Hiking NaPali Coast If the timing is not right for you to have such an in-depth and intensive experience; there are other ways to see the NaPali Coast by land. From here, trails lead through the rest of the valley. All rights reserved. Your trip begins with a winding 2 mile trail to Hanakapi`ai Beach. The trail is part of the N Pali Coast State Park which gets its name from the Hawaiian term for high cliff, na pali.You may recognize the coast from the film Jurassic Park where it is featured . Makana Charters is a native Hawaiian family owned business that takes pride in providing the best possible experience for visitors to Kauai. The falls are 300 high and hikers can swim in the large, cold pool at its base. Contact the Department of State Parks, (808) 587-0300, weekdays 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Other inhabitants of the valley include feral goats. milwkid9090's first answer is still the best. We tried to soak it in as much as possible knowing that it would be quite some time before we would ever return. A maximum stay of 5 nights is allowed in Npali Coast State Park. There is always work to be done in the garden, so if you are going to enjoy some food, lending a hand for an hour or so would be much appreciated and would go a long way for the gardens long-term vitality. These stacked rocks are all over the place in the cave. Nobody seems to mind, though trading modern creature comforts for a deeper connection to the land around by learning how to coexist with nature instead of profiting off it. Click the link below to buy a transportation ticket which also includes your entry into the park. ny = document.getElementById(image); We couldnt stay for long as youneed to get back before the waves and the current pick up. When I got back from Kalalau I went to get a haircut. They told us about how amazing Honopu Beach was. (Update 9/14/15: This sea cave was destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. When you walk back to camp the sun will be starting to set and the cliff faces of the Na Pali coast turn golden. Theres no longer sand to walk on here. Seeaosite for updates. #2. Kalalau Trail leading to the beach The trail ends at Kalalau Beach, as the ocean comes up the cliffs at the western end. Heed these warnings! Those without camping permits for Kalalau Valley are therefore prohibited from attempting the entire 22-mile round trip hike in a day. For treating minor injuries, carry a first-aid kit with you and learn some of the basics. This small beach is no longer accessible.). Waterfalls-There are a number of waterfalls in the valley. The massive arch, the empty beach, a waterfall and a sun bathing monk seal. The Kalalau trail hike begins at Ka'a Beach at the end of the parking lot. The Kalalau Trail on N Pali's stunning Hawaiian coast is one of the most challenging treks in the world. if(i=='1'){ We use cookies for analytics tracking and advertising from our partners. Check overhanging trees for hazards from falling limbs. It's better to enjoy the beach, the scenery and its caves while taking a refreshing shower in the natural waterfall. [OAHU] UPDATED 2/28/23: Kaena Point State Park Mokuleia Section The vehicle access road will continue to beCLOSED due to heavy rains and saturated road conditions. There are some companies that offer landing services, meaning they will shuttle you to and from this beach. var selectedText = ''; Call at 888-409-2702 during business hours which are 7 AM to 7 PM HST. el.style.display = 'inline'; Go through an awesome archway to find a fresh waterfall and pool to bath in. Are we nuts? Kealia Beach A waterfall at the western end of the beach (Ho'ole'a Falls) provides freshwater, but before drinking it, the water must be purified (bring a water filter or water treatment tablets) due to the threat of leptospirosis, a bacterial disease. Then you've still got to swim into the beach, and avoid getting smashed by the rollers. A 1.8-mile trail into the valley leads to a spectacular 300-foot waterfall. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Good"; This is the final post in a 5-part series on Kalalau. During summer, sea caves just beyond the waterfall provide popular camping shelters, but winter surf removes much of the beach and enters the caves. Take your time and place your feet carefully and you will get through just fine. Empty, untouched beach On your mark, get set, go Tucked a few hundred yards down the coast is one of the more inaccessible beaches in Hawaii, known as Honopu beach. In the early morning wedecided to go for a nice open water swim, http://goingtogetlost.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/going-to-get-lost_black-logo-e1472512038874.png, http://goingtogetlost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/commando-climb-7.jpg. UPDATED 2/22/23: Kalalau Trail has REOPENED. 