cesar yusti real life

As younger men they were both members of the Medellin cartel (via New Republic). Bringing Cali's Reign to an EndThe time Miguel had been captured ended up being a short-lived event. In order to keep control of the Juarez Cartel, Amado Carrillo ordered Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni, then Chief of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police, to shoot Aguilar Guajardo to death on April 12, 1993, when he boarded a boat at a dock in Cancun. Well just send everything that we have through Mexico.' In that position, he gained access to investigations, wiretaps, interdiction programs, anti-drug operations, informants and to all the Mexican intelligence on drug trafficking, in addition to having the privilege of knowing the information provided by the U.S. government and its specialized agencies. The forensic investigation, in charge of Mario Rivas Souza, concluded that the shots received by the Cardinal and his driver had been "very direct" and at a distance of one meter. Cesar Chavez Chavez, who was a farm labourer himself, grew up in a family of Mexican American descent. It's a major turning point in Narcos, the moment when Escobar finally wins election to the Colombian Congress. 0,00 . In reality, Salcedo was nowhere near the Pallomari capture. ", What the third season zeroed in on, however, was the DEA's dealings with Salcedo and in fact, the Cali insider was only playing for both teams for a short amount of time. Hector Yusti. He worked for both the urban drug lords and the Italian Mafia in Detroit in 1970s and '80s. 1: the North Valley cartel. In fact, while an unwritten rule established that commanders of a Military Region should last only two years in their post, Gutierrez Rebollo remained as Commander of the Fifth Military Region from 1989 to December 1996. Narcos: Mexico claims that the Arellano Felix brothers fled the scene in a TAESA plane, an airline that, according to the series', supposedly belonged to Professor Carlos Hank Gonzalez. Nuez also questions whether anyone else would be prosecuted and implicitly suggests that politician Carlos Hank Gonzalez should be investigated. According to the character of Andrea Nuez, the journalist of La Voz media outlet and main narrator of the series, Luis Donaldo Colosio's progressive discourse had turned him into a threat to those who had elected him as a candidate. Years later, in 1997, while El Gory was in prison in the United States, he stated that he had been forced to sign a confession in Mexico, and that the real motive for the murder was linked to incriminating information in possession of the Cardinal. Maybe he headed into the countryside, or maybe he just sat around with Limn talking soccer and drinking lukewarm cans of Aguilla in a cruddy hideout. As a result, the shift in Season 3 to the Cali cartel risked alienating viewers who'd been tuning in to watch Murphy and Pena take down Escobar. In fact, when the attack began, the Arellano Felix brothers fled by plane and El Chapo left the premises in a car. Well, one of the reasons it was so odd was because the writers did with the plot what any good mule would do with a condom full of Escobar's marching powder: They pulled it out their butts. Former M19 guerrilla Gustavo Petro is currently in the Colombian senate, having previously served as mayor of Bogota (via Colombia Reports). Together they had a daughter, Julia Caesaris, in 76 B.C. "Both those guys said I would be a good resource to speak to, and also because of William Rempels book At the Devil's Table: The Untold Story of the Insider Who Brought Down Cali." Both Gutierrez Rebollo and his family argued that he had been framed, seeking to damage his reputation, and insisted that if he had ever had contact with any drug trafficker, it had always been with the intention of arresting them. Narcos Season 3 spoilers ahead. gustavo narcos real life. In 2016,The Hollywood Reporter spoke to the real Pena about Narcos season two. "A lot of people didnt know about the Cali cartel. grunge.com - S. Flannagan 305d. "It had a big impact and resonated," he says. General Riviello used to tell me: you go too deep, you know [and you will face the consequences]. With such claims, we would think that the Narcos: Mexico series has all the elements to support these versions and accusations. Though Narcos is a fictionalized version of events,showrunner Eric Newman has always said the chronology is on point. Although showrunner Eric Newman has always been careful to stress that the narrative is condensed and refined to work as fiction, there's no doubt