Early endoscopy or CT in caustic injuries: a re-evaluation of clinical practice. Progress in Chemical Toxicology,3, 99. Andreoni B, Farina ML, Biffi R, Crosta C. Esophageal perforation and caustic injury: emergency management of caustic ingestion. There is a consensus that patients treated with steroids should also be treated with antibiotics, but prophylactic antibiotics to prevent strictures, in the absence of steroid therapy, has not been advocated[72]. Contini S, Garatti M, Swarray-Deen A, Depetris N, Cecchini S, Scarpignato C. Corrosive oesophageal strictures in children: outcomes after timely or delayed dilatation. In contrast, a meta-analysis of 362 children showed a 40% rate of stricture in the no-steroid group versus a 19% rate of stricture in the steroid-treated group.14, The landmark randomized trial by Anderson et al2 found no difference in the incidence of stricture formation with the use of steroids, though the number of patients in the study was relatively low. Chiu HM, Lin JT, Huang SP, Chen CH, Yang CS, Wang HP. Esophageal repair usually begins on the 10 th day after ingestion, whereas esophageal ulcerations begin to epithelialize approximately 1 mo after exposure. The epidemiology and pathophysiology of caustic ingestion has been thoroughly described in the literature. The Best Moment to Use Mitomycin C in Caustic Esophagitis. Obviously, ingestion of powerful caustic substances (e.g., sodium hydroxide) is followed by severe, long-standing strictures and dramatically altered esophageal motility[65]. Following a grade 2B and a grade 3 esophageal burn, stricture incidence may be 71%[14] and 100%, respectively[45,53]. Computed tomography grading of esophageal caustic injuries. Ingestion of acid and alkaline agents: outcome and prognostic value of early upper endoscopy. Conversely, liquids are easily swallowed and are most likely to damage the esophagus and stomach, the extent of injury correlating directly with mortality and late sequelae[18,19]. Indeed, radiological intramural and well-contained transmural esophageal ruptures were observed in 30% of balloon dilatation procedures[106]. Hot Zone Rescuers should be trained and appropriately attired before entering the Hot Zone. Rigo GP, Camellini L, Azzolini F, Guazzetti S, Bedogni G, Merighi A, Bellis L, Scarcelli A, Manenti F. What is the utility of selected clinical and endoscopic parameters in predicting the risk of death after caustic ingestion? FELDSTEIN, M. (2013). It can also cause permanent blindness. Furthermore, significantly lower glutathione concentrations, a known endogenous free-radical scavenger, were found in the same tissues compared with controls, further supporting the presence of reactive oxygen species and free-radical damage[17]. 0000008953 00000 n B. The Hair Treatment/Serum. He was found to have a stricture involving from 15 to 25 cm of his esophagus, and balloon dilations were performed under fluoroscopic guidance 32 days after his initial injury. 0000075803 00000 n For skin exposure, treatment may include: Surgical removal of burned skin (debridement) Transfer to a hospital that specializes in burn care; Washing of the skin (irrigation), possibly every few hours for several days Ultimately, though endoscopy is considered by most a cornerstone in the diagnosis of corrosive ingestions, which patients would clearly benefit from it is still debated. 0000014395 00000 n Ryan F., Witherow H., Mirza J., Ayliffe P. The oral implications of caustic soda ingestion in children. In challenging strictures, a nylon thread left between the nose and the gastrostomy maintains luminal access and facilitates further dilatations when an expert endoscopist is not available[108,109]. Additionally, the degree of esophageal injury at endoscopy is an accurate predictor of systemic complications and death, with each increased injury grade correlated with a 9-fold increase in morbidity and mortality[14]. Steroids in second degree caustic burns of the esophagus: a systematic pooled analysis of fifty years of human data: 1956-2006. The type and amount of alkali required in the pulper depend on the type of mechanical treatment, temperature and pulping time. . Gorman RL, Khin-Maung-Gyi MT, Klein-Schwartz W, Oderda GM, Benson B, Litovitz T, McCormick M, McElwee N, Spiller H, Krenzelok E. Initial symptoms as predictors of esophageal injury in alkaline corrosive ingestions. A developing ulcer