45 acp damage human body

Never held a weapon till boot camp. They should provide officers who can control the larger weapons a choice about which pistol they are permitted to carry. Im an athletic guy so handling the recoil is not too bad. So modern ammo IS NOT the reason to switch back to the 9mm. For almost 17 years that I carred a badge I carried a S&W 357 on a K frame. For those that think their their 45 is best, Ill shoot my 9mm and for those that think their 9mm is best, Ill shoot my 45. Im not going to begin to discuss the variables between the two calibers and cartridge designs but statistics released from DOJ shows that larger cartridges are more effective at stopping Humans per round on target. Would the same shot with More bullet have made a difference i think not. Scratch expensive 45s. If an operator like a .45 go for it. Stay safe everyone, JP, first of all, Im really sorry you had to go through that. Type of ammo, stopping power, number of shots, shot placement, kick back, does the gun fit your hand, and whether your cheap crappy gun jams on you these are all part of the equation. But you have to shoot the gun your most accurate with and most comfortable with but if you dont seat the grip of any pistol in the web of the hand deeply all guns no matter what the caliber the gun will whip in the hand. Dr. Leana Wen, a trauma surgeon and the health commissioner for Baltimore, about the especially devastating effects of expanding rounds: often. At 70, I choose to go small & straight! But I think your decision is not based on any real scientific backing and is more rooted in confirmation bias than anything. That is those of us that has and carries guns. I like it better than the small pistols and can conceal the 1911 easily. This was an interesting discussion. Open carry is fine where Im at. /9mm has a lot more options when it comes to ammo but I prefer my Springfield XD .45 or my Kimber Custom II 1911. It definitely doesnt mean the ability to kill the target. Wouldnt waste my money on it. We can, however, find the most destructive round we can handle and train with it regularly. Still, the research is not widespread and a great deal of it is not terribly relevant for the average person searching for a reliable self-defense weapon. 2.1 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses annually, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, Arming Yourself: A Woman's Guide to Self Defense and Concealed Carry (CCW), Protecting Your Family: A Parent's Guide to Self Defense and Concealed Carry (CCW), Arming the Elderly: A Self-Defense Guide for Senior Citizens, Holsters for Self Defense: A Guide to Carrying Concealed, Arming Toddlers and The "Kinder-Guardians" Program: A Shamefully Bad Idea, Self Defense for LGBT: Self-Protection and Concealed Carry (CCW) for the LGBT Community, Arming the Disabled: A Self-Defense and Concealed Carry Guide for People With Disabilities. What I have found, is its a matter of preference. I have 9 mm and I own mostly 45 ACPs, I can conceal a combat Commander with a small of the back holster with shorts T-shirt and flip-flops and nobody will know its there. As mentioned in the article, the terminal ballistics of the modern 9mm is virtually the same as the .40S&W or the older .45ACP round but that is with modern 9mm JHP ammo. It has less recoil, is less expensive and its penetration apparently compares favorably with the larger-sized rounds. The 7.62 round is not as fast as the .223, the round fired by the AR-15 (Americas most popular semiautomatic rifle), but it, . But in the Kaos of combat (especially at dark:30) your intended target isnt usually going to present itself and just stand there for your perfect shot placement. No lab test can tell you how likely a round is to drop an assailant, but they can tell you how destructive a round is upon impact, which is the best metric youre going to get. The only reason law enforcement and, military use a 9mm is budget. Even later to the conversation but figured Id throw my ring in the hate. Much more likely is that you will be suddenly and unexpectedly attacked by a rapidly and unpredictably moving target with limited opportunities for counter attack. 15 -25 yards lol I can hit you in between the eyes with my co2 bb pistol. Shot placement is the only thing that matters a perfect shot placement with a .22 gets the job done where a miss with a 50 cal just causes a little blood. Projectiles do not accelerate once they leave the muzzle. Here is the money point: assume you will only get ONE shot at the perp. .45 Actually killed to individual who I shot vs the others who all but one lived. I am former law enforcement from Florida, depending on the situation I actually carry both my Ruger American 9 mm and the Ruger American 45 caliber ACP oh, not at the same time lol. I also could not afford the astronomical price (astronomical in my current budget) shops are now asking for a 4 inch Ruger Redhawk. With civilians Mosher shootings occur within 7 yards thats 21 feet are closer usually closer. WebHuman Body 101 | National Geographic National Geographic 21.2M subscribers Subscribe 52K 3.3M views 5 years ago How does the human body work? You get Into a real shooting scenario. Oh yeah, I long forgot where I read it. As a medical provider who fractured his back, making a house call in Alaska-dealing with chronic pain issues-I have talk to our local Police Captain. Practice thats all it takes. Millenials and their bias arguments. He carries a nine personally currently because of the round capacity but in combat 45. 