prayer points from acts 12

Josephus, the Jewish historian, describes how, on the second day of the festival, he entered the theatre clad in a robe of silver cloth. and they took with them John who was surnamed Mark. Upon an agreed day Herod put on his royal robes and seated himself on a throne and made a speech to them. IDEAL OPORTUNIDAD DE INVERSION, CODIGO 4803 OPORTUNIDAD!! The personal holiness of the Christian is a property of the individual, not of the society as such; hence a professing Christian society, however large a proportion of holy men it may contain, does not predicate of itself that it is a part of Christ's holy Church as long as it exercises no formal official act implying that assumption. This man was incensed to afflict the Church not so much for any love he had to religion, as that by this means he might flatter the common people which did otherwise not greatly favor him; or rather, he was moved hereunto with tyrannical cruelty, because he was afraid of innovation, which tyrants do always fear, lest it trouble the quiet estate of their dominion. Isn't it interesting how much emphasis we often put on faith. We are given a striking prefiguration of the evil king that will be found in the latter day; he that will reign over the Jews under the shadow and support of the Gentiles as Herod was, and not less but more than his prototype bent on the murder of the innocents, and with his heart full of evil for others who will be rescued by the goodness of the Lord. So from experience we know there is many a man that you cannot doubt to be truly looking to the Lord, yet far from resting in the peace of God. 2 And he had James the brother of John put to And so they would gird themselves up, that is, they would take the sash and they would pull the robe up to the knees and then they would tie the sash so that the robe would then be short and they could run faster. There was the freest action of the Holy Ghost, sovereignly free, and it is impossible to maintain this too stringently; and there was the utmost care that all should be left open for the Holy Ghost to act according to His own will, not only within the church, but also by evangelizing outside. Peter instructs them to go and tell the news to James. It is not His operation in enabling souls to believe, but a precious boon given to such as believed. God would cut off the very appearance of this. He is mentioned in Matthew 2:22. WebFirst, there was unity in prayer many were gathered together praying (12:12), any differences that might have separated people from one another were now completely lost There was the free action of His Spirit towards Samaria without the apostles, but the Holy Ghost was given by the laying on of their hands. He was the first husband of the Herodias ( G2266) who was responsible for the death of John the Baptist. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword ( Acts 12:2 ). This was suitable to them. His glory burst on the astonished eyes of Saul, who surrenders immediately. Mi sem egyszerbb, meghvunk minden bartot s bulizunk egy jt. Thus we see the Lord was working, and, as so constantly happens, it was not only that He called out Paul for the Gentiles; it was not only that He sent Peter to a Gentile; but now these men, who might have been despised as irregular labourers, were in the current of the same work of God, even if they knew nothing of it, save by divine instinct. Help me togrow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Acts 9:1-43. Saul was consenting unto Stephen's death, and Saul was the expression of Jewish feeling in its best aspect. . When Herod had sought for him and did not find him, he examined the guards and ordered them to be led away to execution. His aim was not Christ; it was all for himself. So about this time, Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. His grandfather was the Herod who had the babies of Bethlehem slaughtered in hopes he would destroy the baby Jesus. And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before the door kept the prison. Let him that will, repair to the second to the Galatians. . This certainly demonstrates how the power of God, in direct answer to prayer, is greater than that of any Herod. He was a staunch friend of the Jews and was no doubt influenced by them to make the move to destroy Christianity. It is strange that we have not a more full and particular account of the martyrdom of this great apostle, as we had of Stephen. WebTHE POWER OF PRAYER. Acts 12:5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. So far from it, as we shall find by and by inActs 10:1-48; Acts 10:1-48, the Holy Ghost was given while he was yet speaking, before they were so much as baptized. In the remarks sometimes made upon this subject it seems to be assumed that there is no medium between our affirming of persons that they are not perfect Christians, and that they are not Christians at all; whereas in fact there is no Christian, however holy, who comes up to the ideal of Christian practice. Yet his masculine good sense held to the truth, though he did not know the solid basis on which it here stands. 'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ;' 'that I may be comforted by the mutual faith both of you and me;' did