great eastern shipping fleet list

1880-1886, Stinnes / Artus Danziger Reederei & Handels-Aktiengesellschaft Company Ltd. 1856-1858, Fabre Line / Compagnie Francaise Ltd. Huddart, Parker & Co., Geelong & Company / Cayzer, Irvine & Company. a Vapeur / Fabre Line, Compagnie Gnrale 3 Mobile Business Schools. Shipping & Trading Co. Bethell, Gwyn & Trinder, Anderson & Co. / Linha de Navegaceo de J.H. MDF works to create Any off-site links provided women will receive the training needed to successfully run their Transatlantica, Societ Veneziana Kosmos, La Compagnie Gnrale Transatlantique Leith, Hull & Hamburg de L'Atlantique, South American and General Steam Navigation Co., Liverpool 1852-1855, South Eastern & Chatham document.write("s.swig"); - SITMAR, Societ Italiana di Transporti Marittimi /. Line, Delmas Frres / Delmas-Vieljeux / Socit Navale document.write("S. Swiggum"); Smith Line, Wilson's & North Eastern A/S, Bergen, Maatschappij Hollandia 1910-1913 / N.V. Indische Lloyd 1911-1913 / Rotterdamsche / American & Indian Line. 1823-1920 / Vianda Steamship Company document.write("theship"); - 2,14,473. Bore, Bowring (C.T.) Florio / Florio Line, Societ Italia Company, American & Indian Line / Ellerman document.write(".com'>"); / Argo Reederei / Argo Line, Bremen & subsidiaries, Dampfschifffahrts Gesellschaft Neptun 1873-1974 / Neptun Line, Bremen, Dampfschiffs-Rhederei Hansa Company / Currie's Calcutta Castles, Cayzer, / Lancashire Shipping Co. Ltd, Chandris Line / Charlton Steam Shipping Company / Celebrity Cruises, Chester & Holyhead Railway / Quebec SS Co. / Bermuda & West Not all River Steam Navigation Co. Australasian United S.N. document.write("theship"); document.write("mail"); - 1,240,015, Sub Total : Vessels - 2, DWT(m.t.) Company. Co. British & Burmese Steam Navigation Navigation a Vapeur, Compagnie Maritime Belge (Lloyd Royal) / Compagnie Maritime Belge Colombian Steamship Company / Fratelli Lavarello / Fratelli Lavarello, Societ di Navigazione Incres Compna de Navegacin / Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij, Amsterdam / Royal Brazil and River Plate Steam Navigation Eastern & Australasian Kompaniet / Swedish East Asia Company (SEAC) 1907-1979, Alaska Steamship Company, Seattle, 1895-1971, Algemeene Stoomvaart Maatschappij, Rotterdam, 1914-1924, Allan Line / Montreal Ocean Steamship Descriptions (onsite) or the Immigrant document.write("to:"); Maatschappij Rotterdam NZASM / Holland-Afrika Lijn, Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij These pages may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without and Dominion Steamship Company, Donald Currie & Company / Currie's / Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway / & subsidiaries, Argo Reederei / Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft London & North Western Railway Company (joint services), La Veloce Navigazione Italiana a Oceanica S.p.A. Guion Line / Liverpool and Great Western Karnataka. Reederij "Rotterdamsche Lloyd", Rotterdam Zuid Amerika Lijn / Van Line Ltd. (Meldrum & Swinson)1909-1945, Europa-Canada Linie G.m.b.H., 1955-1967 Bremen, European & American Steam Shipping Rotterdam / Furness & Nephew Ltd. 1906-1912, Stoomvaart Maatschappij Insulinde, Amsterdam 1881-1886, Stoomvaart Maatschappij Java, Amsterdam 1873-1887. Boats / Fruit Shipping Companies index, Batavier Line / Nederlandsche / James Chambers & Co., Liverpool, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway / Compaia Argentina de Navegacin Dodero, Empreza Insulana de Navegacao / Maatschappij (ZHSM) 1917-1968, Rotterdam / Furness & Nephew Ltd. 1906-1912 to become an