Netflix wants you to take Narcos seriously as television. "Each one of them brought something to the table, which was pretty distinctive," he says. El Gory initially helped support the PGR's version that claimed there was a confusion between the Cardinal and El Chapo. Showrunner Eric Newman put it like this: "we've sort of put Pena as our one continuous character and made him representative of the DEA and the management in Colombia at the time," which is producer speak for "yeah, it's all bull poop, but it's poop that makes excellent TV!". Fittingly for such a man, Escobar's romantic appetites are shown as equally large. And meanwhile, here I am ending my life for something I'm not even sure I did.". In an interview, journalist Sanchez Ley pointed out some of the most relevant data that came to light from the declassification of the Colosio Case, stating that this new information revealed documentation which proves things that were previously only speculated. Nor was Escobar shy about the family business. Sponsored by Homesily Who can be comfortable after sitting 8 hours a day at work? With this purchase, Carlos Hank Rohn became the majority shareholder of the group. apes chapter 4 quizlet multiple choice Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. However, not everyone is convinced of Salcedo's innocence. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There were even people I worked with in DEA that didnt know much about Cali because everything was always focused and publicized with Pablo and Medellin," says Feistl. As theDaily Beast describes, they ran social cleansing operations in Cali that exterminated homosexuals. ", He continued, "Where Medellin really revolutionized that Caribbean corridor, Cali revolutionized that trafficking through Mexico, which the North Valley cartel jumped on after extradition. Suddenly, as the plane is about to crash, Amado Carrillo makes an emergency landing in the middle of the desert and several cartel members arrive almost immediately to help him move all the cocaine packages into three vans. But when it finally happens, the show pulls another rug out from under us. How Feistl and his partner (whose name was changed for the show since he is still an active DEA agent) met up withSalcedo on the show was accurate. In fact, it was General Antonio Riviello Bazan, former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari's Secretary of National Defense, who had Carrillo Fuentes in custody. Most places Ive seen has Navegante as Cesar Yusti, however there is a book about the Cali cartel written by Jorge el Navegante Velasquez. en este video te cuento la vida de uno de los. The Untold Truth Of Cesar Yusti, The Real-Life Hitman In Narcos In "Narcos" Season 3, the Cali Cartel's brutal violence is enacted by "El Navegante," a hitman and enforcer based on a real-life killer named Cesar Yusti. Indeed, the Arellano Felix and El Chapo Guzman were at the Guadalajara Airport at the same time as Cardinal Posadas, but it is rumored that they attended a meeting to "smooth things over", an appointment that was organized by Rodolfo Leon Aragon, El Chino, then head of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police. Pablo Acosta at the time controlled the Ojinaga, Chihuahua, Mexico, "Plaza." It may not be as narratively satisfying as having their characters go back to the simple life, but it's probably more lucrative. Ahead of season two's premier in 2016, Juan Pablo Escobar sat down with Spain's El Pais to complain about the show. Immediately, doubts arose about the initial hypothesis of the PGR. The truth is that the politician Carlos Hank has never been mentioned by authorities as one of those involved in this case, as the series points out, and the versions used by the production of Narcos: Mexico are openly modified to hook the audience into a classic cops and robbers story. So he and his partner used Salcedo's intel to approach Pallomari's wife, Patricia, at her workplace and explain that Cali had a hit out on her husband. 