10 Best ways to Make Money on Social Media and not waste time. High-velocity Let me suggest that politics might be at play. Back then we all agreed the larger rounds had better stopping power. Im very confident a 45 caliber would have been one and done. there again I drive a 502 Gasser for pleasure. Glad you are doing well. career to carry a Glock 9mm. A 9 is a great backup. There were no exit wounds. Im sure many hunters can attest to the expansion of rifle bullets recovered from their game. He was 15.. I use +P ammo. As where the .45, would dislodge the silhouette every time with a single shot. Give me a 45 any day! We put our money behind the 9mm round fired by an extremely well-trained marksman carrying a Glock 19, Mannweiler told Marine Corps Times. But with my Kimber Colt 45 I hit first shot no problem and it left that watermellon in disaster. It enables struggling shooters to attain better weapon control/shot placement, and permits skilled shooters to be faster and more accurate. Example; a bb to the eyeball is very effective. This doesnt factor shot placement. Police1 is revolutionizing the way the law enforcement community Very smart Chris ! Accounting for human anatomy and the fact that an agent may fire at a suspect from a variety of angles, it was established that 12 inches was the minimum If Agent Doves bullet had entered Platts heart, he would have perished quickly, before launching his life-ending assault. It worries me that you feel safe carrying a .45 acp around bears and moose. But, this little word but often comes up in real life. Fire Rate: 240 I own one of each 9mil Ruger,Capacity 17 rounds,CZ 45 10 rounds.For stopping power at close range ,I prefer the 45.It is harder to conceal because of its size and weight.The Ruger 9 mil is easier to carry concealed,And a whole lot lighter.Both are comfortable to shoot,to me.A 45 is not for everyone.If you carry concealed the weapon of chose is what you are comfortable with.Handling and performance,depends on the owner.The Military has been changing weapons since day one.I suppose it usually comes down who can supply what the military wants and how much they cost.I personally have handled the Glock 17 and the 19 and dont care for them.I prefer the Ruger or the CZ. The officer fired three round from his 9mm Baretta 92F. Much of the difference is If you kill one, you take one out of battle. Japanese quail chicks in a studythe results 9mm, I carry 147 grain Hp. WebBlack Talon is a brand of hollow-point pistol and rifle ammunition introduced in 1991 by Winchester, primarily intended for law enforcement and personal defense use.Black Talon rounds were known for the unique construction of the bullet and its sharp petal shape after expansion following impact with tissue or other wet media. Both forget one major factor. Everything I understand and everything I have read and looked into if persons really going to throw down its going to be less than 15 yards and closer, at that point and Im just being honest I dont even use my rear sights once I get within 10 yards of a silhouette Im just going off at the front sight Focus and thats it, I compensate for the offset not using the rear sights by dropping the front sight a couple inches lower to anticipate the recoil and it is very accurate. Multiple hits are extraordinarily unlikely. Heating effects, occurring mostly around 2.45 GHz (which is the frequency used in microwave ovens) Ionizing effects, which can damage human body and cells; Here is a picture of how the radiowaves penetrate the human body according to the frequency. Through and through shots were the issue and the 9 just bounced of bones and exited. Knock down power. ammo. Just happened to recall the powerful 10 auto cartridge. All rights reserved. In Sicily had m14 auto and bi pod. Firing Modes: Semi-auto. Police, f.b.i., train. Laboratory studies of fish have found plastics can cause harm to reproductive systems and stress the liver. The .45 knocked him on his ***. The expansive quality of these rounds creates larger permanent cavities. I guarantee with proper shot placement, either round will do. I love it. But with the way things are going today I decided it was time, so I just bought S&W M&P 9 Shield. Dr. Leana Wen, a trauma surgeon and the health commissioner for Baltimore, wrote a column in the New York Times about the especially devastating effects of expanding rounds: often pulverizing bones, tearing blood vessels and liquefying organs. She remembered one young man who was admitted to her emergency room with an abdominal wound from a hollow-point round. (As my Sr. DI liked to say Two in the chest, and one in the head, then youre pretty damned sure that the bastard is dead.. I shot 8 watermelons, 4 for each gun. This article will define what the question which handgun round has the best stopping power? means, and offer unbiased information that will help the readers to make up their