list of companies that use forced labor

Due to the long hours worked, many child workers in this sector are unable to attend school. There are reports that children ages 5 to 17 work in hog raising in Ecuador. These children are forced to work producing rice through a system of bonded labor, often working with their families. Children laboring in the sugarcane fields often work long hours under the hot sun and report difficulty breathing, headaches, and dizziness as a result. Real justice is fighting for those who cant fight for themselves, and the companies within these industries who see this injustice must fight. The boys are forced to work long hours without pay. Tariff Act to Combat Forced Labor in Supply Chains, may be used to help the trade community strengthen petitions to CBP, and is one of several suggested toolsto combat forced labor. In 2016, the Government of Paraguay published representative results from the Survey of Activities of Rural Area Children and Adolescents 2015. Volkswagen, BMW, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and NIO were the other car companies referenced in the report. Some children experience physical violence by their employers. Of the $4.3 billion in lithium-ion battery imports to the United States in 2020, 47.22 percent ($2.1 billion) were imported from China. Apple has previously denied using suppliers that rely on the forced labor of Uyghurs. CBP defines forced labor as all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty for its nonperformance and for which the worker does not offer work or service voluntarily. In 2020, refined palm oil from Indonesia accounted for 55.26 percent of global imports. To submit information, please send an email; fax to 202-693-4830; or mail to ILAB, U.S. Department of Labor, c/o OCFT Research and Policy Unit, 200 Constitution AveNW, S-5315, Washington, DC 20210. There is evidence that children ages 5 to 17 are engaged in the production of baked goods in El Salvador. More broadly, according to varied estimates, at least 100,000 to hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and other Muslim minorities are being subjected to forced labor in China following detention in re-education camps. The release of the Labor Force Survey demonstrates the Government of Pakistans commitment to addressing child labor and its acknowledgement that data analysis is critical to the design and implementation of strong policies and programs. According to the most recently available data from the media, the ILO, and a university study, there are hundreds of thousands of these children across Pakistan. In 2020, solar cells and modules imported from China accounted for over $24 billion. The ILO has found that generally, children who care for farm animals may be at risk of exposure to potential health consequences, including injuries from kicks and infections from animal bites and exposure to harmful bacteria. Sometimes children mine gold by themselves for sale on the black market. Many of these victims report being recruited by middlemen, called enganchadores, that lie to workers about the nature and conditions of the work, wages, hours, and quality of living conditions. Quarry owners withhold workers wages as repayment for this debt, which in turn continuously accumulates due to compound interest and additional expenses. According to a university study and the ILO, some children are trafficked in groups of 25 to 50, and an estimated 2,000 children have been forced to work in rice fields in Mali. Many mines are controlled by military officers or armed groups which force children to work. In 2016, the Government of Paraguay published representative results from the Survey of Activities of Rural Area Children and Adolescents 2015. The children frequently are paid little, if at all, and are forced to work long hours. In addition to this, poor workers in rural areas may also experience coercion without detention. Some children are forced to sow, weed, and harvest the cotton in hazardous conditions; some work under threats of abuse or withholding of payment. Data from the 2016 ENAHO, which included a child labor module, is expected to be released in early 2017. With a great need for cheap labor, hospitality venues perpetuate the business by forcing employees to complete extreme tasks under little protection and with little compensation. Alstom: "Following the publication of the ASPI report, Alstom and ex-Bombardier Transportation (BT) have undertaken a review of potential forced labour issues in the KTK Group factories supplying Alstom and ex-BT. The children are frequently not paid for their work; some of their wages are paid to the recruiter or trafficker. This is detailed on our company websiteand includes an annual assessment of risk and follow-up. Nike, Adidas, Apple, Microsoft and Samsung are among 83 multinationals that have been linked to forced labor by Uighurs in factories across China, according . There are reports that children ages 12 to 17, mainly girls, produce garments in Burma. Reports indicate that these children are beaten or threatened with physical violence by their employers. The majority of exploited fishermen are Cambodian, Lao, and Burmese nationals. There are reports that children are forced to engage in pornography in Russia. There are reports that adult workers are forced to work in the production of sandstone in India. There is evidence that children ages 8 to 17 raise bovines in Eswatini. Families take an advance payment from recruiters and then are forced to work to pay off the debt; the debt rolls over from one year to the next, binding the worker in a cycle of debt bondage. President Joe Biden signed the bill into law after evidence emerged of human-rights abuses committed by the Chinese government against Uyghur Muslims, including forced labor, government surveillance, forced sterilization, and reeducation camps. This exposure can lead to acute lead poisoning and in May 2015 the Government announced the deaths of 28 children from lead poisoning as a result of the illegal mining of gold in Nigeria. Based on the Government of Vietnams National Child Labor Survey 2012, the results of which were published in 2014, an estimated 6,049 child laborers work in textile production, mainly in the fabrication and finishing stages of the process. An official website of the United States government. ", "Regarding our suppliers: We take the respect for human rights very seriously and as a general principle, all Siemens suppliers must commit themselves to comply with our 'Code of Conduct' for Suppliers. There is evidence that children under the age of 14 work in the production of electronics in