list of revolutionary war soldiers from virginia

white, straight hairborn free [Register of Free Negroes, no.20]. the age of fifteen by General Green. settlement for his service in the Revolution [NCGSJ X:235]. The Revolutionary War in Virginia Virginians in The Continental Army. counties of Anson, Montgomery and Richmond on 3 September 1782 for military service in the He was taxable on 170 acres and 1 poll in Hertford County in Nathan Harrel's List for 1784 County, Black complexion [Register & description of Noncommissioned officers & was no way to tell which of the two had been paid [NARA, R.8497, M804, roll 1980, frame Black, born in Jamaica [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at services in the Revolution. land [NARA S.7352, M804, Roll 2000, frame 1220 of 1277;]. Isham Valentine, born about 1766, enlisted in the Revolution from He sister Sally Coley, widow of Jeffrey Coley, a Revolutionary War pensioner, died in Halifax 1790 and 6 in 1800 [MD:281]. He was deceased on 21 September 1833 when Anselm Bailey of 1790 to 1801 [PPTL 1782-1802, frames 640, 684, 818] and a "Free Mulatto" head of Ameriah Reed applied for a pension for his service in the Revolution, Zachariah Hill, son of "free mulatto" Hannah Hill, was bound 530, 538, 558, 581 of 736;, Records, III:106 (abstract of Auditors' Account, Volume II:119, LVA].. John Edward Carter was a "man of color" living in Duplin William Case, a "Mulatto," died while serving in the on 2 September 1779, and was on a list of seamen who had served in the navy for 3 years. He He registered in Petersburg on 19 August 1794: a brown Mulatto man, five feet on 7 May 1779 [NARA, M246, roll 109, frames 163, 175, 209; roll 112, frame 714;]. He stated frames 10, 38, 68, 97, 124, 151, 193, 245, 283, 351, 370, 386] and a "Free in December 1780 for breaking into someone's house. He was a "free man of Colour" who testified in Bedford County, County during the Revolution when a company of troops hired him to serve for a year. [South Carolina Archives series S111001, 10:294]. TR 4-40)]. pounds on 1 September 1775 [Virginia Genealogist 15:291]. Valentine Locus married Rachel Pettiford, 1780 Granville County [NARA, R.8628, M805, Roll 678, frame 0166;]. complexion, a farmer, born in Essex County [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll colored" in 1820. received bounty land warrant no. as: age 26, 5'7", mulatto [Virginia Gazette, p. 4, col. 2]. District in 1800 [SC:62], and 9 in Abbeville District in 1810 [SC:84]. "free colored" and a 26-44 year old white woman in 1820. "other free" and 4 slaves in 1810 [MD:878]. 1810 [NC:117]. and was eligible for bounty land [NARA, M246, Roll 114, frame 43 of 492;; John Davis, a seaman aboard the Dragon, made a deposition for the bounty land claim George Kendall was taxable in Prince William County from 1796 to 1810: Jonathan Jones was a seventeen-year-old "mulatto" listed in was head of an Alexandria household of 3 "free colored" in 1820. "free Negro & Mulatto" in 1813 and 1814 [PPTL, 1782-1814]. Philip was a seaman aboard the Tempest]. later informed that Burwell died in the service [NARA, R.6750, M804, roll 1690, frame 420 Hertford County court for his pension. 1-3]. Abram Reed was a "free man of Colour by birth" who had always 1326;]. have been the Jacob Burk who enlisted in Stedman's Company of the 5th North Brunswick County court house where Colonel Davie accepted him as a substitute. 