bibbulmun track spreadsheet

I also occasionally use my phone. It also provides schools with the resources to participate in the WACE endorsed end-to-end program and students to attain the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. These pages are bursting with information to help you have a safe and pleasant journey. Its designed to help decide which part of the 1000 km Track youd like to walk and to give you all the planning information you need. Bibbulmun Track (WA) ~ The Long Way's Better Megan, I find this very good sharing, especially on the resupply considerations that included supporting local businesses. As a rough guide, there should be five waugals per kilometre in forest areas, and two per kilometre in more open areas. BIB2016 | Walking With Wired ! How big were the towns and what were their supermarkets/food stores/cooperatives like for resupplying? Hi Ben, I did end to end over 10 years ago, agree with most of what you wrote but for your info, I passed a bloke wearing Dunlop volleys, an american wearing Teva sandals and socks and an Israeli carry a bag of rice. Let's see how we go! Like anything, this can vary enormously in price and quality. Thanks for all the information about the Bibbulman Track. Pemberton to Walpole The section from Pemberton to Walpole is exciting. Leave No Trace is all about promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor travel and recreation through education, research and partnerships. Ive never had a single blister since I started wearing Injinji toe socks as a liner, underneath thicker wool socks (in my case, Darn Toughs). Celebrate our 25th year with an adventure! Choose a section of the Track for a day of amazing scenery or challenging walks or, if you're game, tackle the whole Track. WA runner Shane Johnstone breaks Bibbulmun Track record with 1000km in Sending packages to yourself does make a bit of guess work. Each of the towns on the Bibbulmun has at least a mini supermarket, but the range is often limited and the prices are high. Location/temp range/specific trip description: Seems roughly 0 to 30 degrees C (32-86 degrees F), I'm not very sure though. Travel from Perth Airport to Fremantle for $4.50, Take a walk on the wild side walking the Bibbulmun Track, What to take on a multi-day Bibbulmun Track hike, Follow Local Travel Tips on How to Set Up Your eBay Sales Spreadsheet | Inexpensive eBay Sales Tracking If you want to get the most out of your Bibbulmun Track walk, use it as an opportunity to explore the South Coast of Western Australia . When buying a backpack, try on as many packs as you can before making a decision, and ask the shop assistant to add weight to them and adjust the straps to fit your body so you can assess how the pack distributes the weight. The towns on the Bibbulmun Track are pretty spread out, with the greatest distance between two towns being 202 kilometres. Water is available from tanks at each of the 48 campsites along the. Which towns were I planning to have rest days? The Group page. Get insights together with secure sharing in real-time and from any device. The Bibbulmun Track is a walking trail located in Western Australia running over 1000km between Kalamunda in the north and Albany in the south. The first version of the Track (from Kalamunda to Northcliffe) was marked in 1974, and named after a distinct Aboriginal language group, who inhabited some of the areas the Track passes through. I used a pyramid tarp which gave me good all round protection although next time I would choose something with a smaller footprint. If youre inspired to try, heres (some of) the info youll need to make it happen. This creates a logistical nightmare. The Bibbulmun Track, Western Australia Ranging from inland planes to beaches, limestone ranges to damp gullies, the 965-kilometre Bibbulmun Track, spanning from Perth to Albany, is one of Australia's great walks. Lines in his book A long walk in the Australian bush.. BT Day 34: Monadnocks to Mt Dale 889.5km (33.3km) June 21, 2021. Doing it sandals should surely count for more than a regular end-to-end. For me, that meant getting a pair of custom orthotics from my podiatrist after experiencing some serious arch pain on multi-day hikes in the Darling Range. We are flying to Perth from London on Qantas new direct flights. Well be sending a second pair of each ahead to one of the Track towns in case they are so worn we need to replace them (gulp!). Western Australias famous Bibbulmun Track extending from Kalamunda in the Perth hills to Albany on the south coast has much to offer in that regard and the best seasons to walk it are Winter and Spring. More to come, I'm sure. Awesome