38 Watched . In the post-truth era, how can we distinguish lies from truths? and was stabbed to death in the Roman senate on March 15, 44 B.C. A professional killer in one of the most turbulent periods of the South American drug war, Yusti was certainly not a man you would want to mess with a fact represented by Juan Sebastian Calero's imposing performance (pictured above). Recounting a meeting between Salcedo and Yusti in June 1995 in which the pair staked out the apartment block where Pallomari lived, Rempel writes that Salcedo became aware of Yusti's restlessness. Witness Protection Program. Bibliography. - Galileo News Though Narcos is a fictionalized version of events, showrunner Eric Newman has always said the chronology is on point. Witnesses to the murder also testified that a man opened the trunk of the car in which the Cardinal was traveling and took out documents whose contents and whereabouts are unknown. Aguilar Guajardo was in charge of establishing contacts with Colombian Cartels, specifically with the Cali and Medellin cartels, controlling 60% of the Colombian cocaine that reached the United States. So when you walked back in, it looked just like a dresser. Cali's social cleansing gangs would track down gay people alongside street kids and prostitutes murder and mutilate them, then throw their bodies into the Cauca River with a sign tied around their necks that read "clean Cali, beautiful Cali." December 31, 2021. cesar yusti real life . "This was the kind of story that was always in the shadows., In telling Cali's story, Feistl praised the Narcosteam and Netflix for how they portrayed the godfathers. [4] Season 2 Ricardo Prisco died in 1991, and was not alive when Pablo escaped the prison. The finale of Season 3 of "Narcos" ends the way all good crime dramas ought to end: with a bang. As the walls start closing in, Paulina Gaitn's character finally breaks and tries to get her husband to see sense. After spending two seasons lurking around looking menacing, Juan Sebastian Calero's Navegante emerged in Narcos' third season as a brutal hit man with a love of intimidation, torture, and other things that would be a major no-no on your average Tinder profile. Flores Ruiz even mentioned that Cordoba Montoya threatened to slap Cardinal Posadas. Photos. According to the real Jorge Salcedo, Cali's hit men would do things like pull people apart using two vehicles driving in opposite directions. According to an old article . Murphy's presence isn't the only thing off with Narcos' portrayal of Escobar's death. Throughout the series it is mentioned that Professor Carlos Hank Gonzlez was the one who appointed Colosio as the future president, and who was allegedly behind his assassination. During his ministerial statement, La Rana assured that in the "place there were several armed people with shells (metal credentials), dressed in civilian clothes, apparently judicials (police), as well as two official Army vehicles, three from the Federal Highway Police. In Narcos: Mexico Chapter 9, DEA agent Walt Breslin learns that General Rebollo is about to be arrested. Most of Narcos' poetic license is used to make real events more interesting, but not this time. As soon as Pablo Acosta was removed, Amado Carillo Fuentes assumed uncontested control of the Ojinaga Plaza. The US State Department once called Fidel Castao "more ferocious than Escobar.". In fact, the chemistry between actors Diego Tinoco and Sierra Capri is so intense that many viewers have questioned whether . "It was so well-constructed and so well hidden, that had he gotten into it, we would still be looking for that caleta," he says of the "phenomenally well-made" closet built into the closet in the master bedroom. A central part of the drama is how this affects the characters around him, especially his young, naive wife Tata. Some of the historical inaccuracies in the series: While watching Narcos: Mexico 3, you might have gotten the impression that everything narrated in the series is true. The agent says he and his partner knew Salcedo was legitimate when they witnessed first-hand how members of the Colombian national police would tipSalcedo off that the Rodriguez hideouts were about to be raided. Out here in the real world, Murphy and Pena's retirements were nowhere near as blissfully dull as in the show. Cali opened the door and the North Valley kind of kicked it through. First of all, Rafael Aguilar Guajardo was not associated with Amado Carrillo Fuentes. Type "Cali wedding bomb" into Google and all you'll get are discussions of Narcos rather than, y'know, actual history. However, there is not a single version that proves that the leaders of the Tijuana Cartel escaped on a TAESA plane. Feistlarrived in Cali mid-1994, about six months after Pablo Escobar was gunned down and Cali had taken over. The death of Cardinal Juan Jess Posadas Ocampo is considered a key moment in the history of the Narco in Mexico. Gutierrez Rebollo even pointed out that it was General Enrique Cervantes, Secretary of Mexican National Defense, the one who received the 60-million-dollar bribe from Amado Carrillo Fuentes in 1997. They're the people who have this cushion on their seat. Interestingly, one