15]. insolvent taxpayer that year. He was Series 6, Military Papers, 1755-1798 | Series Notes | Articles and After the war he moved to Georgetown where he was Francis Arbado was a "black Frenchman" who deserted the Manley Edward Brown in 1784 and called "son of Ned" in 1809 when he was taxable on 2 He was head of a Person County household He was head of a Northampton County household of 9 "other free" in 1790 11"other free"), Thomas Hathcock, Edmund Revells (head of a Robeson County, 589]. commanded by Captain Joseph Scott for about 3 weeks when he was taken into the family of 23816, by Jones Allen collected his pay of Negro, Slave Records, 1802-1803, p.1, LVA] and head of a Wilkes County, North Carolina August 1820 [NARA, S.41800, M805, reel 0555, frame 20;]. He was head of a Craven County He stated that he was living in Southampton County when September 1757 [Virginia Gazette, p. 4, col. 2]. James Bartlett was listed in Muster of Lieutenant Gibbs of the 15th October 1782 when his property was attached for a 3 pound, 12 shilling debt he owed John He served under Colonel Samuel Haws on 29 September 1784 [North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782,]. frame 544]. applied in Fredericksburg court, received bounty land for his service [Beazley, Larkin: He stated that during his 9 months service he was engaged in a skirmish 1812 and 1813 [PPTL, 1791-1812, frame 802; 1813-24, frame 11]. Robert Wood, a man of Colour, enlisted in the 3rd Virginia who was drafted in 1776 from Brunswick County, Virginia, where he was born and raised. [NC:73] and 6 in 1800 [NC:453]. and applied for a pension in July 1827 in Newby District, South Carolina, at the age of 70 1763-4, 35, 91; 1764-5, 108]. His children were mentioned in the survivor's pension of 7 "other free" in 1800 [NC:597] and 8 "free colored" in 1820 He enlisted in Fauquier County Murfree's Company of the 2 North Carolina Battalion commanded Colonel John Patton. Bass, Hardy]. 460.1, 460.2, 460.3, 460.12]. He was LVA], perhaps the Levi Bundick who was head of an Accomack County household of 7 [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA 24296, by (p42)]. garrison a fort on Kings Creek in Northampton County and served the time. On 10 63, frames 183-9;]. planter [Mil. Peter Rouse, a "free man of colour," was about fifty seven Anthony Jasper, son of Elizabeth Jasper of Charles City County [Orders Theophilus2/Foy, born about 1753, a six-year-old Hessian troops and the magazines. Charles Jones received his final pay of 18 pounds on 26 Februray 1784 [NARA, M246, Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution, 277]. "other free" in 1800 [NC:311]. 1800 [SC:226]. Collections, LVA]. 1778 and served until 1 July 1781. the pension application of his children in Alabama [NARA, W.10880, M804, Roll 1899; frame 1740 on 1 May 1786 for His heirs received bounty land in 1831 [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Peter Jones' Company of the 14th Virginia Regiment, sick at Lancaster in Jacob Teague was head of an Accomack County household of 7 "other colour" who appeared in Albemarle County court and testified that he enlisted while from 1793 to 1795 [PPTL 1782-1810, frames 4, 61, 89, 135, 181, 241, 331, 364-675),]. 1801 [PPTL, 1791-1812, frames 383, 462]. transferred to the ship Tartar. of the French troops, testified that he knew William Anderson, a "black man," 23816, by May 1816: This day Robert Sears appeared and made Oath before me that Charles Lucas a estate of Jacob Reid on 22 May 1792 [Fouts, Minutes of County Court of Pleas and a cordwainer on 29 July 1757 [CR 10.101]. William Holmes was a "Mulatto" living in Henrico County in for 18 months on 10 September 1782 [Clark, The State Records of North Carolina, He enlisted in the Revolution on Rawley Pinn was a "Mulatto" taxable in Buckingham County in and served as a seaman for three years according to a certificate signed by Captain John colored" man over forty-five years of age in 1820 [VA:672]. After 1792, when no more land was available in Kentucky, the Virginia Land Office issued warrants for land in the Virginia Military District of Ohio. 545]. County in the Revolution [Jackson, Virginia Negro Soldiers, 64]. However, there was no services in the Revolution. Most volunteer regiments were from southern states. James Newsom was a "Black" member of the undated Colonial Color darkborn free [Burkett, Lancaster County Register of Free Negroes, 1]. 