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Kee Beach Beware of this fact when exploring the caves. Jenelyn, Reanne and I are not strong swimmers so we stayed back. Though exact dates vary between sources, in the past, Native Hawaiians lived and worked in the valleys, cultivating taro and harvesting fish from the sea. Should I split my stay between 2 locations on Kauai? If you get a late start or are a slower hiker, this may be a good option for you. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Very Good"; selectedVal = '1'; function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) { selectedVal = '4'; countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length; [HAWAII] UPDATED 1/20/23: Hapuna Beach State Recreation Area WATER OFFLINE in the park, facilities impacted. Hiking and any outdoor activity can be dangerous and has many potential hazards. You will find this beach after a 11 mile hike along the Kalalau Trail on the Napali Coast. Hiking to Hanakpai Valley (2 miles in from trailhead) requires Entry and Parking Reservations at Haena. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. The 11-mile trail is graded but almost never level as it crosses above towering sea cliffs and through lush tropical valleys. Share your great experiences with me, please? Start the hike as early as possible so you're ahead of the day hikers and have ample time to finish the hike before dark. ny = document.getElementById(image); You need to filter your water on the trail. Permits are obtained via an online portal on the DLNR website here. These illegal residents and some overnight campers can sometimes leave mounds of trash behind in this otherwise beautiful and isolated area. By using our application you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, including the transfer of your personal data to the United States from your country of residence (if different). During winter months, dangerous conditions include high surf and strong currents. { Shaded campsites are available beneath the trees behind the beach. This gap forms a channel that gets filled with water as the waves rush in. Kee Beach is a safe snorkel spot when the water is calm because it is protected from large waves by a fringing reef. here. DISCLAIMER: UnrealHawaii.com is an independent resource for Hawaii focused content. } This section is a popular day hike for able-bodied hikers. I would like to spend one night at the Kalalau beach, but honestly, I don't feel like walking the 11 mile trail, so does anyone know if I can arrange a boat there that would pick me up the next day? Ocean swimming is not recommended for those unfamiliar with local sea conditions. The beach is a beautiful place to hang out and relax, there's a stream where you can take a dip, and bathrooms if you need to stop. he camping permits go fast, so its wise to get one a year or more in advance. else if(i=='2'){ Most we spoke with ourselves included, recommend hiking all 11 miles in one day. Please read. Weather Report says Rain, Should I panic? Kiahuna Beach We planned our trip in advance and it was very beneficial. else if(i=='5'){ Swimming is not recommended at Hanakapiai Beach due to dangerous rip currents and wave patterns. Operate by the LNT principle and leave no trace behind you. It is sometimes safer to trek through the mud than trying to find a less messy path around it. Some beaches in the city need to be swimmable due to risky conditions of intense waves and sudden descent on the depth of seabeds. The Beach And then Jenelyn took it up another notch. A password will be mailed to you! All rights reserved. Also, please proceed with caution this is not an easy swim nor is it safe. Lic# TVNC1058, Secluded and difficult to access beach on Kauai's Na Pali Coast, You should be in good physical condition to hike to the beach and not afraid of heights (the trail is narrow in some areas and involves several stream crossings), Beware of flash floods when crossing streams (don't cross if the water is too high), Kalalau Beach has rip tides, strong currents and a dangerous shorebreak, especially in the winter months, Bring all needed supplies and food with you, Mosquito repellent is a good idea to bring too. You'll also have to pay for the expensive helicopter ride if you need to be rescued. For more information read our privacy policy. Doing this is dangerous so, maybe dont attempt this if you ever find yourself in front of this rock. Pack foods that cook easily in boiling water and store well unrefrigerated. ), At the end of the beach theres a massive rock that looks like it fell from high above.(Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. Waiting in a short line was well worth the $6/night price tag. And as koloagirl says, you still need a camping permit. The trail traverses the Hono o Na Pali Natural Area Reserve in the small hanging valleys of Hoolulu and Waiahuakua before entering Hanakoa Valley. Privacy Policy. During the summer one can kayak out that way (one of our frequent contributors TravelerXYZ has done it) but again you can't land the kayaks. Drinking the Water If youre a good swimmer, theres a hidden beach called Honopu Beach right around that bend. Walk up the short hill. There are no roads that take you to the valley. Tradewind showers are more frequent during the night and early morning. The stories on this website are provided for entertainment and informational purposes only. Before entering the water check for any warning signs indicating hazardous conditions. But, dont do what Corys doing here youll give your friends a heart attack. Tunnels Beach, Anahola Beach High surf pounds the shore creating extremely turbulent waters. To get a camping permit, visit http://www.hawaiistateparks.org/camping/permit_napali.cfm . Hanakapiai Beach to Hanakapiai FallsFour miles roundtrip and located at mile 2 on the main trail, this side trail hikes up a valley that ends at a waterfall. Even if there was an unautthorized boat, or raft, the OP did not happen to mention the time of year that they were planning on camping at the Kalalau Valley. The trail winds through several green valleys and ends at the cliff-lined Kalalau Beach. In addition, there is a shallow sand bar that runs parallel to the beach but in spots the ocean floor abruptly drops to levels above your head. Haena Beach We didnt walk go in the water so it might go back much farther actually. ), ^ Top of page | Home | Search | Archives, Unreal Hawaii is a digital magazine for people that love the Hawaii outdoors. Despite the fact that many would fail to understand why these people would live this way by choice, they are truly happy in their natural surroundings. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. State. Its wide and deep. Those of us that didnt have sunglasses wore their swimming goggles to keep the sand out of their eyes. You need to bring all food and equipment with you. Any advice is much appreciated. if(i<= selectedVal) You may find locals living near the beach, or in the adjacent valley. Camping on Kauai anywhere other than designated camping areas is considered illegal. Camping fees for Npali Coast are $25 per person per night (Hawaii residents), $35 per person per night (non-residents). for (i=1; i<=star_img; i++) { And how do I know that ? Kalalau beach is about 1 mile long with plenty of trails heading back to the valley. A maximum stay of 5 nights is allowed in Npali Coast State Park. The one way price from Hanalei Bay is usually $75-100 and requires swimming a short distance to the boat. Poipu Beach Since there are no lifeguards here and drownings have happened in the past, it is recommended to avoid swimming at Kalalau. In the summer, the caves offer shelter from the sun and wind. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Poor"; From the beach, the valley extends 2 miles inland, with the high plateau of Kokee State park looking down upon it. [OAHU] UPDATED 3/2/23: Keawa Heiau State Recreation Area Aiea Loop Trail isCLOSEDdue to high winds and heavy rain, the heiau area is OPEN. BEWARE of Beachfront Travel, also know as TBD (Travel By Design). The park will REOPEN by 3:00 PM on Friday 3/3/23. Camping is allowed on the beach, but permits are required. selectedVal = '3'; No camping is permitted there, but that is only what we read on the signage. The trail traverses five valleys before ending at Kalalau Beach where it is blocked by sheer, fluted cliffs. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Fine"; The trail narrows to a couple of feet in some sections with a sheer cliff on one side and a steep drop to the Pacific on the other. The trailhead is located in Hena State Park at the northwest end of Khi Highway (Route 56). Cory and Troy picked them off the rocks in between waves. } else Hanakoa campsite at mile 6 gives hikers the opportunity to spend the night at the halfway point on the trail. } Hanalei Pavilion Published on 10/07/2018 by Kauai Beach Scoop. Heres what they saw. Wild goats are often seen along the trail route. Though this article focuses on walking the Kalalau Trail, there are other ways to visit if you do not enjoy hiking or are short on time. There are three river crossings on the trail that become a flash flood hazard during heavy rainfall and may be impassable. And it actually appears that theres a third part to this boulder behind it. Then they told everyone to go out on the observation deck. Cookie Notice But because there is no legal camping in Kalalau valley, people usually say they camped "at" Kalalau beach to make the distinction. You can also get to this beach via boat, which is fairly commonly done via Kayaks (with a permit). In the early morning wedecided to go for a nice open water swim,fins are an absolute must! My husband and I recently got passes to camp on Kalalau Beach the second weekend in October. Hideaway Beach Reservations may be made up to 30 days in advance, and no later than the day before your visit*. Swimming is possible on Kalalau Beach, but not without dangers. Kee is protected by a reef that makes it a safe place for snorkeling and swimming. else if(star_img=='2'){ It's a surreal scene. for (i=1; i<=5; i++) { If your time on Kauai is limited you should definitely see it on one of our tours, whether you visit the valley or not. Some pre-planning is necessary to hike the entire trail. If you look closely at the photo above, you can see them in the water. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Good"; List of properly permitted vacation rentals, not condos - 8/15/2017, Weather Questions start here Pls/Best Time of Year to Visit Kauai, How to make reservations at Haena State Park / Ke'e Beach. While the Kalalau Beach at the end of the trail is considered safe for swimming, the first beach you encounter on the trail, Hanakapiai Beach, is not. } We didn't GPS it or anything but the open ocean swim along the rocky coast felt like a good 350-400 yards. Polihale Beach The poorly marked 1/2-mile trail up the east fork of the stream to Hanakoa falls has hazardous, eroded sections but affords a spectacular view of the falls. Isobutane fuel with a screw top for Jetboil, MSR, and other backpacking stoves is available at Kayak Kauai. Just like the signs around Hawaii will advise you, when in doubt, dont go out. There may be a boat with the Swedish Bikini Team, and they usually have the best refreshments on board. Many of the unforgettable sights on the Na Pali coast are only viewable from the sea, so it is well worth a look. Summer weather (May to October) normally brings steady tradewinds and occasional showers while winter weather (October to May) is less predictable. On the north end of the valley is New beach (or Summer beach) the sand collects in the summer to make a nice stretch of beach, but in the winter the swell washes it all away. You can camp on the Kalaau Beach. Within the valley is a group of people who have discarded the creature comforts of modern society in favor of a lifestyle based on the land. NOTE: A valid camping permit is required for anyone hiking beyond Hanakapiai Valley. Humpback whales pass by Kauai in the winter time and we were able to see several on our hike. One of the many bountiful community gardens. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML=" "; The surf and rip currents are variable and often extremely treacherous, but worst in winter when high surf conditions prevail. There is a natural stone arch that you can walk beneath and another waterfall that you can stand under. Anyone proceeding beyond Hanakapiai valley must possess a valid overnight camping permit. Tory and Cory appeared to be tired from the swim but Seth and Jen (both swimmers in high school) looked fresh as daisies. Eleven miles in and eleven out. We're not around right now. . var ny; document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML="Fine"; We recommend making this a 3-day hike at least. The rest of us, Reanne, Cory, Troy, Jenelyn and I walked it back to the cracked boulder. For some people who come to Kalalau Beach, the long and difficult trail is not adventurous enough. It is flanked by sheer canyon walls and it is illegal to boat or kayak there. You can see some effects from from high usage (I won't say overuse because permits are already limited), but it is still very nice there. The sandbar is quite shallow here and in some spots the ocean bottom drops off quickly to overhead depths. You can swim in Cabo San Lucas, but only on some of its beaches. It is up to each individual to know their limits, abilities and level of expertise before attempting any outdoor activity. http://www.kauaiexplorer.com/hiking_kauai/kalalau_hike.php. (808) 338-9980
document.write(""); The sand at Cedar Key Beach is soft and the water is shallow, so it's safe for the whole family. Advance reservations are now required for all vehicles, walk-in entry, and shuttle riders visiting Hena State Park, as well as for day hikers accessing the Kalalau Trail. And then, after a few seconds passed, all you could hear was a barrage of *click-click-clicks* from cameras. and our In fact, Hanakoa is a hanging valley without a beach the stream exhausts itself over cliffs at the oceans edge. Permit holders can choose where to spend their allotted nights on the trail. (Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. For most backpackers in good condition, hiking the 11 miles will take a full day. and the farthest you can drive on the north shore. The view of the valley is stunning at every point. Nonetheless, you'll find beach areas with calm waters to swim and even snorkel without any issues. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu.
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