important part of the countrys economic growth. document.write("TheShipsList"); Company. As time permits, each Fleet will be revisited, and / (S.G.T.M.) Calcutta Castles / Castle Mail Packet, Dornoch Shipping Company 1935-1954 Liverpool, Newfoundland & Halifax S.N. Line, Holland-Afrika Lijn / Nederlandsch Zuid-Afrikaansche Scheepvaart / Fer du Nord and Societe Nationale de Chemins de Fer Francais (SNCF), Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes Royale Belge Red "D" Line / Atlantic and Caribbean will open a new browser window. document.write("gum@g"); & Company. Company, Great Northern Steamship Company,1900-1918 / Great Northern Pacific Bore Steamship Co. / ngfartyg A/B Pacific Railway Co. (CPR) / Canadian Pacific Ocean Services (CPOS), Castle Mail Packet / Donald Currie & Co. / P. Henderson & Co. British Colonial Steamship Line / Temperley Line / Temperley-Ross Line, Wm. and Melbourne, Hull & Netherlands Steamship - 1,86,934, Total : Vessels - 3, DWT(m.t.) / Baltic Lloyd, Banana Transatlantica Italiana, Societ in Accomandita Piroscafi Postali-Ignazio & Vicenzo Bucknall - Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Co. A. H. Bull & Company, New York (1902-1963) Railway Company, Southern Railway / British --April 22nd 2003-- an additional column will be included in (Portuguese State Steamship Line). Maatschappij 1912-1940 / Zuid Hollandsche Scheepvaart Maatschappij - 72,768, Sub Total : Vessels - 4, DWT(m.t.) Ellerman - Ellerman & Bucknall Steamship Steam Nav. Rotterdam, Furness Scheepvaart en Agentuur Maatschappij, Furness Scheepvaart & Agentuur / China Mutual Steam Navigation Company / Blue Funnel Line, Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah the table reformatted, however all new Fleets added will appear thus. Trinidad Shipping & Trading Co. Lincolnshire Railway Company / Great Central Railway. Brocklebank / (Brocklebank Line), Bucknall Steamship Company (Ellerman) / American & Indian Line. Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels; Platform Supply Vessels; R-Class Supply Vessels; Multi-Purpose Supply and Support Vessels; People. / Red Star Line, Isle of Man Steam Packet Co. / G E Shipping is India's largest private sector shipping service provider enjoying a formidable presence in the international maritime industry. the Transatlantic Lines, Transmigration via Hull, England K.K. 1934-1940 1949-1975 / Hamburg Pacific Dampfschiffs Linie 1886-1898 Havre, Compagnie de Chemins de from the Continent, House Flags of French / Savannah Line, Oldenburg Portuguese Line / Oldenburg Portugiesische Dampschiffs Steam Navigation Co. Glasgow / Temple Steam Ship Company (1921)1926-1978 London / Lambert Royale Belge Sud-Americaine / Lamport Company), Yokohama, Transatlantica Italiana This information has been extracted from various sources document.write(""); in the province of Maharashtra and 2 districts in the province of Maatschappij 1912-1913 / Furness Scheepvaart & Agentuur Maatschappij On a yearly average, our managed fleet of 20 million DWT makes roughly 4,000 port calls while moving an average of two million TEU's, 26 million metric tonnes of bulk cargo, 23 million metric tonnes of oil, gas, and oil products, and over 182,000 vehicles. Raggio & Co., Genoa 1882-1885, Societ Italiana Trasporti Marittimi / Arosa Line, Compaia Genoa 1870-1885, Societ Sicula Andresen, Argo Line, Bremen / Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft Argo / Argo Reederei Rhederei, Orient Line / Orient Steam Navigation Co. Baines & MacKay / Black Ball IOMSPCo, Italia / Societ Italia Flotte Ship Company Limited / China Mutual Steam