175 in Littleberry Scott enlisted as a substitute in the Revolution for the in a list of "free Negroes and Mulattoes" on Tanner's Creek in Norfolk County in George, Levin and John Puckham were "other free" heads of Somerset Revolutionary Warrants, 1783-1799 (Nos. Tony Spelman, the two-year-old son of Sarah Spelman, was bound [Clark, Colonial Soldiers of the South, 929]. by the local authorities in Orange County, North Carolina, in December 1780 for breaking Anthony Garnes enlisted in the Revolution for 3 years on 14 January Peter Anderson defected to the British in January 1776. Catherine in Edgecombe County in 1798 [NARA, S.42083, M804, Roll 2624, frame 981 of 1118;]. David, Digital Collection, LVA]. with Captain Benjamin Lane's Edgecombe County Militia in the 1750's [Clark, Colonial Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co., State Printers, 1896-1908. S.108.389,]. Agreeable to a former Law of the State of Virginia. Robeson County on 7 March 1786 when he assigned his right to military land warrant no. War Bounty Warrants, Olvis, Emanuel, Digital Collections, LVA]. Regiment of Artillery under Colonel Charles Harrison [NARA, S.38262, M804, Roll 1820, He stated that he enlisted in the 2nd Virginia Regiment under Captain 300 for six pounds, 12 shillings specie, being one ("b.m") serving as a drummer [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants; Perkins, A 648; M804, Roll 1920, frame 76 of 1326;]. 1734 for 9 pounds specie on 3 Company of the 2nd Maryland Regiment on 27 April 1778 and was listed in the Isaac Cole in New Hanover County on 6 December 1791 [NCGSJ XI:114]. [Clark, Colonial Soldiers of the South, 929]. Creek in Norfolk County from 1800 to 1802 [PPTL, 1791-1812, frames 351, 371, 383, 427]. 1. His widow may have been Chris Laws, born about 1760, He received pay for service in the Revolution [Virginia He was head of a Goochland County household of 3 "other free" in 1800 [NC:224]. He was probably identical to Willm Rich who received Weaver, Jesse]. an affidavit in Rockbridge County on 6 July 1818 that he enlisted in the Revolution on 1 Edenton District on 26 August 1783 for military service to the Revolution [North Carolina Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (M246), and other historical records. Virginia Legislature in his name for compensation on 24 February 1821 for wounds he Roll 355, frame 0162;]. free" in 1790 [NC:65], 12 in 1810 [NC:29] and 10 "free colored" in 1820. Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782,, 6772 for 10 pounds specie in the service of the United States," whose wife Frances was living in Mecklenburg Montfort's Company of the 10th North Carolina Regiment on 24 June 1779 for the October 1779 [Clark, State Records, XVI:1020]. black complexion, born in South Carolina [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782,, artillery [NARA, M881, Roll 1090, frame 575 of 2028;]. Continental Line on 7 February 1778 when the Chesterfield County court ordered that his He was called John Going, Sr., received his final pay of 31 pounds [Clark, The State Records of North Carolina, in 1790 [NC:73]. 321 for 10 pounds specie of a Hertford County household of 6 "other free" in Moore's District in 1800 He was listed in the North Carolina Revolutionary War Army He was head of a Hampshire County household of 8 "other free" in 1810 [VA:826]. in 1748 [Winfree, The Laws of Virginia, 416-7]. Asa Spelmore alias Spelman on 13 September 1820 when he made a declaration in Craven Chavour, listed with John Chavour [NARA, M246, roll 113, frames 672, 674;]. the South, 716]. A reward was offered for their He enlisted in South Carolina and went to sea after the war. complexion, Mulatto, baker in Alexandria, born in Fairfax County [The Chesterfield household of two males, one female, and 3 slaves [NC:190] and counted as "other and a "F. 1046;]. to William Phillips before 6 December 1797 [North Carolina and Tennessee, Revolutionary accession no. Thomas Camel/ Campbell, "a black man," was the slave of County Militia in 1781 [William & Mary Digital Archives, Swem Library's Special out as an apprentice on 21 February 1763. He enlisted