write up thank you! Walpole Denmark: Purchase all food in Walpole supermarket to reach Denmark, Denmark Albany: Purchase all food in Denmark shops/supermarket to reach Albany. Bibbulmun guide | Going Solo With that decided, training should have been next on the list, but I was pretty fit so figured I didnt need to do much of that. If you are doing more than a day walk on the Track, you will need to take a lot of equipment: sleeping gear, cooking equipment and food, a change of clothing, basic toiletries, a first aid kit and maybe a tent. On my last 16-day section hike from Northcliffe to Albany, I lost 5 kilos and that was with a calorie-rich diet, while stuffing my face in each of the towns I visited. Collie was a bigger town with a large supermarket. Spring is really recommended to see all the blooming flowers. In my defence, I find it difficult to get well-fitting boots because my second toes are longer than my big toes. The Bibbulmun Track passes through some remote areas of Western Australia, so once youre on the Track you need to know how to stay on it. But for the purposes of a non-picky hiker, theyre perfectly adequate. BT Day 33: Nerang to Monadnocks 855.9km (25km) June 19, 2021. Ive only done Bibbulmun day hikes as of yet. For gear reviews, I often rely on Outdoor Gear Lab. As with all long distance hiking, the lighter your pack the better your journey will be. Northcliffe Walpole: Pack everything (except breakfast), dehydrating my own food & post to Northcliffe Visitors Centre to reach Walpole. Premier Partner of the Foundation and the Bibbulmun Track maintenance volunteer program. One thru-hike at a time. In Pemberton purchase two days worth of food to reach Northcliffe. The track is officially measured as 1003 kilometres long, divided into 58 sections, each ending in either a town or a campsite. Im in the market to buy a new one but there is so much out there! However, although I couldnt live in a country town full time, I enjoy getting out of the city and spending time in the country. We have been planning in earnest for a few weeks now and we have been using a huge excel spreadsheet to help us battle the logistics one step at a time. Therefore, if my boots fit well at the heels, my second toes end up getting battered on hikes and eventually, the nails turn black and drop off. Required fields are marked *. Testing out the Sawyer Filter in a murky Peak District stream. In August of 2018 after 2.5 years of planning I started my thru-hike of the 1005km Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia. Over its (roughly) 1000-kilometer length, the Bibbulmun winds its way through dense native forests, passes through a handful of sleepy country towns, climbs up and down ranges with magnificent views, and traverses the white, sandy beaches of WA's powerful southern coast. Rain and flooding can be a problem that time of year, but its generally nothing that cant be overcome with good rain gear and a positive attitude. Home Trip Planner Distance Calculator. On an excel spreadsheet I mapped out my entire walk highlighting where I was planning to stay each night, how many days I would be on the track, how many nights I would be in each town to provide an overall understanding of where I would be for each day and for each meal. Traditional camping equipment is rarely suitable for hikers, so youll need to buy equipment thats designed for hiking. If youre an experienced hiker you probably wont find much here for you, but hey you dont know what you dont know! It may not have the most spectacular scenery for most of it, but it somehow wins the heart of everyone that hikes it for the pleasant experience. The Bibbulmun Track is a 623mi/1,002km trail that runs near the Southwest coast of Australia from Kalamunda (near Perth) to Albany. Definitely not perfect but I was trying! Therefore, we will put "30 day fixed", "7 day auction", etc in this column. Although walking is a relatively safe pastime, there are hazards associated with the bush. Most of the sections are somewhere between 20 and 25 kilometres long, or about a full days walk for the average hiker. Over the last couple of weeks before I left for the Bibbulmun Track, I was up until midnight planning my itinerary, counting sections, cooking up curries, dehydrating meals, weighing portions & allocating food for each day. What pack did you use for this hike? Reflections from the reality & how it all worked out. There are about 50 open sided shelters along the track, most a very easy day's walk . Bibbulmun Planner | Photo - Travel Blog If you want to experience the geological features, biodiversity and scenic beauty of this long-distance walking trail, the