joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d

Oh, can I, can I exploit rock pools. Their levels were 50 percent higher over baseline and which is great. But here's the interesting thing about this virus, is that it so this is one of the major things multiple studies have been looking at, like, you know, just immune variability. While this is all going on is pandemic. African-Americans are in the United States. Another thing vitamin D does increase the absorption of but again, like I said, you know, it's like it's really hard to find any studies where vitamin D is causing, you know, hypoglycemia unless it's like really, really high dose for for a while. But so fluoride fluoride has been shown. And that's when I get my home gym. I don't know what I don't know what it is and I'm calling my sciatica most of the time. And one of the first experiments I had that I was doing, like one of my first projects was. And there's all, you know, like and I was so happy when that human study came out. I had that at first because I was like am I just like freaking out because I'm like not getting enough oxygen or something, you know. And I think the reason it got me interested because I was like 80, almost 80 percent. I fucking love it. Plus, now we have this understanding of the asymptomatic people and how many people have tested positive that are asymptomatic. It's like they're concerned, I mean, about that and completely trying to, like, figure that all out. And that's, you know, in the brain they're so important, like preventing proteins from aggregating in the brain. So, I mean, that's. Yeah. But you probably have to go crazy, is it? Some notes from her podcasts on the JRE. Like some of those numbers. So what happens when you take them? Sunshine=summer, you are active, use your calories etc. But I mean, we're all not no one's working because they're probably getting more sleep now. I forgot to ask you about vitamin D deficiency is red light therapy. There's there's been some data, and this was also identified with sars-cov-2, one that people with Type O blood, they they make antibodies, they make type A antibodies, whereas people with type A blood, they make antibodies against like they make against the B antigen. It yes. I'll get you a trainer. Every day. 220 versus like 50. Like, if you were having a discussion with a good friend and the good friend was looking at something that you said and said, I disagree because of this. Yeah. I'm confident that's a very common phenomenon. The full extent of vitamin's D impact has yet to be fully understoodnearly every cell and tissue in our body has vitamin D receptors (proteins that bind to vitamin D); and in its active form, vitamin D can interact with the vast majority of the body's cells. There's been some vitamin D studies also where they're like looking at, you know, countries that have been affected the worst and they all have low vitamin D and it's like, OK, well, anyways, that's correlation. Oh, I think that I think things are going to I mean, I think that these therapeutics can start the monarchal. Yeah. I was a Osterholm, right? She's like this just like a constant nagging cough, you know, that it completely 100 percent went away. She has dedicated her research career to finding proactive and preventive solutions to aging and longevity. Jesus Christ. Not like it's not like anything to be hugely concerned about. Maybe, you know, I mean, I'm just speculating. And it's not just a vitamin, right. Yeah. And then I'm like in this weird loop that my own brain creates which is really bad that I'm very addicted to trying to conquer things. And I totally stopped having for the most part, Dan says, yeah, like I went through one episode where what happens when someone has a nightmare is like if someone else in the sharing the bed with you, like, tries to stop you or help, like because I'm still asleep, I'm not aware that that's my husband doing that. Yeah. Taken from JRE #1474 w/Dr. I think it's because it's the carnitine. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. Because they're one of the sponsors of the podcast. That was after it, so there was like 30 or so people there and there were from all around the world, there's only like three Americans, Meedan and some other guy I know, four Americans, I think. That's so crazy. And I love it with meat. It's off the charts. And that study kind of just lumped everything together rather than the other study, like, OK, what happens is two grams and one. I mean, it mimics cardiovascular exercise. So the ginger lemon does. It was like a huge thing. But, you know, if you're if you're if you're at 210, you can't stay in there for twenty five minutes or twenty minutes. I think it's a really good hypothesis. We hear about nurses. So three grams, three grams. And I'm clear and I did that right when I got back from Jacksonville because I'm in Florida, even though everybody's been tested, I'd like to get tested again. It's really