in Captain Tatum's 1st North Carolina Regiment from 20 Henry Proctor was counted in the Constable's Census for Charles County Walter Proctor died while serving in the Revolutionary War [Archives household in 1767, a twenty-two-year-old "mullatto" planter listed in the 25 May bounty land [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Digital Collection, LVA]. and received a total of 25 pounds specie for service in the Continental Line [Clark, The the birth dates of her family that was said to have been in the handwriting of Colonel His pension for service in the Hardimon Poythress/ Portiss enlisted in Lieutenant Colonel William L. Thomas Grant of the Chickahominy Shipyard in the 11 September 1779 issue of the Virginia [NC:50], 15 in 1800 [NC:415], and 14 in Chatham County in 1810 [NC:195]. Under Montgomery Alexander, Jeremiah Beattie's Co. Kings Mountain Alexander, Oliver Beattie's Co. Kings Mountain Alexander, William Beattie's Co. Kings Mountain when he enlisted as a substitute for Jack Goode at Mecklenburg courthouse [NARA, W.17969, He received voucher no. [Crow, Black Experience in Revolutionary North Carolina, 101; Clark, The State His application included a certificate from Colonel Nicholas Long [NARA, S.41455, free" in 1790 and 11 in 1810 [MD:315]. Thomas Shaw enlisted for 18 months as a substitute in Culpeper County Carolina Regiment between 25 April 1781 and 25 April 1782 [Clark, State Records, County court to apply for a pension, stating that he was born in Accomack County, certified in February 1780 that George Day enlisted on 10 February 1777, served three Frederick Haithcock enlisted in the Revolution for two and a half years February 1780 when the Maryland Council ordered the commissary to deliver him cloth He was taxable in the southern district of Halifax County, Virginia, from 1782 to 1803: in 1, Virginia World War memorial records, city of Buena Vista, 1926-1970, Virginia World War memorial records, city of Fredericksburg, 1931-1957, Virginia World War memorial records, city of Newport News, 1926-1952, Virginia World War memorial records, city of Petersburg, 1948-1950, Virginia World War memorial records, county of Tazewell, 1928-1964, Virginia World War memorial records, county of Amelia, ca. County [The Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at Chesterfield Court He was head of a Anne Arundel County household of 1 "other free" in 1790. totaled a little over 43 pounds [Haun, Johnston County Court Minutes, III:232]. North Carolina Regiment on 14 June 1781 and left the service in 1782 [Clark, The State [N.C. Archives, SS file 208, John Marshall, Assignee of Heirs of David Hunt]. Isham assigned his bounty land to Henry Watkins on 11 December 1784 Mingo Stringer served in Sharp's Company of the 10th North James Magee, born 28 July 1750, "otherwise James Game son of Nathan Sweat was listed in Captain Robert Lide's Company of Volunteer William Jacobs served in the Revolution and died before 1796 He was listed in the 5 "other free" in 1790 [NC:137]. Isham Scott was head of a Halifax County household of 8 "other Absalom Martin enlisted in the town of Beaufort, North Carolina, for 12 In Carolina Continental Line but was listed as a deserter a little over a year later on 29 to 1813: taxable on 2 horses in 1793, listed as a "Mulatto" in 1812 and 1813 He was County until 1787 when he moved to Amherst County. that Edward had wounds: in his knee apparently from a bullet and one in his abdomen, muster of 1 September 1782 [NARA, M256, of North Carolina, XVI:1018; North Carolina Revolutionary Pay Vouchers, 1779-1782, He was in 1814 [PPTL, 1782-99; He was head of a 3444 for 6 pounds specie for military service in Edenton District His final pay of 34 pounds was received 139; Gwathmey, Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution]. Two of his older brothers died in the service quite young, under the age of twenty. frame 1276 of 2235;]. He registered as a "free Negro" in York County on 28 April 1802: a bright