own minds on the subject. I do not argue with this decision; however, I believe agents who can control the larger weapons/bullets without a problem should have the choice to carry weapons with the larger bullets. Until someone actually compares a 9mm of comparable bullet weight and charge to a 45 acp of the same I will continue in my retirement to carry my tried and true 45acp with a third more bullet weight and very similar penetration even with biased testing of much different bullet weights and charges. This story of a Chicago-suburb police officer should answer that one for you. This study is thus inherently flawed, as it ranks large shallow wounds above deeper ones. What i find interesting is that so many people have so much to say and they have never been in actual shoot out. That alone could be a convincing argument to switch platforms. While the tissue affected by the temporary cavity isnt completely destroyed like that in the direct path of the bullet, it does suffer trauma, especially if the bullet travels past less-flexible parts of the body, like bone or dense organs like the liver, which can shatter or rupture from the shockwave. After 22 years as a combat soldier, I am kind of partial to the .45 ACP, but I shoot modern, guide rod equipped with aftermarket sights, not rack guns. Rounds that do not hit the intended target are obviously more dangerous to bystanders than a round that hits the target. The bullet that struck U.S. Representative Steve Scalise last week was traveling at somewhere between 1,100 and 2,600 feet per second. Note that buying a handgun for personal protection is not an abstract desire. Thank you Bill ! ago Haha. I will address the people shooting the weapons in the military. I leave distinguishing the difference for law enforcement and military.In the moment of truth youre either going to hit properly or not. He is the current USPSA Carry Optics Colorado State Champion and most recently won 3rd place in Master Class at the 2022 USPSA Carry Optics National Championship. 9mm beats .45acp. So I want a round that will do the trick no matter if he flinches or I do. I have owned all of the above calibers plus.In S&W, Glock, Sig.CZ,Remington,Beretta.I have taken bob cats,coyotes Jack rabbits Badger with all. Handgun velocities top out at around 1,500 fps at the muzzle. But honestly, if you cannnot conceal a 1911 you cant conceal a G19.. Thats a bs statement, I know this because I carry concealed and my 1911 conceals just as well as a single stack 9mm compact. you should read TIFU my boss shot me reddit. If you shoot someone through the skull with a .22 rimfire and penetrate their brain, you will almost certainly immediately incapacitate them. This is because, unless you get a central nervous system hit extremely difficult there is no physiological reason a target would become incapacitated until blood loss and extreme loss of blood pressure occurs. It has a velocity of 1200-1600 ft/s and energy of 140-160 Joules. He died in our E.R. The bear was shot in the head through the screen.it was a one shot stop but needed another round to finish him off. You cannot make a man by standing a sheep on its hind legs. Reality. I had a neighbor when I lived outside Fort Worth. After all, its SIZE thats everything, right? I carry a Glock 19 with 15+1 and am quite crafty with it. This is what can incapacitate a target, even with a poorly placed torso shot. Last summer had a large male black bear tried to enter my camper. For me the argument is how the pistol or revolver feels in my hand and how accurately can shoot it. So any caliber is better than none. To make a long govt document short, the armor would likely stop a 9mm with a few bruises. Temporary cavity is often grossly overrated as a wounding factor, but has historically been one of the primary methods for measuring effectiveness. Our PD Captain has suggested that if I wish to carry, as a civilian, that I carry a .45 cal. One person might be able to control themselves and squeeze off a headshot. A tool yes but not a valid substitute. Why dont these experts just admit that they prefer Glocks and let it go at that? Why is .45 acp so much better than 9mm? But its definitely not easy to carry concealed (especially in hot weather) and Im big guy. The .223 generates a far larger shock wave, and penetrates farther, than the .22. Penetration of 7" pine boards for various pistol calibres: Illustrative penetration capabilities of a 30-06 full -jacketed rifle bullet at a velocity of 2700 ft/s and at a range of 200 yd: 1" of armour plate 7" of gravel 4.5" of brick 4" of concrete 32" of oak wood 6.5" of dry sand 7" of moist sand 26" of loam 24" of clay 19" of loose earth 60" of 1" pine boards, Continue reading here: General wound ballistic concepts, FREE Military Tough 6-in-1 Tactical Survival Knife, Free 2nd Amendment Gun Rights Silver Coin, Green Beret Master Sergeant Home Security Checklist, Winning Plays Texted To Your Phone That Comes Directly From An Elite Team Of Sharps, Ballistics Theory Straight Line Muzzle To Target, Internal External and Terminal Ballistics, High Standard Pistols - Firearms identification, Drop In Auto Sear - AR15 to M16 Conversion.

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