fundamentals of optical waveguides pdf

The term which pertains to the first-order Raman scattering is derived from the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. Other researchers have tested AFM tips with a metallic nanoparticle attached to the tip apex (Fig. However, non-invasive in vivo measurements can be performed using Raman spectroscopy to gain detailed information about the molecular composition and concentration gradients in the skin [33]. Such structures can be used as dynamic and reversible switches between rose petal and lotus leaf modes mimicking human skin surface [61], which demonstrates the great potential and feasibility of femtosecond laser precision engineering in biological devices. B: At. Confocal setups of this type are commonly used and employ an infinity-corrected objective lens (large numerical aperture (NA) lens) to focus the pump light. Toma et al. Polarisation-sensitive CARS can differentiate the resonant and nonresonant signals by their polarisation [169]. Furthermore, this strategy also lacks the ability of free design, which leads it more suitable to be used in the surface coloring, superhydrophobic surface, and grating, rather than the photoelectric devices of complex surface patterning. Figure 3c, shows a setup which combines SERS with dark-field spectroscopy. Opt Express 18:14262, Cleff C, Gasecka A, Ferrand P et al (2016) Direct imaging of molecular symmetry by coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering. c ii SEM image of an AFM tip after photoreduction to selectively fabricate an Ag nanoparticle at the tip apex. Zhang et al. Detailed Syllabus: Venezuela et al. J Phys Chem B 105:12771280, Cheng J-X, Book LD, Xie XS (2001) Polarization coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Basic electrical engineering Electrical machines Power machines Instrumentation and control Instruments and measurements Control system Electronics Analog and digital electronics Power electronics. Firstly, the incident laser light must be spectrally pure, which is accomplished with a narrow-linewidth laser source as discussed previously. However, these schemes often involve the acquisition of multiple images from different polarisation angles requiring long acquisition times due to limits imposed by polarisation tuning [259] and time-consuming post-processing [67]. Chem Phys Lett 26:163166, Venezuela P, Lazzeri M, Mauri F (2011) Theory of double-resonant Raman spectra in graphene: intensity and line shape of defect-induced and two-phonon bands. The present review provides the reader with an understanding of the fundamental physics that govern the Raman effect and its advantages, limitations and applications. Lee et al. This enhancement effect is optimised by tuning the plasmons associated wavelength with plasmonically active surface nanostructures. This means that fiber Bragg gratings can be used as sensing elements in optical fiber sensors. The enhanced local EM field is most concentrated at the tip apex due to the lightning rod effect. showed the existence of another type of grating with similar thermal stability properties to the type II grating. Despite metal materials, it is also feasible to deposit nonmetal particles on substrates using LIPAA [84]. Opt Express 13:1138, van Howe J, Xu C (2006) Ultrafast optical signal processing based upon space-time dualities. With a 444.5nm laser pumping, the crystal with these inscribed waveguides is feasible to generate 605 and 720nm -polarized waveguide lasers, which can achieve 66 and 47mW maximum output powers with efficiencies of 9.5% and 6.3%, respectively. B: At. Angew Chemie - Int Ed 47:16581661, Kurouski D, Mattei M, Van Duyne RP (2015) Probing redox reactions at the nanoscale with electrochemical tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Driven by applications in chemical sensing, biological imaging and material characterisation, Raman spectroscopies are attracting growing interest from a variety of scientific disciplines. In molecules and crystals, the charge distribution has an equilibrium state to which it tends. For example, the materials photoelectrical properties can be modified by changing its surface morphology and chemical energy states [35]. When using trains of pulses lower than the ablation threshold, the required threshold fluence for the irradiated substrate will be reduced due to the incubation effect [43, 44]. The spectral resolution was estimated to be 2.5cm1, which is high enough to resolve Raman spectral features of biological samples. Polarisation-resolved CARS (PR-CARS) requires monitoring of the CARS signal response depending on the relative rotation of the incident light polarisations (pump and Stokes) to the sample, in species with ordered orientations. [31], In a double-clad fiber there are two waveguides the Yb-doped core that forms the signal waveguide and the inner cladding waveguide for the pump light. In case