scottish islands list

Emily Zemler is an American journalist living in London. There are over 900 islands in Scotland, of which, 118 are inhabited. Were back on St Kilda! Scotland has over 790 offshore islands, most of which are to be found in four main groups: Shetland, Orkney, and the Hebrides, sub-divided into the Inner Hebrides and Outer Hebrides. Iona and Staffa National Nature Reserve, Argyll & The Isles. My parents and Iarrived on Harris with low expectations, not knowing what lay ahead of us for the next fortnight. Pytheas of Massilia visited Britain probably sometime between 322 and 285BC and described it as triangular in shape, with a northern tip called Orcas. Millport, the only town on the island, is just a 15-minute bus ride from theferryterminal and the kids will love Crocodile Rock and the bays of Newton and Kames too. Papa Westrays claim to fame is that the worlds shortest scheduled flight operates between here and the neighbouring island of Westray, where I camped for a few nights in 2013. I grew up reading The Famous Five and, for some reason, Fidra always makes me think of Enid Blytons fictitious Kirrin Island! It is an unusual shape, deeply indented by the sea on both sides with only a slender strip of land keeping the island together, and boasts a series of amazing beaches, backed by undulating dunes and colourful machair grasses and flowers. We've made a list of Scottish islands and their names below - there are a whole host of names. The country has more than 900 different islands, some inhabited and some not, and most can be found off the west coast of Scotland in the Inner Hebrides and Outer Hebrides. Unlike the unnamed monk of Ravenna and his classical forebears, Adomnn was clearly writing about places with which he was familiar. I have a totally romantic notion of living in the Outer Hebrides for a while, and . The islands separate the Atlantic Ocean, on the west, from the North Sea on the east. A day trip to Ulva was high on my agenda. All the drivers will wave at you when they pass you on the road. This is a vividly told. The Norse holmr, meaning "a small and rounded islet" has become "Holm" in English and there are numerous examples of this use including Corn Holm, Thieves Holm and Little Holm. 248-49. One of the most striking features of Lewis is the vast expanse of peat bog in the islands interior. After the Northern Isles were pledged to Scotland by Norway in the 15th century, the early Scottish Earls spoke Gaelic when the majority of their subjects spoke Norn and both of these languages were then replaced by Insular Scots.[17]. None of these islands are currently inhabited and few of them ever were, although Hirta was occupied from the Neolithic age until 1930 and Stroma was permanently occupied until the 1970s and thereafter by . Along the coastline, there are incredible white-sand beaches for watching the sunset, visiting the small Muck ponies or keeping an eye out for whales and porpoises. , Oh my goodness, Karen! Ive yet to venture as far out asthe Treshnish Isles but Staffa liesclose enough to them that I can almost get away with including it under the letter t! [31], Youngson offers suggestions for the other Scottish islands mentioned in the Ravenna Cosmography. Were staying within the Orkney archipelago but moving north to the little island of Papa Westray, or Papay as its known locally. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Youngson (2001) draws heavily on the work of the. Isle of Skye. Lewis is in the unfortunate position of belonging to the same land mass as Harris, my favourite island and arguably one of the most beautiful places in Scotland (if not a wider geographical area!). [113], The Hebrides remain the stronghold of the modern Gidhealtachd and unsurprisingly this language has had a significant influence on the islands there. The islands of Eigg, Muck, Rum, Sanday and Cannalie between Skye and Ardnamurchan and are most easily accessed from Mallaig; a fishing port at the end of the appropriately named Road to the Isles. But the small isles have always appealed to me since I was a child and was charmed by the names. Hamish Haswell-Smith made the bold decision to exclude Skye from his weighty tome The Scottish Islands, as he considered Skye to be part of the mainland. Youngson (2001) records MacEachern's view that, Youngson writes that "MacEachern is the only scholar to write on the subject who pays any attention at all to the fact that in extract XXI Adomnn refers to an island called, The entry records a victory of the Scots over the Danes during the time of, Per the above, Watson suggests that the linguistic connection between. He believes Sasura is the modern Scarba, Minerve is Holy Island and Vinion is Sanda[19] and that Daroeda, Gradena and Longis may be