Section-by-Section guide on the excellent Bibbulmun Track Foundation website is a great place to start. I want to walk the Bibbulmun Track, I said confidently when my turn came. The solitude and peace on this trail is incredibly unique for one so near civilization. So I thought it might be helpful to share in a little more detail some of the things I considered when organising food for the trip. Tank water is often yellowish from the tannins in the leaves that get stuck in the shelter gutters, but is still perfectly safe to drink once treated. The Perth ultra-endurance runner crossed the finish line at Kalamunda this afternoon, completing the 1000km journey in 11 days, seven hours and eight minutes. . My basic gear, not including food and water, weighed about 13 kilograms (see the list at the end of this blog). Scroll down for a Map of the Bibbulmun Track through Denmark WA. One of many shelters with covered tables and water tanks. Many of these groupies were British ex-servicemen who had returned from WWI to find there were no jobs for them. He was also a pretty good breeder himself, fathering nine children! Read More. Your email address will not be published. A fully-stocked ultralight backpack using mainly gear from decent overseas manufacturers will cost somewhere between 2000-3500AUD. Its important to ensure your pack fits comfortably and has a good hip belt to keep the weight on your hips rather than on your shoulders. These notes will help to make your Bibbulmun Track experience safer and more enjoyable. At the end of the weekend we felt tired yet recharged by our brief break in the country. This includes how to get there, highlights, interesting places, weather forecasts, Track conditions, the Track towns and photos. My niece is currently on the track and has pre-planned food drops along the way. The majority of this comes from the big four: pack, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and tent - most of which we already had and are heavier than we might like. Bibbulmun Track - Wikipedia Tank water should be treated, either with a filter, a UV lamp or some chemical treatment method. You need to be a special type of person to live in them and I admire people who thrive in these conditions I know I couldnt. Answering these questions helped me map out how manybreakfast, lunches, dinners & snacks I would need across the hike, & where they would potentially come from along the way. I am so glad I dehydrated a lot of my own food. The Bibbs campsites are far better than those on the famous Appalachian Trail, but not quite as lavish as those in Tasmania or New Zealand. The next thing I needed to do in preparation for hiking the Bibbulmun Track (see my previous blog for the background to this crazy idea!) I put together a list of distances from the details on the Bibbulmun Website today and a rough guide on how long I would potentially take, it's roughly based off your times but I've added a few extra days to sections as I won't be doing it as fast as you did. Once we reach Albany, its a long six hour bus back to Perth and then onwards. There are buses from all the main track towns to Perth or Albany in case we get injured and need to bail. But its still an awesome pack with a really strong hip strap. Id actually recommend this option for an end-to-end, because it supports the communities that host you and it saves you from agonising over a nutrition plan before your hike. I aimed to start my hike in late September and to walk north to south. There is also a natural outdoor pool, but it wasnt warm enough for that when we were there. Our current plan involves only restocking at the towns, although we are also exploring the option of calling upon the Tracks Trail Angels to drop off food on some of the longer, 7+ day stints to reduce our pack weights. Im hooked on my fitbit for tracking my hikes but they run out of juice so quickly thanks man! Australian Hiker | Bibbulmun Track WA (1005 km) As with all long distance hiking, the lighter your pack the better your journey will be. At the end of the month, we'll be able to track which format and duration were most effective for us. The Pingerup Plains between Northcliffe and Mandalay Beach are usually inundated in late winter and spring, but many hikers believe its worth a few days of wading to see their magnificent wildflowers in full bloom. The only place you might need to plan ahead is the Kalamunda to Dwellingup section, where the only resupply point is the North Bannister Road House. I took water purification tablets on my first hike, but the treated water tasted so foul I couldnt drink it! Food for Thru-hiking the Bibbulmun Track Its become an obsession. If