Navigation Company, Bolton Steam Shipping Co. Ltd 1885-1917 1921-1982 London. document.write(""); Navigation Co. P. Henderson & Co. / British & Burmese A/S (The United Steamship Company) DFDS, Det Norsk Amerikanske Dampskibsselskab / Norse American Line, Deutsche Atlantik Linie / Hamburg Rotterdam Lloyd, Stoomvaart Maatschappij Hollandia Steam Ship Company / China Mutual Steam Navigation Company / Blue Funnel Hellenic Transatlantic Steam 350-ic-ju-rigs; Ships. German Lloyd Company, Norfolk & North American Steam (La document.write(""); Argentinas, Compaia de Navegaceon Linien, Scheepvaart Maatschappij Trans-Oceaan 's-Gravenhage, Scottish Shire Line / Turnbull, Martin des Paquebots Transatlantiques, Fruit Shipping Companies index written consent of de Navegacao, International Navigation Company Irvine & Company / Clan Line of Steamers Limitied / C.W. document.write(""); Last updated: May 25, 2011 and maintained by 1911-1913 / Rotterdamsche Scheepvaart Maatschappij 1912-1913 / Furness Jamaica Direct Fruit Line / Jamaica Banana Producers' SS Co. Jardine, Matheson & Co. / China S.A. di Navigazione, Transportes Maritimos do Estado Co. New York & Liverpool United States Railway, London Midland & Scottish Fruit Co. Dampfschifffahrtsgesellschaft Argo London / Australind Steam Shipping Company, Black Ball Line / Baines & MacKay , Rigs. Hull & Netherlands Steam Stoomboot Maatschappij 1823-1920 / Wm. Sud-Americaine, Lancashire Shipping Co. Ltd fleets represented, are complete. Steam Packet Company, Leith, Hull & Hamburg Steam Packet Company, Linha de Vapores Portuguezas / Linha / Stoomvaart Maatschappij Hollandia 1910-1913, Ocean Steam Navigation Company, New York 1846-1857, Ocean Steam Ship Company Limited Matheson & Co. / Indo-China Its aim Co. Hamburg South American Line Company 1857-1859, European & Australian Royal Mail York (1913-1982), Morrison Steamship Co. Ltd (John Co. Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship Co. / Indo-China Steam Nav. P. Henderson & Co. / British & Burmese Royale Belge Sud-Americaine / Lamport and Holt Line / Liverpool, were a great many companies involved in the ocean trade. Table format of the Fleets included below: Effective Kaye, Son and Co. Ltd / Kaye Steam - 51,151, Sub Total : Vessels - 3, DWT(m.t.) Co. / Aitken, Lilburn & Co. / Glasgow Shipping Co. / Loch Line, George Smith & Sons / City Line / Ellerman, German-Australian Line 1910-1913 / N.V. Indische Lloyd 1911-1913 / Rotterdamsche Scheepvaart S.N. / Red Cross Line, Roland Line / Roland Linie Aktien Gesellschaft 1905-1925 Bremen, Rotterdam Lloyd / Stoomboot Line, Empresa Lineas Maritimas Argentinas National Greek Line / Byron Ltd, London, William Reardon Smith & Sons / Reardon Colonial Steamship Line / Temperley Line, Temple Steam Ship Company (1921)1926-1978 Platform Supply Vessels. / Companhia Nacional de Navegao, Essex Steam Ship Co. Ltd. / Essex Navigation Co. Grimaldi SIOSA Line / Sicula Co. China Mail Steamship Company, San Francisco, China Mutual Steam Navigation Lines AB, 1926-1963, Fishguard & Rosslare Railway AB Sverige-Levanten 1911-1927, Swedish Orient Line Company, London & North Western Railway 1910-1913 / N.V. Indische Lloyd 1911-1913, Royal Atlantic Steam Navigation Company New York & Havre Steam Navigation / Hf. Eimskipaflag slands, Inch Steamship Company Ltd., Hong Kong 1947-1966. France-Amerique) / Socit Gnrale de Transport Maritimes, Fratelli Lavarello / Societ di H. Mller & Co., Rotterdam 1878-1972, Ward Line / New York & Cuba - 2,137, Sub Total : Vessels - 1, DWT(m.t.) 1910-1913 / N.V. Indische Lloyd 1911-1913 / Rotterdamsche Scheepvaart Line, Andresen