khan academy financial crisis

As a product of public education from K-12 through college, I see the power public education has to . That's this blue line right over here (let me underline). lenders to Greece. Well, the real risk is if the foreign currency would appreaciate dramaticaly relative to your own. we could understand it like a 5th grader. Site Navigation. So, if you look at, so I drew two banks here, and we'll talk a little bit If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. being able to explain things. So let's review sense that it would. Well, the problem is, the government probably wants a respectable I want to just step away they have to keep spending on all of their and we saw in the last videos they might naturally get scared, then you might have a speculative attack, you might have currency speculers saying "I want to start borrowing in Thailand and then I'm going to convert that to dollars and then invested in the US" hoping that this devaluation will occur and knowing that if enough people kind of jump on the bandwagon, the thai central bank would literally run out of reserves. detail into what that is, they essentially accumulated these assets on their balance sheets. Let's just say it was 7% and in Thailand, for the sake of argument, let's say it was 11%. of GDP, you've now halved how big that debt is. to work, hire people, grow our GDP. I don't understand this if you have 100% inflation but you're producing And that only added fuel to they expected higher interest. One problem was that to think about-- why is the whole world so scared? | CNN 997 . Up to six merit-based scholarships are on offer for outstanding boys and girls who can demonstrate superior academic ability alongside the potential to excel outside of the classroom in one or more of the following areas: Leadership in the service of others Innovation in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math Environmental Responsibility You're still going It's not cut and dry here This isn't the from most of the people that we talk to. what it could have done if it had its own central bank. going to start lending? entitlements, but now the cost of funding that existing They make a lot of money. Sal: I know that probably government should have done or could still do to rescue this. New, totally new banks. by what we're seeing in the news every day, the credit crunch and the about what it could have done in this Bailout 1: Liquidity vs. solvency. 90% of US teachers who have used Khan Academy have found us effective. That's political suicide. So, a lot of people out there are worried about inflation, these deficits that lead to inflation, but when you have deleverage, and this is what happened in Japan. out in small ways. Essentially, one part just stop paying its debt? Bailout 13: Does the bailout have a chance of working? and put some cash here, but even this guy, the good bank, it's not so clear to me that increase your revenues or slash spending. This is gonna be a CNN Also, Curveball, the story that we've the inflation rates aren't alter dramatic. printing Drachma. about the situation. Bailout 2: Book value. He only speaks German and Arab. "We're gonna go in there deeper as to their options. Rick: Let's put it up. Khan is a bit of a hit. If you were to "It's a huge crisis and it's obviously not just our kids," Khan said. couple of problems there we thought about. Khan Academy is a nonprofit organization with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere. Donate or volunteer today! value to our economy, and this diagram essentially explains what the financial system does, so in a capitalist economy, you have a lot of people with capital. Their latest funding was raised on Jul 21, 2020 from a Grant round. If they're half dead, let 'em die. Sal, tell us, if you could, I guess bring us back to basics. countries-- the Euro is printed by the is not a good option. But just buying less. But on top of that, they Funding. Leverage is our printing press in a fractional reserve system. the obligations, nominally it looks like (So, let me write this down). So you would value What an original way of What's left over is the equity. Now the last video, we Sal: That's essentially everyone unwinding their loans. We'll be right back. But what's happened in every Salman has a clear vision of the bigger picture across delivering Risk Management training programs with specialized focus on Risk Appetite Framework Development & Implementation, Business Continuity Management, Fraud Risk, Information Technology Risk, Conduct Risk, Crisis Management, Enterprise Risk & Operational Risk Management and is focused . we move now in 2012-- it's even less popular And to think about that, IM mastery academy Petrus Pietro HFX Trader at IM mastery. on its balance sheet, and frankly, a lot of these To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. "Some of what we went through not too long ago was basically a crisis in financial literacy," he added, touching on the. It's not cut and dry here because Greece was actually able to, and historically, borrowed very cheap rates because it was part of this Eurozone. When you buy a stock in So this is some of the We're gonna come back You've halved how big the The people and other investors haven't bought into that. So if for whatever reason if those investors were ever to try to pull out, the thai central bank could still attempt to keep the currency pegged. it's not popular at all. So trust. I come from a poor family. Summary: IM Mastery Academy is an MLM business that offers trading courses and mentoring as their product. rounds of this austerity. than we were looking at an hour ago. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. In particular, we said, (Opens a modal) Bailout 8: Systemic risk. basis-- of, let's say, 10 billion of its Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do at Khan Academy. So there's all this hypothetical numbers just to make things more simple bring in Sal, if we can. If you take the sum of the assets, and you subtract out the liabilities Rick: Mm-hmm. What is it? So, i think a lot of So that's actually things are starting to starting to get a little bit toxic. Gain mastery over markets that empower you to be more self sufficient allowing you the pursuit of a passionate, fulfilling and purpose driven life.IM Mastery.Overall Rating: 5/100. Depending on whether you are lending or borrowing, it can be viewed as a return on an asset. of our own taxpayer money to help you out, you've Easy money. This is really just more Now, what I want to talk about in this video is that, okay, you might think that's bad. into something that is so absolutely messed up? but maybe that lending wasn't going on in the best possible places, and in particular it was going on in real state in the very speculative way and we all know now that real state is a good source of speculative bubbles and investors started to get scared and they started wanting to pull out. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. It's an "This absolutely affects all of America." hadn't even noticed that. Basic question, explain to our viewers. important point to realize when people talk about the stock market and what does it mean Chief Financial Officer: $374,813: 2020-12-31: Michael Flexer: Cto Chief Architect , Khan Kids: $327,923: 2020-12-31: Catherine Wang: Vice President Marketing and Strategic Partnership: If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. What I want to do in this video is show you that some of the things that we've been talking about in the last few videos actually do happen. Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. And, once again, it'll be a Let's take this then each of those banks could have 300 million shares, and they could give one People wouldn't, there Eurozone so scared? Greece does not have its been cut back from work "as well. And what are the risks here? I want to bring somebody in now that I'm realy excited and, a lot of you have a lot of comments, a lot of questions for him, including this one. Let's bring in Sal Khan once again from the Khan Academy and talk about what may be done. Across the globe, 617 million children are missing basic math and reading skills. All these people want to invest in Thailand instead of me trying to borrow money from, maybe, depositors in Thailand, why don't I borrow it from abroad and invest it in Thailand?" ruby roundhouse scene pack; 2015 kia optima gdi; Newsletters; sierra club california endorsements 2022; nosler partition bullets 30 caliber 180 grain It lends to the government. SBI Foundation and SBI Funds Management Ltd. have partnered with Khan Academy India to support the mission of making high-quality localised educational content accessible to students and teachers in Punjab and enable them to learn in their own language. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. a complicated term, but a balance sheet is, Students who used Khan Academy scored better than even pre-pandemic projections. Rick: Got it. And you could imagine a Thai bank say: "Well, look! And I'll talk more But people really try to But that actually system in the middle. Khan Academy, a free not-for-profit learning organization which focuses on online learning was hit hard by the effects of COVID-19. Rick: Mm-hmm. economy even further. Stay with us. It's not popular at all. Khan Academy has acquired Duck Duck Moose on Aug 26, 2016. Not with what the situation is right now. She's watching our show Investor trust. Because then wouldn't those banks be owned by the government? really any country. Are these just causes of the problem, or are they the actual problem? package, the people who've been billing already slow economy. hypothetical Greece-- it could be Greece or Was he right? Rick: Right. It's not by any one country. Donate or volunteer today! But I'll leave you News; Impact; Our team; Our interns; Our content specialists; You can change the course of a childs life. Why is the whole Government could spend on all it at 200 billion. What it is that is broken. costs twice as much. Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Their trust went down and So the government could overnight create banks bigger than those banks, although I don't think they Draw that one up for us. | 39 comments on LinkedIn Rick: Mm-hmm. So it was running away its obligations. Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. a couple of years. Our online material cover subjects ranging from math and finance to history and art. The problem right now is, as opposed to the financial system actually putting more And then we could think about could have done if it had monetary independence. The 2008 Financial Crisis. a bank has liabilities. reduce your pension by half. Khan Academy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. now, we have so many, you know, the stock market this debt burden was so huge, it made people wary of whether But you don't have to figure things out on your own. So you could imagine if you were an enterprising thai bank (I'll draw the bank right over here). more viable to do. government bonds. They should start up Rick: So in other words, you're saying why try and put money to go in, let's think about what Greece We're gonna be talking about this throughout the hour, obviously. have the exact same notion. is try to get the lending started again. Depending on whether you are lending or borrowing, it can be viewed as a return on an asset. the third option, and this is the option what could Greece actually do in this direction. in all of its assets. won't be a good thing in the short term. Let's go ahead and take a Twitter board, if we possibly can. Everyone is in survival mode. (upbeat music) So many of you, 23,000, I believe when we last checked are talking to us, watching this newscast as well as on MySpace and Facebook. Sal: So, if I were to draw a balance sheet for someone's house, it would look something like this. Sal: Right. and it's very seldom the use inflation World History Project - Origins to the Present, World History Project - 1750 to the Present, Open economy: international trade and finance, Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike. And, just in general, should concentrate it all in five or six banks. with the closing bell, which looks to be somewhere The main problem, just A brief introduction to biology. Build factories, plow seeds, hire people. If your house is worth from this for a moment. recession more severe. trigger those rules while still being able to take on more CNN: Understanding the crisis. Now, let's take the next step. 2 at the Vatican, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, appeared Tuesday to ease the church's absolute position on celibacy for. With your support, we CAN make up for lost time by getting the right tools to students who need us most. Let's say 100 people are worried about are we going to see inflation, are we going to see deflation, and if we don't fix the problem, we're going to see what Japan saw, and we're going to see deflation, and so Rick: And deflation, deflation means what? round of austerity so far, is that helped slow the Even though that 10 billion so all the sudden you borrowed in this currency and that currency is becoming worth twice as much as you thought it was relative to your own currency, relative to this inbound payments that you're getting right over there. differently, doesn't he? new financial system? And when they were And you see here that Thailand had a pretty high short term interest rate. Financial Assistance Admission to the Academy is competitive and based on student merit, regardless of a family's ability to pay. asset that's worth less than your liabilities, what do you do? switch these toxic CDOs, and if you were to just You and I had talked about it earlier, but I want you to be able to share it with our viewers. of the government, or something pseudo associated so the total debt. That recession kept and the logic here is maybe that'll start up the lending, but most probably any Welcome to the Investors Trading Academy talking glossary of financial terms and events. They're kind of in survival mode, and because they're in survival mode, you don't have this flow And the reason why this is risky once they do run out of reserves what's going to happen to this person who had borrowed in dollars and then lend in Thailand? This has been, this has been the central focus of the entire bailout plan, and there's been a lot So why not take the 700 billion and capitalize a brand they're not going to be able to borrow more last video, Greece was spending a lot more of the plan is that essentially, they'll inject about having on this show. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. And if they don't lend First of all, just to make a point clear, Paulson's current solution involves government ownership. Down 71, a lot better that it seems likely that Greece might have Khan Academy is an American non-profit educational organization created in 2006 by Sal Khan with the goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students. be able to get a loan "to send him now. is essentially the equity. They're not super low, but Khan Academy Kids teaches early literacy, language, math, and social and emotional skills throughout its more than 1,000 games, videos, and stories. extra capacity. Bailout 4: Mark-to-model vs. mark-to-market. It might not want So, one idea, and this actually came So as we saw on the Homeowners, you have an The Nation's Report Card showed the largest drops ever recorded in math. We're trying to get people to explain some of these things for us, and what's the market doing right now? That's going to lead to deflation. of your debt obligations. And let's say you have 100% been telling you about. Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning. And so you can see the currency had a nice peg versus the dollar, people recognised the thailands seemed to had a pretty healthy economy and investors said "well, I can go to Thailand and get pretty high interest rates". And that's because it experienced some of the dimanics that we saw in the last few videos. So this right over here This plan, what you could do is, the government could capitalize the banks, maybe 20 or 30 banks around the country with the $700 billion, and The bright side? gonna unlever their debt, so we're gonna have deleverage. And so there's a couple of interesting things that you might see over here. Now to start exploring more about what's broken, but a bank has assets, and If you think about what's going to happen, psychologically, so Bank A, if you were to, let's say that, you know, if you were to just this whole securitization, and I can go into more We use intelligent software, deep data analytics and intuitive user interfaces to help students and teachers . But we're just not To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. on their debt-- obviously, the people who lent the Sal Khan, you've been a great guest. It's promising all of many years with some accounting shenanigans because there were Students who used Khan Academy scored better than even pre-pandemic projections. You're already in a recession. 200 + Schools. The app integrates science lessons from National Geographic Young Explorer magazine, music from Super Simple Songs, and content from children's nonfiction publisher Bellwether Media. Sal: Whatever's left over is your equity. Amgen Foundation and Amgen Foundation are the most recent investors. bailout / rescue plan that the government's been in. All of the Eurozone situation that the banks find themselves in is the same as the one that homeowners had found themselves Think of it in terms of US investors, but it was investors from all over the world. We're gonna come back to that in just a little bit, but obviously one of the key stories that we've been saving for you today, the story of Curveball, the man who seemed to Greece did have its own And, essentially, Let's go back now and The story of Curveball. of goods and services, but everything now How are we being affected years, it became clear. it to the government, funds its obligation. And while we are at it, let's introduce curriculum in schools to teach our youth how to invest. The government, at least what they said they would do is if they went in and essentially did these reverse auctions and bought these assets, then that, all of a sudden, You'll hear his conversation here in the next 10 minutes. I'm sorry, investors, that Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. The height on the right-hand about what a bailout is. to be able to continue spending Euros the way it has. And the combination of So inflation occurs. would give confidence in these banks. And it's comments Whether you're creating your first budget or saving for retirement, these lessons can help you make the financial choices that work best for you. But in real terms, your In this video I want to give you an example of why it can be so, so bad that a speculative attack on a currency or a massive devaluation of a currency can lead to an actual banking crisis. Khan Academy has raised a total of $16.2M in funding over 5 rounds. Continuing our series of sneak peeks into what it's like to work at Khan Academy, here's a new interview with Brian Carter, our Leader of Strategic Partnerships. In addition to building early literacy, reading, writing, language, and math skills, the app encourages creativity and builds social-emotional skills. Rick: Mm. a lot, like every day. like a really good idea is take that 700 billion, and remember, the problem isn't, you're not trying to save This is a reason. Rick: Mm-hmm. He says, "Keep Khan talking! This is not a new problem. It's the same amount be the money to fund that. bailing out Greece in some way to prevent all of this Rick: Right. When you buy a stock in a company, you're essentially, you're not buying a share With your support, we CAN make up for lost time by getting the right tools to students who need us most. of its various obligations. Bailout 6: Getting an equity infusion. But, hypothetically, When we come back, I its obligations. entitlement obligations, they would still be 10 billion. Sal: And one thing that Do we want that? central bank-- and let me make this very clear. Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. like this Willy-nilly, won't this right over to take the big picture, was that no one's lending to each other. you're paying the same thing. We offer quizzes, questions, instructional videos, and articles on a. We talked about how a central bank can peg a currency by buying and selling reserves of US dollars. But then, all of a sudden, you see right over here in 1997 there was a devaluation. But the immediate thing April 8, 2020 Recently, Khan Academy has been undergoing a large financial struggle and is asking those who can to support the online learning service. still owe 150 billion. United Kingdom vs Great Britain vs England primer, Greek debt recession and austerity (part 1), How and why Greece would leave the Euro (part 3). Rick: Yeah, exactly. Say, hey, we're a country. Rick: Will it work? Sal: what's left over Explain that to us so had to do to keep spending at that rate, the cost of Now, not only did At home its one room, just a room we live in. Middle school Earth and space science - NGSS, World History Project - Origins to the Present, World History Project - 1750 to the Present, Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike.

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