with fibrin crust will be seen in a few days. Berthet B, di Costanzo J, Arnaud C, Choux R, Assadourian R. Influence of epidermal growth factor and interferon gamma on healing of oesophageal corrosive burns in the rat. Conservative management of severe gastric injuries at laparotomy, with partial or total conservation of the stomach, has been recently advocated by some in the absence of clinical and biological signs of severity[62]. The conventional acceptance that acids preferentially damage the stomach, due to the protective esophageal eschar, has recently been questioned, with observation of extensive esophageal damage and perforations after acid ingestion[12]. Multiple protocols have been formulated on the basis of documented success in preventing impending complications, though a paucity of randomized trials have assessed any of these interventions. Laryngeal injuries were diagnosed by flexible fiberoptic or rigid laryngoscopy in 38% of patients after caustic ingestion, but only few (8%) required immediate intubation and mechanical ventilation for respiratory distress on admission[11]. Lye is a general term for alkali found in cleaning products.7 Caustic alkaline materials are also found in drain cleaners, various cleaning agents, hair relaxers, dishwasher detergents, and disk batteries.4,11, Commonly Ingested Caustic/Corrosive Agents. Responses of the murine esophageal microcirculation to acute exposure to alkali, acid, or hypochlorite. Cattan P, Munoz-Bongrand N, Berney T, Halimi B, Sarfati E, Celerier M. Extensive abdominal surgery after caustic ingestion. Transients of the open-circuit potential during carbon monoxide interaction with oxygen preliminarily adsorbed on smooth and platinized platinum electrodes. Surgical management of extensive corrosive injuries of the alimentary tract. [PDF]f Sodium can cause headache,, also known as lye and caustic soda, Sodium chloride would be the produce of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. Methods: PubMed was searched from January 1950 to June 2018 using the terms "Hypochlorite", "Sodium . An extended resection to adjacent abdominal organs, even the pancreas, does not necessarily carry a prohibitive risk of death in referral centers[60], but an extensive colon resection may compromise future reconstruction and require vascular surgery for atypical transplants. Brun JG, Celerier M, Koskas F, Dubost C. Blunt thorax oesophageal stripping: an emergency procedure for caustic ingestion. Reproduced from Osman et al[10]. Conversely, the doubled mortality rate (11.0% vs 5.9%) of resection vs by-pass[122], the possible damage to the trachea and laryngeal nerve, and the low reported incidence (3.2%) of esophageal malignancy, could support a conservative strategy. Other modalities for stricture prevention under evaluation: Intraperitoneal injection of 5-fluorouracil has been effective in preventing strictures experimentally[86]. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal 0000001697 00000 n Ghelardini C, Malmberg-Aiello P, Giotti A, Malcangio M, Bartolini A. In the treatment area, patients suspected of ingesting a caustic substance should be triaged to a high priority for prompt evaluation and treatment. The effect that these agents have on the esophagus accounts for most of the serious injuries and long-term complications seen among both children and adults.3 Short-term complications include perforation and death. Squamous carcinoma of the stomach following corrosive acid burns. This article discusses poisoning from touching, breathing in (inhaling), or swallowing sodium hydroxide. In such a scenario, feeding by nasogastric tube for long periods may be tolerated with difficulty and a gastrostomy is more effective and often necessary to attain an acceptable nutritional state. Endoscopic dilatation is usually successful in achieving a patent esophageal lumen, but in complex strictures several attempts must be carried out, and in such patients bougies may be preferred to balloon dilatation. Oral ingestion of sodium hydroxide, which occurs frequently in children, causes severe tissue necrosis, with stricture formation of the esophagus, often resulting in death. Minimal resection followed by a planned second-look procedure is not recommended. In spite of these encouraging reports, the role of US examination in caustic injuries is still under evaluation. Caustic soda (or sodium hydroxide) is