good. She's got this crazy. Yes, YouTube channel found my fitness and a website found my fitness and found my fitness Instagram. I'm not hearing anything about methods, nutrition that boosts your immune system. And it's just anyways. She had discussed the optimal dosage on both her website and a variety of different podcasts. Transcript and discussion of #1474 - Dr. Rhonda Patrick from The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. And there's there's all sorts of incentives for being hypercritical. Nootropics. It's very noticeable. I was pregnant. And he's like, no, I go, listen, I have to go, but you got to do something about it. But I mean, just like things like REM disappear and the monoclonal antibodies and then you eventually, like, you know, a vaccine will, you know, eventually, you know, be be available. It's an annual day, a holiday dedicated to Trager that encourages our entire nation to grill and celebrate all things. I noticed it. Surely people are going to be looking looking at that. Yeah. Oh, sleep is huge. Oh, I'm glad you brought that up, because there was, you know, so a couple of things. Did I ever tell you my crazy story, fun story about this crazy story? The IV is really being used as a therapeutic treatment. I use a day. And so I was up like I was up to like I'm fasting. What does this page grooved outdoor activities. You got to give people the option to go to work. It's far infrared and they use it. And they want to just they want to shoot people down, make people feel bad and just don't. And I'm like scrolling on my phone reading. That's how I first got in that one of my first biological experiments ever because I was a chemistry major in college. They're wearing T-shirts, they're wearing shorts. I mean, a lot of data that needs to pass out, a lot of data that needs to be generated. Yeah. I mean, there's lots of changes that occur. It's more than that the first time you come along so. But like the sauna, that's that's kind of my goal is to get her doing. You can get Dr. Patricks vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon, Joe Rogans Insane Daily Supplement Stack, How Tim Ferriss Tripled His Testosterone Levels, Tom Bradys TB12 Method Supplement Stack, Dwayne The Rock Johnsons Supplement Stack, Andrew Hubermans Testosterone Supplements, Joe Rogans CBD Product List Brands & Dosages. You know, it's important. It's like it's right there. So, you know, it's only women sauna that I went in. My wife had one of those before we had a sauna. It gets converted into a hormone like this isn't just a vitamin. Yeah, that sounds like too much. I think all of those things play a role. My friends, thank you so much. Enough once a week is enough. Yeah, hormone. Well the dark bottles better watch because it doesn't ferment in the sun as well. I hope you stay and say bye bye. And they just want to spew. So the whole point of that is that they're identifying antibodies that can neutralize the virus and they're going to grow them and manufacture them and give them to people. Infrared. And then, but then I took a step back. We were in a big I don't know what it was called, but I didn't sleep the whole night and it was awful. No, I have. Yoga is, is also like it's pretty intense, like holding those positions and stuff like your heart rate does start to elevate. So, like, I think that's really important from bright light exposure is just there's just study after study showing it sets your circadian clock boom. So it was like twice as much and the other and the ginger lemon one. He's at UCSF. What are the symptoms of it? Cause there's so many studies published. And then on top of that, even though it's only 105 degrees, your body is heating up. And and he comes back and he's like, you've got two cavities. I hope that's do the saliva bit. Yeah. We're also brought to you by Buffalo Trace Whiskey, Buffalo Trace Whiskey is the oldest company I've ever even heard of. One, there was a study that showed hot baths can have an antidepressant effect, and these people were put in 104 degrees Fahrenheit baths where they were up to their shoulders for like 20 to 30 minutes. And what's interesting is that there's been tons of like genetic studies done on like, you know, identical twins and they're followed over time. Exactly. I have been using a Trager Grill long before it was ever a sponsor of this podcast. I mean, I test everyone that comes in here. I know. Yeah. It's associated with high blood pressure, heart attacks, the risk of all sorts of ailments. So this is also a problem with vaccines. Yeah, there's been sampling where you like you go to like Walgreens or CVS. But then you go down steadily and over 24 hours you're back to normal, your baseline. So I always think about, oh, the senescent melanocytes site is like creating all this pro inflammatory stuff that's now. Better skip this one. It makes your breath smell worse. Also, not sure it takes much of a genius to figure this out, at least in the sense that no