youre on a tight budget, its still possible to put together a kit with gear from AliExpress and sale items watch this space for gear reviews on how to make that happen! The Bibbulmun Track, south Western Australia. Just read your article, brilliant! Most hotels, hostels and post offices along the track will happily hold resupply packages for you, just be sure to call in advance before you send them. Information for bushwalkers from bushwalkers, by Empacitator Wed 22 Jan, 2014 12:20 am, by Empacitator Fri 24 Jan, 2014 10:58 am, by InspirationOutdoors Mon 27 Jan, 2014 1:33 pm, Return to South Australia, Western Australia & Northern Territory, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Unless you can talk friends into bringing supplies to you, which could be difficult to coordinate, youll need to do a food drop before you go. Since I started using this I havent had a blister. It doesnt do much to help the toe nail situation though! Two of the original fire lookout trees can still be climbed by daring visitors. Copyright 2023 Bibbulmun Track Foundation. Embrace it, and figure out what works for you. Track Angels are locals that support hikers on the track - whether they be end to enders like us, or just doing sections of it - with food drops, accommodation, advice and lifts. To walk the whole track is an adventure in contrasts, where the reward for your hard work is to see the world change before you at the speed of a human being. Everyone looked stunned. The name comes from the Bibbulmun, or Noongar people, Indigenous Australians . Im just getting the blog off the ground so its good to hear somebody is finding it useful. There are three-sided shelters with picnic tables, rainwater tanks, as well as dunnies with toilet bowls and sometimes even toilet paper. Very jealous, Ill add it to my ever-growing bucket list. Collie Donnelly River Village: Purchase all of my food from the Collie supermarkets & Balingup shops to reach Donnelly River Village. It was originally envisaged by keen bushwalker Geoff Schafer, in 1972. Slower Hiking 12/9/22 Slower Hiking 12/9/22. In my humble opinion, the Australian outdoor gear industry is still stuck in the 1980s, when heavy packs were a source of pride and durability was the biggest concern. Thanks for your comment. The Bibbulmun Track passes through many different environments; we saw an astonishing 85 different orchid species and hybrids. What about tracking navigation? Bibbulmun Track Planning - Spreadsheets and an obsession with - Blogger Im quite an experienced hiker, and find your blog post very usefull. The Bibbulmun Track, Western Australia | Odyssey Traveller SA, WA & NT specific bushwalking discussion. Innovative lightweight backpacking and travel gear for your next adventure. Anyone with an average level of fitness should be able to complete an end-to-end, so long as they actively manage their body and dont injure themselves. The most important item on any hike is a pair of comfortable, well worn-in boots. We like to track how the item was listed at the time of the sale. For advice specific to the Bibbulmun, the Bibbulmun Track Hikers Facebook group is a useful resource. Dont know why I packed them), and not enough dried fruit & nut snacks. If youre an experienced long-distance hiker, you could aim to finish in as little as a month. In my defence, I find it difficult to get well-fitting boots because my second toes are longer than my big toes. If youre not walking alone and have two cars at your disposal, a good strategy is to park a car at each end of the section. I have met a lot of people with the same foot conformation so, if this applies to you, you may need to choose between sore toes or blisters on your heels. Therefore, if my boots fit well at the heels, my second toes end up getting battered on hikes and eventually, the nails turn black and drop off. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). In May this year, Tim and I will be flying to Western Australia to take on our biggest challenge yet; well be hiking the Bibbulmun track, 1,000 km through the remote Australian wilderness. Although I had grown up in the hiking mecca of Derbyshire in the UK, Id never done a multi-day hike and didnt even own a pair of hiking boots. The Bibbulmun Track often has temporary diversions and permanent realignments for various reasons, which can extend the distance to be walked on any day. Bushwalk Australia and contributors 2007-2014. Donnelly River Village only had a simple general store. Youll want to make sure you get plenty of calories about 4000-6000 a day is recommended for long-distance hikers.

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