St. Paul, when he thus wrote, regard himself as but nominally interested in the blessings of redemption? Yet it is likely that he did shed innocent blood, that, according to the common craft of kings, he might gratify a furious people; because St. Luke will shortly after declare that Peter the apostle was put into prison that he might be a pleasant spectacle. For all that God took precaution to bind up together the work at Samaria with that which He had wrought at Jerusalem. The Old-Testament martyrs were slain with the sword (Hebrews 11:37), and Christ came not to send peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34), in preparation for which we must arm ourselves with the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and then we need not fear what the sword of men can do unto us. But they came to him with a common purpose. The greatest precautions had been taken to see that Peter did not escape. I therefore must say that the gift of the Holy Ghost here is, in my judgment, clearly distinct from anything in the way of either a spiritual gift for souls or a miraculous power, as it is called. 12 rakor kezdtnk egy kis kreatv fotval. Merrill F. Unger gives the following comment on the name Herod: It belonged alike to all the Herodian house as known to the Scriptures. See Luke 3:1. They went out and proceeded along one street; and thereupon the angel left him. . Ordered the census that took Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem (, Jesus earthly ministry conducted during his reign (, Appointed Herod Agrippa I king over Palestine (. Contrasts mark Acts 12:1-23: James dies, God delivers Peter, and Herod dies. Veszprm a bulik vrosa.. Persze nem csak a partyk, hanem az eskvk is igen npszerek a vrosban. It may well be the story of a thrilling rescue; but, however it happened, the hand of God was most definitely in it. Therefore, in an effort to please them he took action against the apostles by having one of them, James, executed (12:1-2).The execution of James pleased the Jews more than Herod expected, so next time he planned to kill the leading apostle, Peter (3-5). Luke seems to have wanted to close his portrayals of the Christian mission within the Jewish world (Acts 2:42 to Acts 12:24) with two vignettes having to do with Gods continued activity on behalf of the Jerusalem church." The true text,* which has sufficient if not the most ancient authority, tells us that they spoke to Greeks or Gentiles. In His name I pray, AMEN. No man in his natural state could pray, nor serve God acceptably, as Cornelius did. Prayers To Get A Permanent Job 15. He began with some of the members of the church, certain of them that were of less note and figure; played first at small game, but afterwards flew at the apostles themselves. Thus Cornelius was aware that God had sent the gospel to the Jews; but there was precisely where he necessarily stopped short. Stretched forth his hands - A figurative expression, denoting that he laid his hands on them, or that he endeavored violently to oppress the church.. Unreal!" To pray, pray for, offer prayer. The apostles then, after preaching in the various villages of the Samaritans, return to Jerusalem. So he went to another place.Now, here we have an interesting enigma. Settle it invariably that God is wiser than we. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:) that word, I say, ye know." . It did not escape the discerning eyes of Peter a little afterward. And now Paul and Barnabas are returning back to Antioch, and John Mark, who is a nephew to Barnabas, is returning with them. It was of the greatest importance that unity should be kept up practically, not merely that there should be proclaimed the truth that there is unity, but that there should be the maintenance of it in practice. It is granted that man sees difficulty in this: there is what he cannot reconcile; but be assured that the great point is, first, to believe. And when Herod had sought for Peter, and found him not, he cross-examined the keepers, and commanded that they should be put to death ( Acts 12:19 ). And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, whose name was Rhoda. They're all inside praying, "Oh God, help Peter! "Were the question put to a person of plain understanding, unacquainted with the controversies which have arisen on the subject, What, according to the Apostolic Epistles, is a Christian Church, or, how is it to be defined? 1. He had no official office. The doctrine of His Sonship did not in the smallest degree, of course, set aside the Messiahship. And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. Lord give me the spirit of humility to say SORRY when I am wrong,23:1-5. He valued the ancient people of God; nor is he indeed the only centurion that loved their nation. Here I would be glad to know how this can be interpreted upon any other principle than that church in the single number was solely appropriated to a single congregation, when applied to an assembly of Christ's disciples. According to Josephus, Herod came into the theater there in Caesarea. All descendants of Herod the Great down to the fourth generation, who were identified with the government of Palestine and are mentioned in the New Testament, are known in history by