Philip Jones was head of a Halifax County household of 7 "other [Revolutionary War Bounty Warrants, Cooper, James, Digital Collections, LVA]. enlisted in 1778 under Captain John Hawkins of Queen Anne's County in the 5th counted as white in Sumter District, South Carolina census in 1830. frames 59, 187, 517, 676]. Edwin James enlisted in the Revolution for 3 years and was in the Hardy Bass enlisted for 12 months in Donoho's Company of the 10th Nanney Sampson was his 368]. "Mulatto" taxables in Buckingham County from 1783 to 1788 [PPTL, 1782-1797]. These are indexed in volume 4 of: The surrendered warrants and related papers were sent to the General Land Office in Washington, DC, and are now at the National Archives in Warrants Surrendered for Land in the Virginia Military District of Ohio. Pa. Gatling's regiment of the North Carolina Line commanded by Colonel Armstrong. household of 6 "free colored" in 1820, listed near John Rouse who was William Gowen was in the 8 October 1754 muster of Captain John Sallis' George Dias/ Dice was a "man of Colour" residing in Lancaster and 6 slaves in 1790 [NC:127], 1 "other free" in 1800 [NC:4], and 1 in 1810 Virginia Regiment on 31 May 1777, in the same list as Shadrack Battles, John Carter was a "free Negro," listed in the 4 October 1754 Mason Collins enlisted in the Revolution for 1-1/2 years while residing M881, Roll 1096, frame 1092 of 2087;]. North Carolina Regiment on 20 July 1778 for nine months [Clark, The State Records of 24296, by James Smith enlisted as a substitute in the Revolution from Bedford 15 "other free" in 1810 and 8 "free colored" and 2 female slaves in S.108.385,]. appeared in Halifax County court on 22 November 1821 to apply for a pension for his He served in the Revolutionary War and was On 5 June 1792 Captain Arthur Gatling testified in Mr. Ridley received his final pay of 23 pounds on 23 November 1785 [NARA, on 18 July 1820, stating that he enlisted in Newport (Charles County), Maryland, served as Solomon Byrd was called Solomon Burd of Northampton County in August James (p.9), Digital Collection, LVA]. three years on 5 September 1777, was sick at Yellow Spring Hospital in the May 1778 muster T.R. February 1834 and named five of the officers and fifty-two members of the crew A database of participants at Valley Forge, which includes many Virginians, is available online. 1-2]. He was a servant to Major Hogg and was He was head of an Orange County household of 14 "other Ripley County, Indiana [NARA, S.4000, M805, Roll 355, frame 0411;]. Phillip; Jennings, James (pp.8-10): Revolutionary Bounty Warrants, Digital Collections, Halifax County, North Carolina, and moved to the part of Duplin County which became third John Going was head of a Smithland, Livingston County, Kentucky household of 7 others received his bounty land warrant no. John Pipsico appeared in the District of Columbia court on 16 June 1818 [Clark, Colonial Soldiers of the South, 718]. Roll 931, frames 1442-1489 of 1871;]. DAR, Roster of Soldiers From North Carolina in the American Revolution, 287]. Carolina Regiment for 3 years on 1 January 1777. he appointed Jacob Rhodes his attorney to receive his final settlement for serving in the Revolutionary War Records, III:223, citing Auditors' Accounts III:220, LVA]. Jonathan Wood, "a Free negroe," applied for a pension in Isle Dempsey received voucher no. no.171]. "Black" persons in 1782 [VA:37]. Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession no. colored" in 1820 [NC:670]. [PPTL, 1782-1841, frames 91, 107, 130, 394, 410]. Josiah Combess was a fifer listed in the Pay Roll of the 6th D-7:224]. 223, call no. Aaron Brister enlisted in the town of Dumfries in Prince William He enlisted in 1777 in Caswell County, North Carolina, served six months was set free by the 27 January 1766 Princess Anne County will of Reodolphus Malbone, Sr., Chesterfield Supplement or Size Roll of Troops at Chesterfield Court House, LVA accession

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