extremely surreal attempted bombing was left out the show. She wants him to surrender and get a sweet deal, or at least take the family and leave Colombia for good. The far smaller M-19 (pictured) gets far more attention, and when FARC does turn up in season three, the group is described as being made up of "farmers" who are good at kidnapping but otherwise a negligible part of the drug scene. However, on May 23, 2003, in a third statement, Flores Ruiz declared that the Cardinal never clarified to him what the alleged propositions consisted of or who had made them to him, even mentioning that he did not know Cordoba Montoya. Eww. After Dec. 17, 1997, extradition was in play in Colombia for Colombia nationals who committed crimes after that date. While Pacho's position meant he was immune from such treatment, he was the lucky one. He was shot six or eight times, I believe.". [Warning: This story contains spoilers from the entire third season of Netflix's Narcos.]. Tanks blasted the palace with shells. It's probably Narcos' most Hollywood moment, and it feels weirdly out of place in a series that otherwise prides itself on being realistic. Humiliated and enraged, Escobar symbolically removes his tie, storms out the building, and returns to his life of crime. According to the journalist's version, Amado Carrillo concluded that neither the Arellano Felix nor El Chapo were involved in the shooting, and that it was in fact a third group, confirming the version that it could be the Federal Judicial Police. According toNACLA,Cali was the first major cartel to arise in Colombia, but it had no interest in being the only one. On Narcos, Pena continued to "smack into walls" while he tried to bring down the cartel, eventually realizing that Cali had bought the presidency by placing Ernesto Samper in office and that the CIA and the Ambassador, his boss, knew about the high levels of corruption. In 1993 Medellin, the DEA and Search Bloc finally trace Escobar to a small apartment. But do the details of Yusti's life match up with those of his fictional counterpart? The real Navegante is the one who did the interview in 2009. The real Escobar was indeed a guy who liked the ladies. Apparently, not true at all and for better or worse, this seems to be a consistent theme throughout the season. "Ive heard Jorges version of what he believes happened. But while in Narcos, the accusation is enough to make Escobar leave, in real life, he tried to turn the tables by accusing Bonilla of being a client of (irony alert) Colombia's cartels. "There were people we worked with in Cali that were part of the police that we knew were corrupt and proved it," says Feistl of how they kept information close to the chest. Although in the series claims that the bank in Texas is a "shitty little bank", that it is a "drug dealer's bank that runs millions of dollars, Laredo National Bank is a bank with a long history in Texas. Arriving in Bogota with his wife, Connie, in tow, he initially clings to her as his lifeline to the real world, before parting with her in Season 2 when the threat to her life becomes too great. In the aftermath, most of the M19 survivors were tortured and executed. The General is at his desk watching over the whole operation as he says to Breslin that the CNI (National Intelligence Center) is removing "anything that might embarrass his bosses.". In the chapter, Andrea Nuez, the journalist of La Voz (The Voice) media outlet and main narrator of the series, says that General Rebollo was seen as a savior for being entirely in charge of Mexico's counter-narcotics program. For his part, Jess Lemus, author of "The Damn", who was in prison with him, assures that when he asked the question "Did you kill Colosio?" After they did catch Miguel, Salcedo, once again to Feistl's surprise, said he wasn't leaving until he helped them approach Pallomari, the accountant and future key witness in dismantling Cali corruption. Also, reporter Andrea Nuez was inspired by journalist Adela Navarro Bello, who currently serves as general director of the Zeta Weekly. Over time, Amado Carrillo Fuentes earned Aguilar Guajardo's trust, gaining access to the Cali and Medellin Cartel's contacts. In her book The Lords of the Narco, journalist Anabel Hernndez mentions that the Cardinal's death "powerfully called" the attention of Amado Carrillo, who could not believe that his people were involved in the murder. Resident On My Block couple Cesar Diaz and Monse Finnie broke our hearts at the end of Season 2 when they once again went their separate ways following the whole Paula scandal.But it's