Pakistan. Abercrombie & Fitch, Acer Adidas Alstom BAIC Motor BMW Bombardier Bosch BYD Calvin Klein Candy Carter's Cerruti 1881 Changan Automobile Cisco CRRC Electrolux Fila, Founder Group GAC Group (automobiles) Gap Geely Auto General Motors Goertek Some may think undocumented immigrants are the only ones targeted, but even legal residents and U.S. citizens can fall victim. The survey estimates that 301,827 children ages 5 to 17 perform hazardous work in rural areas of Paraguay and indicates that children working in agriculture experience accidents and illnesses, including from using dangerous tools and handling chemicals. Over 42 percent of global imports of solar cells and modules come from China. The company did not respond to a request for comment. Bombardier considers the respect of human rights to be a fundamental corporate responsibility and a crucial value we carry in all of our activities.". Thank you for supporting the fight to end human trafficking! We remain one of the few companies in the textile and apparel sector that is vertically integrated and able to provide our customers end-to-end traceability and extensive documentation on where they source their cotton. Please visit our UFLPAwebpage for all updates on implementation. Some children inherit the debt of their parents if their parents pass away or stop working, and remain bonded and able to be sold to a different employer. Workers face hunger and dehydration, live in degrading and unhygienic conditions, are subjected to physical violence and verbal abuse, are prevented from leaving the vessel or ending their contracts, and are frequently not paid their promised wages or have food and lodging fees illegally deducted from their wages. Researchers note that Xinjiang is undergoing an expansion of the energy sector, including solar energy and polysilicon, and thousands of Uyghur workers have reportedly been transferred to work sites over the last five years. div#block-eoguidanceviewheader .dol-alerts p {padding: 0;margin: 0;} In 2020, the company said it would "cease all business relationships with any factories and mills that produce garments or fabric, or use cotton grown, in Xinjiang within the next 12 months.". For example, one human rights organization reports that thousands of school children extract amber, and that their labor is essential to the amber industry. There are reports that children as young as 9 produce footwear in Turkey. .dol-alert-status-error .alert-status-container {display:inline;font-size:1.4em;color:#e31c3d;} When people desperately need work, it isnt uncommon for them to take any open opportunities coming their way. There are reports that children, especially girls ages 6-14, are forced to produce hybrid cottonseed in India. "Compliance with human rights, labor rights and environmental standards is a top priority at PUMA and has been specified in our Codes of Conduct for over 20 years. Employers threaten to withhold food from the workers, including children. The suit accuses Spain-based Inditex (whose brands include Zara, Bershka, Massimo . ", Another 2020 report from the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, a bipartisan group of US lawmakers, named Nike among the companies "suspected of directly employing forced labor or sourcing from suppliers that are suspected of using forced labor. There is evidence that children ages 5 to 17 in Vietnam cultivate rubber. Adults from North Korea are sent to Russia to produce timber by the North Korean government. The company did not respond to a request for comment for this story. Based on an analysis of the Ghana Living Standards Survey, an estimated 19,124 child laborers are involved in the growing of rice. Children are involved in the harvesting season from August until January each year, alongside their families. In some cases, children working in gold mining have been trapped in collapsed mines, have suffocated, or have been exposed to mercury. According to international organizations, NGOs, and media reports, child labor in the Cambodian sugarcane sector is a widespread concern, with numerous incidents reported across the country, including reports of hundreds of children cutting cane on plantations in the Koh Kong province. Villagers, including children, are forced by local officials and the military to work cutting bamboo for the military camps. The survey estimates that 20,188 child laborers work in fishing throughout rural areas in Paraguay. The ILO has found that generally, children who work with livestock may be at risk of exposure to hazards including working long hours, being injured by the animals, and exposure to the elements, diseases, and chemicals such as disinfectants. Reports indicate that thousands of children in Kambele work in artisanal gold mining, while in nearby Batouri, roughly 90 percent of children participate in gold mining. There are reports that children from within Cte d'Ivoire, as well as migrant children from Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, and Togo, are working under conditions of forced labor on Ivoirian cocoa farms. According to the Government of El Salvadors Multi-Purpose Household Survey of 2015, a working child is considered to be engaged in hazardous child labor if the child is performing work that is hazardous according to national legislation. There are reports that adults are forced to produce textiles in China. The survey estimates that 142,127 child laborers raise cattle throughout rural areas in Paraguay. Further, workers in these factories can be subject to regular government propaganda, extremely long hours, and little to no pay. There are reports of children ages 10-18 and some as young as 6 who work under conditions of forced labor producing garments in Vietnam. The survey considers a working child to be engaged in child labor if the child is below the minimum age for employment of 14 or the child is performing work that is hazardous according to national legislation. September 4, 2019. These children typically work in Addis Ababa, however many come from the south, including Gamo Gofa and Wolaita zones, some of them as victims of trafficking. The survey estimates that 33,165 child laborers grow peanuts throughout rural areas in Paraguay. Children reportedly work at small-scale and artisanal mining sites in western Kenya. .h1 {font-family:'Merriweather';font-weight:700;} The survey considers a working child to be engaged in child labor if the child is below the minimum age for employment of 14 or the child is performing work that is hazardous according to national legislation. This work exposes children to severe health and safety hazards, including drowning, injury, and water-borne