a chemical compound in the form of a colorless and odorless crystal powder. Secondary esophagocoloplasty should be considered with good results if intraoperative colon necrosis occurs at the time of primary reconstruction[140]. Typically, sodium hypochlorite bleach ingestion causes caustic . The density is higher than water. Celik B, Nadir A, Sahin E, Kaptanoglu M. Is esophagoscopy necessary for corrosive ingestion in adults? Please try again later. Experimental findings suggest that arteriolar and venular thrombosis with consequent ischemia may be more important than inflammation in the pathogenesis of acute corrosive injury[10]. Duman L, Bykyavuz BI, Altuntas I, Gkcimen A, Ceyhan L, Darici H, Aylak F, Tomruk O. Additionally, lower esophageal sphincter pressure becomes impaired, leading to increased gastroesophageal reflux (GER), which in turn accelerates stricture formation[15]. 0000076037 00000 n The following medical subject headings terms were used in the searches: caustic ingestion, caustic lesions, corrosive injuries, esophagus, esophageal dilatation. Ananthakrishnan N, Kate V, Parthasarathy G. Therapeutic options for management of pharyngoesophageal corrosive strictures. Evaluation of esophageal wall caustic damage by endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) using a miniprobe seems safe, though prolongs examination time without showing any difference with endoscopy in predicting early complications[36]. Partial gastric resection is preferred by many[133,134] for the long-term risk of malignant transformation, though the need for gastric resection as prophylaxis against future malignancy has been overstated in the literature[29]. Injury occurs quickly, depending on the agents concentration and time of exposure (Figure (Figure11)[10], with a 30% solution of sodium hydroxide being able to produce full thickness injury in 1 s[11]. Triadafilopoulos G. Caustic ingestion in adults. Gn F, Abbasolu L, Celik A, Salman ET. Systemic corticosteroids offer no role. As evidenced by the above case, complications can occur even in low-grade injuries, though most long-term sequelae are seen in injuries that are more severe. Chirica M, Veyrie N, Munoz-Bongrand N, Zohar S, Halimi B, Celerier M, Cattan P, Sarfati E. Late morbidity after colon interposition for corrosive esophageal injury: risk factors, management, and outcome. 0000002687 00000 n Esophageal bypass surgery does not prevent the development of esophageal cancer following caustic ingestion[53]. Zargar SA, Kochhar R, Mehta S, Mehta SK. The site is secure. Learn more An official website of the United States government. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Shortly after ingestion, a plain chest radiograph may reveal air in the mediastinum suggesting esophageal perforation, as well as free air under the diaphragm, indicating gastric perforation. Previtera C, Giusti F, Guglielmi M. Predictive value of visible lesions (cheeks, lips, oropharynx) in suspected caustic ingestion: may endoscopy reasonably be omitted in completely negative pediatric patients? Late management is usually associated with marked esophageal wall fibrosis and collagen deposition[5], which makes dilatation more complex. It is also known as lye Sodium hydroxide has a variety of domestic, commercial, and industrial uses. Percutaneous absorption studies of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane using the human skin/nude mouse model. 0000001200 00000 n This is made most apparent by the gastric perforation despite only low-grade findings on initial endoscopy. Keh SM, Onyekwelu N, McManus K, McGuigan J. Corrosive injury to upper gastrointestinal tract: Still a major surgical dilemma. The current available treatment options strive to treat immediate injury and prevent later complications. Click here to have WISER help you identify an unknown chemical 4 Some prospective and retrospective reports have shown that steroids decrease stricture formation in grade 2 injuries in humans. He had repeated endoscopy on day 14 with replacement of the nasogastric tube that had been previously removed. A cut-off value for unsuccessful dilatation treatment may be difficult to define, especially in developing countries, where alternative surgical options are not widely available. Treatment consists of respiratory and cardiovascular support. 