clear to fans that these two are endgame despite their complicated dating history. Both Ortega Sanchez and Guzman, and other witnesses, have denied these accusations. [6] Much has been said about the assassination of what would surely be the future president of Mexico. According to a 2017 interview with Javier Pena, Murphy was at headquarters when a major came by to tell him "viva Colombia, Pablo is dead!" Felix Gallardo successfully made Colombians pay them 50% cut of the cocaine they transported from Colombia. Ortega Sanchez has also mentioned that the Cardinal was preparing himself to make a trip to Puerto Vallarta where he was set to meet with a high-ranking official of the PGR in order to present him with all the information he had, for example, evidence of the relationship of Mexican politicians with Bolivian, Peruvian and Colombian drug traffickers. Although the story presented by Narcos: Mexico seems appealing and worthy of a series, the reality of General Gutierrez Rebollo's capture is very different when contrasted with verified sources of information. Well, Amado's. He vanished off the grid, so any show that wanted to tell his story would be forced to make something up. And as an additional fact: it turns out that Professor Hank Gonzalez was never a shareholder or owner of TAESA. The age of consent in Colombia is 14, but still. Vallejo is played by the 32-year-old Mexican actress, Stephanie Sigman. Schedule A Call. Thats one of the messages he tries to portray.". We are dedicated to assisting dentists who are looking to start, develop or retire. But while the basic outlines of the Castao's backstory is broadly true, Narcos did miss out one crucial detail. There has been much speculation about this last question. He agreed and thats how that first meeting transpired. While the movie pitches all leaned too heavily into glamorizing Escobar to fly with the agents, they did start doing speaking tours right up until they retired from the DEA in 2013. In real life, we have no idea who fired the lethal shot. In 2007, he was sentenced to a new 40-year prison term, and a fine of US$2,263,446. In June 2004, the editor of the Zeta Weekly, Francisco Javier Ortiz Franco, was appointed Attorney for the murder of Hctor Flix by the Inter-American Press Association and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and shortly after his appointment he was also murdered. We never really knew who we were dealing with and who we could count on and trust. Almost at midnight, a select group of members of the Armys elite corps arrested Gutierrez Rebollo. This is a big, crazy guy with big, crazy appetites. Or should we say, he liked the girls. Narcoscontinues to walk the fine line between presenting its villains as characters who are addictive to watch, but who are not glorified. A risky operation, but it's his only choice. While the words "son of Pablo Escobar" don't exactly make for impeccable truth-telling credentials, Marroquin appears to be right in this case. "In real life, David was well-educated and smart, but he was put in a tough position and he tried to takeover and run as best he could," he says. During the failed attempt, when Miguel was breathing through an oxygen tank behind one of the bathroom walls and got nicked with a driller, Fesitl says they were thisclose to capturing the boss. The fleet supposedly pursues and finally arrests the leader of the Jurez Cartel. He offers him the land he had requested and, in return, proposes to use Professor Hanks racetrack in Tijuana to launder money from the Juarez Cartel. The reality is uncertain, although the development of the facts points to Javier Arellano Felix, the leader of the Tijuana Cartel. [] She lived like a queen. Hector Yusti. I think the DEA guys did that they have some information that somebody killed him, I don't know how All I did that night was go to my most secure location to secure my most beloved possession on earth, which is my family. According to Salcedo, Yusti was a "nervous, jittery type," who was simply "plain and balding, with a bad combover" (via the Internet Archive). Hollywood Reporter quotes her as saying of Escobar-era Colombia, "I would have never left my husband there!". This is what made the eventual war between them so brutal, as they knew exactly where to strike to inflict maximum damage. Coello Trejo's statements prove that the spectacular start of the third season of Narcos: Mexico is false. In Season 3, the Cali Cartel's brutal violence is enacted by "El Navegante," a hitman and enforcer based on a real-life killer named Cesar Yusti. The finale of NarcosSeason 