of high carrier excitation levels, which means under high laser fluence, the wave vector disappears. The surface plasmon wavelength can also be tuned for TERS techniques and recent advances have exploited surface plasmon polaritons to focus evanescent light at the tip apex with light coupled remotely from the tip apex. This polarisation can have electric dipole, quadrupolar, octupolar, (etc.) We will not sell or distribute your data to any third party at any time.View our. Provided that the molecular bonds are oriented, the detected intensity of the anti-Stokes signal is maximised when the incident polarisations lie along the averaged direction of the bonds. A 59 2910). Housekeeping Executive/Manager, Sales Executive/Manager, etc. R. Stubbe, B. Sahlgren, S. Sandgren, and A. Asseh, "Novel technique for writing long superstructured fiber Bragg gratings," in Postdeadlin Papers, Photosensitivity and Quadratic Nonlinearity in Glass Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications, Vol. By considering the density matrix equation of the system and expressing the external field interaction as a perturbation in the Hamiltonian, the semi-classical nonlinear optics theory generates an expression for (3) with 48 terms, each of which contribute to the third-order susceptibility [5]. According to the formation mechanism mentioned above, polarization plays an important role in the LIPSS direction [111, 112]. [16] These types of gratings can be reconfigurable through special packaging and system design. This review considers spontaneous and stimulated Raman scattering, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS). Even diamond, with Mons hardness scale of 10, can be processed [73]. Certain SPM techniques ordain probe modifications for the plasmonically induced nanoscale evanescent light to activate/enhance the Raman signal. The thermal effect also leads to the material expulsion on the sample surface and leaves enormous debris around the irradiated area. [8] reported the Raman lines in graphene associated with both phonon-defect processes (such as the D line at \( \Delta \overset{\sim }{\nu } \) ~1350cm1) and two-photon processes (such as the 2D line). laser) light. The tips can either be made of a metal or coated with a thin layer of metal to modify them for TERS. Hence a fiber Bragg grating can be used as an inline optical fiber to block certain wavelengths, can be used for sensing applications,[1] or it can be used as wavelength-specific reflector. Fifty years after its first observation, Raman spectroscopy started to become a prominent analysis technique among other optical metrology techniques, such as those involving absorption of infrared light; particularly when water and other useful polar solvents were present, because these media typically strongly absorb light in the infrared region. Download Free PDF. graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and fullerenes) and SERS. Mol. A generalised expression for dominant terms in resonant CARS is given by the following [51, 119]: where R is the half width at half maximum for the Raman line [51]; AR is a constant representing the Raman scattering cross-section. Sales Manager/Executive, Marketing Manager/Executive, etc. Femtosecond-laser-induced multiphoton absorption is applied to achieve the direct laser writing of solid substrates but the resolution is in the region of 100 to 200nm. Appl Opt 1:139, Mendona JT, Thid B, Then H (2009) Stimulated Raman and Brillouin backscattering of collimated beams carrying orbital angular momentum. In the case of a crystal lattice, the energy transfer creates a quantum of vibration in the lattice known as a phonon (a quasi-particle). The dark-field spectrometer analyses the light scattered from the nanostructures (illuminated by the white-light source) to select nanostructures with the desired plasmonic properties. Mol. Figure 10(a) presents the regular array of crater structures with a period of 6.84m, which consists of the diameter of the microsphere being used [140]. Single-mode diode lasers are compact and cost-effective pump illumination sources with single-frequency linewidth (>1MHz), single-TEM beam quality and output powers of up to ~100mW. ChemBioChem 7:18951897, Huang Z, McWilliams A, Lui H et al (2003) Near-infrared Raman spectroscopy for optical diagnosis of lung cancer. In spite of its simplicity, the Lagrange-mesh method provides resonance energies and widths more accurate than the best literature results. Especially, the bond-breaking results from the coeffect of multiphoton ionization and photo dissociation, leading to the atoms removal via Coulomb explosion within pulse duration. Microscopic examination of these gratings showed a periodic damage track at the grating's site within the fiber [10]; hence type II gratings are also known as damage gratings. c i Illustration of the generation and amplification of a new orbital angular momentum (OAM) laser in a configuration with no initial OAM using a Hermite-Gaussian (TEM) laser. 