Lunga, The Garvellachs and Muck respectively. [31] Thus Ljohs means "song-house" (an unlikely name for an island) and Orcades (probably "islands of the boar people"[32]) became Orkneyar meaning "seal islands". Enter your email address and keep up-to-date with my latest blog posts. There are also some island place names that originate from three other influences, including a limited number that are essentially English language names, a few that . The short time I spent in Scotland wasnt long enough. Iona, a small island in the Inner Hebrides, is known as "the cradle of Christianity" thanks to its history with missionaries. Began with a bang! It is a term used for the language(s) thought to have been spoken by the Picts, the people of northern and central Scotland in the Early Middle Ages. It does not store any personal data. Beyond the distilleries, Islay boasts an annual jazz festival, several golf courses, and opportunities for fishing, cycling, and hiking. Ross (2007) p. 44. Loch Lomond, The Trossachs, Stirling & Forth Valley. Lets hope that Barra lives up to expectations later in the year. Kimberley Grant, co-author of Wild Guide Scotland, uncovers some of the most beautiful places in Scotland. A visit to the Balranald RSPB Reserve is a must. this has it all. Just remember to plan ahead, toenjoythe best possible experiencesand#RespectProtectEnjoywhen youre there. Inland, it is barren and mountainous on the highest hill is a statue of the Madonna and child, known locally as Our Lady Star of the Sea. Arran. Thankfully those days are in the past but I do look back with a smile when I think of Yellowcraig Beach. Great Cumbrae and Little Cumbrae are English/Brythonic in derivation and there are other examples of the use of "great" and "little" such as Great Bernera and Rysa Little which are English/Gaelic and Norse/English respectively. In addition to Arran (see above) Bute may have a British root and Great and Little Cumbrae both certainly have (see below). North Uist was a glaring omission from my list of Scottish islands for many years. The mainsettlement is Kirkwall; home to the impressive red sandstone St Magnus Cathedral, which was built in the twelfth century when Orkney was under Norse rule. Gigha is a small island in the southern Hebrides, three miles west of the Kintyre peninsula. Most visitors sail into the colourful harbour village of Tobermory to sample fresh seafood and visit local shops before heading north to Glengorm Castle or one of the islands beaches. I landed on both islands in 2009. It was formerly spoken over a far wider area than today, even in the recent past. The island is rich in wildflowers and birds such as the rare corncrake and puffins. The most magical spot on the island is Fingals Cave, a large sea cave flanked by hundreds of hexagonal basalt columns. It was during a frustrating, cold, squally morning near Duart Castle that I reached the conclusion that I need to concentrate my efforts close to home by committing to my Black Isle Project, instead ofholding out hope for the right conditions during a one week window on any given island. Baldi & Page (December 2006) Review of "Europa Vasconica - Europa Semitica", Woolf, Alex "The Age of the Sea-Kings: 900-1300" in Omand (2006) p. 95. My connection with Skye dates back to the summer of 1995, when the construction of the Skye Bridge was well underway. A lifetime isnt long enough to explore all of the places that Scotland and the wider world have to offer! This sub-arctic archipelago is so far north that during summer it is bathed in near-perpetual sunlight, a phenomenon that blankets the islands in a silver sheen at midnight - the simmer dim. The chances of gettingthe image in my minds eye are slim, but if the opportunity ever presents itself, Ill certainly give it my best shot! Ive learned to kayak since my last trip to Orkney and fancy paddling around the coastline when I next return. Thank you Suzanne. Harris and Lewis are physically joined but are very much considered separate entities. Id recently acquired a copy of Sea Room, the definitive book about the Shiant Isles written by their former owner, Adam Nicolson. Perhaps surprisingly Shetland may have a Gaelic rootthe name Innse Chat is referred to in early Irish literature and it is just possible that this forms part of the later Norn name Hjaltland[32][112] but the influence of this language in the toponymy of the Northern Isles is slight. Ailsa Craig is also known as "Paddy's Milestone". I have another article dedicated to St Kilda, so Ill wrap up on the letter B and move on, but well be back in a few moments to visit Dn; Hirtas nearest neighbour! Brother Isle is an anglicisation of breiare-y meaning "broad beach island". If only it were that easy in reality. Inchkeith in the Firth of Forth is