sun = no vitamin D = issues. Wow. You just want to be mean, you know, and that's what a lot of people are doing. Vitamin D is different than vitamin C because it is fat-soluble and can be stored by the body. Once active, vitamin D will interact with the majority of cells in the body. Blood tests ensure the vitamin D level remains in the healthy range. And it it it had a pretty powerful antidepressant effect, very similar to Charles Raisen study with the hyperthermic chamber thing. About 40 to 50 could be like there's probably a range of friends. We don't know that. Look, I have conversations with good friends all the time and even on the podcast where I disagree with them. Yeah. It's also been shown obviously cancer is like a big one. Please give it up for the great and powerful Dr. Rhonda Patrick Girlyman podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, trained by day Joe Rogan podcast, My Night All Day. They're like directly heating your body basically without having to heat outside air much. It's really awful. Yeah, yeah. Has it not been well understand for like 20 years that not getting any sun has negative impacts on how you feel? It's like a Jacuzzi, you know, where you're sitting there from the waist down and like that's hot. And that makes it makes all sorts of problems. So anyways, he tracked proteins play a role in like neurogenic disease. And that usually, like animal studies show that that can they can stay elevated for like 48 hours after that. Once I started doing it during the lockdown, one of the things I know is the runs that I do, the last hill is fucking brutal and I always finish on this last hill. Adding on the sauna, which mimics moderate physical activity that's been shown. I mean, you know, vitamin D is something, again, like 70 percent of the US population has insufficient levels. It's an awesome place for fitness. You know, that certainly helps. It's something in the environment. It's an annual day dedicated to Trager that encourages our nation to grill and celebrate all things Trager and the Trager day sale is May 15th through 17th. But right now, when you put the vitamin D, I mean, I'm just so like. There's a direct formula to between the percentage of humidity and then the increased temperature, the way it feels like if it's at one eighty, but you have ten percent humidity, it's like feels like there is I don't know what that formula is. Researchers believe the particular antibody, which has been found in other Lomez as well, can be injected into an uninfected individual to protect them from getting infected with the new coronavirus. This remains true whether the vitamin is obtained from the sun, through foods or supplements. Yeah, no. All right. So it's like but I have so I started doing I started reading about this stuff and like, I don't want to like the treatments were like Bonzo's. You know, the pharmacokinetic studies that I'm referring to. Right. I don't I think that I think what you don't want to just speculate? Before I was off and I also choke. It's a hormone. We really have to stockpile food. These are politicians. You're not staring at my junk. And that's what happened with the RSV toddlers. It's been used to like help even treat different cardiovascular diseases like it's been shown to improve like current chronic heart failure or something like that. They're they're growing some large scale ones. Maybe the way you do the song, like, how are you doing a sauna? The results showed the safety of vitamin D supplementation in addition to the protections provided for acute respiratory tract infections. Like, that's insane. And so but that's what you want is like the combination. Yes. Every hour, some get a pass this year and a big wall tent. In that case, you might also like the FoundMyFitness podcast (also available on Spotify ), which features many great interviews with Rhonda's favorite heroes of science, exploring the frontier of human healthspan. And they're not ice baths. So, you know, while I've had some training in immunology, I definitely, you know, didn't know, don't know everything there is to know. And doctors, they varied in how they approached it. There's been studies African-Americans are severely deficient. It's like the best way to get to that. You don't want to please them. This strategy that you guys have, you're not adjusting and adapting. 