disease. Then, all of a sudden, your boss stops by your cubicle and mentions that you will no longer receive earnings for your work. These forcibly-recruited children do not have freedom of movement and do not receive payment for their work. These children reportedly work in Busia, Homa Bay, Kilifi, Kitui, Machakos, and Nakuru counties. The survey considers a working child to be engaged in child labor if the child is below the minimum age for employment of 14 or the child is performing work that is hazardous according to national legislation. The survey estimates that 301,827 children ages 5 to 17 perform hazardous work in rural areas of Paraguay and indicates that children working in agriculture experience accidents and illnesses, including from using dangerous tools and handling chemicals. Sources report that cases of forced labor occur on both commercial tomato plantations and smallholder farms, and have been found in states such as Baja California, Coahuila, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, and Sinaloa. According to estimates, over one hundred thousand Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, and other Muslim minorities are being subjected to forced labor in China following detention in re-education camps, in addition to workers who may also experience coercion without detention. Additionally, laborers work under the threat of penalties, which include the withholding of wages, restricted movement, and the withholding of their identification documents. Any instance of forced detention and labor or suppression of an individual's human rights is unacceptable to us.". Opium from the poppy plant is a highly addictive narcotic that is used in the production of illegal drugs, such as heroin. According to Polaris, although many victims are usually adult women, some places force minors into the industry as well. These children live in the factory or nearby in accommodations provided by the employer. BYD's industry leading zero-emissions battery-electric buses, trucks and forklifts are hard at work every day in a variety of mission critical applications throughout the United States and we're incredibly proud of the fact that our products and services help power America's green transition.". "Ralph Lauren does not source any yarn, textiles or products from Xinjiang.". View the list of submissions. BYD has implemented cutting-edge corporate social responsibility policies which apply not only to itself but also to its suppliers. Children work for long hours breaking large rocks by hand and carrying heavy loads of dirt, rock, and gravel. .manual-search ul.usa-list li {max-width:100%;} Based on an analysis of the survey, an estimated 12,325 child laborers are involved in fishing. "After we became aware of the report of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) in March 2020, we ordered an immediate investigation of our supply chain in China with regards to potential forced labor issues. In 2016, the Government of Paraguay published representative results from the Survey of Activities of Rural Area Children and Adolescents 2015. "We have an active ongoing program of human rights protection and anti-slavery measures, both for our own operations and our supply chains. Based on reports from the ILO and the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), as many as half a million children have been producing carpets under conditions of forced labor throughout the country. /*-->*/. Adolescent boys dig mines and risk injury from falling rocks as they use sharp tools to extract mica from underground with no protective gear. According to the Government of El Salvadors Multi-Purpose Household Survey of 2015, a working child is considered to be engaged in hazardous child labor if the child is performing work that is hazardous according to national legislation. A South Korean NGO reports that North Korean workers in the forestry sector work from 12 to 18 hours a day under growing debts incurred to pay bribes during the selection process. Multiple local media reports identify cases of children working on sugarcane farms, particularly on outgrower farms in Masvingo Province, which is the main area for sugarcane cultivation in Zimbabwe. Some children are punished and threatened with verbal and physical abuse, financial penalty, and some are routinely deprived of food, water, and sleep. There is evidence that children ages 5 to 17 grow lettuce in Paraguay. .manual-search-block #edit-actions--2 {order:2;} Approximately 9,737 of these children in hazardous child labor are engaged in the production of baked goods. This doesnt happen in real life, right? CBP Modifies Forced Labor Finding on Sime Darby Plantation Berhad. There are reports that children are forced by the military to work in the production of bricks in Burma. Some analysts said the move on Thursday could be a prelude to further . Workers also report finding themselves in overcrowded and unsanitary housing facilities with no access to potable water, latrines, electricity, and medical care. The analysis noted that 78 percent of children and adolescents in child labor in Costa Rica work with their families. Some children are denied sufficient food by their traffickers and employers. Approximately 32.6 percent, or 9,227 of these child laborers are under 15 years old, which is the minimum age for employment in Vietnam. In addition, many mines are controlled by military officers or armed groups, which are known to round up villagers, including children, at gunpoint and force them to work with threats of violence. The survey considers a child to be engaged in child labor if the child is working an excessive number of hours per week for his or her age, or if the child is engaged in work that is prohibited for underage employees according to national legislation. CBP implementsSection 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. Based on an analysis of the survey, an estimated 5,896 child laborers raise hogs. Xinjiang is a major producer of tomato products, especially tomato paste. According to the survey, almost 13 percent of Paraguayan children engaged in child labor in agriculture do not attend school. Some have called the treatment a genocide. There is evidence that children ages 5 to 17 grow cashews in Vietnam. Materials and components from our direct suppliers also are not mined, produced or manufactured at sites in the XUAR. The release of this survey demonstrates the Government of Mexicos commitment to addressing child labor and its acknowledgment that data collection is vital to the design and implementation of sound policies and programs.

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