recorded as "Insula Keth" in the 12th century Life of Saint Serf. Islay, part of theInner Hebrides, is home to several whiskey distilleries, including Lagavulin and Laphroaig, making it an ideal destination for those looking to enjoy a dram of Scotland's finest. (2006), This page was last edited on 18 October 2022, at 07:24. The name may derive from Innis Cheith or Innis Coit and both Mac an Tilleir (2003) and Watson (1926) suggest that the root is the Brthyonic coed. As my husband and I cycled around North Uist, we detoured west on to the nature reserve. Thanks for the idea on food photography too. [10] However, there is virtually no direct attestation of Pictish short of the names of people found on monuments in the lands controlled by the Picts - the area north of the Forth-Clyde line in the Early Middle Ages. In the Northern Isles most place names have a Norse origin. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The eerie sounds created by the waves under the arched roof earned it the Gaelic name Uamh-Binn, the cave of melody. According to Corrin (1998) "when and how the Vikings conquered and occupied the Isles is unknown, perhaps unknowable"[109] although from 793 onwards repeated raids by Vikings on the British Isles are recorded. Isle of Gigha. Until recently they were also home to over 3,600 invasive Black Rats (a slightly more intimidating prospect for us campers than my wee furry friends on Hirta the native St Kilda Fieldmice!). However, they werent always so well connected. The Orkney islands are a very special place. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. These islands have all been occupied by the speakers of at least three and in many cases four or more languages since the Iron Age, and many of the names of these islands have more than one possible meaning as a result. Islands are very special places and Im looking forward to reading your blog in search of some island stories! 1881 Distillery Pavilion Peebles Pink Gin 1881 Distillery Rafters Subtly Smoked Gin 1881 Distillery Tiffin Eastern Spiced Gin 1881 Distillery Winter Gin A Alexander's Alexander's Gin Arbikie Highland Estate AK's Gin Arbikie Highland Estate Kirsty's Gin Arbikie Highland Estate Ndar Gin Arcturus Torridon Gin Arcturus Torridon Gin Original Edition Like its neighbours, North Uist is an island of contrasts: a stark landscape of freshwater and saltwater lochs on the east . You can, of course, see the famous Shetland ponies, who can be found freely roaming the islands. Islay is a must because I like Bowmore; same for Jura. This is a shivers-up-the spine post, holding so many treasures in beautifully selected photos and easy prose: birds, history, literature and even a connection with my home place of NSW! The Pictish language offers considerable difficulties. Skye is the largest island in the Inner Hebrides group of islands, found to the northwest of Scotland. [Note 4], These Scandinavian settlers were "past masters in the art of analogical reformation"[30] meaning that when they heard the names of islands from the native population they amended the sounds so that they became "known words or phrases in their own language" in a way that did not reflect the original meaning. Gaelic contains considerably more sounds than English but only uses 18 letters. If youre feeling energetic, I can highly recommend a 56-mile cycle run around the island or a walk up Goatfell, Arrans highest peak at 874m (2,867 ft). The Shetland Islands are located 130 miles north of the Scottish mainland and 190 miles west of Norway, making it the UK's most northerly point. The Heart of Neolithic Orkney is designated as a World Heritage Site and rightfully so, due to the substantial remains of human civilisation dating back further than the Pyramids, including the ancient coastal settlement of Skara Brae; the impressive stone circles at Brodgar and Stenness; and the remarkable Neolithic tomb at Maeshowe. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. So, if the above whets your appetite for more island experiences,and lets face it there are plenty of options,take a look atislands and island hopping holidaysand get planning. Discover Scottish Highlands and Islands with this comprehensive and entertaining travel guide, packed with practical information and honest recommendations Theres a ruined castle and golf course, often populated by red deer, and along the coastline are cliffs, caves and beaches where otters and seals can be seen. I originally wrote this article in 2016 as an entry in the WordPress photographic challenge. Boreray lies four miles northeast of Hirta and was important to the survival of the St Kildans due to its vast colony of Gannets; a source of meat, feathers and eggs. A short drive along the north shore of Loch na Keal took me to a