the surname Herod; Herod Archaelaus, Herod Antipas, Herod Philip II, Herod Agrippa I, and Herod Agrippa II (470). He would direct attention to the fact, that the ordinary greeting of St. Paul, at the beginning of each epistle, is to the 'saints and faithful brethren' constituting the Church of such a place, fellow-heirs with himself of eternal life; and that throughout these compositions, the members of the Church are presumed to be in living union with Christ, reasonings and exhortations being addressed to them, the force of which cannot be supposed to be admitted, except by those who are led by the Spirit of God; in short, that the members of the Corinthian or the Ephesian Church are addressed as Christians; and a Christian is one who is in saving union with Christ.". The gospel of Luke also describes what is similar; that is to say, a faith not insincere but human, not wrought of the Spirit but founded on the mind yielding to reasons, proofs, evidences, which are to it overpowering; but there is nothing of God in it: there is no meeting between the soul and God. It was not to be done by mere systematic rule of a human pattern. He was the grandson of Herod the Great who was the Herod at the time of the birth of Jesus. Surely you cannot accuse these people of praying the prayer of faith. Philip acts at once, with alacrity hears the eunuch read the prophet Isaiah, and puts the question whether he understood what was read. "He preached in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God." He visits round about. One of the chief means was prayer, 1. Prayer was a normal part of their daily ministry (Acts 2:4247; 3:1; 6:4) 4. (vi) To complete the list we may note that Herod Agrippa ( G67) , was the father of (a) Agrippa the Second, before whom Paul was examined and before whom he made his famous speech ( Acts 25:1-27; Acts 26:1-32). Oh, what a blessing it is to have and know such a Saviour! It is the message of life, but it is also the means of peace. Vincent says the word "vex" is used "in the older and stronger sense of torment or oppress rather than its modern usage of petty annoyances" (508). Herod may have won the appreciation of the Jews, but he has lost any respect he may have had in the eyes of God. Ignyes eskv fotzs vllalok Veszprmben, mvszi s dokumentarista fotkkal tudlak titeket elkprztatni. I do not therefore comment upon these additions here: they will remain for their own real and suitable places. On believing they were baptized, as we are told in Acts 8:1-40; but they received the Holy Ghost after an interval, through the action of the apostles. 12:20-25 Herod was furious with the people of Tyre and Sidon. The next chapter (Acts 11:1-30) shows us Peter having to give an account of himself before those who had not witnessed the effects of the mighty power of God in the house of Cornelius. At any rate, the Lord now graciously interferes, and as he gives Cornelius to see a vision most instructive to him, so next day also there is to Peter another vision from the Lord. He would have Saul to return good for what I may venture to call a measure of evil towards him. Israel had the truth presented to them as it was afterwards to all. "To all this, however, it will be replied, that the nature of a visible church, which we know must in all cases be a body of mixed character, as well as the actual state of several of the churches to whom St. Paul addressed his epistles, forbid the supposition that, in terming them communities of saints and believers, he could have used these words in their highest signification. Josephus doth no where call him Herod, it may be, because he had a brother who was king of Chalcis, whose name was Herod. God is always wise. Paul tells us in Galatians how he came to the church in Antioch, caused some trouble that Paul had to rebuke him for. A man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under the queen of the Ethiopians, was returning after having gone up to Jerusalem to worship. Paul prayed for his friends before leaving them (Acts 20:36; 21:5), 14. So James is now following his Lord in martyrdom, the brother of John. To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever," etc. When Peter escaped the soldiers were led away to execution because it was the law that, if a criminal escaped, his guard should suffer the penalty the prisoner would have suffered. But the moment I have accomplished that purpose of God and plan for my life, then God's going to take me home.In the book of Revelation, chapter 11, we read concerning the two witnesses that come to bare witness during the tribulation period upon the earth. We will deal with Herod Agrippa II, his son, in a few weeks as we move on in the book of Acts. Herod Agrippa was a direct descendant of the Maccabees, through his mother Mariamne. In fact, it tells us much about prayer. Nobody could have this till the gospel, and even after its publication God Himself sent specifically to the Gentiles; for He has His ways, as well as His times and seasons. After a brief visit to assure the Christians he was free again, Peter fled to a safer place (12-19).Herod, by contrast, suffered a horrible death. Or Mariam of Hebrew origin; Maria or Mariam, the name of six Christian females. And so this Herod