1c) [85, 111]. Different from other strategies, the working distance of MLA is in the order of incident laser wavelength, which is in the range between the near field and far field. d iii Broadband CARS image with nuclei highlighted in blue, lipid content in red and CH3 stretchCH2 stretch in green. However, the Raman signal intensity is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the pump light. The two pulse trains were polarised with a pulse duration of 3ps, corresponding to a spectral width of 1.76cm1. , due to an applied strain ( To maximize the amount of pump power coupled into the active fiber, the active fiber is designed with a slightly larger clad diameter than the passive fibers delivering the pump power. As these biological processes are highly dynamic, researchers seek to observe the dynamics of molecular order with sufficient resolution and frame rate. Download Free PDF View PDF. Sun, Q. Li, X. Detailed Syllabus: Hence the spatial resolution is restricted by the size of the focal spot of the light. Bioelectric Phenomena. Nat Phys 3:305310, Tamburini F, Thid B, Molina-Terriza G, Anzolin G (2011) Twisting of light around rotating black holes. Phase-shifted fiber Bragg gratings (PS-FBGs) are an important class of gratings structures which have interesting applications in optical communications and sensing due to their special filtering characteristics. STIRAP was initially developed with applications in chemical dynamics in mind. Befitting Job Functions/Profiles:Housekeeping Executive/Manager, Sales Executive/Manager, etc. is the effective refractive index of the grating in the fiber core and Phys. further improved the simplified scattering theory of LIPSS formation by taking into account the surface plasmon (SP) [108]. Figure 5d i shows a broadband CARS image with nuclei in blue (\( \Delta \overset{\sim }{\nu } \) = 730cm1), lipid content in red (\( \Delta \overset{\sim }{\nu } \) = 2850cm1) and red blood cells in green (\( \Delta \overset{\sim }{\nu } \) = 1548cm1 + 1565cm1: C-C stretch from haemoglobin [238]). They are specifically used as notch filters. Nat Protoc 11:664687, Pudney PDA, Mlot M, Caspers PJ et al (2007) An in vivo confocal Raman study of the delivery of trans-retinol to the skin. 49 202001. Food and Beverages Executive/Manager, Sales Executive/Manager, etc. However, in the absence of SERS, these smaller particles are undetectable. CARS is a four-wave mixing process of pump, Stokes, probe and anti-Stokes light in which the emission of anti-Stokes light is coherently induced through an intermediate (ro-)vibrational energy state population inversion. A sequential writing method with continuous UV radiation that overcomes these problems has been demonstrated and is now used commercially. This study was supported by funding from: Royal Society Grants No. Our website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Part I. Proc R Soc A Math Phys Eng Sci 122:2335, Craig RL, Bondy AL, Ault AP (2015) Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy enables observations of previously undetectable secondary organic aerosol components at the individual particle level. ), and Planning and Development Capacity Planning Layout Planning Process Selection Project Planning Resources Planning Supply Chain Management Statistical Quality Control Control Chart Sampling Operating Characteristic Curve Basics of Quality Management Quality Management Product Design and Development Sourcing and Purchasing Logistics and Warehousing Inventory Management. The semiconductor tips are usually coated with metal either by thermal evaporation under high-vacuum [202] or electroless metal plating (mirror reaction) [203] techniques. Electrical Engineer, Power Engineer, Technical Content Developer, Sales and Operations Manager/Executive for Electrical Industry Processes, Research and Development, etc. Phys Rev Lett 25:362365, Batten T, Pomeroy JW, Uren MJ et al (2009) Simultaneous measurement of temperature and thermal stress in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors using Raman scattering spectroscopy. [22] In the first version of the method, subgratings were formed by exposure with UV pulses, but this approach had several drawbacks, such as large energy fluctuations in the pulses and low average power. Weak emissions that neighbour the lasers main peak several nanometres in spectral shift can occur in diode-pumped SLM lasers. raman kavuru. Supercontinuum generation is a complex nonlinear phenomenon that is characterized by the dramatic spectral broadening of intense light pulses passing through a nonlinear material [49]. Continue Reading. Such multiple focus points at the partial Talbot plane are available to create high-density patterning using only single-pulse irradiation. Detailed Syllabus: The spontaneous measurements were performed in a cuvette (bulk ethanol). Detailed Syllabus: The angle of tilt in a TFBG has an effect on the reflected wavelength, and bandwidth. Befitting Job Functions/Profiles:Electronics Engineer, Hardware Engineer, Sales and Operations Manager/Executive for Electronic Industry Processes, Research Scientist, Technical Content Developer, etc. A description of the fundamental physics that underpins these techniques has been provided. c ii, iii Simulation of the generation and amplification of a new OAM mode from initial configurations with no net OAM. In combining with three- and four-beam interference, large area nanostructure arrays are obtained with a high output of 1600m2 per pulse. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. c adapted from [111]. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle \delta n_{0}} In this paper, this approach is used for evaluating several S-wave resonances of the helium atom and of the negative positronium ion in vacuum and in Debye plasmas. CARS images are obtained by raster scanning the sample. However, with increasing the propagation distance, the intensity of the evanescent wave will perform exponential decay rapidly. About the Photonic Systems Laboratory. Data InterpretationInformation OrderingInformation Processing. It can be observed that the MLA-assisted femtosecond laser patterning distributes on the targets surface with good uniformity. Phys. Download sample papers for each section/- modules of AMCAT to understand the exam pattern. Raman spectra are (by standard) presented with the wavenumber shift linearly increasing from right to left on the horizontal axis. In addition to fast-polar-SRS, Hofer et al. In wave mixing processes with more than two waves, nonlinear optical polarisation must be considered due to the products of the mixed electric field components. SERS is particularly interesting since it allows an enhancement of several orders of magnitude of the Raman signal by modifying the surface upon which an analyte material is to be placed. We show that the choice of 3 < < 5 is reasonable. In combining with an NSOM and a 400nm femtosecond laser of 100fs pulse duration, Lin et al. Medical Representative, Nurse, Scientist, Research and Development, etc. Keldysh ionization theory is one of the main pillars of strong field physics and attosecond science. You acknowledge that the test will be taken solely by you, and that you will not consult any third person or use any other online or offline resource. They include recent developments in multiphoton excitation using femtosecond pulses where the short timescales (commensurate on a timescale similar to local relaxation times) offer unprecedented spatial localization of the induced change. By digital designing, the nanoscale dimensions and distributions of voxels can be achieved, as well as the 3D morphology of the photopolymer can be tailored with good controllability. Up to now, the femtosecond laser has been widely developed and investigated in precision engineering with feature sizes from micron to nanoscale. This is achieved by creating a periodic variation in the refractive index of the fiber core, which generates a wavelength-specific dielectric mirror. {\displaystyle \scriptstyle n_{e}} The incubation effect is attributed to an improvement of laser energy absorption and the increase of the target surface roughness with continuous pulses. 55 172001. In a tunable demultiplexer or OADM, the Bragg wavelength of the FBG can be tuned by strain applied by a piezoelectric transducer. investigated the surface patterning using six coherent 785nm femtosecond laser beams for the interference to create nanostructures in a regular hexagonal distribution [126]. Besides, it cannot create nanopatterning using this method since the generation of plasma is hard to be controlled at nanoscale. In particular, the laser-induced modification can be well-tuned by changing the laser processing parameters, including laser fluence, pulse number, pulse duration, and polarization, which can achieve properties improvement across multiple length scales, from nanoscale to microscale. In a transverse wave, the direction of the oscillation is perpendicular to the direction of motion of the wave. Anal Chem. Polarisation-dependent TERS can be performed with light polarisation parallel to the tip apex in addition to the in-plane linear and radial polarisations. The result can be described with a damped simple harmonic oscillator model, in which the oscillations of the free-charge carriers have an associated resonance. The SRS-FC technique was based on broadband laser excitation and a multiplex spectral detection system. Nano Lett 15:79567962, Yu PY, Cardona M (2010) Fundamentals of semiconductors, Fourth. Hence, the performance of transdermal drug delivery ex vivo is not an accurate reflection of the in vivo situation [32]. 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