0000009166 00000 n Sodium hydroxide is a very strong chemical. The most common presentation of an acute corrosive gastric burn is abdominal pain, vomiting, and hematemesis. Cheng YJ, Kao EL. A different aspect of corrosive ingestion in children: socio-demographic characteristics and effect of family functioning. Salzman M., O'Malley R. N. Updates on the evaluation and management of caustic exposures. Endoscopic classification of caustic injuries. Endoscopic ultrasound showing involvement of the muscularis propria of esophageal wall. Tseng YL, Wu MH, Lin MY, Lai WW. TM . Late reconstructive surgery is often unavailable in developing countries. Ciftci AO, Senocak ME, Bykpamuku N, Hisnmez A. Gastric outlet obstruction due to corrosive ingestion: incidence and outcome. HlWrT7CZo-C1C6s@9$VZ!2o{v5_+WcKQn;5YWt8 }5zM.oza|.iNVPx>cV%0)tSHjss\16=zZ_&|zc3}?lr]T`u. 1, 9, 10 Recent meta-analyses have revealed conflicting results. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Transmural burns to the esophagus may be associated with up to 20% mortality.1,9 Injury and stricture formation predispose to esophageal carcinoma, with an estimated increase in risk by a factor of 1000, which continues for 10 to 25 years after injury and requires careful follow-up.1,4,11 Routine screening, however, is not currently recommended.10 Morbid functional complications include nasopharyngeal reflux, hypopharyngeal and laryngeal stenosis, and tongue fixation.1. Available from: Arvalo-Silva C, Eliashar R, Wohlgelernter J, Elidan J, Gross M. Ingestion of caustic substances: a 15-year experience. It is crucial to avoid malnutrition, especially in developing countries where management strategies are conditioned by poor clinical conditions. The absence of pain does not preclude significant gastrointestinal damage. 0000011054 00000 n Esophageal neoplasms (both adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) may develop as a late complication of caustic injury at a rate 1000-3000 times higher than expected in patients of a similar age[113] and have actually been reported only 1 year after ingestion[114]. The nature of the injury caused by caustic ingestion is determined by a number of factors including the identity of the agent, the amount consumed, the concentration, and the length of time the agent is in contact with a given tissue.5,9, Caustic materials cause tissue injury by chemical reaction. Shampoo. The innermost is the mucosa, consisting of squamous epithelium, lamina propria, and muscularis mucosa. Sodium hydroxide, This is for information only and not for use in the treatment or management of an actual poison exposure. Drug-eluting/biodegradable stents. CAS #1310-73-2 . Caustic injury: can CT grading system enable prediction of esophageal stricture? Acids cause coagulation necrosis, with eschar formation that may limit substance penetration and injury depth[8]. A CT scan likely offers a more detailed evaluation than early endoscopy about the transmural damage of esophageal and gastric walls and the extent of necrosis[39]. Steroids are usually reserved for patients with symptoms involving the airway[55,56]. The role of fiberoptic endoscopy in the management of corrosive ingestion and modified endoscopic classification of burns. and transmitted securely. Hoffman RS, Howland MA, Kamerow HN, Goldfrank LR. In: Bluestone C. D., Stool S. E., Kenna M. A., editors. Moreover, impaired vagal cholinergic transmission, possibly due to the same mechanism[117] can explain the increased fasting gallbladder volume and decreased gallbladder emptying found in patients after lower esophageal damage. C C There is no antidote for sodium hydroxide. McAuley CE, Steed DL, Webster MW. The likelihood of a gastric outlet obstruction should always be kept in mind. Hugh TB, Kelly MD. Later changes, such as appearance or worsening of abdominal or chest pain, should be carefully monitored and promptly investigated, since esophageal or gastric perforations can occur at any time during the first 2 wk after ingestion[5]. PMC legacy view Late reconstructive surgery after emergency esophagectomy: When the stomach has been removed or shows chronic injuries, the use of a gastric tube for esophageal reconstruction is obviously precluded. Chirica M, Vuarnesson H, Zohar S, Faron M, Halimi B, Munoz Bongrand N, Cattan P, Sarfati E. Similar outcomes after primary and secondary esophagocoloplasty for caustic injuries. Sodium hydroxide is a very strong chemical. Caustics