2 is the culmination of two years of storytelling. "The real Salcedo was never convicted of killing anyone. In real life, his name was Cesar Yusti. Csar Felipe Milln Favela ( / sizr mln /; [4] Spanish: [sesa mian]; born August 27, 1969) is a Mexican-American dog trainer. The original sentence was not absolved, but his ranks were reinstated in 2008, as a sign of forgiveness from the military. ", So when Salcedo's friend was arrested in Operation Cornerstone (mentioned on the show), Feistl says they had a mutual friend to link them up. So who is the real navegante, and if its Velasquez, then why do so many sources say its Yusti? When they started out, they were practically brothers. One of the Tijuana Cartel's men, Jesus Alberto Bayardo Robles, El Gory, declared that after the search was over, his bosses sent him to buy plane tickets to Tijuana on May 24, 1993, the day of the Cardinal's murder. Yeah idk either.I was just reading Chris Feistls interview for Narcos, and he said real Navegante was Cesar Yusti, who IRL was not killed by DEA, they had nothing with it. The brothers used this oppurtunity to take control of the Tijuana plaza with the help of their uncle, Jess Labra Avils. Navegante has . This weekly was founded by Jess Blancornelas, presented in the series as Ramn Salgado, and by Hctor Flix, known by his nickname El Gato. When Salcedo realizes that his only chance of getting out alive is to have the protection of the DEA, he decides to team up with the Americans working in Cali to help them bring down Miguel. Y'know, the one where fugitive Escobar grows a beard and goes to visit that old peasant dude living on a farm only for us to discover the peasant is his dad, and then the two spend like 45 minutes fixing fences together? Profesional en Ingeniera Industrial, con 15 aos de experiencia en organizacin, planeacin, control y gestin de los procesos productivo, lder en la implementacin de nuevos productos y lneas. This was an even bigger issue when you realize that the script absolutely nailed 1980s paisa slang, which, in Moura's Brazilian twang, now entered the uncanny valley. According to his own son, Escobar used to boast about his crimes and warn his kids they might become victims themselves. And serious is exactly what Narcos is until you go digging into actual Colombian history and find out just how much Narcos distorted, or exaggerated, or just plain made up. Amado Carrillo Fuentes joined the Juarez Cartel thanks to the request of his uncle, Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, Don Neto, who was one of the leaders of the Juarez Cartel, as well as being one of the co-founders of the Guadalajara Cartel with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo. In 1990, President Vargas and M19's leadership signed a deal to hand over the group's weapons. $1,800,000; $5,400; 3446; Equipped Dental Office; Details. Basically, these were a scary bunch of guys, and it was their civil war against the government that gave Escobar space to flourish. La vida Cesar Yusti, El gatillero del Cartel de Cali 121,636 views Jul 26, 2022 1.2K Dislike Share Save Narraciones Criollas 45K subscribers Hola! In 2011, several media outlets revealed that it was Javier Arellano Felix, the leader of the Tijuana Cartel, who had ordered the journalist's murder. Most popular. Don't be fooled everything is in my file if you want to see it, I caught everyone, of all colors and flavors, of every cartel, I got tired of giving good results, there they are, everyone I fought against. The real Cali cartel was poisonously homophobic. It's a dramatic, intense scene. Escobar had Conrado killed. The existence of a third group formed by members of the Mexican Federal Judicial Police that directly attacked Cardinal Posadas. But while Los Pepes were fact, the wedding bombing itself was pure fiction. Because, in the minds of viewers, the story we watch on our screens appear to be true and real. Everything seems to indicate that the Tijuana Cartel leaders were on their way out, and that they had no intention of killing the Cardinal. Spoiler warning: this article contains spoilers for "Narcos" Season 3. When his children saw news reports about horrific bomb attacks, Escobar would openly tell them, "I planted that bomb." "Basically, our work here was done and it was time to go.". For example, the kids were always made to travel between safehouses wearing blindfolds. Others are convinced that the Cardinal was involved with drug trafficking and, as a reckoning, the Arellano Felix or El Chapo decided to end his life.

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