Agrippa I, the grandson of Herod the Great, began to persecute the church just to curry favor with the Jews.His son, Herod Agrippa II was the one that Paul faced in Caesarea as Paul was actually being interrogated by him in order that they might develop charges against him when he was sent to Nero. The angel had to do with providential circumstances, but the Spirit with that which directly deals with spiritual need and blessing. He had a conviction that this was the instrument the Lord would use for good. Reading: Acts 5:12-16 (NLT) The apostles were performing many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. From that we learn that this was the headquarters of the Christian Church. When this It may be all right and in perfect keeping that one preaching the gospel should baptize; but occasion might well arise where he who preached would avoid it himself. From pros and euchomai; to pray to God, i.e. Sopron, gynyr vros, az osztrk hatr eltti utols lloms. The King James translators just translated this word Easter because it does signify that same time of the year. Because it is not connected with events in the chapters immediately before and after it, however, it may seem rather isolated and unimportant for Acts as a whole. So Paul and Barnabas had come back to Jerusalem with this collection that was taken from the church in Antioch. But he was intending to bring him forth for judgment and, of course, for execution at the end of the Passover period. He caused the chains to fall from his wrists, kept the guards asleep, and opened the iron gates (vv. WebThe greatest sacrifice and act of submission is when we lay our agenda down and pick up Christs. This was probably about the fifth or sixth year of the reign of Claudius, not far from 47 ad. I will not pretend to say that it cost him little, but am sure it would have been a heavy trial to many a man of God to leave that which was so bright, where He had wrought powerfully in using himself for His own glory. Vissza a szlvrosomba, mghozz eskv miatt. All know that there were Jews waiting for the Saviour. How often our words show where we are! As the Christian Jews became increasingly offensive to their racial brethren (cf. At the same time scripture shows there might be and often was an interval after the gospel did go forth. He would do this after Easter, meta to pascha--after the passover, certainly so it ought to be read, for it is the same word that is always so rendered; and to insinuate the introducing of a gospel-feast, instead of the passover, when we have nothing in the New Testament of such a thing, is to mingle Judaism with our Christianity. (ii) Herod Antipas (see G493) . 3 And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. From oikos; properly, residence, but usually an abode; by implication, a family. WebActs 12 shows that Peter and James put God first in their lives, regardless of the punishment they might receive. It is a perilous mode of reasoning and likely to lead to universal scepticism, to maintain, for the sake of theoretical consistency, that the visible fruits of the Spirit do not possess a sufficiently distinctive character to enable us to pronounce where they are and where they are not: not to mention that the sin of denying the evident operation of the Holy Spirit is spoken of by our Lord in terms far too awful not to make us tremble at the thought of verging towards it. The first of the New Testament Herods (see Herodes G2264) is Herod the Great who reigned from about 41 B.C. Paul had it not more suddenly than with a heavenly splendour which was peculiar to himself; and thus there was a vast work soon wrought. One must be born again; but, like many others who had really been quickened in those days (and it may be even now, I presume), a soul might be born again, and yet far from resting in peace on redemption, far indeed from a sense of deliverance from all questions as to his soul. "When Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple." To these the Emperor Claudius afterwards added Judea and Samaria; which were nearly all the dominions possessed by his grandfather, Herod the Great. It was Peter, not Paul, who was sent to Cornelius. . As there was need in the church at Antioch, he goes and finds him. That the gifts mentioned in the chapter were, for the most part, extraordinary, and in process of time were to cease, makes no difference as regards the argument; for it is the essential character of Christian worship, not the particular vehicle of its expression, that is the point now under consideration" (pp. How these elders were appointed, if indeed they were so formally, does not appear. It has been about eight years since the martyrdom of Stephen. "Whosoever believeth on him shall receive remission of sins." the power of the Spirit to this end is lost sight of.] 280-283). When he had beheaded James, he proceeded further, he added, to take Peter also. Observe that, although the next words are beyond a question scriptural, and so far the case differs from verse 37 referred to in the last chapter, the last clause of verse 5 and the first of verse 6 belong properly speaking to two other chapters (Acts 22:1-30, Acts 26:1-32) rather than to this.

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