which statement about public relations is correct

For many industries and product categories, there are influential bloggers and analysts writing about products and the industry. The profit in BTL marketing comes from reaching large audiences with tailored messages at specific times in relation to their previous purchasing and shopping behaviors. Disclose financial interest (such as stock ownership) in a clients organization. The term symmetrical is used because the model attempts to create a mutually beneficial situation. These stories were then given out to selected fashion magazines. Content marketing means this is no longer the case. Content marketing done ethically offers financial transparency while providing valuable information and an emotional connection to the product for consumers. There is also a thought process that defines a fifth P; Public Relations, and that it should be counted separately from the fourth P of promotion. A. When people crash, that, sadly, is news. Communications & Public Relations Internship, Atlantic Health Systems 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The idea is to move people in straightforward steps toward desired behaviors; however, there are complex processes of cognition and persuasion that underlie consumer decisions. McCains competitor, Barack Obama, also employed branding strategies. When the Russian space station Mir was set to crash land in the Pacific Ocean in 2001, Taco Bell created a floating vinyl target that the company placed in the Pacific. Since its modern inception in the early 20th century, PR has turned out countless campaignssome highly successful, others dismal failures. The new name, Xe Services, was the result of a large-scale PR campaign to distance the company from associations with civilian violence (Associated Press, 2009). Still, persuasive communication is used in this model to benefit the organization more so than audiences; therefore, it is considered asymmetrical or imbalanced. Some press releases and newsletters are created based on this model, when audiences are not necessarily targeted or researched beforehand. The company teamed up with Greenpeace and other environmental groups to promote green issues and increase its natural image. b. In a sense, inbound marketing turns advertising upside down by building spaces and inviting consumers in to find what they are already looking for rather than trying to create a need outof the glut of information in digital communication networks. Public relations (PR) is the practice of using media channels to promote your organization and cultivate a positive public perception. Desire is an even smaller group of people who are real prospects as customers and at the action point, the funnel narrows where the real customers are located. Media representatives have an obligation to provide reliable information to their audiences, and they will get that information whether or not company spokespeople cooperate; if a company will not comment on the situation, someone else will. The fishing and tourism industries of Louisiana, Mississippi and parts of Texas, ravaged by hurricanes just years before, were being threatened again. Expert Answer 100% (5 ratings) Answer The accurate statement about public relations is; it includes the use of speeches, corporate websites and special events sponsorships. For example, the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 became a PR nightmare for BP, an oil company that had been using PR to rebrand itself as an environmentally friendly energy company. He argues that PR is more about creating a sense of understanding between consumers and brands and that this might be done just as well by the brand in digital spaces just as it is via other mass media channels controlled by other corporate entities. The image is an illustration of a purchase funnel. All the more reason to maintain good longstanding relationships with your consumers. This is not to overstate the third-person effect. Click here for more information on what you can expect in a public relations career. The groups working against smoking were not familiar with media relations, making it harder for journalists to quote them and use their arguments. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Famous 20th-century PR campaigns include President Franklin D. Roosevelts Fireside Chats, a series of radio addresses that explained aspects of the New Deal. Advertising professionals will often argue that the best branding helps define and redefine the product over time so that the product only exists in consumers minds as advertising has described it, but marketing gets into the business of deciding what products to make, how to promote them, whom to market them to and when to stop making them. Public relations looks to build the relationships between organizations and stakeholders. Viewing public relations as a key management function of a business or an essential strategy to manage ones individual reputation will help accomplish important goals such as establishing trust among key publics, increasing news media and social media presence, and maintaining a consistent voice across communication platforms. We acquire and responsibly use specialized knowledge and experience. This indicates a broad marketplace narrowing to the group of actual customers. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. Corporations engage in PR combat all the time, though they often try to work undetected. Source: James E. Grunig and Todd Hunt, Managing Public Relations (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1984). The broad term communication manager includes several similar public relations positions: expert consultant, problem-solving facilitator, and communication liaison. Advertising in the modern sense emerged between the mid-19th and early-20th centuries. On what part of society does public relations have - Course Hero Because of this, PR efforts that get products and brands into the press are far more valuable than a simple advertisement. A member employed by a client organization shares helpful information with a counseling firm that is competing with others for the organizations business. Common PR activities include speaking at conferences, seeking industry awards, working with the press, communicating with employees, and sending out press releases. Content marketingrefers to a common practice where brands produce their own content, or hire someone else to produce it, and then market that information as an alternative to advertising. Employing a combination of activities, designed to sell a product, service, or idea, including advertising, collateral materials, publicity, promotions, direct mail, trade shows, and special events. Even now, some public relations professionals face challenges in convincing key executives of their value to the function of the company. Edward Bernays has been called the founder of modern PR for his work during World War I promoting the sale of war bonds. It is helpful to perform an act of goodwill during or immediately after a crisis when possible. It is important to make amends to those affected and then do whatever is necessary to restore the organizations reputation in the community. The Blackspot logo is a simple round dot that looks like it has been scribbled with white paint, as if a typical logo had been covered over. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) defines public relations as a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics (2016, para. 2023 Public Relations Society of America Inc. To maintain the integrity of relationships with the media, government officials, and the public. For example, if an unknown brand launches a new product, people need to be made aware of both the brand and product. Core Principle Client trust requires appropriate protection of confidential and private information. a- The most common publicity-based tool is the news His outrageous attempts at publicity worked because he was not worried about receiving negative press; instead, he believed that any coverage was a valuable asset. PR techniques have been used in propaganda efforts throughout the 20th century. Scott Adams, creator of the "Dilbert" comic strip, works in his California studio in 2006. Thus, the S-M-C-R model will often include measures looking at how much noise gets into the system and looking at what happens when receivers immediately start their own S-M-C-R processes. The goal of the public information model is to release information to a constituency. This phase may also address budgetary restrictions and possibilities. PR professionals now need to think about search algorithms, search engine optimization, social media trends, social media platform algorithms, social media influencers and social link sharing sites such as Reddit. Pioneered by such companies as Procter & Gamble during the 1930s, the older, advertising-centric model of branding focused on the product, using advertisements to associate a particular branded good with quality or some other positive cultural value. An individual ad in a BTL context may not cost as much as a massive ad buy facilitated by an agency that primarily does ATL advertising; however, BTL advertising can still be costly for advertisers and profitable for ad agencies in the aggregate. We provide a voice in the marketplace of ideas, facts, and viewpoints to aid informed public debate. relations? PR campaigns begin with a research phase, develop objectives during a strategy phase, formulate ways to meet objectives during the tactics phase, and assess the proposed campaign during the evaluation phase. The ubiquity of modern advertising means the public is skeptical ofor even ignoresclaims advertisers make about their products. Media literacy is about what enters your mind: what stays in (that is, what issalient) and what goes out. Each of us sets an example for each other as well as other professionals by our pursuit of excellence with powerful standards of performance, professionalism and ethical conduct. Identifying and addressing issues of public concern that affect an organization. Line agencies perform tasks and administer programs, while staff agencies furnish advice and give assistance. As the readership of traditional media shift to online media, so has the focus of many in public relations. A lot of that is because of the Internet, a lot of that is because of cable TV news (Associated Press, 2006). In any emergency situation, it is imperative that a company put the public interest ahead of the organizations interest. Despite the cynical outlook of many Americans regarding commercial claims, the notion that Apple is a symbol of individualism has been adopted with very little irony. This is not to claim conspiracy or to frighten readers. Theres almost an observable shiver of consternation in the cafe, and it must be discernable to the person with the PC, because they never come back. The level of public trust PRSA members seek, as we serve the public good, means we have taken on a special obligation to operate ethically. The campaign came up with the word biosolids to replace the term sludge. It is important to ensure that the information across all channels is accurate and as complementary as possible. For example, during the 1980s, the Marlboro Country Music Tour took famous country stars to major coliseums throughout the country and featured talent contests that brought local bands up on stage, increasing the audience even further. Audiences varies; not just customers (examples: media, internal employees), Earned media: Publicity achieved through pitching or convincing journalists to cover your client or organization, Focused on drawing attention to the product through strategic placement and imagery, Component of marketing (falls under the umbrella of marketing efforts), Paid media: companies have to pay for advertisement creation, In 1982, Johnson & Johnsons Tylenol medication commanded 35% of the US over-the-counter analgesic. Branding focuses on the lifestyles and values inherent in a brands image as opposed to the products that are manufactured. Knowing that advertising can influence peoples awareness and purchase decisions, we tend to develop a sort of double delusion where we think other people are probably affected more than they are, and we think we are influenced less than we are. (Recall that framing was defined in Chapter 9.) Lobbying can be part of a government affairs program. More is expected of advertisers than to put interesting messages in front of the right people based on general demographics. The more you study the bigger picture of marketing which includes advertising strategies and other research efforts meant to guide advertising strategies as part of larger sales and production strategiesthe more you recognize how focused advertising is. Question 1 1 pts Which is an accurate statement about public relations? On one level, advertising is a simple concept. Note here that social science theories are based on many observable facts. There are paid brand advocates, of course, but in a networked communication environment, even unpaid individuals with modest followings can becomeinfluencers people who promote products on their social media streams. For more information on the differences between marketing, public relations, and advertising, read the following articles: According to Smith (2013), public relations practitioners can be placed in two groups based on responsibilities: communication managers and communication technicians. d- Marketers can control whether the media choose to publish The member fails to disclose that he or she has a strong financial interest in a clients chief competitor. PR is how brands manage the spread of their information, so it's similar to branding. Multiple Choice Quiz - Oxford University Press The campaign began by giving diamonds to famous movie stars, using their built-in publicity networks to promote De Beers. Conversely, dont blow minor incidents out of proportion or allow others to do so. How to Do PR: The Ultimate Guide to Public Relations in 2023 - HubSpot An example of earned media is when Apple released a new iPhone, and news organizations provided coverage of the lines that wrapped around city blocks as people waited for the latest gadget. Public relations emphasizes cultivating relationships between an organization or individual and key publics for the purpose of managing the clients image. The Obama campaign featured several iconic portraits and slogans that made for a consistent brand and encouraged his victory in 2008. c. He thought a relationship with China might drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and China. In addition, public interest groups release the results of research studies for use by policy makers and the public. Grunig and Hunt (1984) developed four models of public relations that describe the fields various management and organizational practices. Avoid actions and circumstances that may appear to compromise good business judgment or create a conflict between personal and professional interests. The two-way symmetrical model is deemed the most ethical model, one that professionals should aspire to use in their everyday tactics and strategies (Simpson, 2014). We are accountable for our actions. Public Relations vs. Media Relations: Understanding the - BLASTmedia Relating with other firms in the industry of an organization and with trade associations. Mass media professionals craft messages to help sell products by raising awareness and pushing people to make actual purchase decisions, but in the network society and the age of targeted marketing, the ability to reach individual consumers who fit precise sets of characteristics is incredible. Work 37.5 hours per week and commit to a minimum of 375 hours for the duration of the internship. The S-M-C-R model (often attributed in that particular configuration to Berlo)is the most efficient model for understanding how to break down and analyze messages in the mass media. It can take the form of blog posts or entire blogs. Organizations attempt to persuade an audience to take a certain point of view. PR can generate media attention or attract customers, and it can also ease communication between a company and its investors, partners, and employees. A company will pay money to compensate a public figure, spokesperson, or influencer to use its logo or products. Free marketing time and space in digital and print publications can help push a brand from being a leader to being legendary. c- Publicity-based public relations do not have limitations. The other people in the cafe are writers and professors and in the media, and the feeling of cohesion and community in that cafe becomes very apparent if someone comes in with a PC. The history of the public relations field is often misunderstood. Media relations uses one the press. Productplacementis basicallypassive advertisingin which a company pays to have its products used prominently in a photograph, film, or video message or during a live appearance. With the abundance of information readily available to audiences worldwide, companies are more vulnerable than ever to misinformation about their brand. Which of the following statements is true about public Put simply, above the line (ATL) refers to methods of advertising that target mass audiences on mass media platforms with messages usually designed from a one-to-many point of view. One example is propagandist techniques created by news media outlets in North Korea. Mass media platforms may still be needed to reach mass audiences outside of a brands collection of fans and followers, but much goodwill can be generated by maintaining a proactive, positive and professional digital presence. Have you ever sung the praises of your new smartphone or told people they had to try a new restaurant? The level of targeting that is possible is incredible and would have been unimaginable 20 years ago. Before Obamas inauguration in January 2009, an unprecedented amount of merchandise was sold, a further testament to the power of branding (Alberts, 2009). a. To earn trust and mutual respect with clients or employers. A member intentionally leaks proprietary information to the detriment of some other party. An early example of this kind of branding was Nikes product endorsement deal with Michael Jordan during the 1990s. Stimulating an interest in a person, product, or organization by means of focused happenings as well as other activities designed to encourage interacting with publics and listening to them. It was BP, a multinational corporation that up to that point had been working to create a more environmentally friendly image. Public relations. a- Marketers cannot control whether the media choose to publish their public relations material. questions. Public Relations Society of America Inc. b- Publicity-based public relations do not. Researchers have found it is probably strongest in situations where groups have little understanding of one another and where the messages and perceived outcomes are thought to be negative (note the section on Perloff). In light of the improved public health conditions in San . Politics has also embraced branding. At its heart, advertising is a matter of raising awareness, creating a deeper interest in a product, and encouraging consumers to desire to make a purchaseand ultimately to take action. There was a time when many companies did not see the value of public relations, unless a crisis happened. D) Public relations is a strategy to . PR Final questions Flashcards by laura flowers | Brainscape a. They need to make consumers aware of their brands, products and those products features, so they develop creative campaigns to promote them and often pay ad agencies to do the creative work and place the ads in front of mass audiences. In other words, it is known as the first modern ad agency. At the same time that the concept of brands was developing, mass-media platforms such as daily newspapers and radio broadcasts grew their audiences and spread their influence geographically. Global PR is a $14 billion industry. b. a collection of techniques for persuading news organizations to give space or time to people or products that are not inherently newsworthy. The PRSA Code of Ethics applies to PRSA members. You can create the conditions and increase the probability of a product being bought, but it is difficult (perhaps impossible) to predict behaviors based on messaging. Content produced for a brand should ethically be labeled as sponsored, but it is not always done. Later interviews with country artists and books on country music history have also mentioned this tour. Many think of public relations as organized manipulation made up of corporate, political and even non-profit propaganda. I go to a cafe around the corner to do some thinking and writing, away from the hurly-burly of the office, and everyone in that cafe has a Mac. Just as importantly, these efforts at least partially restored the stature that the brand lost due to health concerns (Saffir, 2000).

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