descendants fanfiction mal and ben fight

And a God. "The war will come. Being a pirate who's able to change their physical appearance at will can help escape countless bounties placed on their head. Ben and mal's second date . Please consider turning it on! Their opinions are not right. (Starts with Descendants 2) We all know the story. Lust - or maybe its just amusement - forms in his night sky black eyes as he continues to flirt. The VK's struggle to survive off the scraps the Island receives and the strict hold of their parents. Did the good people of Auradon think that villains would love a child as long as it was their own? That was what led them to Auradon Castle the others working on emergency evacuation orders for the Isle while Harry stayed out of the way. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Also known as: That time Mal accidentally acquired two boyfriends and then accidentally fell in love with them, or maybe just acknowledged that she was capable of love the whole time, and that love extended past her two newest pets. Or at least, he did, but when dressing up pretty failed to cut it anymore, he took more drastic measures, using Fairy Godmothers wand to completely change into a girl instead of just dressing up like one. Raina Fitzherbert's story is an interesting one. Instead of giving Ben up for the wand, she decides to keep Evie instead. Mal never forced his head onto the chopping block: he placed it there himself. One-shot based on Ways to be Wicked from D2, specifically the locker scene with Mal and Carlos, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz (11), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) (1), Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Ben/Chad Charming/Evie/Gil/Harry Hook/Jay/Mal/Uma/Carlos de Vil, Jay tries to be cool but is in fact not cool, A Study in an Utter Lack of Regard for Personal Safety, Two Teenagers Absolutely Ignore All Lab Safety Precautions, Ben/Chad Charming/Audrey Rose/Jay/Harry Hook/Evie, Ben/Chad Charming/Audrey Rose/Jay/Harry Hook/Evie/Mal/Carlos de Vil, The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, very heavily implied but it's not smut so, Alternate Universe Where Ways To Be Wicked Actually Happened, Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family, Isle of the Lost is a Terrible Place (Disney), You Better Believe In Karma, Baby It's Gonna Sting (The Wheel Of Life's Gonna Do You In, So I Don't Really Have To Do a Thing), Macaria daughter of Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore). How would his story turn out with him being the long lost son of the Sleeping Beauty? It's good then, that VK's have it in their blood to not even recognize the existence of rules, much less obey them.Please welcome yet another OC I wrote and instantly fell in love with, Elara of Arendelle, the daughter of Elsa I of Arendelle and Hades the one and only Olympian god of death the underworld, and whatnot. Ben and Mal made their way away from their wedding reception up the grand stair case of the castle to what would now be considered their bedroom. A glass vase full of bright flowers their friend Gil brought them sits innocently in front of her. The VKs are all back to school after vacation. No one likes Queen Leah cuz shes a bad person! To @stfuimprojecting for @descendantswintergiftexchange on Tumblr. Jays tempted to start an impromptu wrestling match and get the upper hand, when Mal laughs. True love's kiss is a lie. Work Search: something that isnt metallic or sprouting mold. But what if Ben realized that he didn't want to hold himself back anymore? The Isle was her home. Mal thought as FG began crowning Ben king. What should end as an embarrassing and mildly traumatizing event never to be spoken of again somehow paves the way for something greater. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are a team. "I know you said your dad died, but you and your brothers are radiating far more power than a fae at your age should possess and I just want to help.". Let me dance like a bug on a cinema screen!Shake my hand at the world and its pyramid schemes!I'm in love with the groove and the gravy love me!Oh, mom, I've got the heart of a dancer!- Heart of a Dancer, The Happy Fits-Doug? asks Jay as he starts to walk over, the quiet studio filled with each step. With Gil and Jay in their corners youd think things would be easy, but it was one thing to get the explorers to fall in love with their public personas, it was another to woo the rest of their polyamorous relationship to the side of Chad and Audrey. Mal could shatter his bones. 4th/12+ For this series called Mals Journey (cant bother to count, I still have some WIPS idk when Ill get to). Come on, lift your feet. What starts as a celebratory drink very quickly morphs into a retrieval mission, target: chicken nuggies. I don't know whether or not to call myself lucky that fate had intervened. Happy 7th Birthday Descendants!! Well, there is the small matter of the few villains who escaped when the hole in the barrier appeared and the fact that Lonnie is somehow turning into a dragon. Elle sait quel point la princesse est importante pour Harry. After drugging Auradon with apples, Mal and Carlos talk about their mothers, among other things. Will they get through it to get their happily ever after? It has been six months since Ben, Chad, Jane, and Audrey turned their back on their parents and goodness itself, choosing to embrace evil Auradon. Fantasy DisneyVillains Maleficent Hades Dr Facilier Jafar Ursula Gothel Cruella De Vil Queen Of Hearts . tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. But then why had she kissed him in her room? Suddenly, Audreys more interested in sex with him than shes ever been before, and when Ben walked in on them, instead of anger, he wanted to join in? They follow her every move and the pre. Also known as: That accidental cannon rewrite that answers the question what if the Core Four and Sea Three had worked together from the very beginning? Mostly funny or fluffy stories focused on the Core Four. conflict { Mal x Harry } by Clementine Greystone. It was fine, it wasnt like sexual enterprises were the highest on his priority list, but when a twist of fate (named Uma) inadvertently revealed his secret to the crew, well- maybe they were all in for a better time than they anticipated. Rachel is the second daughter of King Adam and Belle, and little sister of Ben. Evil dreams" said Mal pushing the girl out of the kitchen. Two best friends get drunk on a rooftop and think about what it means for them. He likes it better that way. This is a descendants and defenders crossover. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ben/Mal (Disney: Descendants) Jay/Mal (Disney) Evie/Mal (Disney) Harry Hook/Uma Jay/Li Lonnie Jane/Carlos de Vil basically every single character in descendants I have like seven stories on my wattpad you should check them out I never remember to upload them on here but im trying Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Anxiety Attacks Sibling Bonding If asked, Mal and Uma would say that they were only there for the required extracurricular credit, and Harry would say that he wouldn't be caught dead gracing Bore-adon with his performance skills were it not for the fact that Uma was involved too, and even Jay, who wouldn't even be onstage (he was on lights and sound), would give some vague excuse about sticking with the others. "-Or in which Doug actually has some importance in this diverse, race-bent Disney Descendants, with plot about childhood trauma, poverty, racism, a corrupt government system, as well as LGBTQ+ found family, the power of dance, and the (literal) magic of being alive. For reasons that do not need to be discussed, they realize theres only one way to sneak the fungus out and surprise of all surprises, the thing gets stuck in Mal. And now they start a family How does mal deal with being queen and becomig a mom. Mal was born with a heart defect that resulted in her having a condition called arrythmia. At Mal's wedding, Ben distracts himself by dancing with Carlos and learns some intriguing secrets. A roll of the mystical dice, and instead of any sort of useful enhancements like Gils strength or Jays speed, Harry got stuck with this. Okay, revise: I dont know what were doing here., Carlos meets her eye, gaze as sharp as shes ever seen it. Mal is excited to have a private date with Ben, only for it to blow up in their faces (literally), Everyone, this is CJ, daughter of Captain Hook, sights Mal and introduces the pirate who just crashed Neon Lights Ball, Careful, she bites.CJ places her hand over her heart and diales up her best expression of hurt: Hey! Thanks, doll.". One-Shots, Short Stories, Drabbles, Ficlets, and Microfics are all about the guys in Descendants, there also might be previews for longer stories that I write in the Descendant's Universe. A quick summary at the beginning is not quite enough to understand how the Isle of the Lost came to be. She is a human. Maleficent is never wrong. Chapter 1. A story in which Mal runs away from Maleficent and we get to see how she would have turned out being raised by Hades. For the ton of Auroria to dress in colourful outfits, flittering about like butterflies looking for someone to walk down the aisle. But then Uma returns with Jay by her side, Harry has to face his inner turmoil so as not to lose her again. If it werent for him doing that, she wouldnt be seen as finally trying to be a part of the [stupid] school community. And if it werent for him, she wouldnt be actually hanging out with their crush of over two years. With magic in their veins and enemies at every turn, the six plan to ensure every child on the Isle of the Lost is released Basically just Descendants in The Tudors AU tbh. Ben is committed to making changes for the Isle. queen, jay, ben. Ben ponders back on how it was to be cursed the same way as his father while trying to figure out how to say anything at all. He wasnt just kept around for his looks and entertainment value. I had pretty much accepted my fate. "Sorry sir, I'm not capable of doing that at the moment," I looked back at him. Their only hope is to find the Mutant Underground and escape Auradons anti-mutant laws and Dornrchen Industries, which hope to use their powers for nefarious reasons. She knows that the Villains on the Isle deserved death than living. What happens when the past creeps into the present and history tries to repeat itself? Ben, Mal and Evie work out their own ending. Also known as: That time Harry used Chad to distract from the fact that he was hopelessly in love with who he believed to be too many people. Jal have exactly one braincell and it's currently with Carlos. And maybe, just *maybe* Mal was getting a little too attached to them, but the sex was good and their dedication unwavering and if she had to be in this shitty place anyway, she may as well get some benefits. She becomes close with Uma's crew, and even closer with a certain pirate. Mal Maleficent would say, out of the blue, all of a sudden.Yes, mother? Mal would respond.Do you know what we are? Maleficents voice was airy, and light, and completely detached.Yes.Good.. It clinks dangerously as he moves, and she eyes it with suspicion. Ben would say you thank your luck that you belong to her and that you yearn for the thrill in her kiss. It's too much and Auradon is worse, brighter, louder. A prophecy looms over Evies head as she is thrust towards her unknown faith, not just as the daughter of Hades but something more. I never realized how much the barrier was hiding.. She used to work in Fish and Chips Shoppe, is the daughter of Ursula, Mal's former archenemy and the Captain of her crew of pirates. Hands that have held him together when he splits open like an orange, humiliatingly vulnerable. The social season was supposed to invoke thoughts of spring and merriment. According to Descendants: Isle of the Lost, she has a dragon-shaped marking on her arm, the symbol of Maleficent. In a world where love is tested and the power of unity dictates where two souls can reunite when faced with their most daunting challenge yet. (Last installment of the Wednesday's Child trilogy. Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants, this is purely for fun. Her other hand held her backpack which already had her spell book jammed inside. She finds true love. Sometimes breaking the rules is worth itespecially if it means cuddling by the fire. His lips start to raise, a complete smile slowly forming on his face. Its a good thing Mal approves. It was all they ever knew-until something happened to make it so that their time was spent half in one, half in the other? post canon. Nevertheless, it wasn't hard to divine that they were excited for the auditions and more than ready to participate in Auradon Prep's performance of "Into the Woods". Much love RSD xoxoxoxoxoxo. I didn't like it one bit, but I had accepted it- call me a pessimist or whatever, but I call myself a realist. Sur lle de loubli, Evie, fille de la Mchante Reine, est amoureuse du fils du Capitaine Crochet, Harry. Using this list of kissing prompts, I will explore both romantic and platonic relationships from the Core Four, Sea Three, and Auradon. There's a dark curse, one eerily similar to what Uma used in the past on Ben. Uma is the main antagonist in Descendants 2 and the secondary antagonist turned anti-deuteragonist in Descendants 3. Ben (Disney: Descendants) Mal (Disney) Evie (Disney) Elsa (Disney) Prince Charming (Disney) Audrey Rose (Disney) Uma (Disney) Carlos de Vil Jay (Disney) Fairy Godmother (Disney) Hades (Disney: Hercules) Hercules (Disney) Harry Hook (disney) Gil (Disney) Dizzie (Disney) Briar Rose BAMF Elsa (Disney) Non-Canon Elsa (Disney) Overuse of italics When will the child come home? Because of course. With the children of Maleficent, King Adam caves and finally accepts the petitions from his fellow heroes to get their villains' kids off, effectively evacuating the children of the Isle. But that was only for Ben. Regardless, for the point of this story, the most magically powerful number is four. Cue an emergency meeting with Fairy Godmother, and suddenly Chad was on a magical quest to the Outerlands to train to be a wizard, which was definitely not a cover up for something else. With no other choice if they want to get Ben off the Isle safely, Evie agrees to the trade. An artist and monster-watcher, Chetana dreamed of sailing the seas and lands as a explorer (as well as avenge her mother, her mother's leader/ally, Ash Delgado and ally, Tziloco's defeats and her step-sibling's imprisonment). Fortunately, they always did enjoy a good challenge. A story in which Mal runs away from Maleficent and we get to see how she would have turned out being raised by Hades. That's the way it is and that's the way it always will be, that's the rules of life. Princess Genevieve Adelaide von Schwarzwald knew it was coming, of course. Lets see what you got. Mais librs de la pression constante de l'le, plongs dans un environnement sain et bienveillant, ils voient leurs traumatismes refaire surface et menacer leur futur en seulement quelques jours. His hazel eyes stare with intent. Things are going great. I think we can pretty much guarantee no one here will be trying to raise the dead either., Well, thats just lame, Mal replies, what kind of Halloween party doesnt involve attempted necromancy and random dismembered body parts?. What happened to the rest of the villain parents after Maleficent was lizard-fied? "Mal calm down," Fairy Godmother said noticing how pale the young girl became. Mal could break his neck. Just to make it clear I despise incest, basically whenever yall send me a request I will add a new tag, the fluff is emotionally constipated bc its jal, I got my eyes on the prize, fight till the day I die, and it features: Mal the chaotic dumbass and Jay being soft af, and when I said pinchI meant it's mainly soft and feels heavy, The not-so-rotten four, being soft because it's what we deserve, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, they're drinking but i wouldn't say it's excessive, a bit more of a mature look at descendants (not in a gritty way but in a trauma way), Relationships to Be Determined - Relationship, Clarice Ferguson | Clarice Fong/John Proudstar, bandaging wounds whilst calling them an idiot, The Isle of the Lost Series - Melissa de la Cruz, Jay is kind of sort of in love with his best friend, Mal is also kind of sort of in love with her best friend, the place where we weren't stitched up quite right, No beta we die like Maleficent should have, this is technically pre Ben/Mal/Carlos/Evie/Jay but they haven't even been accepted into Auradon yet, Rotten 4 + Ben, Polyamorous Like They Should Have Been, Views From The Top and Fake Constellations, I honestly consider this pre-Jal/Mal/Evie/Carlos, you feel your heart taking root in your body (like youve discovered something you didnt even have a name for), their parents are shitty but its ok bc they have each other, your body told me in a dream it's never been afraid of anything, we laugh, and weve got nothing left to lose, United States of Auradon (Disney) Is Not Perfect, Like actually DEALING w the trauma of the isle, btw descendants 2 is irrelevant bc i haven't seen it, all characterization of uma and etc are based on fanfic, Chad Charming/Doug/Audrey Rose/Mal/Jay/Carlos de Vil, Politics on the Isle of the Lost (Disney), Because Chad Never Really Knows What's Going On, Lack of Understanding for Social Dynamics.

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