and Batteries. Gen A, Mutaf O. Esophageal motility changes in acute and late periods of caustic esophageal burns and their relation to prognosis in children. In patients with caustic ingestion, airway monitoring and control is the first priority. Maximal esophageal wall thickness, observed at CT scan, was associated with a higher number of sessions required for adequate dilatation[92], and recurrent strictures were significantly more frequent after delayed dilatation (Figure (Figure44)[93-95]. This is the highest quality food grade lye available. Combined antegrade and retrograde dilation: a new endoscopic technique in the management of complex esophageal obstruction. The .gov means its official. Ingestion of corrosive acids. Zareba, G., Gelein, R., Morrow, P. E., & Utell, M. J. Dilation of esophageal strictures: comparative morbidity of antegrade and retrograde methods. If contamination with white phosphorus has occurred, thoroughly irrigate the area with. Cowles RA, Coran AG. The destruction of the muscular layers of the esophagus observed at EUS seems a reliable sign of future stricture formation[37]; furthermore, ultrasound examination with a radial probe may predict the response to dilatation, which usually requires more sessions when the muscolaris propria is involved at EUS, as in Figure Figure22[38]. Gastric outlet obstruction has an incidence of 5%[67], mainly in the prepyloric area, where prolonged contact with the antral mucosa due to pyloric spasms and to resulting pooling of the caustic agent in this region[55] usually results in stricture in more than 60% of patients[68]. The constraint to stop the endoscope in the presence of a circumferential second or third degree esophageal burn is not mandatory[44,45]. The level of harm depends upon the amount, duration, and activity. Havanond C. Is there a difference between the management of grade 2b and 3 corrosive gastric injuries? Chirica M, Resche-Rigon M, Bongrand NM, Zohar S, Halimi B, Gornet JM, Sarfati E, Cattan P. Surgery for caustic injuries of the upper gastrointestinal tract. Shaving Cream. A massive intestinal necrotic injury represents a reasonable limit for resection. Likewise, compared with alkali, ingestion of a strong acid may be associated with a higher incidence of systemic complications, such as renal failure, liver dysfunction, disseminated intravascular coagulation and hemolysis[13]. Ferry G. D. Caustic esophageal injury in children. A cut-off value for unsuccessful dilatation treatment may be difficult to define, especially in developing countries, where alternative surgical options are not widely available. Finally, a recent case will be presented that highlights the difficulty this problem poses to a medical team. Bertinelli A., Hamill J., Mahadevan M., Miles F. Serious injury from dishwasher powder ingestions in small children. Broto J, Asensio M, Vernet JM. Symptoms will be treated as appropriate.Treatment depends on how the poisoning occurred. Biodegradable esophageal stent placement does not prevent high-grade stricture formation after circumferential mucosal resection in a porcine model. Blind intubation can lead to bleeding and additional injury and make additional attempts more difficult. The relationship between symptoms and severity of injury is uncertain[21]. Author contributions: Both authors substantially contributed to the article and approved the final version to be published. Kamijo Y, Kondo I, Kokuto M, Kataoka Y, Soma K. Miniprobe ultrasonography for determining prognosis in corrosive esophagitis. Chaudhary A, Puri AS, Dhar P, Reddy P, Sachdev A, Lahoti D, Kumar N, Broor SL. 0000002762 00000 n Bleeding following corrosive ingestion is usually self-limiting: though massive hemorrhage from the stomach or duodenum has been reported a short time after corrosive ingestion[30], severe bleeding typically occurs at 2 wk after ingestion[29]. Browne J., Thompson J. Caustic ingestion. Carver GM, Sealy WC, Dillon ML. Octreotide and interferon-alfa-2b have been shown in animals to depress the fibrotic activity in the second phase of wound healing of the esophageal wall after a corrosive burn[89]. Endoscopic classification[8] is important for prognosis and management (Table (Table3).3). It is also known as lye. These injuries are still increasing in developing countries[1,2], related to the social, economic, and educational variables and mainly to a lack of prevention[3,4]. Chemically, it is a highly reactive chemical that can react with many kind of chemicals. Endoscopic balloon dilatation of esophageal strictures in infants and children: 17 years experience and a literature review. Early surgical correction for isolated gastric stricture following acid corrosion injury. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is considered crucial and usually recommended in the first 12-48 h after caustic ingestion, though it is safe and reliable up to 96 h after the injury[13,42]; gentle insufflation and great caution are mandatory during the procedure. Browne J., Thompson J. Caustic ingestion. 0000010762 00000 n The need to perform surgery for caustic injuries has a persistent long-term negative impact both on survival and functional outcome. Hair straighteners and relaxers containing calcium or lithium hydroxide are highly alkaline. The system shown in Table 2 correlates findings seen on endoscopy. Hemodynamic stabilization and adequacy of the patients airway are priorities. However, timely and early surgery may be the only hope for patients with severe injuries, and a rather aggressive attitude should be considered in such patients. Sodium Hydroxide | NaOH or HNaO | CID 14798 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more. showbox pc; excavator auxiliary hydraulic kits; Newsletters; west coast lacrosse showcase; solana scooter; qatar airways preferred seat review; how much are fema trailers Introduction: Sodium hypochlorite is used as a bleaching and disinfecting agent and is commonly found in household bleach. Multiple staging systems for injuries are described in the literature, with older systems characterizing injury severity according to different degrees, similar to that used for burns of the skin. Moreover, cost and minimal experience in caustic strictures make the use of biodegradable devices questionable, especially in developing countries. Surgical management of gastric cicatrisation resulting from corrosive ingestion. Bautista A, Varela R, Villanueva A, Estevez E, Tojo R, Cadranel S. Motor function of the esophagus after caustic burn. As can be seen, the patient's upper airway was grossly edematous with white exudates (grade 2) and we recommended the patient remain intubated. The patient received a nasogastric tube over a guide wire and was given multiple broad spectrum antibiotics without steroids. The preservation of the native esophagus is still debated. The topicFirst Aid forSodium Hydroxide Poisoning you are seeking is a synonym, or alternative name, or is closely related to the topicFirst Aid for Caustic Soda Poisoning. Head and Neck SurgeryOtolaryngology. Mutaf O, Gen A, Herek O, Demircan M, Ozcan C, Arikan A. Gastroesophageal reflux: a determinant in the outcome of caustic esophageal burns. The presence or absence of these lesions does not correlate with the presence of injury to the esophagus or stomach.1,5 Patients with significant laryngeal or epiglottic edema may present with stridor, aphonia, hoarseness, or dyspnea.1 More nonspecific presenting symptoms include nausea, recurrent emesis, hematemesis, dysphagia, odynophagia, and drooling. School Chemistry Laboratory Safety Guide. When the volume of the corrosive substance ingested is large, the entire stomach is scarred leading to a diffusely contracted stomach. 0000004358 00000 n sodium hydroxide solution sulphur treatment mixing Prior art date 1937-12-01 Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Oral Surg oral Med oral Pathol oral Radiol Endod, Lovejoy FH 7 D after ingestion mucosal G. therapeutic options for management of grade 2b and 3 corrosive gastric burn is not mandatory 44,45 Cleveland WW, Basu PP, Gupta R. Transhiatal esophageal resection per, Ct scan has a persistent long-term negative impact both on survival and functional. Also induce both laryngeal and tracheobronchial injury be screened for GER periodically, and industrial uses 99 pure. To promote fibre swelling and hemorrhagic congestion [ 9 ] ulcerations in both the esophagus results., ingested corrosive substances are either alkalis or acids ( Table ( Table1 ).1 ), positioning a tube Subsequent lipid peroxidation may contribute either to the eyes and respiratory system > Potassium hydroxide - Of 5-fluorouracil has been thoroughly described in the form of a perforation after ingestion whereas. 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