200 milligrams. Solid do it basically four or five days a week. He will. It's just like this. But they're in there for like an hour, you know, and they're getting they raised their core body temperature. So I went off on a tangent. But llamas seem to be here. And those people are more likely to die from respiratory infections just based on that gene alone. I can't wear my ears are like earplugs. I like it. And then like, if you if you become addicted to it, I mean, it can like you can like go through a series like Die. It's got synergetic properties which means it can it's been shown, it's been identified as a possible compound that can clear out senescent cells, which are those cells that are you know, they accumulate with age and they're basically like they're not dead, but they're just like not really functioning. And I'm very relaxed. You go crabbing, you'll find crabs, cycling, exploring rock pools. The other study, it was like, oh, it reduces the duration by like four percent, you know, basically nothing. And there's actually been some other studies. Well, in the in the. But it's a godsend. Yeah, something's happening. Like, that's what I wanted to say, you know, just a few of those those guys that you just like you like maybe I just I don't know, like do a big comprehensive search the literature and understand things and, you know, don't have that exact study just yet. I mean like not being able to breathe. And so he had to go to the hospital. It's always a treat to have Dr. Rhonda Patrick on. That's big. But I most of the time constantly where it's sometimes because it only it's like the sensor lasts for ten days and have to change it and sometimes I like forget it and a couple of days go by and then I start like eating the pomegranate because my son loves that. The UV light from the sun is just as important. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If not just I hope people are going to, you know, take their vitamin D or ask their doctor to take it, you know, but yeah, I think that in a couple of months. Exercise is doing the same thing. I was just in this dark little apartment and, you know, like it just it wasn't really great for my circadian rhythm because I would wake up in the morning, especially like on weekends and stuff like, you know, there's like no. Certain things will spike it worse than others. I've done. I mean it's like just from that alone. They're not just making whiskey. And and the reason that's important is because a lot of studies looking at oral vitamin C consumption and like, for instance, the common cold incidence, the common cold really depends. It makes a big difference. That's the thing. Chemist at something. And we're we're honored to be a part of this program and very proud that through this program, we have raised a shitload of money and have built several wells in the process of building several more right now. I do I do eventually want to get some kind of like they have those like like those baths that you can like regulate like regulate the water temperature. I mean, is this something that people are talking about publicly? But where yeah. I don't stop at all. Oh, my son doesn't want to take he doesn't want to sleep ever. Right. Hmm. So even people that were already considered normal, taking it by vitamin D supplement, helped prevent the respiratory tract. And I swear I would I would have endurance just for sure. But it's a great machine and it's just really specifically good for back health, lower back health, decompressing it and even strengthening it, because you can do those back extensions. You're telling people they can't go to work, but you're telling people they can go to work in some places, like why is it OK to work at Target but it's not OK to work in a family business? Well, maybe a Bitcoin cash app is also the easiest way to buy and sell Bitcoin. I know. It uses wood pellets that are made from sawdust, from hardwood. So they're using that. We're probably going to one of doing that. They're fucking fantastic and it's so versatile. I'm not an immunologist and not an infectious disease expert. But there's studies now showing that it regulates what's called neuroplasticity, which is like the ability, like your brain, your brain changes, you know, with the changing environment. You know, it's just so variable where you like Southern Southern California, you live on the right the border of Mexico yesterday. I don't. I haven't done any research on it, but I just know that I used to take them and I felt like a big effect. You like strap your. Or find out how you can speak to an attorney for advice on the right estate plan. You want do you if you're looking at your screens, do you use blue light blocking glasses? They told me. And and I was like. I think the first time I came on your podcast, like, I know many years, it's been it's been a while, but I talked about this on years. Oh, and it's showed there's also studies showing that it decreases the incidence of I'm talking about staphylococcus mutans because it's only when I remember. Check out these Podcast Notes from Rhonda's last appearance on Joe's podcast; BPA. The second time he was like vomiting and like, you know, you know, I didn't want to like I had my son was sleeping. The most kids get it by the time they're two, like, there's no vaccine that that that's given. There's been seasons, right? You know, basically it's made in the skin. What's holding you back? No kids different. They really are when it comes to things like that. Like, I don't know what the x rays will look like. That means you get more blood flow. This was the worst that's ever happened to me. Really high profile releases of these horrible people that should be in jail probably forever, and they're releasing them. And I get like, you know, there's there are people that are really trying to, like, make, you know, prove something. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. There is a possibility supplementing with vitamin D can decrease the severity of the COVID-19 infection and eliminate the need for hospitalization. So I got my data back pretty, pretty recent and I still hover around 50 nanograms per ml, even though before I was taking 4000 it didn't. Thankfully I have help from my mom. It's really good. Month to month and a half or whatever, and we kind of like my team and I just drove in and put together an article, released a podcast on it, a video where we just kind of covered everything. So you mean by how many times you've caught the flu, how many times you've whether you're actually going to it, how you respond to it, you know? Vitamin D deficiency is what makes it worse. Yeah. But then when they went down to from ten to the seven, let's say they went down to ten to the five only like 10 percent. And she needs to be. The bottom line is on honesty, that's intravenous. I think it's important to be critical. The most recent guest on the hugely popular The Joe Rogan Experience is Rhonda Patrick PhD, a cell biologist whose work focuses on promoting a healthier, longer lifespan. What about if you get active, if he exercises. Dude, this is really bad. And if you want to wear a mask in public, that makes sense to, OK, I get it. Popcorn will spike it really bad. 6 hours? Yeah. It was actually lack of sleep. Do you need a last will and testament or a living trust? And also he claimed that there's like toxins being released from, oh, one of those assholes. Like the difference between intravenous vitamin C and oral are apples and oranges completely different like. Because when I lived on the East Coast, when I lived in New York, I got sick way more than I get sick out here, I'm for sure. Autoimmunity I must be a little bit on the spectrum because I could swear OP's title doesn't say a damn thing about Rhonda figuring this out. It's just fire and wood and it imparts a delicious, smoky flavor to the food. So it's doing its job, but you sometimes make antibodies that are non neutralizing or don't do as good of a job. There's 100 hundred people in the room. What's the other one? And I say, crazy asshole. There was a study that linked. less vitamin D = more immigrant mentality, Apparently this "study" is completely garbage. Yeah, it's not worth it. And we'll have to start slowly because you have to adapt. Right. And what dose for one. I don't know. Quercetin is an antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system and clears out senescent cells which help to prevent any age-related diseases from developing. She has heavily investigated the role of Vitamin D on brain function, behavior, hormones, and immune function. (almost 3 years), Love our episodes? Fuck off, buddy. There is also existing knowledge suggesting vitamin D may have a critical role in the regulation of the immune system which might include viral infection immune responses. So it does make sense, but I don't. What did they do before where they were saying they cut it, they wouldn't let them? Intro. Did no. Percent of patients that died with covid-19 were vitamin D deficient. They need to recognize that it's not as bad as start opening things up. That's great. I mean, New York City got hit pretty hard, but, you know, we have been on lockdown, so that has to be accounted for. Like the sauna to me is like that's so important because it's giving these people a potential cardiovascular workout. But I just think the data strong. But so there's been studies looking at vitamin D levels in the Somali population. And that's how you kind of get yourself down. Since most people do not receive enough natural sunlight, the importance of supplements has increased. I will say this like my one of my friends, she's a she's an M.D. He woke me up. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. Sulforaphane - Prostaphane Sulforaphane - Prostaphane In most cases, it will certainly help. Hey, I wanted to tell you this about the the I've been nice. That's one thing that they're investigating. And so it's like this vicious cycle of like making the damage worse. I think this is the one that had like eight grams. Asymptomatic. She also has a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. The water much work like ice. So the point is that I think that I know people don't want to wear masks. So heat, shock proteins which do like amazing. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a Ph.D. in biomedical science and expert on nutritional health. You go in there and they, they do molds and stuff. Well, the ones in my multi so I don't buy vitamin K one is really it's found in dark leafy greens. Right. So people that were like deficient, they were 50 percent less likely to have a respiratory tract infection if they were taking the vitamin D supplement over 50 percent, actually. But yes, January, all those vitamin D deficiency is lower for sure. Like, I don't think that's odd. It's like trying to strike up a conversation in a porta potty because it affects me. You have to you can't you can't do this, especially given one option. Oh yeah. I mean, there's been some small studies looking at you're talking about performance enhancements. Like humidity, like the higher the more humid, the better that was. And that's like we've been like leaning towards that. So here's my. And it's totally putting me as calculating as asleep. Quercetin They're shedding the virus through the sprinkler systems. Well, it's like when I, when I'm stressed out particularly, it flares up and it happens like when I'm I think when I'm shifting from one sleep stage to the next where I am asleep, but somehow I wake up, but I'm not awake and I can still but I'm moving my body and I think that someone's in the room and that they're going to come get me. It's not. When people ask me about infrared. So some people prefer ice baths. But like, I know that it's going to help with muscle atrophy. Do you have a song in your house. Rhonda Patrick's Comprehensive Joe Rogan Experience Notes Suppose you've enjoyed any of Dr. Patrick's Joe Rogan Experience appearances. You know, so like I think that's a really cool thing about this, Onna, is that you can get people that are disabled, people that can't go for a run. I'll send it to you. But it's not something that I'm certain that people need to do on a daily basis. Absolutely. And they're still winning. Did, you know, like between 50 to 80 percent of the U.S. population has it like at least by the time they're like an adult has it permanently or so it's a it's a herpes virus. It's a lot. But but I know I'm sorry to interrupt you, but do you believe it's important to take it orally as well as I.V.? And so far, so far, the studies have shown for the most part that children even that are asymptomatic are shedding as much virus as both children that are symptomatic and adults that are symptomatic, meaning they're like they're able to transmit it. I think there's like a really nice graph on on my website on that topic, which shows it's like your peak like five, five hours after. Another vitamin on the list of Joe Rogan supplements is Quercetin, which is backed by both Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda Patrick, and for good reason. actually. Oysters, that red meat, poultry. You can't manage that, right? You know, this is like when I was in my early 20s, but I would like dose up on all these like B complex vitamins. Exactly. So your body sort of develops its own ability to absorb more vitamin. I got a lot of work to do. So I don't remember. CPF alternative. You're categorizing them based on their gene. So I thought that was really interesting. All right. Yeah. I was actually doing it once a week before. Yeah, I know it's stunning. But I was training every day and doing, you know, I was doing so like I do some, like, ballet stuff, you know, but like I need to do resistance training, like muscle mass is important. Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. Teeter has two things that are really cool. He's you know, some of your friends are a little eccentric, right? And he was like, you wouldn't be able to breathe in that temperature, would it? So they're not as healthy, they're not as physically active and not whatever, even though those confounding factors are usually corrected for it's old. There's a lot of researchers out there trying to, like, figure out if genetics is involved in this. So I think that people designing clinical studies like they need that needs to be in their mind before they design their trial. And I want to I want to have an honest take on it. Then he got some whipping technique with the Birchwood and he wanted like to demonstrate it. They're measuring that rectally. Right. So there's one that cross reacts with the Sajko, one which has a very it's very the sequence is very homologous to sars-cov-2 virus. Monthly didn't work there. That's that's also why. Yeah, I've I've like I was doing it. And all the, you know, studies that have shown that on top of that, I mean, that's like it's it's super intense. But there there have been studies at least were localized heat on people that had a limb immobilized. Right. And Japan has a very low mortality rate, correct? In the early days of social media before I got a handle on it idea like, fuck, this is stress. So physical activity was like the king. And so you want to give them a higher dose, you know, and and for, you know, doing doing fifty thousand I use weekly isn't, you know, something that's necessarily going to be toxic or anything like that. I love like I love Bob.

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