pier where I summoned the small passenger ferry by uncovering a red panel; refreshingly low-tech in our modern world! On whole its was am emotional ride. (2009), Rae, Robert J. The above photograph was captured on Hirta and it gives you a sense of how narrow the channel is between the two islands. A dramatic and enlightening account of the oral history, legends and . The islands long, snaking coastlines have towering sea cliffs, unspoilt beaches and an abundance of wildlife including puffins, otters and orcas. There are three island names in Shetland of unknown and possibly pre-Celtic origin: Fetlar, Unst and Yell. Linked by a small bridge, and in low tide by a beach, it has spectacular scenery with views across to the Treshnish Isles. "[81] It therefore seems possible that the early Gaels were just as fond of "analogical reformation" as the Norse. Every Scottish island seems to have a unique characteristic and the thing that always springs to mind when I think of Islay is the friendliness of the locals. It may have been a fifth branch of Brythonic; Kenneth H. Jackson thought that the evidence is weak,[8] but Katherine Forsyth disagreed with his argument. Arguably Scotland's most famous island, the Isle of Skye is vast, with lots to see and do. Thankfully the Scottish islands have become a sanctuary for them due to the efforts of conservationists. Cared for by Historic Environment Scotland,Inchcolm,in the Firth of Forth,isanislandwith a long historydating back many centuries. It was a surreal start to anexcellent day out. The second-largest island in the Small Isles has a thriving green community that generates almost 95 per cent of its electricity from renewables. I dont suppose you will be travelling that way, but there are plenty more treats in store for you. [11] The term "Pritennic" is sometimes used to refer to the proto-Pictish language spoken in this area during the Iron Age. Vaguely disappointed to learn that Nicholson has given up on the Shiants. Getting there:RegularCalMacferriescross to and fromSconseron Skye and Clachan on Raasay,and the crossing takes 25 minutes. North Uist was a glaring omission from my list of Scottish islands for many years. You know where to find me if you want some help with the holiday itinerary! Be sure to try the whiskey at the Isle of Jura Distillery, and hop on a boat tour to the Corryvreckan Whirlpool, one of the largest permanent whirlpools in the world. The National Records of Scotland lists 93 inhabited islands in the 2011 census. Thanks, not sure why but that pleases me continuity is reassuring I guess. Not sure if youve come across Andy Strangeways exploits to sleep on all 162 Scottish islands over 40 hectares ? The Isle of Gigha is a little piece of heaven on earth - an artist's palette of reds, greens and blues. Lookout fordolphins, porpoises, basking sharksandminkewhalesonyour boat trip too. Both times we went there we flew from Glasgow and landing on the beach was so exciting! Thanks! This the oldest known form of the Goidelic languages, which is known only from fragments, mostly personal names, inscribed on stone in the Ogham alphabet in Ireland and western Britain up to about the 6th century. He composed his evocative Hebrides Overture in 1830 followinga visit to the island as part of a tour of Scotland. The . From Isle of Skye to St. Kilda, here are the 15 best islands in Scotland. With a limited amount of time and a budgetto try to stick to (and favourite islands to re-visit), I suspect itll be a few years yet before I set foot on all the islandson my list. Golfers will also want to book a round or two at the Millport Golf Course, which has views of Ailsa Craig, Bute and the Cowal Peninsula. I so enjoyed writing this post and re-visiting many wonderful memories. Have to say my favorite letter is I. Portnellan Organic Farm also offer luxury speedboat tours of various points of interest in and along the loch, before stopping at Inchailloch to explore the church and burial ground. Elsewhere on the island, the cliffs and grassy slopes provide nesting sites for puffins, razorbills and guillemots during spring and early summer. Some of the most spectacular machair plains and the best beaches in the UK can be found here, among them the pristine Luskentyre sands which stretch out for miles. Although they are the dominant languages in modern Scotland the presence of both Scots and English in island names is limited. For by historic Environment Scotland, England, and this picture postcard townis positively on Definitive Guide to every Scottish island names and are probably adaptations of a millionseabirds raisetheiryoungherebetweenAprilandSeptember, with softer Delight to catch the ferry or hire one in Millport North Berwick runs! 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