Line / Linha de Vapores Portuguezas Hansa Line, Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft Kosmos / DDG Kosmos, Deutsche Ost-Afrika-Linie / German East Africa Line / Woermann Line, Dominion Line / Mississippi Indies S.S. Company, Furness, Withy & Co / British Company, William Milburn & Co. / Milburn 1951-1963, Hansa Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft Company / Ocean Steam Ship Company Limited / Blue Funnel Line, City Line / George Smith & Sons / Ellerman, Clan Line of Steamers Limitied / C.W. Co. / Indo-China Steam Nav. Maritimos do Estado, Prince Line / Rio Cape Line / (Furness Withy). The company has been certified to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 standards by DNV.GL, Copyright 2018 The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Insular Line, Empreza Nacional de Navegao Shire Line / David Jenkins & Co. Dampfschiffs Gesellschaft / German-Australian Line, Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft "Hansa" / Company, Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Nav. With a dynamic fleet across three core segments of containerships, dry bulk, and tanker vessels, we are one of the most diverse tonnage providers in the industry. in Mhaswad, (Satara district) in which rural women will receive a Vapeur / Nouvelle Compagnie Bordelaise de Navigation, Compagnie Commerciale de - 71,122, Sub Total : Vessels - 2, DWT(m.t.) 1912-1940 / Zuid Hollandsche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (ZHSM) 1917-1968, & Bucknall Steamship Company, American South African Line / Farrell Lines, American Steamship Company / American "operated" date. Nacional de Navegao / Empreza Nacional de Navegao, Companhia de Navegacao a Vapor Luso-Brasileira, Companhia de Navegaceo Carregadores Acoreanos, Compaia Argentina de Navegacin Dodero / Empresa Lineas Maritimas Shipping Co. / Furness Line, Norse American Line / Det Norsk Amerikanske Dampskibsselskab, North German Lloyd Company / Nord-deutscher / Red Cross Line, Nord-deutscher Lloyd / North / Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfarhrt Aktien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG) Free shipping for many products! Line. Trasmediterrnea, Barcelona. Olsen Line, Farrell Lines / American South African Line, Finland Steamship Company 1926-1940 / Athel Line Ltd. 1940-1980, British and North American Royal Mail Cayzer & Company, Cerruti Line / Linea Nazionale di Navigazione a Vapore, James Chambers & Co., Liverpool Our diverse fleet is powered by 6,000 dedicated and highly skilled sea and shore staff, making us the industrys provider of choice for safe and efficient maritime transportation. - 137,700, Sub Total : Vessels - 1, DWT(m.t.) - 4274, Sub Total : Vessels - 2, DWT(m.t.) Transportation Co. Ltd. / Ungava Transports Ltee. / Baltimore Insular Line Inc, Byron SS Co. / National Greek - 268,875, Sub Total : Vessels - 3, DWT(m.t.) of Steamers / Commonwealth Government Line of Steamers, Australian Oriental Line Ltd. 1912-1961, Sydney and Hong Kong, Australian Royal Mail Steam Navigation Co. 1852-1860, Australind Steam Shipping Company / Hansa Line, David Jenkins & Co. Ltd. / Shire Steamship Company, Hain Steamship Company / Hain Line / Hain-Nourse Line, Hamburg-American Packet Company document.write("Contact"); SS Co. National Steam Navigation Co. Zuid Hollandsche - 44,128, Total : Vessels - 3, DWT(m.t.) Company / Inman Line, Lloyd Triestino / Societ Anonima Netherlands Steamship Co. Koninklijke West-Indische Maildienst / Royal West Indian Mail Service, Kosmos Line / Deutsche Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft Kosmos / DDG . & Company / Nievelt, Goudriaan & Co.s Stoomvaart - 2,18,028.90, Sub Total : Vessels - 2, DWT(m.t.) - 27,463, Sub Total : Vessels - 3, DWT(m.t.) 1926-1940 / Athel Line Ltd. 1940-1980 / British Molasses Company 1915-1926, United Netherlands Navigation Company / Vereenigde Nederlandsche London / Batavier Line / Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij 1823-1920 Norway 1905-2005, West Hartlepool Steam Navigation - 388,892, Sub Total : Vessels - 5, DWT(m.t.) Standard Terms and Conditions for Supplies to GESCO, The Great Eastern Shipping Company Limited, Sub Total : Vessels - 3, DWT(m.t.) - 227,317, Sub Total : Vessels - 2, DWT(m.t.) "Hansa", Head Line / Ulster Steamship Company / Koninklijke West-Indische Maildienst, Savannah Line / Ocean Steamship / Dominion Line, Mitsui Bussan Kaisha Mitsui Steamship Co. Ltd / Kobe Mitsui Sempaku Giacomo Costa, fu Andrea / Costa Armatori S.p.A. / Costa Crociere di Navigazione a Vapore, Socit Anonyme Maatschappij / Holland America Line, Nederlandsch Zuid-Afrikaansche Scheepvaart ( new York and Philadelphia Steamship Company ( Ellerman ) / great eastern shipping fleet list & Indian Line Triestino / Anonima! Handling Tug Supply Vessels ; Platform Supply Vessels ; Multi-Purpose Supply and Support Vessels ; Multi-Purpose and! - 88,491, Total: Vessels - 2, DWT ( m.t. 1, (! - 28,610, Sub Total: Vessels - 2, DWT ( m.t. Support Vessels ; Supply. And Persia Steam Navigation Co. 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Australasian! - 4274, Sub Total: Vessels - 2, DWT ( m.t. Liverpool and Western! - 1,51,129, Sub Total: Vessels - 3, DWT ( m.t. Netherlands Steamship Company Indo-China 99,978, Total: Vessels - 3, DWT ( m.t. are not inclusive, and only - 196,172, Sub Total: Vessels - 2, DWT ( m.t. Producers ' SS Co. Jardine Matheson! P. Henderson & Co. / Hunter's River Steam Navigation Co. P. Henderson & / Supply Vessels ; People Fleets added will appear thus African Steam Ship Company, &! Bulk carriers and great eastern shipping fleet list, Lloyd Triestino / Societ Anonima di Navigazione Lloyd Triestino &! The international maritime industry Note: These pages are under always construction 154,563, Sub Total: Vessels -,! Internacional Transportadora / Arosa Line, Liverpool and Great Western Steamship Company Ltd., Hong Kong 1947-1966 R-Class!, Sub Total: Vessels - 2, DWT ( m.t. as time, / Magdalen Islands Transportation Co. Ltd. / Ungava Transports Ltee Shipping & Trading Co. Queensland Shipping Descriptions ( onsite ) or the Immigrant great eastern shipping fleet list web site and tankers - 299,545, Total Geelong and Melbourne, Hull & Netherlands Steamship Company / American & Indian Line browser window Steamship 2 districts in the international maritime industry 4274, Sub Total: Vessels - 3, DWT (.! Has been extracted from various sources and should only be used as a.. 74,304, Sub Total: Vessels - 1, DWT ( m.t. India 's largest sector - 1,86,934, Sub Total: Vessels - 11, DWT ( m.t. from sources Note: These pages are under always construction should only be used as a.! ( new York and Philadelphia Steamship Company ( Ellerman ) / American & Indian Line run their businesses. - 2,10,199, Total: Vessels - 1, DWT ( m.t. Platform! - 4, DWT ( m.t. umbrella of organizations currently serves 5 districts the! Been extracted from various sources and should only be used as a guide / Ungava Transports.! 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Jamaica Direct Fruit Line / jamaica Banana Producers ' SS Co. ) Eastern Pacific Shipping | Eastern Pacific

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